4 Speaking-Object

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1. Describe a drawing/painting that you like

2. Describe a rule that is important in your school or
at work
3. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
4. Describe a bad service you received in a
5. Describe a book that you have read many times.
6. Describe a valuable item that you would like to give
as a gift
7. Describe a piece of clothingyou wear most often OR a
piece of clothingyou enjoy wearing
8. Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house where
you want to live
9. Describe an advertisement that you don’t like
10. Describe a websitewhich helped you to do something /
websiteyou visit often/ use regularly
11. Describe an unusualmeal that you had
12. Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (For
example, a painting, sculpture, piece of
jewellery/furniture, etc.)
13. Describe a photo that you took and are proud of
14. Describe a story or a novel that was particularly
interesting to you
15. Describe a movie you would like to watch again
16. Talk about a traditional object of your country or Talk about
a traditional productof your country that you bought
17. Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar
18. Describe something important that you lost
19. Describe an interesting thing you have learned from a foreign
20. Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
21. Describe something you received for free
22. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
23. Describe an interesting song
24. Describe a special cake you received from others
25. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you or Describe an important piece of clothing
26. Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in
27. Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.
28. Describe a thing you cannot live without (not a mobile or computer)
29. Describe an item on which you spent more than expected
30. Describe an art or craft activity (example painting, woodwork, etcetera) that you had at school.
31. Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading
#1 Describe a drawing/painting that you like ( Van Gogh's starry night recreated by my friend
Kaisar to decorate our departmant) You should say: - When you first saw this painting - What
the painting is about - Who drew/painted it - And explain why you like this drawing/painting.
I first encountered a remarkable painting in our department when my friend Kaisar recreated
Vincent Van Gogh's iconic masterpiece, "Starry Night." The moment I laid eyes on this
reinterpretation was during a departmental gathering where Kaisar unveiled his artistic endeavor.

"Starry Night," originally painted by Van Gogh in 1889, is renowned for its swirling, celestial
composition depicting a night sky filled with vivid stars, a sleepy village, and a cypress tree
reaching towards the heavens. Kaisar's recreation remained faithful to Van Gogh's distinctive
style, yet he added a personal touch, incorporating elements from our department's daily life.
Instead of the traditional village, Kaisar included the recognizable façade of our workplace,
seamlessly blending Van Gogh's cosmic vision with our professional environment.

The talented artist behind this adaptation is my friend, Kaisar, who has a passion for both fine
arts and our department's camaraderie. Kaisar meticulously studied Van Gogh's techniques and
color palette to infuse the painting with the same dynamic energy and emotional depth as the
original. The adaptation skillfully retained the essence of "Starry Night" while incorporating a
unique twist that resonates with our collective experiences.

What particularly appeals to me about this painting is the fusion of artistic mastery and personal
significance. Kaisar's reinterpretation not only captures the timeless beauty of Van Gogh's
masterpiece but also integrates elements that are meaningful to our department. The swirling
night sky seems to mirror the dynamic interactions and shared aspirations of our team, while the
prominent depiction of our workplace serves as a reminder of our common purpose.

Moreover, the choice of "Starry Night" itself adds a layer of inspiration to our daily work
environment. The original painting is celebrated for its evocative portrayal of the vastness and
mystery of the universe. In the context of our department, it symbolizes the endless possibilities
and challenges we face together, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among us.

In conclusion, Kaisar's recreation of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" serves as a captivating and
meaningful centerpiece for our department. It is a testament to artistic talent, personal
connection, and the power of visual representation to inspire and unify. This unique blend of
classical art and personalization enhances our workspace, making it a source of aesthetic
pleasure and a symbol of shared identity within our professional community.
1. What are the differences between painting and drawing? Painting is typically a more elaborate
art form compared to drawing. While drawing relies on lines and is often simpler, painting uses a
variety of colors and techniques, allowing for greater complexity and depth in the artwork. 2.
Why do some people keep a painting for a long time? People tend to keep paintings for extended
periods because they hold sentimental or aesthetic value. These artworks can remind them of
important moments, places, or people in their lives, and they enhance the visual appeal of their
living spaces, creating a lasting connection. 3. How does building style affect people's lives? The
architectural style of buildings can significantly impact people's lives. For instance, buildings
designed for energy efficiency and comfort can reduce utility costs and enhance occupants'
wellbeing. In contrast, poorly designed structures may lead to discomfort and higher expenses. 4.
Should children learn to draw and paint? Why? It is important for children to learn how to draw
and paint. These skills foster creativity and selfexpression. Additionally, they encourage young
minds to think critically and see the world from various perspectives, which is valuable for
personal growth and academic development. 5. How do young people share arts with others?
Young people can share their love for the arts with others in several ways. They can organize
exhibitions to showcase their work, create art-focused social media profiles to reach a wider
audience, or even volunteer to teach art to children or adults in their communities. 6. Do you
think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed? Beautifully designed
everyday objects enhance our lives. Not only do they serve their intended functions efficiently,
but they also add aesthetic value to our surroundings. Well-designed objects contribute to a more
pleasant and enjoyable daily experience, making us appreciate the thought and care put into their
#2 Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work You should say: - What the rule is
about - What happens when people break the rule - Why you think it is an important rule - And
explain how you feel about the rule

In my workplace, a pivotal rule that holds significant importance is the "Confidentiality Policy."
This rule revolves around safeguarding sensitive information pertaining to the organization,
clients, and colleagues.

The consequences for breaking the confidentiality policy are stringent. Individuals who breach
this rule may face disciplinary actions, ranging from formal warnings to, in severe cases,
termination of employment. These measures underscore the gravity of maintaining
confidentiality in a professional setting.

I consider the confidentiality policy to be crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a
foundation of trust within the workplace. Colleagues and clients must feel assured that the
information they share will be handled with utmost discretion. This trust is essential for effective
collaboration and maintaining a positive work environment.

Secondly, safeguarding sensitive information is often a legal and ethical obligation. Many
organizations deal with proprietary data, client details, or strategic plans that, if disclosed, could
have serious repercussions. Adhering to the confidentiality policy ensures compliance with legal
requirements and ethical standards, promoting the organization's integrity.

Personally, I hold a positive view of the confidentiality rule. It not only safeguards the interests
of the organization and its stakeholders but also contributes to a culture of professionalism and
respect. Knowing that my colleagues and I are committed to upholding the confidentiality of
sensitive information fosters an environment where open communication can flourish without
fear of breaches.

In my role, I handle privileged information regularly, and the confidentiality policy provides
clear guidelines on how to manage and protect such data responsibly. This rule contributes to a
sense of responsibility and accountability, instilling in each employee the understanding that
their actions have consequences not just for themselves, but for the collective integrity of the

In conclusion, the confidentiality policy in my workplace is a fundamental rule that ensures trust,
compliance with legal and ethical standards, and the overall well-being of the organization. It is a
rule I support wholeheartedly, as it aligns with my values of professionalism and responsibility
in the workplace.
1. Should schools have rules? Yes, schools should definitely have rules because rules help us in learning
the difference between right and wrong. If there are no rules then everyone will do anything that they
feel is right and this might create a lot of disturbance. As an example if students will not follow the rule
of coming to school on time then it will become really difficult to manage the schedule of the classes 2.
Should schools decide how long the working hours should be? I think this a topic which is often debated.
I believe it should be the joint responsibility of the schools and children welfare and development
department of the government to decide the number of school hours because we should not burden the
students with education and at the same time a minimum number of hours is also vital for their
learning. 3. What kinds of rules do Indian families have? It is an interesting question, normally the rules
vary from family to family but if we have to generalize then most of the parents are strict about the fact
that children should complete their homework every day. They also want their kids should not go
outside late in night because they are concerned for their safety. 4. Do you think strict rules are needed
in schools? I don’t think schools should be a place where strict rules should be followed. Rules should be
meant to teach children about discipline and other virtues. Having stricter rules might be detrimental to
this cause and it could make children more rebellious instead. 5. Should students be involved in rule
making? Yes students should definitely be involved in rule making because it will make them feel more
responsible and hence there will be less chances of them breaking the rules. 6. What rules should
children follow at home in your country? Children in my country are expected to follow several rules at
home, such as respecting their elders, doing their homework, helping with household chores, and
adhering to daily routines like bedtime. 7. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't
follow some rules? Children may be forgiven for not following some rules on special occasions like
birthdays or family celebrations when parents tend to be more lenient. Also, if there's a valid reason,
like being unwell, they might be excused. 8. What rules should people follow when using public
transport? When using public transport, people should follow rules such as queuing up, not littering,
giving up seats to those in need, and refraining from loud conversations or music that can disturb
others. 9.What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places? In public places, people should
follow rules like not smoking in no-smoking zones, not littering, and keeping noise levels down to
maintain a peaceful environment for everyone. 10. What are the reasons that cause people to break
#3 Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful You should say: - Where you can see it
- What it shows - Why you think it is useful - And explain how you feel about it. Follow IELTS
band 9 speaking critreria.
I recently came across a particularly effective and useful advertisement on social media,
specifically on Instagram. The advertisement promoted a mindfulness and meditation app known
as "Serenity Moments."

The ad creatively showcased the app's features in a brief video. It began with a fast-paced
animation illustrating the chaotic and stressful aspects of daily life, such as work pressure,
traffic, and digital overload. As the animation unfolded, the background music transitioned to a
calm and soothing melody. The scene then shifted to the app's interface, where users navigated
through various meditation sessions, relaxation exercises, and ambient sounds.

I find this advertisement particularly useful for several reasons. Firstly, it effectively addresses a
common issue—modern life's stress and fast pace—capturing the viewer's attention by
portraying relatable scenarios. Secondly, it introduces a solution in the form of the Serenity
Moments app, showcasing its user-friendly interface and diverse offerings to tackle stress and
promote mental well-being.

The usefulness of the advertisement lies in its ability to not only inform but also evoke a desire
for positive change. By presenting the app as a practical tool for managing stress and enhancing
mindfulness, it taps into a universal need for mental health support in today's hectic world.

Personally, I appreciate the advertisement's simplicity and directness in conveying its message. It
effectively communicates the value of the Serenity Moments app in a visually engaging manner.
As someone who prioritizes mental well-being, the ad resonated with me, prompting me to
explore the app further and consider incorporating mindfulness practices into my daily routine.

In conclusion, the Serenity Moments advertisement on Instagram stands out as a useful and
impactful promotion. It effectively addresses a prevalent issue, presents a practical solution, and
sparks an interest in a product that aligns with the growing importance of mental health in
contemporary society. I feel positively inclined towards this advertisement for its relevance and
potential to contribute to personal well-being.
1. What do you think of online advertising? Online advertising can be both useful and annoying. It helps
us discover new products and services, but sometimes the ads can be too many and intrusive. It's
important for advertisers to find a balance so that it doesn't disrupt our online experience too much. 2.
Are there any great online advertisements? Yes, there are many great online advertisements! Some of
them use catchy jingles and colorful visuals to grab our attention, while others tell heartwarming stories
that make us feel happy. These ads are clever and make us want to buy the products they are
promoting. 3. What do people usually buy? People usually buy clothes and electronic products online as
there are great deals available on them. I personally bought an Iphone last year during the great Indian
festival sale on Amazon. It was approximately Rs. 5000 cheaper as compared to the one available at the
Apple store. 4. Why does buying new things make people happy? Buying new things makes people
happy because it gives them a feeling of excitement and joy. When we get something new, it can make
us feel special and proud. It's like a little gift to ourselves, and it can bring happiness and satisfaction to
our lives. 5. Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age? People often watch
advertisements, even if they might seem useless, because sometimes they show us things we didn't
know existed. Some ads are funny or entertaining, so people watch them for fun. Sometimes, even if we
think an ad is useless, it might still catch our attention, and we end up remembering the product or
brand. 6. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives? Yes, there is a lot of advertising in
our daily lives. Sometimes, it can be annoying because we see ads on TV, on our phones, and even on
the streets. It can be overwhelming, and some people may wish for less advertising so they can have
more peace 7. Why do some people hate advertisements? People do not like advertisements while they
are watching a program because ads break the continuity. Another annoying factor is that most of the
ads are very repetitive and there is nothing new. But the fact remains that if there are no advertising
agencies to sponsor the programs we will not be able to watch good programs. 8. Do people usually buy
stuff after watching advertisements? Yes, definitely many people buy the products after they watch an
ad. Many of the advertisements are very innovative as well as informative these days. An advert can lure
a wide range of people, from small children to the senior citizens. 9. Is music useful in advertising? Yes,
music adds life to the ad. Music can add meaning to anything and so music is useful in ads. For example,
some jingles keep ringing in your ears even after the ad is over. So, the purpose of ad is fulfilled. 10.
What are advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements? TV ads have both
audio and video component. So, these give visual reminders of the products and that is what sells the
products. Internet ads can be skipped and it is optional and upto the user whether to view them or not.
11. Where usually do we see adverts? We see ads all around us – on TV, on radio, on roadsides, in
newspapers, in magazines, on the internet, on phones and as flyers. 12. Are there any advertisements at
school? Sometimes, supermarkets and fast food outlets give money to schools and open their outlets in
schools. This is a way of advertising their products. 13. Are there some inappropriate adverts, like that of
a condom? There are some inappropriate ads, like the ad of some perfumes, which imply that if a boy
wears that perfume, girls will flock around him, and the ads of some drinks like coke and pepsi. The ad of
condoms is not inappropriate in my opinion. It is an important step in sex education. 14. Why does the
government allow such ads? Government allows such ads, because these ads spend a lot, which boosts
the economy. Not only does the government earn, the people working in these ads also earn a lot. 15.
Do you think it is bad for children? Yes, sometimes children are lured to buy such things, but I feel that
parents can play a very positive role by keeping an eye on their children and guiding them what is right
or wrong. 16. Do parents complain about it? Yes, parents complain about it at times, but the advantages
these ads are giving to the country, are much more than the negative effects of these ads.
#4 Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop (Barcode restaurant, chattogram)
You should say: - When and where it happened - What happened - How it was solved - And
explain how you felt about the experience.

When and Where it happened: The incident took place on a chilly Saturday evening in mid-
December at Barcode restaurant in Chattogram, a popular eatery known for its diverse menu and
vibrant ambiance.

What happened: Upon entering the restaurant, my friend and I were excited to try their
renowned seafood platter. However, our enthusiasm was quickly dampened by the lackluster
service. The waiter seemed disinterested and inattentive from the outset. Despite our attempts to
engage in a friendly manner, we were met with curt responses and minimal assistance in
navigating the extensive menu.

To add to our disappointment, when our food finally arrived, it was evident that the order had
been misunderstood. Instead of the requested seafood platter, we were served a generic mixed
grill. The waiter did not notice the mistake and hastily left our table.

