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trabalho ingles script:

Hello, today Lucas and I are going to present a theme that has passed from fiction to a real
life discussion topic, that is artificial intelligence.
(or a.i. for short)


Another really interesting thing about ai is that it can generate an image from scratch based
on mere descriptio. and the styles can vary too, going from landscapes to detailed cities with
hidden messages within. allowing anyone to create art no matter who they are.

AI has another really powerful ability, its capacity to generate audio. All it takes is an audio of
a person speaking and you can make them say whatever you want. This is normally used in
a playful way, but it can really have a very dangerous potencial.

But these 2 abilities, audio and video, can make a really dangerous combination. imagine in
5 years time u are incriminated of a crime u didn’t even do, just because someone created a
deep fake of you doing the crime, making you depend on an artificial inteliggence detector.

Lastly, a.i. will have an enormous impact on the film industry. ai can and will be used to
make the movies easier and incredibly cheaper to make. being surprisingly useful to make
scenes that couldn't be filmed because of the death of an actor, for example.

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