Business and Its Environment

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Business and its Environment:

 Government Assistance for Entrepreneurs

 Government assistance for Businesses
 Market Failure and how governments deal w them
 Economic objectives
 Economic Growth
 Business cycle
 Inflation and its types
 Unemployment
 Monetary and Fiscal Policies
 Supply side policies
 Income elasticity of demand
 Exchange Rates

Investment Appraisal:

 Payback

all with theory

Contents of Published Accounts:

 Income Statement
 Statement of Financial Position
 Intangible Assets
 Window Dressing
 Revenue and Capital Expenditure


 Gross Profit Margin

 Operating Profit Margin
 Return on Capital Employed
 Current Ratio
 Acid Test Ratio
 Inventory Turnover Ratio
 Trade Receivables Turnover
 Trade Payables Turnover
 Dividend Yield Ratio
 Dividend Cover Ratio
 Dividend Per Share
 Price/Earnings Ratio
Take earnings per share ka formula
 Gearing Ratio

Critical Path Analysis:

 Making of CPA
 Earliest Start Time
 Latest Finish Time
 Free Float
 Total Float


 New Product Development

 Research and Development and its types
 Income Elasticity of Demand
 Promotional Elasticity of Demand
 Elasticities
 Sales Forecasting
 Moving Averages

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