How it was solved: Resolute on addressing the issue, we summoned the waiter and calmly
explained the error. However, instead of acknowledging the mistake, the waiter displayed a
dismissive attitude, asserting that we had ordered the mixed grill. Frustrated, we requested to
speak to the manager.

The manager, though initially defensive, eventually admitted the error and apologized for the
inconvenience. He promptly placed an order for the correct seafood platter and assured us that
there would be no charge for the mixed grill.

How I felt about the experience: The overall experience left me disheartened and dissatisfied.
The lack of attentiveness from the waiter, coupled with the initial resistance from the manager,
created an unwelcoming atmosphere. I felt undervalued as a customer and disappointed that a
restaurant with such a promising reputation failed to deliver on basic service standards.

While the manager's eventual acknowledgment and resolution were appreciated, the overall
impact of the subpar service lingered. It made me question the establishment's commitment to
customer satisfaction and left me hesitant to revisit Barcode restaurant in the future.
1. How do most people respond to bad services? When people receive bad services, most of them
might feel unhappy or frustrated. They may talk to the person providing the service to express
their concerns or ask for a solution. Some people might also share their bad experiences with
friends and family or write reviews online to warn others about the bad service 2. Do you think
services are better now than in the past? Services today are generally considered better than in
the past because of advancements in technology and higher standards. With modern technology,
services can be faster and more convenient. However, some people might still think that in the
past, services were more personal and caring compared to today's more automated and
impersonal approach. 3. What kind of services are bad services? I think not all services are bad
services, only when a particular service fails to fulfill its offering than we can call it a bad
service. For example if a restaurant does not serve good quality food or delays the service, it can
be called as a bad service. 4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad
services? Some people choose to remain silent because they think it is a waste of time to
complaint against bad service. They think it might lead to unnecessary argument which they
want to avoid. 5. Who should be responsible for bad services? I think it depends on the situation
but mostly the person who is providing the service should be held responsible because it is their
duty to make sure that customers are not disappointed. 6. As a boss, what would you do to
prevent bad services? As a boss, I would make sure that everything is well organised and the
staff is trained well to handle all the requests. Also, I will train them to be polite with the
#5 Describe a book that you have read many times ( Wings of fire) You should say: When you
read it for the first time How often you read the book What the book is about.What kind of book
it is. Expain what effect the book had on you And explain why you like read it again

When you read it for the first time: My first encounter with "Wings of Fire" by Dr. APJ Abdul
Kalam happened during my school years. I was around 14 years old when I stumbled upon this
inspiring autobiography, drawn to its title and the promise of insights into the life of one of
India's most eminent scientists.

How often you read the book: Since that initial reading, I have revisited "Wings of Fire"
multiple times, making it a point to immerse myself in Kalam's journey at least once every
couple of years. It has become a source of motivation and a constant companion during
challenging times.

What the book is about - What kind of book it is: "Wings of Fire" is an autobiographical
account of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the former President of India and a renowned aerospace
engineer. The book narrates his humble beginnings in a small town, his journey through the
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), and eventually, his ascent to the presidency. It's not
just a biography but a narrative filled with life lessons, values, and insights into the world of
science and leadership.

Explain what effect the book had on you: The impact of "Wings of Fire" on me has been
transformative. Kalam's unwavering dedication to his dreams, his resilience in the face of
challenges, and his humble demeanor have left an indelible mark on my mindset. The book
instilled in me a sense of perseverance and a belief in the power of education and hard work.
Kalam's emphasis on the importance of values and the pursuit of knowledge has shaped my own
approach to personal and professional growth.

Explain why you like to read it again: I find myself drawn to "Wings of Fire" for several
reasons. Firstly, Kalam's life story serves as a constant source of inspiration, motivating me to set
ambitious goals and work diligently towards achieving them. Additionally, with each reading, I
discover new layers of wisdom and insight that I might have overlooked in previous readings.
The book acts as a mentor, offering guidance and encouragement, making it a timeless
companion on my journey of self-improvement.

In essence, "Wings of Fire" is not just a book; it's a reservoir of wisdom and motivation that
continues to enrich my perspective and fuel my aspirations with each subsequent reading.
1. Do you prefer books or movies? I think movies can never capture the detail and the emotions
that books can. So, I always prefer reading books to watching movies. But, then again, it’s not
easy to find time to read books. So, sometimes I still watch movies. 2. Do you think it is
important to read the book before watching the movie version of it? No, not really. Some movie
adaptations are really good. A lot of my friends haven’t read the Game of Throne series, but they
still enjoyed the TV adaptation. Ultimately, it’s the person’s preference and availability of time.
3. Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books? I have seen some differences in the magazines
boys and girls read. For example, I have seen a lot of girls reading fashion magazines and very
rarely in the case of boys. However, in the case of books, I don’t think there is any particular
difference. 4. What kind of books do Indian people like to read? I think reading preference
doesn’t depend upon nationality. It depends upon personal preference and the book itself. For
example, Harry Potter is famous all over the world, because it is a fabulous book. I think it was
meant for children, but I have seen a lot of adults calling themselves Potterheads. 5. What kinds
of books do children like to read? Why? Children have diverse reading preferences, but popular
book genres include adventure, fantasy, mystery, and humor. These genres captivate children's
imaginations, offer exciting and imaginative storylines, relatable characters, and engaging plots
that spark curiosity, entertain, and provide an escape into new worlds. Additionally, books that
incorporate humor or address relatable themes and experiences can also resonate with young
readers. 6. What can kids learn from books? Books provide a wealth of learning opportunities for
children. They can learn about different cultures, historical events, and scientific concepts. Books
also foster language and literacy skills, enhance imagination and creativity, promote empathy
and understanding, and help develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 7. Do people
prefer to read e-books or printed books in your country? Reading preferences vary in my
country, but many people still prefer printed books for the tactile experience, the smell of the
pages, and the traditional feel. However, e-books have gained popularity due to convenience,
portability, and the ability to store a vast collection in a single device. 8. Do you think people
need to develop the habit of reading? Why? Yes, developing the habit of reading is important as
it offers numerous benefits. Reading improves vocabulary, language skills, and comprehension
abilities. It broadens knowledge, enhances critical thinking, stimulates imagination, reduces
stress, and promotes lifelong learning. 9. Do you think reading books can make people happier?
Yes, reading books can contribute to happiness. It provides an escape from daily stresses, offers
a source of entertainment and enjoyment, and allows readers to immerse themselves in different
worlds and perspectives. Additionally, reading can stimulate the mind, spark creativity, and
provide a sense of fulfillment and personal growth, leading to increased overall happiness
#6 Describe a valuable item that you would like to give as a gift - To whom you would like to
give (my parents) - What do you want to gift ( New house) - Why do you want to give it - How
long would you need to save for i

To whom you would like to give: I would like to gift a new house to my parents, who have
been the pillars of support and inspiration throughout my life.

What do you want to gift (New house): The gift I aspire to present is a new, comfortable house,
tailored to their preferences and needs. It would ideally be a place where they can enjoy their
retirement years with tranquility and comfort.

Why do you want to give it: The motivation behind gifting a new house to my parents stems
from a deep sense of gratitude and love. They have dedicated their lives to providing for our
family and have made numerous sacrifices along the way. Offering them a new home would not
only symbolize my appreciation for their efforts but also provide them with a serene and secure
space to create lasting memories in their golden years.

The intention is to give back a fraction of the warmth, comfort, and security they have selflessly
provided to me over the years. Moreover, it would be a tangible way of expressing my love and
gratitude for their unwavering support and guidance.

How long would you need to save for it: Saving for a new house is undoubtedly a significant
financial commitment. While the exact duration would depend on various factors such as the
location, size, and amenities of the house, I estimate that it might take several years of
disciplined saving to accumulate the necessary funds. Realistically, I would need to plan and
save diligently over a period of at least five to seven years to achieve this meaningful goal.

Taking into account the economic aspects and unforeseen expenses, creating a sustainable
savings plan would be crucial to ensuring that the gift is not only generous but also financially

In conclusion, gifting a new house to my parents is a heartfelt aspiration that would require
strategic financial planning and disciplined savings. The prospect of providing them with a
comfortable and secure home is a source of motivation that fuels my commitment to this long-
term goal. them with a comfortable and secure home is a source of motivation that fuels my
commitment to this long-term goal.
1. What do you think young people save money for? I think young people save money for mainly
two things, technological gadgets like smartphones, laptops and computers and clothes and
secondly, branded clothes and fashion accessories like clothes, belts, purses and so on. Besides
that, in some countries, youth also save money for higher education. 2. What is the difference
between men and women saving money? I don’t think there is any difference. It really depends
upon the individual rather than the gender. If the person has a strong willpower, they are able to
save money easily. Otherwise, it can be really hard. 3. Do you think it is better to spend money
or save money? We should always try to save a fixed proportion for rainy days, but at the same
time, we should stop enjoying life. Life is short and we should also enjoy when we get the
opportunity 4. Do you think children’s knowledge of money comes from school or family? I
think it comes from both. There are certainly lessons and concepts in subjects like math which
teach students about money, but parents also teach a lot of money management. I think the
knowledge in school is more theoretical, whereas we learn more by observing our parents, so it
has a bigger impact. 5. Do you think schools should increase their awareness of money?
Definitely, I think money management is an important life lesson and schools should definitely
include subjects on it. A lot of youngsters are very careless with money, because they have no
prior knowledge on it and sometimes they regret overspending later. So there should certainly be
lessons about responsible spending and saving money in schools. 6. Is it easy for people to save
money to buy something expensive? Saving money to buy something expensive can be
challenging for people as it requires discipline, budgeting, and long-term financial planning. It
often involves sacrificing immediate gratification and prioritizing saving over spending to reach
the desired goal 7. Should children have pocket money? Why? Providing children with pocket
money can be beneficial as it teaches them about financial responsibility, budgeting, and making
independent choices. It allows them to learn the value of money, practice decision-making, and
develop skills in saving, spending, and managing their own finances within reasonable limits. 8.
Should children learn how to use money at school or from their parents? Children can benefit
from learning about money both at school and from their parents. Schools can provide structured
financial education that covers topics such as budgeting, saving, and basic financial concepts.
Parents play a crucial role in teaching practical money skills and instilling good financial habits
through everyday experiences and discussions about money management 9. Why can't some
people save money? Several factors can make it difficult for some people to save money. These
may include low income, high living expenses, debt obligations, lack of financial literacy,
impulsive spending habits, or unexpected financial emergencies. Addressing these challenges
often requires a combination of budgeting, financial planning, and potentially seeking assistance
or financial education to develop better saving habits.
#7 Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often OR a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing
( for male) You should say: What it is like When and where you got it? How often you wear it
And explain why you enjoy wearing it

What it is like: One of my most frequently worn and cherished pieces of clothing is a charcoal-
gray, slim-fit hoodie. It's made of a soft, breathable cotton blend that provides comfort and
warmth. The hoodie has a zip-up front, two side pockets, and a snug hood that I often find
myself utilizing on cooler days.

When and where you got it: I acquired this hoodie about three years ago during a shopping
excursion at a popular men's clothing store in the city. At the time, I was specifically looking for
a versatile and comfortable hoodie that could be worn casually or layered for a more laid-back
style. The charcoal-gray color caught my eye, and after trying it on, I was impressed by its fit
and comfort, prompting an immediate purchase.

How often you wear it: This hoodie has seamlessly integrated into my daily wardrobe, and I
find myself reaching for it consistently, especially during the fall and winter seasons. It has
become a staple for casual outings, running errands, or even just lounging at home. Its
adaptability allows me to pair it with jeans for a relaxed look or layer it under a jacket for added
warmth during colder weather.

Explain why you enjoy wearing it: The enjoyment I derive from wearing this hoodie is
multifaceted. Firstly, its comfort is unparalleled. The softness of the fabric and the well-designed
fit make it a reliable choice for various activities, providing a sense of ease and relaxation. The
hoodie acts like a cozy shield against chilly weather, making it my preferred choice during colder

Secondly, its understated yet stylish design allows for versatility. Whether I'm going for a quick
coffee run, attending a casual gathering, or simply spending a quiet evening at home, this hoodie
effortlessly fits into different contexts. Its neutral color also makes it easy to pair with different
outfits, ensuring that I always feel comfortable and put together.

In essence, this charcoal-gray hoodie has become a wardrobe essential for me. Its combination of
comfort, style, and adaptability makes it a reliable and frequently worn piece that reflects my
casual and practical approach to clothing. The sentimental value associated with its purchase
adds an extra layer of appreciation, making it a cherished item in my wardrobe.
1. What is the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of older people?
The dressing styles of young people and older people differ significantly. Younger individuals
often prefer more Western attire, such as long dresses, skirts, jeans, and T-shirts, sometimes with
a blend of Indian and Western influences. On the other hand, older people often favor traditional
clothing, which they find more comfortable and familiar. 2. Do people living in the northern part
of your country wear different clothes compared to those living in the south? Yes, there are
notable differences in clothing between the northern and southern regions of India. In the north,
suits are more popular, while women in the south commonly wear saris. Additionally, men in the
south often wear a garment called a lungi, which is less commonly worn in the north. 3. What
kind of clothes do people wear after work? After work, people tend to wear comfortable and
casual clothes. Since many workplaces require uniforms or formal attire, individuals enjoy
changing into more relaxed clothing when they return home to relax and unwind. 4. What kind of
clothes should people wear at work? At work, people should generally wear appropriate and
formal attire. The dress code may vary depending on the nature of the job, but in most
professional settings, proper formal clothes are expected. However, certain occupations, such as
gym instructors, may require sports attire or specific uniforms. 5. Do you think students need to
wear school uniforms? Yes, I believe students should wear school uniforms. Uniforms help
create a sense of equality among students and establish a school identity. They also foster
discipline and ensure the security of the school, as any outsiders can be easily identified. 6.
Where do Indian people buy clothes? Indian people buy clothes from various sources. They shop
at local markets, shopping malls, and boutiques. Additionally, online shopping has gained
immense popularity in India, with many popular websites like Amazon, Flipkart. 7. When do
people in your country wear traditional clothes? People in my country often wear traditional
clothes during cultural festivals, religious ceremonies, weddings, and other special occasions that
celebrate their heritage. Traditional attire reflects our cultural identity and is worn as a way to
honor our customs and traditions. 8. Does the climate affect what people wear? Yes, the climate
affects what people wear. In hot weather, people tend to wear light and breathable clothing to
stay cool, while in cold weather, they wear layers and warmer garments to stay warm. The
climate influences clothing choices based on comfort, protection, and adaptation to the
#8 Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house where you want to live - Where this
place would be - What it would look like - When you would like to live there - Explain why it is
ideal to you

Where this place would be: My ideal home would be nestled on the outskirts of a serene
countryside, surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque landscapes. I envision it being situated
in a region with a mild climate, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life, yet not too far
from essential amenities.

