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Valeria Moreno Ruan

Class: 3.4 Speaking and
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Date: 12/10/2023 Week: 1 writing, modal verbs:
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: This lesson plan will focus on the use

of modal verbs of permission and the situations in which
Level: B2 Length: 50 Minutes they apply. Modal verbs of permission, such as "can,"
"may," and "could," are used to request or grant
permission in various contexts.
Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims.
Main: Understanding how to use modal verbs for permission is crucial for effective
communication in various situations.
Subsidiary: Learning when and how to use these modal verbs is important for clear and
respectful communication.

Outcomes for students:

Students will be able to proficiently employ modal verbs of permission, including "can,"
"may," and "could," to effectively follow, grant, and differentiate between permissions in
diverse contexts, fostering clear and culturally aware communication.

Anticipated problems:
Due to being a short topic, try to canalize the energy in the following way: first minutes in
grammar and the rest of the class apply activities.

Team objectives:
Guide students in developing a deep understanding of modal verbs of permission,
enabling them to use these linguistic tools effectively for clear and culturally sensitive
communication in real-life scenarios.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



A brief explanation will be made about the

topic programmed in class, which is "modal
verb", with the purpose of introducing -Keyboard: to explain the first topic.
students to the knowledge of the topic. Once -Digital exercise: to practice in a
WARM UP the explanation is finished, a concise and keyboard the theory of warm up.
concrete practice activity will be applied to
provide feedback, the first part of the class.
The grammatical structure in sentences and
questions related to the topic will be
explained. Furthermore, the differences -Table of levels of modal verbs:
between each modal will be mentioned, permission from the digital book.
considering the levels of formality, and even -Keyboard and markets.
addressing various cases in the
student's reality.
There will be three activities to reinforce the
previously mentioned topics.
The first activity will consist of 8 questions
where students have to complete the
question depending on the context. Using
the “making request” Students will write their
Screen presentation.
answers on the board with a market so they 25
Markers to students can participate in
can participate in class. minutes.
the board.
PRACTICE The second activity will be to complete the
emails shown on the board, where they will
implement formal and informal greetings and
farewells in an email.
In the third activity, they will write a short
email using formal and informal modals.


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Class: 5.1 Shopping and
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Date: 19/10/2023 Week: 2
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: This lesson plan will focus on the use of

adverbs of frequency and can, can’t, could y couldn’t and
Level: B2 Length: 25 Minutes the situations in which they apply. Modal verbs of
permission, such as "can," "may," and "could," are used to
request or grant permission in various contexts.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

 Vocabulary: Introduce and reinforce clothing and shopping-related vocabulary.

 Adverbs of Frequency: Familiarize students with the use and placement of
adverbs such as always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, and never.
 Modal Verbs: Practice the use of “can, can’t, could, couldn’t” in the context of
shopping scenarios.
Outcomes for students:

Students should be able to accurately identify and use a variety of clothing and
shopping-related vocabulary in both spoken and written contexts.

Students should be able to correctly use “can, can’t, could, couldn’t” in the context of
shopping scenarios, expressing abilities, possibilities, and limitations.

Anticipated problems:

Being aware of these potential challenges allows the teacher to proactively address
them during the lesson, creating a more supportive and effective learning environment.

Personal objectives:

Guide students in developing a deep understanding of modal verbs , enabling them to

use these linguistic tools effectively for clear and culturally sensitive communication in
real-life scenarios.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Begin with a brief discussion about shopping

habits, asking students questions like “How
often do you go shopping?” or “What is your -Whiteboard: to explain the first topic.
favorite type of clothing?” -Digital exercise: to practice in a
Introduce a short video clip or images keyboard the theory of warm up.
related to fashion and shopping to engage
Introduce key vocabulary related to clothes
and shopping. Display images and discuss
the names of different clothing items and
PRESENTATION types of stores. 8
-Whiteboard and markets.
Provide examples of adverbs of frequency minutes.
(always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,
never) and discuss their placement in
Conduct a pair or small group activity where
students create sentences using the new
vocabulary and adverbs of frequency. For
example, “I always buy shoes online, but I
Screen presentation.
rarely shop for shirts.” 10
Markers to students can participate in
Use role-play scenarios for shopping minutes.
the board.
situations, incorporating the use of “can,
can’t, could, couldn’t.” For instance, “I
couldn’t find my size, so I asked if they could
check in the back.”

Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Class: 5.2 What is he
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Date: 19/10/2023 Week: 2
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: This lesson plan will focus on the use of

adverbs of frequency and can, can’t, could y couldn’t and
Level: B2 Length: 25 Minutes the situations in which they apply. Modal verbs of
permission, such as "can," "may," and "could," are used to
request or grant permission in various contexts.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

 Language Objectives:
Introduce and reinforce clothing and shopping-related vocabulary.

Practice the use of present continuous, past continuous, and present simple tenses in

 Communication Objectives:
Develop students’ ability to express preferences, habits, and experiences related to
clothing and shopping.

Outcomes for students:

Vocabulary Mastery: Accurately use a variety of clothing and shopping-related


Improved Speaking Skills: Confidence in expressing opinions, preferences, and

experiences related to clothes and shopping.

Anticipated problems:

Vocabulary Retention: Implement regular reinforcement to address potential challenges

in retaining new vocabulary.

Tense Confusion: Provide clear explanations and varied practice opportunities to ensure
students understand and apply the different verb tenses effectively.

Personal objectives:

Assist students in acquiring a thorough comprehension of modal verbs, empowering

them to proficiently employ these language tools for articulate and culturally aware
communication in practical situations.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Engage students with a clothing-related

icebreaker. Ask each student to describe
what they are wearing using detailed -Whiteboard: to explain the first topic.
vocabulary. -Digital exercise: to practice in a
Encourage open discussion about clothing keyboard the theory of warm up.
preferences and shopping habits to activate
prior knowledge.
Introduce clothing and shopping vocabulary
through images and discussions. Highlight
different types of clothing, accessories, and
PRESENTATION shopping environments. 8
-Whiteboard and markets.
Explain the usage of present continuous, minutes.
past continuous, and present simple tenses
in the context of clothing and shopping
PRACTICE Activity 1 - Present Continuous: 10 Screen presentation.
Provide sentences or prompts in the present minutes. Markers to students can participate in
continuous tense related to shopping and the board.
clothing. For example, “I am trying on a new
jacket.” Students discuss these sentences
and create their own using present
Activity 2 - Past Continuous:
Share a short narrative about a shopping
experience in the past. Identify past
continuous tense sentences together. Then,
have students create sentences about their
past shopping experiences using the same
Activity 3 - Present Simple:
Discuss routine shopping habits using
present simple tense. For example, “I always
buy my shoes from that store.” Encourage
students to share their own habits and
preferences using present simple.


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 5.3 Vocabulary and
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 3
26/10/2023 skills development.
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: The described lesson plan aligns with

Length: 25 characteristics of an interactive and communicative English as a
Level: B2
Minutes Second Language (ESL) class. This type of class prioritizes
practical language application and skill development.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

 Language Objectives:
Develop vocabulary related to similar vowel sounds, adjectives, adverbs, and irregular

Enhance pronunciation skills, focusing on similar vowel sounds.

Practice forming adverbs from adjectives.

 Communication Objectives:
Improve speaking skills by incorporating adjectives, adverbs, and irregular verbs into

Develop the ability to express actions with precision using adverbs of manner.

Outcomes for students:

Vocabulary Mastery: Accurately use a variety of clothing and shopping-related


Improved Speaking Skills: Confidence in expressing opinions, preferences, and

experiences related to clothes and shopping.

Anticipated problems:

Vocabulary Retention: Implement regular reinforcement to address potential challenges

in retaining new vocabulary.

Tense Confusion: Provide clear explanations and varied practice opportunities to ensure
students understand and apply the different verb tenses effectively.

