Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Aklan
District of Malay



At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:
a. Interpret measure of position. (M10SP-IVc-1)
A. Topic: “Interpret Measures of Position”
B. References: Melvin M. Callantana,et.al., 2015.Mathematics 10 Learner’s Module, First
Edition, Rex Book Store, Inc., Pages 374 and 393 – 394.
C. Materials: Cartolina, Chalk and Board, Illustrations, Power Point Presentation, Marker
and etc.
D. Strategies/Method used: Collaborative learning and Interactive Method.
E. Values Integration: Patience, Cooperation, Activeness, and Participation
Teacher’s Activity Student Activity
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer (One of the students will lead the
2. Greetings prayer)
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
Before we will proceed to our new
lesson, let us first have a short recap
about or topic last meeting. What was
our last topic all about? Yes
(One of the students will raise his/her
“Sir last meeting we discussed about
the measures of position, also known as
the quartiles. Quartiles divides the data
set into 4 equal parts, Deciles divide the
data set into 10 equal parts, and the
percentiles divide the data set into 100
equal parts. We also discussed about
“Very Good! Thank you ____” computing measures of position for
ungrouped data using the formula for
each quantile”.
B. Activity
Picture Analysis

C. Abstraction:
Equivalent interpretation in each
measure of position.
Quartile 1 (Q1)
- Lower quartile
- 25% of the data has a value ≤ Q1.
It divides the lower half of a data
set in half.
- 2.5th Decile

Quartile 2 (Q2)
- Median
- The median divides the data se in
half. 50% of the data vales fall
below the median and 50% fall
- 5th Decile
Quartile 3 (Q3)
- Upper Quartile
- At most, 25% of the data is larger
than Q3. 75% of the data is smaller
than Q3. It divides the upper half of
the data set in half.
- 7.5th Decile
Example # 1:
In the National Career Assessment
Examination (NCAE) result of Bryle,
he got a percentile rank of 92 in
Mathematical Ability. What does the
percentile rank 92 mean?

It means that 92% of the class got a
score below his score in Mathematical

Example #2

“Solve for the value of ”

Excellent! If you got a score of 27,

which is 3rd quartile from or example,
what does it imply in terms of your
performance among the class?
Correct! Well said! It seems like
you’re getting it!

Example #3:
Given these scores of students in a test, what is
Decile 6 ( ). What does it mean?
Scores Frequency Less than
(f) Cumulative
38-40 1 20
35-37 1 19
32-34 2 18
29-31 6 16
26-28 5 10
23-25 4 5
20-22 1 1
N = 20

The 6th Decile is equivalent to the 60th

What will be the Interpretation? 60% of the students got the score less
than or equal to 29.5.
D. Application (Group Activity) Group 1:
I will group the class into three. Each group
will choose their leader to interpret there answer.
Group 1 will find the Q3, the Group 2 will find the
D8, and the Group 3 will find the P25


Scores Frequency Less than

(f) Cumulative
(<cf) Interpretation:
38-40 1 20 75% of the students got the score less
35-37 1 19 than or equal to 31.
32-34 2 18
29-31 6 16
26-28 5 10 Group 2:
23-25 4 5
20-22 1 1
N = 20

80% of the students got the score less
than or equal to 32.

Group 3

25% of the students got the score less
than or equal to 27.

What are the equivalent interpretation in Quartile 1 (Q1)
each measure of position? - Lower quartile
- 25% of the data has a value ≤
Q1. It divides the lower half of
a data set in half.
- 2.5th Decile

Quartile 2 (Q2)
- Median
- The median divides the data se
in half. 50% of the data vales
fall below the median and 50%
fall above.
- 5th Decile
Quartile 3 (Q3)
- Upper Quartile
- At most, 25% of the data is
larger than Q3. 75% of the data
is smaller than Q3. It divides
the upper half of the data set in
- 7.5th Decile

Read and understand each of the
situations given below. Make your
interpretations on a ½ crosswise.
1. The first quartile of 380 Grade 11 Answer:
students is 15 years old. What 1. Possible Answers:
- Seventy-five percent (75%) of
does it mean?
the students are 15 years and
2. In 80-item test, the passing mark
is the third quartile. What does it above.
- Twenty-five percent (25%) of
3. Shobbie scored at the 99th
the students age below 15
percentile on a National years old.
2. The students should answer at least
Achievement Test? How should
we interpret this information? 60 items correctly to pass the test.
4. Meagan took a college entrance
3. Shobbie scored better than 99% of
test in Guimaras State University. the students who took the National
Her score belongs to the 9th Achievement Test
decile. Should Meagan be pleased 4. Yes, because her score is above to
with her score? Why? the usual passing rate which is
5. Adam is a casual employee in the
Provincial Capitol. His salary 5. Yes, because 70% of the
belongs to the 70th percentile. employee receive less than or
Should Adam be glad with his equal to Adam’s salary.
salary? Why?

Study about solving problems involving measures of position.

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