What it would look like: The architecture of my dream house would blend modern aesthetics
with elements of nature. It would be a spacious, single-story residence with large windows that
allow ample natural light to filter through. The exterior would incorporate earthy tones,
complementing the natural surroundings. A sprawling garden with a variety of plants and a small
water feature would add to the tranquility of the setting. The interior design would emphasize an
open floor plan, combining functionality with a minimalist and cozy atmosphere.

When you would like to live there: Ideally, I would love to inhabit this dream home in the later
stages of my life, perhaps during my retirement years. The peace and quiet of the countryside,
coupled with the natural beauty that surrounds the property, would provide a perfect backdrop
for a slower-paced and more relaxed lifestyle. The goal is to create a haven where I can fully
appreciate the beauty of nature, read, reflect, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Explain why it is ideal to you: This envisioned home holds significant appeal to me for various
reasons. Firstly, the connection with nature is crucial. The serene countryside setting would offer
a respite from the frenetic pace of urban life, allowing me to rejuvenate and find solace in the
natural environment. The large windows and open design would seamlessly integrate the interior
with the outdoors, fostering a sense of harmony.

Secondly, the idea of a spacious yet cozy dwelling aligns with my desire for simplicity and
comfort. The well-designed garden and water feature would serve as personal retreats, providing
spaces for relaxation and contemplation. This ideal home represents a retreat from the noise and
distractions of the world, allowing for a more mindful and fulfilling existence.

In conclusion, my dream house is a reflection of my aspirations for a peaceful and harmonious

lifestyle, surrounded by nature's beauty. The countryside setting, combined with thoughtful
architecture and a focus on simplicity, embodies the ideal environment for a content and
fulfilling life, particularly during the later stages of my journey.
#Describe an ideal house - Where this place is - What it is like - When you want to live there -
Explain why it is ideal to you?

Where this place is: My ideal house is situated on the coast of a tropical island, nestled between
the pristine beaches and lush greenery. The location is a harmonious blend of tranquility and
natural beauty, providing a panoramic view of the azure sea and swaying palm trees.

What it is like: The house itself is a contemporary architectural marvel, characterized by a

seamless integration of modern design and sustainable features. It is a two-story structure with
expansive glass windows that capture the breathtaking ocean views and allow sunlight to flood
the interiors. The exterior boasts a combination of white walls and natural materials, such as
wood and stone, creating a striking yet environmentally conscious aesthetic. Surrounding the
house is a well-manicured garden with vibrant tropical plants and a private pool that reflects the
colors of the sky.

When you want to live there: I envision living in this idyllic house during my mid-life years,
striking a balance between career accomplishments and personal fulfillment. This timing aligns
with the desire to appreciate the serene beauty of the coastal setting while still being engaged in a
meaningful and productive phase of life.

Explain why it is ideal to you: This dream house represents an ideal for me for several reasons.
Firstly, the coastal location provides a sense of tranquility and a connection to nature. The
rhythmic sound of the waves, the gentle sea breeze, and the panoramic ocean views create a
serene environment conducive to relaxation and introspection.

Secondly, the modern yet eco-friendly design aligns with my values. The incorporation of
sustainable features not only minimizes the environmental impact but also fosters a sense of
responsibility toward the natural surroundings. The large windows and open spaces enhance the
feeling of being connected to the outdoors, promoting a sense of well-being.

Moreover, the tropical island setting offers a unique lifestyle. The proximity to the beach allows
for spontaneous walks along the shore and impromptu dips in the ocean. The vibrant colors of
the garden and the soothing presence of the private pool create an oasis of calm, making every
day feel like a retreat.

In conclusion, my ideal house on a tropical island represents a harmonious blend of natural

beauty, sustainable living, and modern comfort. The envisioned setting and design embody a
lifestyle that promotes tranquility, connection to nature, and a sense of responsible living,
making it the epitome of an ideal home for me.
1. What are the most common architectural styles in Indian cities? I think in bigger cities,
apartments and flats are the most common type of buildings, while in smaller cities single storey
or double storey houses are the most common. The modern Indian architecture is not about a
certain style but rather about best utilization of space. 2. What's the difference between an
apartment and a house? An apartment is smaller and so easier to maintain. Secondly it is cheaper
as compared to house. However one cannot add or change much in an apartment, whereas in a
house one can add a room or make any changes as per ones requirement. Also, there is more
privacy in a house. 3. What's the difference between living in the countryside and living in the
city? By living in a countryside a person can be in the lap of nature, whereas cities are concrete
jungles nowadays. On the other hand cities provide more and better facilities of health, education
and entertainment. 4. What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities
of the house? In apartments there are common facilities like gym, playground and swimming
pool which all people can enjoy. Also the plumber, electrician and other such maintenance
facilities are always at hand. There is more security in the apartments as generally there are
guards at the entrance and exit of the apartment blocks. However, one has to maintain harmony
with other people in the apartments as there are chances of conflicts. In houses, there is more
freedom for keeping pets and having a lawn in front and a kitchen garden at the back. 5. What
difficulties do people have living in the city? People face air and noise pollution and traffic
congestion in cities. The cost of living is also high in cities. Then, crime is also more in cities as
compared to villages. 6. Do most Indian people live in an apartment or house? I think it depends
on the region they are living in. In most of the big cities, like the metropolitan cities, people live
in apartments, as there is a scarcity of land in such places and to accommodate the ever-
increasing population, there are more and more apartment buildings being built. However, in the
small cities, towns and the countryside, we can find people mostly living in houses, rather than
apartments. 7. Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?
In my country, young people like to live with their parents, unless they have to move to another
city or country, for higher education or for better career prospects. It’s a part of the Indian culture
for children to live with their parents. 8. Do Indian people like to rent a place to live? No, Indian
people do not like to rent a place to live. I think it’s the dream of almost every Indian to own
his/her own house. 9. Would you live in a foreign country in the future? Yes, definitely. I would
like to live in a foreign country in the future. I plan to pursue my education abroad. I think there
are better education facilities and better job opportunities in developed countries. 10. How is
modern home design in your country different to that of the past? The modern home design is
very different to that of the past, in my country. The material being used now in the construction
of houses is much advanced, like weather proof paints, insulated walls, soundproof windows, etc.
The design of the modern houses is according to the space available. There is better utilization of
space in the modern home designs. The homes in the past used to be more spacious and not
equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and equipment, like washing machine,
microwave, dishwashers & so on. 11. In your country what type of home do most people live in?
India is a vast and diverse country. People live in different types of houses, depending on the
region and the climate in that region. For example, in the eastern parts of India, houses made
from bamboo are very common. In regions where there is snowfall, sloped houses are common.
In plain areas, people design their houses, as per the area and space available. 12. Do people
prefer to live in modern homes or the older style homes (for example from 50 years ago)? People
prefer to live in modern homes rather than older style homes because modern homes are better
equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and technology. Also, the material used to build
modern homes is better, for instance, weather proof paints, earthquake proof design, etc. The
modern homes are planned better to utilize the space properly. 13. How are modern homes
different to older homes? Modern homes are quite different from the older homes, in terms of the
design, material used and the structure of the building. Older homes were more spacious, with
proper ventilation. Modern homes are designed to properly utilize the space, due to the shortage
of land these days. These days, people employ interior designers and architects to plan and
decorate their homes. Older homes may not be equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets
and appliances
#9 Describe an advertisement that you don’t like - When did you see it? - What is it about? -
Where you saw it/how you came to know about it? - Why you didn’t like it.

When did you see it: I encountered an advertisement that left me with a negative impression
during the prime time of a popular television show a few weeks ago.

What is it about: The advertisement was promoting a new line of energy drinks, claiming to
enhance physical performance and mental focus. The central theme of the ad revolved around an
exaggerated portrayal of individuals accomplishing extraordinary feats after consuming the
energy drink. It depicted scenes of people effortlessly lifting heavy weights, running at incredible
speeds, and solving complex problems with seemingly superhuman abilities.

Where you saw it/how you came to know about it: I came across this advertisement while
watching my favorite TV show. It was strategically placed during a commercial break, capturing
the attention of viewers with flashy visuals and bold claims about the product's transformative
effects. Additionally, the ad appeared frequently on social media platforms, further amplifying
its reach.

Why you didn’t like it: Several aspects of the advertisement contributed to my dislike. Firstly,
the exaggerated and unrealistic portrayal of the product's effects raised skepticism about the
credibility of the claims. The visuals seemed too staged and far-fetched, creating an impression
that the company prioritized sensationalism over authenticity.

Secondly, the advertisement adopted a high-pressure marketing approach, suggesting that one
needed to consume the energy drink to achieve exceptional feats or be considered successful.
This tactic played on insecurities and reinforced unhealthy expectations, particularly among a
younger audience that might be more susceptible to such messaging.

Furthermore, the advertisement lacked transparency regarding the ingredients and potential side
effects of the energy drink. The focus seemed to be solely on the perceived benefits without
addressing the potential health risks associated with consuming such products.

In conclusion, the advertisement left a negative impact due to its unrealistic portrayal, high-
pressure marketing tactics, and a lack of transparency. It highlighted the importance of
responsible advertising, emphasizing accurate information and ethical practices rather than
relying on sensationalism to promote a product
1. Why do some people hate advertisements? People do not like advertisements while they are
watching a program because ads break the continuity. Another annoying factor is that most of the
ads are very repetitive and there is nothing new. But the fact remains that if there are no
advertising agencies to sponsor the programs we will not be able to watch good programs . 2. Do
people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements? Yes definitely many people buy the
products after they watch an ad. Many of the advertisements are very innovative as well as
informative these these days. An advert can lure a wide range of people, from small children to
the senior citizens. 3. Is music useful in advertising? Yes, music adds life to the ad. Music can
add meaning to anything and so music is useful in ads. For example, some jingles keep ringing in
your ears even after the ad is over. So, the purpose of ad is fulfilled. 4. What are advantages of
TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements? TV ads have both audio and video
component. So these give visual reminders of the products and that is what sells the
products.Internet adds can be skipped and it is optional and upto the user whether to view them
or not. 5. Where usually do we see adverts? We see ads all around us – on TV, on radio, on
roadsides, in newspapers, in magazines, on the internet, on phones and as flyers. 6. Are there any
advertisements at school? Sometimes, supermarkets and fast food outlets give money to schools
and open their outlets in schools. This is a way of advertising their products. 7. Are there some
inappropriate adverts, like that of a condom? There are some inappropriate ads, like the ad of
some perfumes, which imply that if a boy wears that perfume, girls will flock around him, and
the ads of some drinks like coke and pepsi. The ad of condoms is not inappropriate in my
opinion. It is an important step in sex education. 8. Why does the government allow such ads?
Government allows such ads, because these ads spend a lot, which boosts the economy. Not only
does the government earn, the people working in these ads also earn a lot. 9. Do you think it is
bad for children? Yes, sometimes children are lured to buy such things, but I feel that parents can
play a very positive role by keeping an eye on their children and guiding them what is right or
wrong. 10. Do parents complain about it? Yes, parents complain about it at times, but the
advantages these ads are giving to the country, are much more than the negative effects of these
ads. 11. What are the most advertised products in your country? Most advertised products in my
country are skin, makeup, and hair care products, and food products like carbonated drinks,
chocolates, flour, rice, etc. I also see a lot of ads for cars and mobile phones. 12. Which one is
often more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising? Online advertisements are
more effective as they allow businesses to find and reach people interested in their products.
With newspaper ads, you won’t know who has seen them, but online ads are trackable; thus,
companies can focus on customers who have clicked their ads. Also, in this digital world, people
mostly go online to read news, and the circulation of newspapers has fallen. So ads in
newspapers are not even seen by many. 13. What are the benefits of Advertisements?
Advertisements provide information on new products. They help create jobs by increasing
demand for products and services. Some food ads help people make healthy choices and live a
better life. Ads bring about many positive social changes like curbs on female feticide, equal
rights for women, and reduction of child labor. 14. What do you think of celebrity endorsements
in advertising? I think it’s not good as many celebrities ignore the public interest while endorsing
the latest fashions and products. For example, many celebrities promote sugary drinks or fast
foods, even though they themselves do not consume them. Also, celebrities are often portrayed
drinking or smoking in advertisements, TV shows, and movies. This normalizes and glamorizes
behavior like smoking, binge drinking, and illicit drug use, making youth feel that it is
appropriate to do the same. 15. Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don’t need? Yes,
advertising encourages people to buy things they don’t need. The repetitive ads make them
believe that a product is better than another product or something that they already own.
Consumers buy these tempting products without insight into what they need or can even afford
to buy. I bought a coffee expresso machine after seeing an Instagram ad for it, and I have used it
two times this month. 16. What role does social media play in advertising? Social media ads are
very effective as businesses can reach many people from different parts of the world within
seconds of posting an ad. It also helps them engage with their customers in real time, get their
feedback, and build loyalty. Companies also use social media influencers to expand the reach of
their brand on social media.
#10 Describe a website which helped you to do something / website you visit often/ use
regularly(Liz IELTS) - Which site is it? - How did you know about it - How it helped - Why do
you visit it often

Which site is it: One website that has been immensely helpful for my IELTS preparation is "Liz
IELTS," a platform created by Elizabeth Ferguson, a seasoned IELTS instructor.

How did you know about it: I discovered Liz IELTS through online research when I was
seeking reliable and comprehensive resources to prepare for the IELTS exam. The website
appeared in the search results, and its positive reviews and testimonials caught my attention.

How it helped: Liz IELTS proved to be an invaluable resource in my preparation for the IELTS
exam. The website provides a wealth of free materials, including sample questions, model
answers, and video tutorials. Elizabeth's detailed explanations and strategies for each section of
the test, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening, were particularly insightful.

The website also offers paid courses and additional study materials for those seeking more in-
depth guidance. The structured approach to lessons, the variety of practice exercises, and the
step-by-step guidance provided by Liz significantly contributed to my understanding of the test
format and improved my skills in each IELTS component.

Why do you visit it often: I frequently visit Liz IELTS because of its reliability and user-
friendly interface. The regular updates and addition of new practice materials keep the content
fresh and relevant. The site's blog section is also informative, providing tips, strategies, and
insights into the latest trends in the IELTS exam.

Moreover, Elizabeth's teaching style is engaging and approachable, making the learning process
enjoyable. The website has become a go-to platform for honing my skills, clarifying doubts, and
staying informed about any changes in the IELTS format.