Personal objectives:

Assist students in acquiring a thorough comprehension of modal verbs, empowering

them to proficiently employ these language tools for articulate and culturally aware
communication in practical situations.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



WARM UP Engage students with a clothing-related 5 -Whiteboard: to explain the first topic.
icebreaker. Ask each student to describe what
they are wearing using detailed vocabulary.
-Digital exercise: to practice in a
Encourage open discussion about clothing minutes.
keyboard the theory of warm up.
preferences and shopping habits to activate
prior knowledge.
Introduce clothing and shopping vocabulary
through images and discussions. Highlight
different types of clothing, accessories, and
shopping environments. -Whiteboard and markets.
Explain the usage of present continuous, past
continuous, and present simple tenses in the
context of clothing and shopping experiences.
Activity 1 - Present Continuous:
Provide sentences or prompts in the present
continuous tense related to shopping and
PRACTICE clothing. For example, “I am trying on a new
jacket.” Students discuss these sentences and
create their own using present continuous.
Activity 2 - Past Continuous:
Share a short narrative about a shopping
Screen presentation.
experience in the past. Identify past continuous 10
Markers to students can participate in
tense sentences together. Then, have students minutes.
the board.
create sentences about their past shopping
experiences using the same tense.
Activity 3 - Present Simple:
Discuss routine shopping habits using present
simple tense. For example, “I always buy my
shoes from that store.” Encourage students to
share their own habits and preferences using
present simple.


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 5.4 Speaking and
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 3
26/10/2023 writing.
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: Enhance students' communicative skills by

Length: 25
Level: B2 focusing on the practical application of shopping vocabulary in both
spoken and written forms.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

Engage students with a brief discussion on the importance of effective communication in

shopping scenarios.

Introduce key shopping-related vocabulary and phrases.

Outcomes for students:

Develop proficiency in utilizing shopping vocabulary in spoken and written


Gain confidence in engaging in real-life shopping scenarios, both orally and in writing.

Anticipated problems:

Potential difficulty in pronunciation and usage of new vocabulary.

Varied levels of comfort with speaking and writing skills among students.

Challenges in effectively conveying ideas in writing.

Personal objectives:

Foster a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Tailor feedback to individual student needs.

Encourage students to actively engage in the learning process and support each other in
their language development.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Brief discussion on personal shopping 5

WARM UP experiences. Introduce key shopping None (discussion-based)
vocabulary. minutes.

Display shopping vocabulary, pronounce each

10 Whiteboard/Screen, Visual aids, List
PRESENTATION word, provide examples, and discuss nuances.
minutes. of vocabulary
Use visual aids.

Divide class into pairs/groups, assign shopping
scenarios, and have students engage in role-
Scenario cards, Whiteboard/Screen
play. Circulate for guidance.
7 for instructions
Transition to a short writing exercise. Ask minutes. Writing materials, Whiteboard/Screen
students to write a dialogue or paragraph using
for instructions
shopping vocabulary. Discuss selected


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 6.1 Don’t give up!:
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 4
02/11/2023 past simple of to be.
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: The lesson would focus on motivating students not

Length: 25 to give up as they explore and understand the past simple forms of
Level: B2
Minutes the verb "to be" (was and were), fostering a positive and resilient
learning environment in English.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

Introduce and reinforce the past simple forms of "to be" (was and were).

Foster a positive and encouraging atmosphere, promoting the message "Don't Give Up!"
in the face of language challenges.

Outcomes for students:

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the past simple forms of "to be."

Apply correct usage of "was" and "were" in spoken and written contexts.

Cultivate a resilient mindset towards language learning.

Anticipated problems:

Potential confusion between "was" and "were."

Difficulty recognizing irregularities in past simple forms.

Varied levels of familiarity with English grammar concepts.

Personal objectives:

Create an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Provide personalized feedback to address individual challenges.

Instill a growth mindset, encouraging persistence and enthusiasm for learning.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Quick Reflection: Students share personal

achievements or challenges briefly. 3 None.
Word Association Game: Word association minutes. Whiteboard/Markers.
related to "was" and "were" on the board.