In conclusion, Liz IELTS has been an indispensable tool in my IELTS preparation journey. The
comprehensive resources, effective teaching methods, and the continuous support provided by
the website have significantly contributed to my confidence and proficiency in tackling the
IELTS exam
1. What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country? I think its nearly the same
the world over. The most popular apps are the social media apps like Facebook and Instagram.
Moreover, google as a search engine and YouTube for watching videos are also very popular.
Regarding the least popular, well I would have known about them, if they were a bit more
popular. 2. What the difference between the internet and the TV? I think the main difference is
that we have choice in selecting what we watch or read about on the internet. We also have
choice in regardsin TV but it is among a few different options, it is not as open ended as the
internet. Moreover, the internet is more interactive as it gives us the option to express ourself.
For example, we can post reviews and rate movies after watching them. 3. Why do some people
like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV? The main benefit is that people
can directly search for the news they are interested in. For example, ifsomeone isinterested in
sports news , he can directly move to the sportssection. Moreover, people can also read the news
in detail along with watching the video on the Internet. 4. Are libraries still beneficial? Why or
why not? Libraries are much more than places with a collection of books. They are places which
provide a quiet environment for people to sit and concentrate on their work. Thus ,if we look at
them from the perspective of increasing noise in the world, their importance has increased.
Moreover, the internet has a lot more information but the information is scattered and its really
hard to not get distracted while working on the internet. 5. What kinds of people still like to go to
the library to study? Firstly, I think people who find it hard to concentrate at home orthose who
need a peaceful and quiet environment still go the library. Moreover, people who find looking at
the computer screen straining like to go to the library. 6. What is difference between the old and
young in regards to internet use? I would call the young to be experts and old as amateurs in this
regard. I think young were born with the internet and thus are much more comfortable in using it.
They know all the ins and out of the internet, they know the reliable websites and they can
recognise the scams as well. Moreover, internet is a part of life for the youth - they use it for
anything or everything, while the old it is till limited to some specific areas like banking or
online shopping. 7. Can internet help children in their study? Yes, definitely. The Internet is an
ocean of knowledge. Children can take the help of many educational sites on the net. 8. Will
downloading music or movies for free cause a problem? Yes, it can cause problems. It can affect
the sale of this music and the movies also. But it cannot be stopped. People will always find
ways of doing so. This has also made many amateur singers and actors famous overnight 9.
Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on the internet content. What do
you think? Yes, interests change according to age. Children like to watch cartoons on internet
whereas the younger generation uses it mainly for social networking and shopping. The elderly
are using it for finding and sharing information. 10. What influence can (or does) the internet
have on children? Internet has positive as well as negative impact on children. If the internet
access is not supervised or appropriate parental controls are not implemented, children can
access restricted websites which can have a negative influence on them. 11 . What kind of people
don't use the internet and what are the disadvantages that those people suffer because they don't
use the internet? Some people who are against technology and have orthodox thinking do not use
the internet. But mostly poor people do not have access to internet. These people are not aware
about things happening around them and how technology has brought convenience to our life. So
they are dependent on others all the time for information.
#11 Describe an unusual meal that you had. - When did you eat it - Where did you eat it? (Cox's
Bazar) - With whom you had the meal? - Why do you think it was unusual?
When did you eat it: I had the unique experience of trying "Chui Jhal" during a visit to
Rajshahi, Bangladesh, last year.

Where did you eat it: The unusual meal was served at a local eatery in Rajshahi known for its
traditional Bengali dishes, showcasing the diverse culinary delights of the region.

With whom you had the meal: I shared this distinctive culinary experience with a group of
friends who were locals and well-versed in the regional cuisine. They were excited to introduce
me to this specific dish, which is not commonly found outside certain areas in Bangladesh.

Why do you think it was unusual: Chui Jhal is a unique dish that stands out due to its main
ingredient – the Chui Mach or ribbon fish, a species abundant in the Padma River near Rajshahi.
What makes this meal unusual is not just the fish itself but also the way it's prepared.

The Chui Jhal is prepared by marinating the ribbon fish with a blend of traditional spices,
including mustard paste, turmeric, and red chili. The marinated fish is then cooked using a
traditional method known as "Bhapa," where it's wrapped in banana leaves and steamed or
baked. This unique cooking method imparts a distinctive aroma and flavor to the dish.

The combination of the elongated ribbon fish, the bold spices, and the smoky essence from the
banana leaf cooking method creates a culinary experience that is uncommon even within the rich
tapestry of Bengali cuisine. The Chui Jhal reflects the cultural heritage and local preferences of
the Rajshahi region, making it a meal that provides a unique glimpse into the culinary diversity
of Bangladesh. The rarity of encountering Chui Jhal outside of specific regions adds to its
unusual and memorable nature, making it a noteworthy culinary adventure.
1. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea? Yes, of course. Home cooked meals are always
healthier than meals at restaurants. At home we use the best oils and add spices to our taste. We also
wash the vegetables properly before cooking. 2. Do young people like to spend time with their families
or friends? Young people like to spend time with friends more because they have no generation gap
with friends. When they spend time with family, there are chances of misunderstandings. Parents have
to be friendly, otherwise young people drift away from them. 3. What do you think are the benefits of
having dinner together? When families have dinner together, it increases family bonding. They share
their day’s happenings with each other. It has also been seen that when families have 3-5 meals a week
together, then children do not fall into vices like drugs and alcohol. 4. Do you think people are less
willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past? Yes, people have become more
career oriented and have started earning more. When spending capacity increases then people find easy
way out and eat out. 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants? One
significant advantage of eating in restaurants is that you don’t have to cook and clean. You get to spend
time with family and friends. You can try new cuisines and dishes that you don’t cook at home. The
disadvantages are it can be expensive and unhealthy. Restaurant food is full of saturated fats and has a
lot of calories. 6. What fast foods are there in your country? In my country, you see hawkers selling fast
food on every street. Typical fast foods are Pakora, Samosa, Pav Bhaji, Tikki, Chole Bhature. Recently
international fast-food chains like McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Subway, etc, have opened up in
all major cities and towns. So, Pizza, burgers, and fries have become popular. 7. Do people eat fast food
at home? Yes, people do eat fast food at home. People are busy and don’t have time to cook. It’s very
convenient to have fast food delivered or order takeout on the way back from work. Sometimes its even
cheaper to eat fast food than cooking with fresh ingredients at home. 8. Why do some people choose to
eat out instead of ordering takeout? Eating out is fun, and people can meet friends and socialize. Also,
people don’t have to wait in line for takeout. They can sit down and relax in a restaurant. Also, food
often gets cold by the time you reach home. 9. Do people in your country socialize in restaurants? Why?
In my country people do socialize in restaurants. It is very relaxing, and people can bond with friends
and family over a nice meal. 10. Do people in your country value food culture Yes, food is an important
part of our culture. India is very diverse and different states in India have their own traditional food,
recipes, and cooking techniques. People like to cook fresh homemade food daily and eat it together with
their families.
#11 Describe an object you find particularly beautiful in Bangladesh (For example, a painting,
sculpture, piece of jewellery/furniture, etc.). You should say: Where the artwork/object is How it
was made/Where you saw it What it looks like And explain why you find it particularly

One particularly beautiful object in Bangladesh that captivates me is a traditional Jamdani saree.
I encountered this exquisite piece of textile art during my visit to Dhaka, the capital city of

I saw the Jamdani saree at a renowned handloom store in the historic district of Old Dhaka. The
store showcased an extensive collection of handwoven fabrics, and the Jamdani saree
immediately stood out due to its intricate craftsmanship.

The Jamdani saree is a marvel of weaving expertise, traditionally crafted by skilled artisans. It is
meticulously woven on handlooms using a supplementary weft technique, where small
decorative motifs are added to the fabric during the weaving process. The process involves the
use of a shuttle and is incredibly time-consuming, requiring great precision and skill.

This particular Jamdani saree features a vibrant color palette of rich blues, reds, and gold. The
fabric is adorned with delicate floral and geometric patterns that seem to dance across its surface.
The motifs are so finely detailed that they create an illusion of embroidery, adding a layer of
sophistication to the textile.

What makes the Jamdani saree particularly beautiful to me is not only its visual appeal but also
the cultural significance and heritage embedded in its creation. The saree reflects the rich history
of Bangladesh and the craftsmanship passed down through generations. The meticulous attention
to detail and the time-honored techniques employed in its making elevate it to a piece of art that
represents the country's cultural identity.

Moreover, the Jamdani saree is not merely a garment; it is a symbol of elegance and tradition.
The way it drapes and complements the wearer's form is truly captivating. The combination of its
visual allure, cultural significance, and the craftsmanship involved in its creation makes the
Jamdani saree a truly beautiful and timeless piece of art.
1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now than the past? In my personal opinion,
traditional art and sculptures are much more beautiful. I think in the past, it was easier for artists
to find patrons in the form of kings and nobles and they could focus on their art without any
financial worries. However, today it is much harder to earn money as an artist. The art being
made today also reflects that - it is done more as a hobby rather than as a profession and the
works produced are far behind those of the past. 2. Do you think there are many scenic spots in
India or there are many more in other countries? I think India is one of the most diverse
countries. It has everything, mountains, rivers, deserts, and beaches. To add to it, it has one of the
richest cultural histories. So, I think it is hard to beat India in this regard. However, India is also
one of the most highly populated and polluted countries in the world and because of this, a lot of
scenic spots cannot match the pristine and untouched beauty present in some of the rich
European and American countries. 3 Where do you think people usually come into contact with
beautiful things? People like to keep beautiful objects in their homes and offices as showpieces.
They generally get them from the décor shops in the malls. 4 Why do you think people create
beautiful things? People create beautiful things to express their creativity. Some people also say
that art is a form which connects us with our spiritual being. With the help of art people can also
connect with each other
#12 Describe a photo that you took and are proud of (at Halda river) - When did you take this
photo? - Where you took it? - What is the photo about? - Why you feel proud of the photo?

I took a photograph at Halda River during a memorable sunset in late October. The location was
near the riverbanks, where the natural beauty of the surroundings was particularly enchanting.

The photo captures the essence of Halda River during the golden hour, with the sun setting
behind the distant hills, casting a warm and ethereal glow on the water's surface. In the
foreground, a traditional fishing boat is gently gliding along the river, leaving a tranquil wake
behind. The reflections of the boat and the vivid hues of the sky create a breathtaking mirror
effect on the water.

This photograph encapsulates the harmony between nature and human activity at Halda River,
showcasing the serene coexistence of the traditional fishing practices against the backdrop of the
picturesque landscape. The vibrant colors, the play of light, and the subtle ripples in the water
evoke a sense of calm and tranquility, making it a visually appealing and emotionally resonant

I take pride in this photo for several reasons. Firstly, it captures a moment of sublime beauty that
epitomizes the unique charm of Halda River. Secondly, the composition highlights the cultural
and economic significance of the river, emphasizing the sustainable and traditional fishing
practices. Lastly, the technical aspects of the photograph, such as the use of natural light and the
framing of the scene, contribute to its overall aesthetic appeal.

In essence, this photo represents not just a picturesque scene but also tells a story of the
intersection between nature and human life at Halda River. The sense of pride stems from
successfully encapsulating the beauty and cultural richness of the moment, creating an image that
resonates with both aesthetic and emotional depth.
1. Why do some people like to use photographs to document important things? I think
photographs are one of the best ways to keep past memories alive. Whenever we look at
photographs, we cannot help but remember the events and people that happened during that time.
Also, photographs are one of the best ways to share our experiences with others. It is rightly said,
a picture is worth a thousand words. 2. What can one learn from photographs taken throughout
history? The main thing people can learn from photos is the successes and failures of our
ancestors. On the one hand, photographs are a living proof of human ingenuity and progress and
on the other hand, they also show how and where we failed. For example, photos of rich forests
in the past at places occupied by modern high-rise buildings show our architectural achievement
but at the same time show how we sacrificed our environment to achieve the same. 3. Are
photographs the best way to remember something? I used to believe that too. However, I recently
read an article on how smells are much more effective in making us remember. In fact, that is
why storytellers of the past use incense sticks and spice bowls when telling stories. 4. Which is
better, taking photos or keeping a diary? Both have their own importance but people hardly keep
a diary these days. Clicking photos is more convenient as it is instant and one can easily scroll
through them, whereas maintain a diary requires much more effort.
#14 Describe a story or a novel that was particularly ( Lal Shalu) interesting to you - What story
or the novel was - Where you came to know about it - When you read it - Explain how you felt
about it.
One of the stories that profoundly intrigued me is "Lal Shalu" by renowned Bangladeshi author
Syed Waliullah. I first learned about this compelling novel through a literature course during my
college years, where it was highly recommended by my professor.

I delved into the pages of "Lal Shalu" during a summer break, and the narrative transported me
to the fictional world created by Waliullah. The novel, set against the backdrop of rural
Bangladesh, explores the complexities of human relationships, societal norms, and the inevitable
clash between tradition and modernity.

Reading "Lal Shalu" was a transformative experience for me. Waliullah's vivid storytelling and
his ability to intricately weave together the lives of the characters left a lasting impact. The novel
is a poignant reflection on the human condition, addressing issues such as love, loss, and the
struggle for identity in the face of changing times.

The characters in "Lal Shalu" are vividly portrayed, each representing a facet of the society they
inhabit. The protagonist's journey, marked by personal conflicts and societal expectations,
resonated with me on a profound level. The author's skillful use of language and his ability to
capture the nuances of rural life in Bangladesh added a layer of authenticity to the narrative.

What fascinated me most was how "Lal Shalu" transcended cultural boundaries. Despite being
deeply rooted in Bangladeshi society, the novel explores universal themes that are relatable to
readers from diverse backgrounds. This universality of human experience, coupled with the
richness of Bangladeshi cultural details, made the novel a captivating and enlightening read.

In conclusion, "Lal Shalu" stands out as a literary masterpiece that not only captivated my
intellect but also touched my emotions. The novel's exploration of human struggles and societal
dynamics left me with a profound appreciation for the depth and power of storytelling. It remains
a cherished literary experience that continues to influence my perspective on literature and the
complexities of the human experience.
1. What kinds of stories do children like to learn? Children like to read fairy tales, stories of
kings and queens, stories with animal characters and stories with pictures. 2. How often do
people in your country read novels? India is a diverse country and people have varied interests.
Those who like reading novels read them very often, in fact every day. Others read novels
occasionally. Some do not like to read novels at all. 3. What kinds of novels old people like to
read? Old people like to read fiction, biographies, autobiographies and so on. 4. What are the
benefits of listening to stories or reading novels? Such activities improve imagination and
creativity. They develop language and communication skills. 5. Are you a good storyteller? I
think I am. I tell stories to my younger cousins when they visit us. They are glued to me when I
tell them stories. So, I suppose I am good at story telling. 1 How does technology help people tell
stories? I think there are two ways in which technology helps in telling stories. Firstly, with help
of technology people can animate their stories and help the audience to visualize the characters.
Secondly, technology helps to reach a wider audience. 2 Do you prefer to read e-books or printed
books? I prefer printed books over e-books because I find it difficult to read on a small mobile
device. Moreover I think reading ebooks on brightly lit screens is harmful for the eyes. 3 Why
are mystery novels so popular nowadays? Mystery novels are popular simply because of the
curousity factor. People are always interested in things involving suspense and in stories where
the outcome is not certain. Such novels keep people guessing till the end and thus they like it
more as compared to any other novel in which they would know the ending beforehand. 4 What
kinds of novels are suitable for a film adaptation? I think all kinds of novels, be it suspense,
drama or thriller are sutiable for film adaptation. Anyhting that can be written as a story could be
visualized as well.
#15 Describe a movie you would like to watch again ( 3 idiots) - When you saw this movie -
With whom you saw this movie - What the movie is about - Why do you want to watch this
movie again.

I had the pleasure of watching the movie "3 Idiots" a few years ago during a casual movie night
with close friends. Released in 2009, the film left a lasting impression on me, and I am eager to
revisit it for several compelling reasons.

"3 Idiots" is a Bollywood comedy-drama film directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The narrative
revolves around the lives of three engineering students, Rancho (played by Aamir Khan), Farhan
(played by R. Madhavan), and Raju (played by Sharman Joshi), who form an unlikely friendship
at an Indian engineering college. The story is not only a humorous take on the education system
but also delves into themes of friendship, pursuit of passion, and the pressures of societal

I initially watched "3 Idiots" with a group of friends, and the collective laughter and shared
enjoyment enhanced the overall viewing experience. The movie's clever humor, heartwarming
moments, and the compelling performances of the cast created an unforgettable cinematic

The desire to watch "3 Idiots" again stems from its timeless appeal and the valuable life lessons
embedded in its narrative. The film encourages viewers to question societal norms, follow their
passions, and prioritize happiness over rigid expectations. Aamir Khan's portrayal of Rancho, a
character with a unique perspective on life, adds depth to the story and serves as a source of

Moreover, "3 Idiots" is a cinematic masterpiece with well-crafted storytelling, memorable

dialogues, and a fantastic soundtrack. Revisiting the movie promises not only nostalgic
enjoyment but also an opportunity to rediscover the nuances of the narrative and appreciate the
subtle messages it conveys.

In conclusion, the desire to watch "3 Idiots" again is fueled by the fond memories of the initial
viewing experience, the movie's universal themes that resonate with diverse audiences, and the
anticipation of reliving the laughter and emotional moments. It is a film that transcends cultural
boundaries and continues to be relevant, making it a compelling choice for a cinematic revisit.
1. What’s the difference between watching a movie at home and watching it in the cinema?
There are many differences between watching a movie at home and in the cinema hall. When
you watch a movie at home, it saves your money and time. You can do some multitasking and
also you can change channels if you don’t like a movie. In the cinema hall, you enjoy a movie on
the big screen, which makes all the difference especially in action movies. You enjoy the
company of your friends and family and you also enjoy the refreshments in the interval. 2. Do
young Indians like to watch foreign movies? Yes, they do. Foreign movies have much better
technology and much better effects. They get to learn the language and the storyline is also
different from which they learn about the foreign culture. 3. How would you define a good
movie? A good movie should have a good script, good cast, good direction, good special effects
and should have a message. 4. Is it important to have famous actors in the movie if the movie
wants to be successful? Or Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why? Not necessarily. A
movie can be successful, without famous actors. Sometimes, the movie makes the debut actor or
actress famous. 5. Do you prefer to watch a movie at home or in the cinema? I prefer to watch a
movie at home than in the cinema. It saves me time and money. I can change channels if I don’t
like the movie. I can do some multitasking side by side. I can enjoy the movie in the cozy
comfort of my bed. 6. Do you think that cinemas will disappear in the future? Or Why are there
fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies nowadays? What the future holds in store for
us, no one can tell, but as far as I can see, cinemas will never disappear. People love to go out
and enjoy with friends and family. In the past few years there has been a mushroom growth of
multiplexes, which shows that people love to watch movies in cinema halls. 7 Where do people
normally watch movies?
#16 Talk about a traditional object of Bangladesh or Talk about a traditional product of your
country that you bought - What is it - How is it made - When did you try it for the first time -
Why do you like it

One traditional object from Bangladesh that holds cultural significance is the "Nakshi Kantha."
The Nakshi Kantha is a traditional embroidered quilt, often created by the skilled hands of
Bangladeshi women. I acquired one of these exquisite pieces during my visit to a local artisan
market in Dhaka.

The Nakshi Kantha is meticulously crafted using a variety of stitches and colorful threads.
Artisans create intricate patterns and motifs that tell stories from Bangladeshi folklore,
mythology, or everyday life. The base material is usually old sarees or dhotis, repurposed and
stitched together to form a quilt. The embroidery is done with great care and attention to detail,
making each Nakshi Kantha a unique work of art.

I first encountered the Nakshi Kantha during a cultural exhibition in Dhaka, where local artisans
showcased their traditional crafts. The vibrant colors and the storytelling aspect of the
embroidery immediately captured my attention. I decided to purchase one as a meaningful
souvenir that not only reflected the rich heritage of Bangladesh but also supported local

What I particularly appreciate about the Nakshi Kantha is its cultural and historical significance.
Each piece tells a story, and the craftsmanship reflects the artistic skills passed down through
generations. It serves not only as a functional item but also as a piece of cultural heritage that
connects me to the traditions and narratives of Bangladesh.

Furthermore, the Nakshi Kantha holds sentimental value as a handcrafted item that carries the
warmth and dedication of the artisan who created it. It serves as a tangible representation of the
craftsmanship and creativity embedded in Bangladeshi culture.

In conclusion, the Nakshi Kantha is not just a traditional object; it is a piece of art that embodies
the history, culture, and creativity of Bangladesh. Its vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and the
stories it tells make it a cherished item that I am proud to have in my possession. It serves as a
reminder of the rich cultural tapestry of Bangladesh and the skilled hands that continue to
preserve and celebrate these traditions.
1. Describe another traditional product from your country (apart from what you spoke about) India is a
diverse country. There are many traditional products here. We have earthen pots, ceramic pottery of
Jaipur, puppets of Rajasthan, phulkari embroidery of Punjab, hand-knotted carpets of Srinagar and many
more. 2. What are the benefits of traditional products to locals? Traditional products keep the locals in
touch with their culture and tradition. They also become a source of earning, when tourists show
interest in these products and buy them. 3. Do you think the government should help in the promotion
of traditional products? Definitely, it should. If governments promotes traditional products, only then
these will remain alive, otherwise these products will die and so will our culture and tradition. 4. Do you
think because of globalization countries are adopting each other’s traditions. Yes, as countries know
about these traditions, they adopt them. In a way it is good. Diwali is celebrated by many people outside
India also. We have also started celebrating Valentine’s Day, Grandparents’ Day, Father’s Day and
Mother’s Day etc 5. Why do people buy traditional products because of their traditional value or
because of they are handmade. People buy these products for both these reasons. Handmade things
have their own charm and only handmade things can have the real traditional value. When things are
made in bulk using machines, then the whole traditional value of the thing is lost. 6. Did the traditional
things of the past have more value than the present things? Yes, of course. We must remember that the
things we consider new and modern today will become traditions for the future. So, the traditional
things of the past were different and as time passes those things become antiques and so become more
valuable. 7. Did the traditional things of the past have better quality than the present things? Not
necessarily. The things made today also have good quality. Actually, it depends on the person making
those things. There have always been good craftsmen and bad craftsmen. 8. Is it necessary to protect
traditions? Yes, of course. Traditions are our roots. They bind us to our past. Without traditions we
would feel cut off from our past. 9. Do you think teenagers should learn about traditions? Yes, they
should be taught. Otherwise, they will feel cut off from the past. As it is, the teenagers of today are
being lured by the global culture and are drifting away from traditions
#17 Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with. You should say: - what it is
and where it grows - How you became familiar with it - what you like or dislike about it - and
explain why this is important for your country.

One plant that I am particularly familiar with is the paddy plant, specifically the variety of rice
known as "Basmati." Basmati rice is a long-grain aromatic rice variety that is predominantly
grown in the Indian subcontinent, including regions of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

I became familiar with Basmati rice through my everyday life, as it is a staple food in my
household. It is a crop that holds cultural significance, and its presence is deeply embedded in the
culinary traditions of many South Asian countries. The fragrant aroma and distinctive texture of
Basmati rice make it a preferred choice for various traditional dishes.

What I like about Basmati rice is its unique fragrance, long grains, and the way it fluffs up when
cooked. The aromatic quality adds a delightful dimension to the dining experience, making it a
favorite for special occasions and everyday meals alike. The versatility of Basmati rice also
allows it to complement a wide range of dishes, from biryanis to pilafs.

While I don't have any specific dislikes about Basmati rice, one aspect that requires attention is
the need for sustainable farming practices. As a major crop in many South Asian countries, the
cultivation of Basmati rice has environmental implications, and ensuring responsible farming
practices is crucial for maintaining the long-term health of agricultural ecosystems.

The importance of Basmati rice for my country, and the broader region, cannot be overstated. It
serves as a dietary staple for a significant portion of the population, contributing to food security
and cultural identity. The export of Basmati rice is also a substantial economic driver for these
countries, playing a vital role in international trade.

In essence, Basmati rice goes beyond being a mere crop; it is an integral part of the cultural,
culinary, and economic fabric of the region. Its cultivation, consumption, and exportation are
deeply rooted in the traditions and livelihoods of people, making it a plant of great importance
for my country and the broader South Asian community.
#Describe a plant grown in Bangladesh that you think is important - What it is - Where it is
grown - Why is it important to your country?

One of the pivotal plants grown in Bangladesh, which holds immense importance for the
country, is the jute plant (Corchorus olitorius). Jute is primarily cultivated in the fertile delta
regions of Bangladesh, making it a significant agricultural commodity.

Jute is an annual crop that thrives in the tropical climate and fertile soil of Bangladesh. The
Ganges Delta, with its rich alluvial soil, is particularly conducive to jute cultivation. The plant
grows tall with green, elongated leaves and produces fibrous stalks. The fibers extracted from
these stalks are used to create jute, a natural and eco-friendly material with a variety of

The significance of jute in Bangladesh is multifaceted. First and foremost, it plays a crucial role
in the country's economy as one of the major cash crops. The jute industry provides employment
for a substantial portion of the population, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is a
primary source of livelihood. The cultivation, harvesting, and processing of jute contribute
significantly to the agrarian economy of Bangladesh.

Jute is also a versatile material with various applications. The most notable use is in the
production of hessian fabric and burlap, which are extensively utilized for packaging purposes.
The robust and biodegradable nature of jute makes it an environmentally friendly alternative to
synthetic materials. Additionally, jute products, such as carpets, bags, and handicrafts, contribute
to the export industry, enhancing the country's foreign exchange earnings.

Furthermore, jute cultivation plays a vital role in environmental sustainability. The jute plant has
a remarkable capacity to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, acting as a natural carbon
sink. The cultivation of jute contributes to carbon sequestration, making it environmentally

In conclusion, the jute plant holds paramount importance for Bangladesh. Its economic, social,
and environmental contributions make it a key player in the country's development. As a major
cash crop, jute sustains livelihoods, fosters economic growth, and promotes environmentally
friendly practices, emphasizing its indispensable role in the fabric of Bangladesh's agriculture
and economy.
1. Do people in your country like to grow plants at home? Yes, they do. Home gardening is a fast
growing hobby among the urban people who have even the slightest space for plants. People are
also doing terrace gardening. Even I have a kitchen garden. I don’t have much open space, but I
have grown coriander, mint, green chillies, okra and aubergine in pots. I also have a lemon tree
and we enjoy fresh lemons throughout the year. 2. Do old people grow plants? Yes, they love to.
They have the knowledge also. My grandfather keeps guiding me about the water requirements
of plants. He also keeps changing the position of our pots. He knows which plants need shade
and which need sunshine. 3. How do schools teach students to grow plants? Unfortunately,
schools do not teach these things. At least in the schools I know of. Some schools may be doing
so, by organising some activities related to the environment. 4. What is the main plant of your
country? India is a diverse country and enjoys tropical climate. All sorts of plants grow here.
There is no plant, which I can call as the main plant. Basil is worshipped in hindu homes, ginger
and turmeric have medicinal values, aloe vera has also become very popular
#18 Describe an interesting thing you have learned from a foreign culture. You should say: -
What it is - How you learnt it - Why you learnt it - and explain how you think it will help others

One fascinating aspect I've learned from a foreign culture is the Japanese concept of "Kintsugi."
Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or
platinum. Rather than disguising the cracks, Kintsugi embraces them, turning the mended piece
into a unique work of art.

I first encountered the concept of Kintsugi through a documentary about Japanese art and
craftsmanship. The philosophy behind Kintsugi captured my attention, prompting me to delve
deeper into its cultural and philosophical significance.

I found the idea of Kintsugi profoundly meaningful as it symbolizes the beauty in imperfection
and the acceptance of flaws. In Western cultures, there is often an emphasis on hiding or fixing
imperfections, while Kintsugi celebrates them as an integral part of an object's history. This
philosophy aligns with the Japanese aesthetic of "wabi-sabi," appreciating the transient and
imperfect nature of life.

Learning about Kintsugi has had a positive impact on my perspective, encouraging me to

embrace imperfections and see them as opportunities for growth and transformation. It has taught
me to value the scars and experiences that shape us, much like the repaired pottery becomes
more beautiful with its golden seams.

I believe the concept of Kintsugi can benefit others by promoting resilience, self-acceptance, and
a healthier approach to dealing with life's challenges. In a society that often emphasizes
perfection, Kintsugi offers a profound metaphor for personal growth and healing. It encourages
individuals to acknowledge and celebrate their scars, recognizing that overcoming challenges
adds to their unique and beautiful narrative.

Furthermore, Kintsugi can inspire a shift in societal attitudes towards inclusivity and acceptance
of diversity. By metaphorically applying the principles of Kintsugi to human experiences, we can
foster a culture that values and cherishes the stories and strengths that arise from overcoming

In conclusion, learning about Kintsugi has not only enriched my understanding of Japanese
culture but has also influenced my personal philosophy. I believe that sharing this concept can
contribute to building a more compassionate and resilient society, where individuals learn to
embrace imperfections, both in themselves and others, as an integral part of the journey towards
personal and collective growth.
1. How do you learn about celebrations that are related to your culture? We learn about celebrations
from our parents and grandparents. We also learn about them by attending family functions. We also
learn through media by watching daily soaps. We also learn through school and college functions. 2.
What do you think are common celebrations all over the world? There are many celebrations, which are
celebrated all over the world. Such as – New year celebration, Christmas celebration, Valentine Day
celebration, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and so on. 3. Do you think we should follow our culture and
traditions and why? Yes, definitely, we should follow our culture and traditions because it keeps us in
touch with our roots. We can pass on our rich culture to our coming generation only if we know about it.
I believe that every culture has some good points, which need to be preserved. 4. How do you react to
spending a lot of money on celebrations? I think it is sheer wastage of money. For example, burning
crackers as a tradition on Diwali is OK but spending exorbitant amount of money on crackers is bad.
Similarly giving gifts is OK on occasions but buying very expensive gifts just to show-off is bad.
#19 Describe something important that you lost (My phone) - What it was - How you lost it -
Why was it important to you (gift from father) - How you felt when you lost it.