Introduction: Briefly introduce past simple tense

with "to be" (was and were).
Visual Aid: Display chart/visual aid for past 10
PRESENTATION Visual aids, Whiteboard/Markers.
simple forms. minutes.
Example Sentences: Provide clear examples of
"was" and "were" usage.


Interactive Drill: Students form sentences using

"was" and "were" in response to prompts. Prompts, Whiteboard/Markers.

Role-Playing Activity: Students create dialogues 12 Scenario cards, Whiteboard/Markers.

using "was" and "were" for past events. minutes.
Exercise sheets,
Error Correction Exercise: Identify and correct Whiteboard/Markers.
errors in sentences related to "was" and "were."

Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 6.2 Stories: past
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 4
02/11/2023 simple (regular verbs).
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: The lesson focuses on exploring past simple tense

Length: 25 with regular verbs through storytelling. Students will create short
Level: B2
Minutes stories, enhancing language proficiency while incorporating regular
verbs in the past simple.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, Classroom teacher
aged between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza comments
y Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

Introduce and reinforce the use of past simple tense with regular verbs in storytelling.

Enhance students' narrative skills through engaging storytelling exercises.

Outcomes for students:

Demonstrate a clear understanding of forming past simple tense with regular verbs.

Apply the correct usage of regular verbs in past simple sentences within a storytelling

Develop storytelling proficiency, incorporating past simple tense seamlessly.

Anticipated problems:

Possible confusion in recognizing regular verbs and their past simple forms.

Varied levels of creativity and language expression among students.

The need to balance accuracy with fluency in storytelling.

Personal objectives:

Foster a creative and encouraging atmosphere for storytelling.

Provide constructive feedback to enhance both grammatical accuracy and expressive


Encourage collaboration and peer support during storytelling activities.

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Discussion questions: Initiate an informal 3 Whiteboard or digital presentation,

WARM UP conversation about past experiences to activate
minutes. images or cards with words.
the use of past simple.

12 Whiteboard or digital presentation,

Use contextual and visual examples to reinforce
PRESENTATION clear examples of regular verbs in
the concept. minutes. past simple.


Practical exercises in small groups to identify

and form sentences with regular verbs in past 15 Worksheets, whiteboards, or paper
simple. minutes. for group activities.
Pronunciation drills focusing on selected verbs.

Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra

Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 6.3 Vocabulary
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 5
09/11/2023 and skills development.
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: Expand students' vocabulary. Improve

Level: B2 Length: 25 Minutes listening and reading comprehension. Strengthen oral and
written expression skills.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, aged Classroom teacher
between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza y comments
Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

 Vocabulary Expansion:
Introduce and reinforce a set of new vocabulary words related to a specific theme or

Enhance students' ability to understand, recognize, and use these words in various
language situations.

 Listening Skills:
Develop listening skills through exposure to authentic spoken English.

Practice understanding vocabulary in context through audio materials.

 Speaking Skills:
Encourage students to articulate and use the newly acquired vocabulary in spoken

Promote fluency and confidence in expressing ideas using the learned words.

Outcomes for students:

Students will demonstrate an expanded and more nuanced vocabulary related to the
specific theme or context covered in the lesson.

They will be able to use new words accurately and appropriately in both spoken and written

Improved ability to comprehend and interpret spoken English, especially in contexts where
the newly learned vocabulary is utilized.

Anticipated problems:

Being aware of these potential challenges allows the teacher to proactively address them
during the lesson, creating a more supportive and effective learning environment.

Personal objectives:

Team members collaborate to design a cohesive and dynamic curriculum that integrates
vocabulary and skills development seamlessly.

Ensure alignment with educational standards and the institution's language learning

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



WARM UP Activate prior knowledge and engage 5 -Whiteboard: to explain the first topic.
students in thinking about related
vocabulary. minutes. -Digital exercise: to practice in a
keyboard the theory of warm up.
Begin by writing a common English word
related to the upcoming lesson theme on the
board or screen. For example, if the theme
is "travel," you might start with the word

Ask the students to take turns coming up

with words that are associated with the initial
word. They can say the word out loud, and
you can write it on the board.

Definition of vocabulary and its role in

language proficiency.

Connection between an extensive 8

PRESENTATION -Whiteboard and markets.
vocabulary and effective communication. minutes.
Impact on language comprehension,
expression, and cultural understanding.

Divide the class into small groups of 3-5


PRACTICE Assign each group a story prompt.

Instruct the groups to collaboratively create

a short story that incorporates the Whiteboard or flip chart
vocabulary words introduced in the lesson.
10 Markers
Encourage creativity and originality in their
minutes. Story prompts (prepared in advance or
generated on the spot)
While working on their stories, ask each
group to identify and underline the
vocabulary words they use.

Emphasize the correct usage and context of

these words in their narratives.


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra


Valeria Moreno Ruan

Date: Class: 6.4 Speaking and
Yazmin Alejandra Medina Tovar Week: 5
09/11/2023 writing.
Adalberto Hernández Salazar

Type of lesson: Expand students' vocabulary. Improve

Level: B2 Length: 25 Minutes listening and reading comprehension. Strengthen oral and
written expression skills.

Class profile: A participative group, approximately 30 students. First-year students, aged Classroom teacher
between 19-22, aspiring to pursue a degree in Linguistica Aplicada de Enseñanza y comments
Traducción del Inglés.

Lesson aims:

Enhance students' ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in spoken form.
Focus on fluency, pronunciation, and effective verbal communication.
Improve students' writing skills, emphasizing organization, clarity, and effective use of
Enhance understanding of various writing structures and genres.
Outcomes for students:

Students will demonstrate improved ability to articulate ideas clearly and coherently in
spoken form.
Increased fluency, effective pronunciation, and confidence in verbal communication.
Improved writing skills, including organization, clarity, and the application of diverse
language structures.
Ability to convey ideas effectively in writing across different genres.
Students will demonstrate the ability to transfer ideas seamlessly between spoken and
written forms.
Increased awareness of how language skills complement and enhance each other.
Anticipated problems:

Problem: Some students may struggle with a limited vocabulary, impacting both their
spoken and written expression.

Solution: Incorporate vocabulary-building activities and provide a word bank to support

diverse language use.

Problem: Students might lack confidence in expressing themselves verbally or in writing,

leading to hesitancy and self-doubt.

Solution: Create a supportive environment, encourage positive reinforcement, and provide

opportunities for gradual skill-building to boost confidence.

Personal objectives:

Team members collaborate to design a cohesive and dynamic curriculum that integrates
vocabulary and skills development seamlessly.

Ensure alignment with educational standards and the institution's language learning

Coursebook (APA 7th Ed. Reference)

Hughes, J., Wood, K. (2016) Navigate A2 Elementary. Oxford.



Activate prior knowledge and engage students in

thinking about related vocabulary.

Begin by writing a common English word related to the -Whiteboard: to explain the first
upcoming lesson theme on the board or screen. For topic.
WARM UP example, if the theme is "travel," you might start with -Digital exercise: to practice in
the word "adventure." minutes.
a keyboard the theory of warm
Ask the students to take turns coming up with words up.
that are associated with the initial word. They can say
the word out loud, and you can write it on the board.

Definition of vocabulary and its role in language


Connection between an extensive vocabulary and 8

PRESENTATION -Whiteboard and markets.
effective communication. minutes.
Impact on language comprehension, expression, and
cultural understanding.

Divide the class into small groups of 3-5 students.

Assign each group a story prompt.

Instruct the groups to collaboratively create a short Whiteboard or flip chart

story that incorporates the vocabulary words
introduced in the lesson. 10 Markers

Encourage creativity and originality in their narratives. minutes. Story prompts (prepared in
advance or generated on the
While working on their stories, ask each group to spot)
identify and underline the vocabulary words they use.

Emphasize the correct usage and context of these

words in their narratives.


Mtra. Lorena Beatriz Cavazos Guerra

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