One significant loss in my life was when I misplaced my smartphone, a valuable device that held
both practical and sentimental importance. It wasn't just any phone; it was a gift from my father,
making it a cherished possession.

I lost my phone during a hectic day at a local shopping mall. Engrossed in browsing through
stores and attending to various errands, I must have inadvertently left my phone on a counter
while making a purchase. The realization of its absence struck me only when I reached for it
later, and to my dismay, it was nowhere to be found.

The phone was more than a mere gadget; it was a thoughtful gift from my father on a special
occasion. Its sentimental value was deeply rooted in the love and care associated with the
gesture. Beyond its practical use, the phone served as a constant reminder of my father's
thoughtfulness and our close bond, making it an irreplaceable possession.

The moment I recognized the loss, a wave of anxiety and distress washed over me. The practical
implications of losing a smartphone, including the data and personal information it held, were
daunting. However, the emotional toll was equally profound. The sense of disappointment and
regret for not being more vigilant compounded with the realization that a sentimental gift from
my father was now missing.

The loss prompted a range of emotions, from frustration to a deep sense of regret. I felt a
profound sense of carelessness, blaming myself for not being more attentive. Simultaneously, the
sentimental value attached to the phone intensified the emotional impact. It wasn't just a device;
it was a connection to a cherished memory and the love of a family member.

In conclusion, losing my smartphone was a significant event that went beyond the inconvenience
of losing a valuable possession. It highlighted the emotional depth associated with personal
belongings, especially those with sentimental value. The experience taught me the importance of
mindfulness and appreciation for meaningful gifts, serving as a poignant reminder of the
significance attached to the tangible expressions of love from our loved ones.
1. What kinds of people may lose things often? People who have a bad memory and are
unorganized tend to lose things often. 2. What can we do to prevent losing important things? We
should try to keep things organized like instead of leaving things here and there we should have
designated places for things and we should always place them there. For examples car keys
should be hung on a key holder, that way you will never lose them 3. What would you do if you
saw something valuable but didn't belong to you on the street? If I find something that doesn’t
belong to me, I will first try to find the owner of that thing. If I am unable to do so, then I will
donate it to the poor. 4. What kinds of things have you lost so far? Well I keep losing a lot of
things and sometimes I really feel bad about it. Once I lost my wallet and it had my id documents
as well apart from the money. I have also lost my mobile phone, lunch box etc 5. What do you
usually do to look for lost items? Firstly I try to remember where I had last kept the item, if I am
not able to recall it, I ask my parents or my friends.
#20 Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired - You should say: -
What it is - How it was broken - How you got it repaired - And how you felt about it

One item in my home that suffered a mishap and required repair was a cherished antique wooden
coffee table. This coffee table had been passed down from my grandparents, and its ornate
carvings and rich wood grain held sentimental value for our family.

The unfortunate incident occurred during a lively family gathering when a relative accidentally
bumped into the table, causing one of its legs to splinter. The once-sturdy coffee table was now
wobbly and in dire need of repair.

To address the issue, we decided to enlist the services of a skilled local carpenter who
specialized in restoring antique furniture. We carefully disassembled the coffee table, ensuring
that none of the intricate pieces were lost. The carpenter assessed the damage and meticulously
worked on repairing the splintered leg.

The restoration process involved reinforcing the damaged area, reattaching the broken pieces,
and skillfully blending the repair work with the table's original design. The carpenter also applied
a matching wood finish to seamlessly integrate the repaired leg with the rest of the coffee table.

Witnessing the transformation of the broken coffee table was a mix of relief and admiration for
the craftsmanship involved. The carpenter's attention to detail and ability to preserve the table's
original aesthetic showcased a level of skill and dedication that exceeded our expectations.

Emotionally, the repaired coffee table became a source of joy and pride. Its restoration not only
revived a functional piece of furniture but also honored the history and memories embedded in
the antique. The repaired coffee table now held an additional layer of significance, symbolizing
the resilience of family heirlooms and the value of preserving connections to the past.

In conclusion, the broken and subsequently repaired antique coffee table became a testament to
the skilled craftsmanship that breathed new life into a cherished family possession. The
experience reinforced the importance of maintaining and restoring items with sentimental value,
contributing to the continuity of family history and the appreciation of craftsmanship across
1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society? I don’t think they are valued more or less than
other jobs. But yes the significance of IT jobs has increased in recent years as our dependence on
technology has increased. 2. Is the quality of products worse than before? I definitely think the
quality has fallen in recent years. This is based on my personal experience. The first refrigerator
my parents bought still works fine but the ones we bought after that broke down after three-four
years and this is true for nearly every electronic product. I think the technology is becoming
more and more complex but that has taken a toll on product durability. 3. What kinds of things
do people like to repair by themselves? I think YouTube and Google have made it possible to
repair anything and everything. Recently my mom fixed her sewing machine by watching a
YouTube video. I have fixed my mobile phone and laptop many a times by just searching on
google. 4. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialised stores? I think
the main reason is that they don’t want to void the phone’s warranty. I think most companies
mention that if the phone is opened by non-registered technician or store, the warranty would not
be applicable. I think it is a tactic by companies to ensure that they can charge people heavily for
parts, which can be repaired cheaply
#21 Describe something you received for free ( a bracelet) - You should say: - What it was -
Who you received it from - Where you received it - And how you felt about it. Follow IELTS
band 9 speaking criteria.

One treasured item I received for free is a beautiful bracelet adorned with intricate beadwork. It
was a thoughtful gift from my best friend, Sarah, on my birthday.

The bracelet is a handcrafted piece, featuring a combination of vibrant beads meticulously strung
together to form an eye-catching design. Each bead seemed to tell a story, and the overall
aesthetic of the bracelet was both elegant and unique.

Sarah gave me the bracelet during a surprise birthday party she organized at her house. As I
unwrapped the gift, I was immediately struck by the beauty of the handcrafted accessory. Sarah
had discovered it at a local artisan market, recognizing my fondness for handmade jewelry.

Receiving this bracelet stirred a mix of emotions. First and foremost, I was touched by the
thoughtfulness of Sarah's gift. She had taken the time to choose something that reflected my taste
and had a personal touch. The fact that it was a handmade item from a local artisan added to its
charm, making it more than just a piece of jewelry but a symbol of friendship and shared

The bracelet quickly became a cherished accessory, not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for
the sentimental value attached to it. Wearing it felt like carrying a piece of my friend's
thoughtfulness with me, a constant reminder of the strong bond we shared. It served as a tangible
representation of the love and care within our friendship.

In conclusion, the bracelet I received as a gift holds a special place in my heart. Its beauty,
coupled with the meaningful gesture from my best friend, makes it more than just an accessory.
It stands as a symbol of friendship, thoughtfulness, and the joy that comes from receiving a
carefully chosen and meaningful gift.
1 Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why? I definitely think that people
should pay for higher education themselves. I think people should only go for higher education
when they are really interested. Paying it for ourselves means- we do it only when we really want
to. At the same time, I also feel that government should provide scholarships and loans to poor
students so that they don’t leave education because of money. 2 Is it good or bad for people to
have a free education in the future? I think free primary education is good because everyone
should get primary education but I think higher education should be paid for by the student
themselves. Actually, I don’t think it is possible for the government to fund higher education for
everyone. 3 What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers? In India, I think
companies give small gifts like pens, calendars and cups, etc to customers. They are free gifts for
customers but in a way, they are advertising for the company. Then, there are also deals like buy
one- get one free, which are technically gifts, but in a way - the prices factor in the free gift such
that the company is still in profit. 4 Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?
I think there is no better feeling than getting something for free. It is just human nature, when we
get something for free- we feel lucky. When we buy something, we are always thinking, whether
we could have gotten something better for the same price, whether we were cheated, but when
we get something for free, we feel like we couldn’t get a better deal because what’s better than
#22 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood - You should say: - What kind of toy it is - When
you received it - How you played it - And how you felt about it

One of my most cherished toys from my childhood was a remote-controlled car. It was a sleek,
red sports car with intricate detailing, and it was a gift from my parents on my eighth birthday.

I received the remote-controlled car as a surprise present during my birthday celebration. The
moment I unwrapped the gift and saw the shiny, vibrant car, I was instantly captivated. It was my
first remote-controlled toy, and I was eager to explore its capabilities.

Playing with the remote-controlled car became a source of immense joy for me. I would spend
hours in the backyard, navigating it through makeshift obstacle courses that I set up using
household items. The precision of the controls allowed me to mimic the movements of a real car,
and I reveled in the sense of control and excitement it provided.

My friends and I often organized races with our respective remote-controlled cars, creating a
mini racing league in our neighborhood. We would compete to see whose car could navigate the
twists and turns of the course most efficiently. These friendly competitions not only added a
layer of excitement to playtime but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among us.

The remote-controlled car was more than just a toy; it was a gateway to imagination and
adventure. It fueled my fascination with technology and sparked an interest in mechanics. The
thrill of maneuvering the car and the freedom it provided during playtime created lasting
memories that I still cherish.

In conclusion, my remote-controlled car was a prized possession during my childhood. The

excitement it brought, coupled with the opportunities for creative play, made it a significant part
of my early years. It not only provided entertainment but also instilled in me a curiosity for
technology and the joy of imaginative play.

1. What is the difference between girls’ and boys’ toys? Traditionally, girls used to like toys like
dolls, kitchen sets, fairies, and butterflies. Boys normally preferred aggressive toys like guns,
cars, and things to build and things, which make a lot of noise. The other difference was that
boys normally picked blue, brown and green. Girls, on the other hand, chose pink with a tinge of
purple. These differences have been disappearing over the years. 2. Do you think toys really help
in children’s development? Yes, toys play a big role in children’s development. It helps to
develop their motor and sensory skills and also their cognitive abilities. At the same time, it also
leads to their social development, especially when they play with other children. Children also
learn responsibility when parents ask them to properly store their toys. 3. Does modern
technology have an influence on children’s toys? Yes, modern technology has a big influence on
toys. Both the type of toys available and the children’s preferences for toys have changed over
time. Today robots, app controlled cars are more popular. Board games are becoming less and
less popular. Simple action figures and dolls have also become much more detailed. 4. Have we
lost our hand skills such as sewing? Sewing by hand has definitely become a thing of the past.
Sewing machines have come up in a big way. But manual sewing machines are still used. These
have a hand pedal or a foot pedal. My mother has a fully automatic computerised sewing
machine, but she has to operate it herself when she sews. 5. What toys are popular with kids in
India today? Many types of toys are popular in India. Children like wooden toys and other
mechanical toys, but electronic toys are fast gaining popularity. 6. In general, do children today
have many toys? Yes, they do. When I look at the children around me, I feel that they have too
many toys. I never had so many. I think parents, today, are substituting the time they have to
spend with children by giving them more and more toys. 7. Do you think playing with electronic
toys has a good influence on kids? Yes, electronic toys introduce children to technology. They
increase the strategy forming skills. They are good, but when children spend too much time on
electronic games, they forget everything else and then these become negative. 8. Do you think
there are some toys that are only suitable for girls and some that are only suitable for boys? Not
any more. Gender differences are disappearing fast and boys and girls play with the same type of
toys nowadays. 9. Which do you think is better, for children to play with toy alone or with other
kids? It is definitely better for children to play with other kids. They learn caring and sharing and
many other social skills when they play with others. 10. Do you think parents should encourage
their children to share their toys with other kids? Yes, definitely. They should encourage their
children to share their toys with other children. In this way they will not need to have many toys.
11. How are toys today different to toys of the past? Today we have electronic toys, whereas
earlier we had wooden toys and plastic toys. 12. How do you think toys will change in the
future? What the future holds in store for us no one can tell, but as far as I can see, there will be
more and more electronic gadgets in the future, which the children will play with as toys. 13. If
you were going to give a present to a child, what would you give him? I would give a child, a
book as a gift. He may not like it at first, but it will shortly develop the habit of reading one day.
I believe that books are the best gifts. They remain with that person forever. 14. What kinds of
gifts do parents give to their young children? Pendants give all sorts of gifts to their children.
They know the requirement of their children and give gifts accordingly. Mostly parents give
educational gifts, from which the child can learn something in a fun way. 15. Is it good to give
children too many presents such as too many toys? No it is definitely not good to give a child too
many presents. Children do not appreciate the value of toys when they are given too many toys.
It also decreases their imagination and creativity. They also do not learn sharing with other
children. 16. Some parents don’t spend much time with their child but instead give the child gifts
as a way to show their love. Do you think this is good enough? No I do not think this is good
enough. The time been didn’t spend with the children is more important then the gifts they give
#23 Describe an interesting song (Mocking Bird) You should say: - What the song is - What
story the song tells? / What it is about? - Whether the song is popular - And explain why you
think it is interesting.
An interesting song that immediately comes to mind is "Mockingbird" by Eminem. Released in
2005 as part of his fifth studio album, "Encore," the song is a poignant and introspective piece
that stands out not only for its musical composition but also for its emotional storytelling.

"Mockingbird" is essentially an open letter from Eminem to his daughter, Hailie Jade Mathers,
and his niece, Alaina. In the song, Eminem reflects on the challenges and hardships he has faced
in his life, particularly as a father. He addresses issues such as his tumultuous relationship with
his ex-wife and the impact of his fame on his family. The title "Mockingbird" is metaphorical,
symbolizing Eminem's desire to shield and protect his daughters from the harsh realities of the

The song delves into Eminem's personal struggles, including his battles with addiction and the
scrutiny he faces as a public figure. Despite the hardships, "Mockingbird" conveys a deep sense
of love and responsibility towards his daughters. Eminem expresses his remorse for not always
being present due to his career demands and personal struggles, emphasizing his commitment to
providing a better life for them.

"Mockingbird" gained widespread popularity and critical acclaim. It reached high positions on
music charts and resonated with a broad audience. The song's success can be attributed not only
to Eminem's lyrical prowess but also to the sincerity and vulnerability he displays in addressing
personal challenges, making it relatable to listeners who may have faced similar struggles in their
own lives.

What makes "Mockingbird" particularly interesting is its emotional depth and honesty. Eminem
bares his soul in the lyrics, offering listeners a raw and authentic glimpse into his personal life.
The vulnerability and raw emotion conveyed in the song create a powerful connection with the
audience, transcending the boundaries of celebrity and allowing listeners to empathize with the
artist on a human level.

In conclusion, "Mockingbird" stands out as an interesting song due to its emotional storytelling,
candid introspection, and the genuine vulnerability displayed by Eminem. It is not just a musical
composition but a heartfelt expression of the complexities of family, fame, and personal
struggles. The song's enduring popularity underscores its impact on listeners and its significance
in Eminem's discography.
1 Why are many music competitions popular in India? India is a land of music and people in India have
been practicing music for ages. The reasons why the music competitions are so popular is because they
help to identify the best musical talent in the country also it provide an opportunity to the budding
musicians to showcase their musical skills. 2 What kinds of music do young people like? Young people
mostly like rap and pop music. They do not like to listen to classical music 3 What kinds of people like
traditional music? Traditional music is mostly liked by the elderly people because they find it soothing
and relaxing. Morever they do not like pop or rock music because they feel it is too loud and noisy. 4. Do
teenagers and adults enjoy the same kind of songs? It depends on the personal taste. Generally
speaking, teenagers like songs with fast beats and adults like songs with good lyrics and soft music. 5.
What are the factors, which make people like a song? A song should have good lyrics, a good
composition, a pleasing voice and a good video to be liked by people. 6. On which occasions do people
in your country sing together? In my country, people sing together on birthday parties, marriages,
anniversaries and national holidays like the Independence Day and so on. 7. Which kinds of songs are
suitable for children? Why? I think folk songs are very suitable for children because they keep children
connected to their culture and tradition. As it is, today’s children are following the global culture and so,
they need to be kept in touch with our traditional culture. Folk songs are a good way to connect with our
culture. 8 What do old people like to listen to? Old people like to listen to religious songs, old film songs,
and songs with slow beats. 10. How would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip hop music to
listen to I don’t think he will like it. He loves old Hindi film songs. 11. Why do you think old people like
old songs? I think it is so because they feel connected to that time. Such songs bring back nostalgic
memories of the past. 12. Why do you think people of different age groups have different favourite
songs? This is because tastes change with age. At a younger age we like faster beat songs. When we
grow older, we start liking slow songs, meaningfulordevotional songs. 13. What kinds of music do (small)
children in India like to listen to? Small children like to listen to songs with fast beats on which they can
dance, even if they don’t understand the lyrics. 14. What are the differences between popular music and
the music that (young) children like to listen to? I don’t think there is any difference. Children like the
popular music. 15. Why do some people like to play music (= play a musical instrument} in the open?
They do also perhaps because they want to share their art with the people outside, or they want to play
music in natural surroundings.
#24 Describe a special cake you received from others You should say: - When it happened -
Where it happened - Who you got the cake from - And explain why it's a special cake.

I vividly recall a special cake I received on my birthday a couple of years ago, making it a truly
memorable and delightful experience.

The event took place at my friend Sara's house, where she had organized a surprise birthday
celebration for me. It was a cozy gathering with close friends and family in attendance, and the
atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement.

The special cake was a beautiful creation from a local bakery known for its intricate and
customized designs. Sara, being aware of my love for literature and books, had chosen a cake
shaped like a stack of vintage books. Each layer of the cake resembled a different classic book
cover, complete with edible replicas of literary elements like bookmarks and quills.

The cake was a thoughtful and personalized gift from Sara, who knew my passion for reading.
The attention to detail, from the meticulously crafted book spines to the artistic representation of
classic titles, showcased the effort she had put into selecting a cake that reflected my interests.

What made the cake even more special was the surprise element. I had no idea about the
celebration, and when Sara unveiled the cake, it was not only visually stunning but also deeply
meaningful. The choice of a book-themed cake added a personal touch that resonated with my
personality, making the occasion feel uniquely tailored to me.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the cake became a centerpiece for conversation and shared joy
during the celebration. Friends and family gathered around, admiring the craftsmanship and
discussing their favorite literary works represented on the cake. It became a symbol of shared
interests, camaraderie, and the thoughtfulness of the person who had carefully selected it for me.

In conclusion, the special cake I received on my birthday was more than a delightful treat; it was
a thoughtful and personalized gift that reflected my interests and showcased the effort put into
making the celebration memorable. The cake's unique design and the surprise element added
layers of significance, making it a cherished memory from that special day.
1. What are the differences between special food made in India and other countries? I think food is a big
part of Indian culture and we love to prepare big feasts on special occasions. I think the difference
between special food in India and other countries is that its mostly vegetarian. Secondly, there is high
use of spices in Indian food, even some desserts have spices. 2. Is there any food in your country which
is eaten on special occasions or special times? Yes, in fact there are so many dishes like that. India is big
and diverse country and every region has it own delicacy which is normally tied with a festival or special
occasion. For example, Biryani is eaten during Eid in many parts of India like Hyderabad and on Lohri, a
special dish made out of mustard leaves called saag is made in Punjab. 3. Why are some people people
willing to spend a lot money on meals on special days? I think it’s because a lot of family members and
relatives are together during these days and having special meals makes such events more memorable. I
think festivals in general make us happier and because of the good mood, we don’t mind spending a bit
extra on the holidays. 4. Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family? I think it’s
one of the best times to communicate with family members. First, when having food, we are in better
mood, so we are less likely to get into arguments. In addition, people are free during this time, so the
communication can we without any distraction
#25 Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you or Describe an important piece of
clothing ( Male) You should say: - What the clothing was - Who gave it to you - When you got it
- And explain why this person gave you the clothing
One significant piece of clothing in my wardrobe is a tailored charcoal-gray suit that was a
thoughtful gift from my father. This classic suit holds both sentimental value and serves as an
essential item for formal occasions.

I received this suit on my graduation day from university, which was a momentous occasion in
my life. My father presented it to me during a small family gathering that followed the
graduation ceremony. It was a surprise gift, and the timing made it even more special, marking a
transition from academic life to the professional world.

My father gave me this suit with the intention of providing me with a versatile and timeless outfit
for various formal events, including job interviews and professional gatherings. As a symbol of
support and encouragement, he wanted me to step into the next phase of my life with confidence
and a polished appearance.

The tailored suit itself is a testament to the care and consideration my father put into selecting the
perfect garment. Its charcoal-gray color and classic cut make it suitable for a range of formal
occasions, ensuring its enduring relevance in my wardrobe. The quality craftsmanship and
attention to detail showcase my father's desire to provide me with a garment that not only fits
well but also exudes a sense of professionalism and sophistication.

Beyond its practical utility, the suit represents a gesture of love and guidance from my father. It
signifies his belief in my potential and his desire to see me succeed in my professional
endeavors. Wearing this suit is not just about dressing for the occasion but carrying with me the
support and aspirations my father has for my future.

In conclusion, the tailored charcoal-gray suit holds a special place in my wardrobe as a

meaningful and practical gift from my father. Its significance goes beyond its sartorial elegance,
encapsulating the supportive and caring relationship I share with my father and serving as a
reminder of the important milestones in my life.

1. What kinds of clothes do people wear after work? People wear comfortable and casual clothes after
work, because usually at work, people have to wear uniforms or formal clothes. Once people come back
home, they like to relax and want to be more comfortable. 2. What kind of clothes should people wear
at work? At work people should wear proper and formal clothes. At some workplaces, uniforms are
needed, which gives them an identity and develops a sense of discipline. It also depends on the type of
work people do. If someone is working as a gym instructor, he or she cannot wear formal clothes to
work. They have to wear sports wear. 3. Do you think students need to wear school uniforms? Yes, I
think students need to wear school uniforms, as they act as a social leveler/equalizer. Uniforms give an
identity to the students and also inculcate a sense of discipline among students. Uniforms are also good
for the school’s security, as if any miscreants enter the school, they can be easily spotted. 4. Where do
Indian people buy clothes? Indian people buy clothes from shops and stores in the local markets and in
shopping malls. There are many small-scale stores and boutiques that are run from home, from where
people shop for clothes. Also, online shopping is very popular in India. There are many popular shopping
websites, like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal and so on, from where people buy clothes. 5 Have you ever
given clothes to others? Yes, I have given my clothes many times. In India, it is very common to give
clothes to younger siblings and cousins and I have also passed down my clothes to them. My mother
also gives our old clothes to our maid. 6 Why do people dress casually in everyday life but dress formally
at work? I think it is because of different priorities. People prioritise comfort in everyday life, while work
is about professionalism. So at home, people wear casual clothes like jeans and a t-shirt while at work
they dress up in suits. 7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and
school? I think uniforms are about unity and equality. They symbolise that irrespective of our
background, we are all the same when we are working or studying together. On the other hand,
uniforms also make life boring and uncomfortable. I remember I used to hate wearing a tie in school
days during the summer as they used to make me sweat. 8 Why do people from different countries wear
different clothing? On the contrary, I believe our clothing is becoming more and more similar. In the
past, people used to wear traditional clothes and they were different like Japanese people used to wear
kimonos. But nowadays, people all over the world prefer to wear t-shirts and jeans.
#26 Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in You should say: What it is like
Where it would be Why you would like to live in this house/apartment And how you feel about
this house/apartment

The ideal house or apartment I envision is a modern, spacious, and eco-friendly penthouse
located in a vibrant urban setting, offering a perfect blend of luxury and sustainability.

This dream residence would be situated in a city known for its cultural richness and economic
dynamism, perhaps overlooking a skyline or providing panoramic views of the surrounding
landscape. The exact location is flexible, but I would prefer a place with easy access to
amenities, public transportation, and a mix of urban and natural surroundings.

The appeal of this house or apartment lies in its contemporary design and eco-conscious features.
The architecture would incorporate large windows, allowing ample natural light to flood the
living spaces. The interiors would boast an open-concept layout with high ceilings, creating an
airy and spacious atmosphere. The living room would be adorned with minimalist, yet
comfortable furniture, and the kitchen would feature state-of-the-art appliances and sustainable

One key aspect of this dream residence is its commitment to sustainability. Solar panels on the
rooftop, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient appliances would contribute to a
reduced environmental footprint. The incorporation of green spaces, perhaps a rooftop garden or
terrace filled with native plants, would further enhance the eco-friendly ethos of the dwelling.

Living in such a house or apartment aligns with my values of modern living and environmental
responsibility. The convenience of being in a bustling city center while enjoying a serene and
sustainable living space is an attractive prospect. The thoughtfully designed interiors, coupled
with eco-conscious features, would create a harmonious and fulfilling living environment.

Emotionally, the prospect of residing in this dream penthouse evokes a sense of excitement and
aspiration. It represents a space where modernity meets conscientious living, allowing for a
comfortable and sustainable lifestyle. The panoramic views and urban setting contribute to a
dynamic and vibrant living experience, fostering a positive and forward-looking mindset.

In conclusion, the ideal house or apartment I would like to live in is a modern, spacious, and eco-
friendly penthouse located in an urban setting. Its design and sustainability features align with
my preferences, creating a vision of a harmonious and fulfilling living space that combines
luxury with environmental responsibility.
1. Do most Indian people live in an apartment or house? I think it depends on the region they are living
in. In most of the big cities, like the metropolitan cities, people live in apartments, as there is a scarcity
of land in such places and to accommodate the ever-increasing population, there are more and more
apartment buildings being built. However, in the small cities, towns and the countryside, we can find
people mostly living in houses, rather than apartments. 2. Do young people in your country like to live
with their parents or by themselves? In my country, young people like to live with their parents, unless
they have to move to another city or country, for higher education or for better career prospects. It’s a
part of the Indian culture for children to live with their parents. 3. Would you live in a foreign country in
the future? Yes, definitely. I would like to live in a foreign country in the future. I plan to pursue my
education abroad. I think there are better education facilities and better job opportunities in developed
countries. 4. How is modern home design in your country different to that of the past? The modern
home design is very different to that of the past, in my country. The material being used now in the
construction of houses if much advanced, like weather proof paints, insulated walls, soundproof
windows, etc. The design of the modern houses is according to the space available. There is better
utilization of space in the modern home designs. The homes in the past used to be more spacious and
not equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and equipment, like washing machine, microwave,
dishwashers & so on. 5. In your country what type of home do most people live in? India is a vast and
diverse country. People live in different types of houses, depending on the region and the climate in that
region. For example, in the eastern parts of India, houses made from bamboo are very common. In
regions where there is snowfall, sloped houses are common. In plain areas, people design their houses,
as per the area and space available. 6 What kinds of apartments are the most popular? I think high-rise
apartments are more popular these days simply because they are more affordable and people can get
many facilities such as, gymnasium, swimming pools and grocery shops within these apartment
complexes. Also, some people like to live in high-rise buildings because of the views that they get from
the top floors of the building. 7 What are the differences between houses that young people and old
people like? Again, I believe that the young generation nowadays prefers to live in high-rise apartments
with compact spaces, which are easier to manage, and are also affordable. However, the old people
prefer conventional houses with large outdoor space. 8 What are the differences between apartments
and houses? I think there are many differences between houses and apartments houses. First, the
houses are much costlier, and peopl can design your house according to their preferences, the
architecture can be customized and it offers more space to an individual, if you buy a bigger house.
Whereas, the apartments are less costlier, and also they do not offer a lot of space or a chance for
customization. 9 Do people usually rent or buy a house? Why? If given an option I think most of the
people would love to buy a house, however, in my country most of the people have to rent the houses
simply because of the socio economic gap that exists. People cannot simply afford to buy house in my
country because they do not have the large sums of money needed to buy a house.
#27 Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend You should say: What gift you would
like to buy Who you would like to give it to Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her And
explain why you choose that gift.
One thoughtful gift that I would like to buy for my friend is a personalized travel journal. I
intend to give this gift to my friend Emily, who is an avid traveler and has a deep passion for
exploring new places.

The reason I would like to buy this gift for Emily is twofold. Firstly, Emily often embarks on
exciting journeys, documenting her experiences through photographs and notes. A personalized
travel journal would provide her with a dedicated space to chronicle her adventures, jot down
memories, and reflect on the places she visits. Secondly, Emily has a keen interest in preserving
the cultural nuances of the destinations she explores, making a travel journal an ideal gift to
capture not just the sights but also the stories and emotions associated with each place.

I choose a personalized travel journal for its thoughtful and customized nature. The journal can
be adorned with Emily's name or initials, and perhaps even include a map or illustrations relevant
to her favorite travel destinations. The customization adds a personal touch, making the gift
unique to her and reflecting her individual style.

The travel journal would have sections for different aspects of her journeys, such as pages for
daily reflections, pockets to store mementos like tickets or postcards, and prompts to encourage
her to delve into the cultural aspects of each location. Additionally, it could be designed with
sustainable and eco-friendly materials, aligning with Emily's commitment to responsible and
mindful living.

Presenting Emily with a personalized travel journal is a way for me to celebrate her passion for
exploration and provide a meaningful tool for her to document and cherish her travel
experiences. It goes beyond a generic gift, emphasizing my understanding of her interests and the
effort put into selecting something that complements her lifestyle.

In conclusion, the gift I would like to buy for my friend Emily is a personalized travel journal. Its
customization, coupled with its alignment with her interests and values, makes it a thoughtful
and meaningful present that acknowledges and celebrates her love for travel and cultural
1. What is the importance of gifts? Gifts are gestures of love. They strengthen bonds of friendship. Gifts
make the recipient feel special. 2. Is there any pressure on us to buy presents? As such, there is no
pressure on us to buy presents. But sometimes when we receive costly presents then there is a pressure
to reciprocate in the same way. Then it may cause pressure. I believe that gifts should be just gestures of
love. Very costly gifts should not be there. Nowadays, we belong to a consumerist society. There are so
many choices of gifts. This may seem good to some, but I often get confused when it comes to selecting
a gift. 3. Do Indian people often give gifts? Yes, Indian people like to give gifts. They give gifts on special
occasions such as marriages, birthdays and anniversaries etc. 4. What’s the value of giving presents?
Gifts are gestures of love. They give happiness to the giver as well as the receiver. 5. Describe some of
the gifts that Indian people give each other on different occasions. People give all sorts of gifts to each
other. They give sweets, chocolates, clothes, electronic items or gift cards to their friends and relatives.
6. What kinds of gifts are suitable for friends to give each other? Friends know each other well, so they
can give any gift, which can be useful to the other person. The gift need not be expensive. It should be
taken as a gesture of love and not for economic value. 7. What factors do people consider when buying
a gift for friends? People consider a lot of things when buying a gift for friends. They consider the friends
requirement and they consider their own pocket. 8. Why do people give presents? People give presents
as gestures of love. Presents give happiness to the recipient as well as the person who is giving the
present. 9. Do children prefer receiving gifts or spending happy time with their parents? Children are
very innocent. They love receiving gifts. They take the happy time with their parents for granted. So,
they don’t give it much value. 10 When do people normally send gifts to others? People normally send
gifts to others on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. People also exchange gifts on
festivals like Diwali, Rakhi, Holi, etc. 11 Do people give gifts on traditional festivals? Yes, people give gifts
on traditional festivals. Diwali is the most popular festival in India and giftgiving on Diwali is part of the
celebration. People exchange gifts with family, friends, relatives to show their love and appreciation. 12
Is it hard to choose a gift? It depends on who are you choosing it for. If you know the person very well,
their preferences, likes, and dislikes, then it’s easy. However, buying gifts for new friends or people you
don’t know can be hard. 13 Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift? Yes, many people
feel happy when receiving an expensive gift. I think the true meaning of a gift is to share love and not
money. People should value small, meaningful gifts rather than expensive, materialistic gifts with no
thought put into them.
#28 Describe a thing you cannot live without (not a mobile or computer) (Diary) You should say
What it is? How long have you had it for? Why you cannot live without it? Explain how you felt
when you were without it?

One indispensable item in my life that I cannot imagine living without is my trusty diary. I have
had this diary for nearly a decade, and it has become an integral part of my daily routine.

My diary is a simple yet elegant leather-bound book with lined pages. Its unassuming exterior
conceals the wealth of memories, thoughts, and reflections that I have meticulously penned down
over the years. The act of writing in my diary has evolved into a ritual that I cherish, providing
me with a dedicated space to articulate my innermost thoughts, record significant events, and
reflect on my personal journey.

The reason I cannot live without my diary is deeply rooted in its role as a repository of my life's
narrative. It serves as a tangible record of my experiences, emotions, and personal growth. The
act of writing allows me to process my thoughts, find clarity in moments of confusion, and
preserve the precious memories that might otherwise fade with time. The diary, with its pages
filled with my handwriting, becomes a personal time capsule, encapsulating the essence of my

There was a brief period when I misplaced my diary, and the experience was surprisingly
disconcerting. The absence of my trusted companion left me feeling a sense of disconnection
from my own thoughts and memories. It underscored the diary's significance in my daily life,
and the void left by its temporary absence emphasized its role as an anchor for my introspection
and self-expression.

When reunited with my diary, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and comfort. It was as
if I had rediscovered a part of myself that had been momentarily lost. The reunion reinforced the
diary's status as more than just a book; it was a vessel for my identity, a tangible embodiment of
my inner world.

In conclusion, my diary is a cherished possession that I cannot envision living without. Its
decade-long presence in my life has transformed it into an irreplaceable companion, a silent
confidant, and a testament to my personal journey. The diary is not merely an item; it is an
extension of my identity, a keeper of memories, and an essential component of my daily
1 Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)? I think everyone is attracted to new
things nowadays. Children are attracted more so because for them everything is new and they are
curious about things work. Another reason is that children want to possess or own the latest technology
to show off to their friends and classmates. 2 Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things
(such as clothes)? Adults have a personal connection or a story attached to old things. For example, a
sweater made by their mother or gifted by an aunt. They feel like they are losing a part of themselves
when they throw them out as it is a reminder of their childhood and hence, they are hesitant. In today’s
era of mass-produced goods, there is no connection to products. 3 Is the way people buy things
affected? How? Yes, people today buy things online. Moreover, like I said before we don’t have an
emotional connection with products as in the past. Earlier, we felt a loss when something broke down.
Now, it’s just an object, and breaking down is an opportunity to buy a newer version. 4 What do you
think influences people to buy new things? I think it’s just that as things get old, people get bored, and
to renew their excitement, they buy a new thing. It also the influence of ads, which keep on reminding
us that we are missing out if we don’t have the latest version of something.
#29 Describe an item on which you spent more than expected (Iphone) You should say: - What it
is - How much did you spend on it - Why you bought it - And explain why you think you spent
more than expected.

The item on which I spent more than expected was an iPhone, specifically the latest model that
had just been released at the time.

I spent approximately $1,200 on the iPhone, which was notably higher than my initial budget for
a smartphone. The decision to buy this particular model was driven by a combination of
technological features, brand loyalty, and a desire to have a cutting-edge device.

I bought the iPhone primarily for its advanced features, including an improved camera, faster
processor, and enhanced security features. As someone who heavily relies on a smartphone for
both personal and professional use, having the latest technology was important to me.
Additionally, the iPhone's ecosystem and seamless integration with other Apple devices played a
role in my decision, as I already owned a MacBook and an Apple Watch.

The reason I ended up spending more than expected can be attributed to the allure of the latest
technology and the emotional connection I have with the Apple brand. Apple products are
known for their design, performance, and ecosystem integration, and I found myself drawn to the
idea of having a device that seamlessly complements my existing Apple devices. The marketing
strategies employed by Apple, showcasing the innovative features and the overall user
experience, also contributed to the perception that this particular iPhone was worth the premium

Moreover, the social and peer influence on the perceived status associated with owning the latest
iPhone model played a role in my decision. The desire to be part of the tech-savvy community
and to have a device that symbolized modernity and sophistication influenced my willingness to
stretch my budget for the latest iPhone.

In hindsight, I realize that the emotional appeal and the desire for status associated with owning
the latest technology were significant factors that led me to spend more than initially planned.
The marketing strategies employed by Apple, combined with the allure of advanced features and
ecosystem integration, created a persuasive narrative that influenced my purchasing decision.

In conclusion, my decision to spend more than expected on the iPhone was driven by a
combination of technological allure, brand loyalty, and the desire to be part of a modern and
sophisticated user community. While the purchase provided me with a cutting-edge device and
seamless integration with other Apple products, it also highlighted the influence of emotional
and social factors in consumer choices.
1. Do you often buy more than you expected? Yes, I often buy more than I expected, but it is
normally in case of small household items or grocery items. For example, I would buy 2 pairs of
jeans if they are on an offer, even if I need just one. The iPhone was the first time, I spent so
much more than I should have spent. 2. What do you think young people spend most of their
money on? I think young people spend their money on clothes and other fashion accessories like
belts, shoes, etc. Also, I think a lot of youth spend their money on gadgets like mobile phones,
laptops, and headphones. 3. Do you think it is important to save money? Why? Yes, I think it is
crucial as we can never be certain about the future. The recent Corona epidemic has made it even
more clear that how uncertain life is. Many people died because they couldn’t afford the costly
healthcare. Also, if people didn’t have savings, it would have been impossible to tide over these
difficult times. 4. Do people buy things that they don’t need? Yes, all the time. I think we buy
things because buying things makes us happy. Even though we know we won’t be using the
thing, we buy it for momentary happiness. A common example is an electric drill, which people
barely use for 10 mins after buying and then collects dust sitting unused for years
#30 Describe an art or craft activity (example painting, woodwork, etcetera) that you had at
school. You should say - What you made - How you made it - What it looked like - and how you
felt about this activity. Follow IELTS band 9 speaking criteria.

One memorable art activity I had at school was a pottery class where we crafted clay sculptures.
For this project, I decided to make a ceramic vase inspired by natural elements.

To create the clay vase, I started by kneading the clay to ensure it had a smooth and even
consistency. Once the clay was prepared, I shaped it on a potter's wheel, using my hands to mold
and form the desired vase structure. The process required a delicate balance of pressure and
precision to shape the clay into a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing form.

After shaping the vase on the wheel, I added intricate details by carving patterns reminiscent of
leaves and vines onto its surface. This step allowed me to infuse a sense of nature-inspired
design into the piece. Once satisfied with the overall design, the clay vase was set aside to dry
before being fired in a kiln to give it durability and permanence.

The final result was a beautifully crafted ceramic vase with an elegant shape and intricate leafy
patterns adorning its surface. The firing process added a rich earthy tone to the clay, enhancing
the natural aesthetic of the piece. The vase stood as a testament to the fusion of artistic
expression and craftsmanship, capturing the essence of the organic forms that inspired its

Engaging in this pottery activity at school was a profoundly satisfying experience. The hands-on
nature of working with clay allowed for a direct connection between my creative ideas and the
physical creation of the artwork. The process required patience, attention to detail, and a deep
appreciation for the art of pottery.

Creating the ceramic vase was not just about the end product; it was a journey of self-expression
and discovery. As I molded the clay, I felt a sense of liberation and creativity. The tactile nature
of the medium allowed me to explore different shapes and forms, providing a therapeutic outlet
for artistic expression.

In conclusion, the pottery class at school, where I crafted a ceramic vase inspired by natural
elements, was a fulfilling and enriching art activity. The hands-on experience of working with
clay, shaping it on the potter's wheel, and adding intricate details left a lasting impression. The
final vase not only reflected my artistic vision but also served as a tangible reminder of the joy
and satisfaction derived from the art of crafting with one's hands.
1. What traditional handicrafts are popular in India? India is a diverse country, and many
handicrafts are popular in India. The Phulkari embroidery of Punjab, the ceramic pottery of
Jaipur, the terracotta pottery of the South, the woven saris of Mysore, the woven carpets of
Kashmir, the cloth puppets of Rajasthan are just a few examples of the handicrafts that are
popular in India. 2. What do young people think of traditional handicrafts? The young people of
today are not much aware of the traditional handicrafts. They are children of the global village
and they like modern things. However, many NGOs are promoting the handicrafts work in the
remote villages and are selling them in modern outlets because of which the young people are
becoming aware of these things and are in fact liking them. 3. Do people in your country send
handicrafts as gifts? Yes, people in my country gift handicrafts. They gift traditional paintings
made on leaves and wood, embroidered bags and purses, and even articles made of wood. 4.
What are the benefits of making handicrafts? Handicrafts preserve the culture and tradition of the
country. In addition, they bring out the creativity of people. Handicrafts also generate revenue
for the country if they are promoted well and sold to tourists as souvenirs.
#31 Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading. You should say: m@kk@rIELTS - When
you read it - What kind of book it is - What is about - And explain why you think it is exciting

I had the pleasure of reading "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel recently, and it was
a captivating and enlightening experience.

I read this book over the course of a few weeks, delving into its pages during my leisure time.
"The Psychology of Money" is a non-fiction book that falls into the category of personal finance
and behavioral economics. It explores the intricate relationship between money and human
behavior, offering insights into the psychological aspects that influence our financial decisions.

The book covers a wide array of topics related to money, including investment strategies, risk
management, and the emotional aspects that shape our financial choices. What sets it apart is the
author's ability to distill complex financial concepts into relatable and easily digestible
narratives. Each chapter is a blend of real-life anecdotes, historical examples, and behavioral
insights, creating a compelling narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

The excitement in "The Psychology of Money" lies in its ability to challenge conventional
wisdom and offer fresh perspectives on wealth, success, and financial well-being. Morgan
Housel combines storytelling with profound insights, making it accessible to a broad audience,
regardless of their level of financial literacy. The book encourages readers to reflect on their own
beliefs about money, success, and happiness, prompting a reconsideration of their financial goals
and behaviors.

The author's exploration of the psychological nuances of money, such as the impact of emotions,
biases, and societal influences, adds depth to the book. It goes beyond traditional financial
advice, providing a holistic understanding of the forces at play in our financial lives. The
narratives are thought-provoking, and the principles discussed are applicable to individuals at
various stages of their financial journey.

In conclusion, "The Psychology of Money" is an exciting book that I enjoyed reading due to its
unique blend of finance, psychology, and storytelling. The author's ability to distill complex
concepts into relatable anecdotes and the thought-provoking exploration of human behavior in
financial matters make it a standout in the genre. It not only provides practical financial wisdom
but also encourages readers to reflect on their own relationship with money, making it a valuable
and engaging read.
1. Do you prefer books or movies? I think movies can never capture the detail and the emotions
that books can. So, I always prefer reading books to watching movies. But, then again, it’s not
easy to find time to read books. So, sometimes I still watch movies. 2. Do you think it is
important to read the book before watching the movie version of it? No, not really. Some movie
adaptations are really good. A lot of my friends haven’t read the Game of Throne series, but they
still enjoyed the TV adaptation. Ultimately, it’s the person’s preference and availability of time.
3. Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books? I have seen some differences in the magazines
boys and girls read. For example, I have seen a lot of girls reading fashion magazines and very
rarely in the case of boys. However, in the case of books, I don’t think there is any particular
difference. 4. What kind of books do Indian people like to read? I think reading preference
doesn’t depend upon nationality. It depends upon personal preference and the book itself. For
example, Harry Potter is famous all over the world, because it is a fabulous book. I think it was
meant for children, but I have seen a lot of adults calling themselves Potterheads.

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