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Biology for MS Final Exam 13122020

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Answer the following questions

During DNA replication the enzyme DNA polymerases can easily initiate 1 point

the synthesis of a polynucleotide. *



Steroid-secreting cells are characterized by abundant of * 2 points

Smoot h endoplasmic ret iculum

Rough endoplasmic ret iculum



What is the role of tRNA during translation? * 2 points

Bond t o t he DNA st rand t o carry t he prot ein

Break mRNA and send it back t o t he nucleus

Carry ribosomes t o t he sit e of prot ein synt hesis

Carry amino acids t o t he mRNA for correct placement int o t he prot ein chain
Match the following based of the image * 3 points

CO2 FAD+ NAD+ Acet yl CoA G3P

During the elongation stage of translation the initiator tRNA binds to the 1 point
start codon *


The leading strand requires only one primer and DNA synthesis in this 1 point

strand is discontinuous. *



How many nucleotides are needed to code for a protein with 300 amino 2 points
acids? *





The organelle responsible for synthesis of fatty acids and steroids is 1 point
rough endoplasmic reticulum *



Which of the following components is not required for the elongation 2 points
stage of DNA replication? *

Origin of replicat ion

Primase enzyme

Ligase enzyme

DNA polymerase enzyme.

The mode of DNA replication in Eukaryotes is: * 2 points

Semiconservat ive and bidirect ional

Semiconservat ive and unidirect ional

Conservat ive and bidirect ional

Conservat ive and unidirect ional

What is the function of the release factor (RF)? * 2 points

It binds t o t he st op codon and t erminat es t ranslat ion.

It separat es t RNA from t he growing polypept ide.

It binds t o t he small ribosomal sububit

It binds t o t he st art codon and t erminat es t ranslat ion

Match the following based of the image * 3 points


Which of the following statements is not true about the Golgi bodies? * 2 points

It is locat ed near t he nucleus

Is t he sit e of a prot ein synt hesis

It helps in t ransport ing t he part icles t hroughout t he cell.

It is a sac-like organelle
Which of the following statements about DNA replication in prokaryotes 2 points
is correct *

Takes place in t he nucleus

RNA polymerase is required for replicat ion

T he t elomeres get short er

T here is only one origin of replicat ion

Glycolysis is the first step in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration * 1 point



In lactic acid fermentation the final electron acceptor is oxygen. * 1 point



Which of the following is NOT applied to Transcription in Eukaryotes * 2 points

Transcript ion occurs in t he nucleus.

A single RNA polymerase synt hesizes all t ypes of RNA

RNAs are processes in t he nucleus.

Transcript ion is separat ed from t ranslat ion

Which stage of aerobic respiration requires O2? * 2 points

Elect ron t ransport chain

Ferment at ion

Krebs cycle


Name the vesicles transport proteins as indicated in the following image 2 points

Act in Dynein Kinesin Myosin

How does a noncompetitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme 2 points
reaction? *

By decreasing t he act ivat ion energy of t he react ion

By changing t he shape of t he enzyme's act ive sit e

By increasing t he free energy of t he react ion

By binding at t he act ive sit e of t he enzyme

A template strand of DNA in a gene reads ( 3’ CCA AGC TCT 5’ ) Using 2 points
the codon chart provided, what is the sequence of amino acids that is
produced when this gene is translated? *

Ser - Arg - Gly

Ser - Gly - Gly

Gly - Ser - Arg

Gly - Leu - Ser

Which of the following cell organelles is involved in the storage of food, 2 points
and other nutrients, required for a cell to survive? *



Mit ochondria

Cell membrane
Which of the following cell organelles is absent in prokaryotic cells? * 2 points



Endoplasmic Ret iculum

All of t he ment ioned organelles are absent in prokaryot ic cells

Transcription factors mediate the binding of tRNA polymerase and the 1 point
initiation of translation *



Alcoholic fermentation produces: * 2 points

Et hanol only

NADH and Et hanol


Et hanol and CO2

The mechanism of production of ATP shown in the following image is: * 2 points

Phot ophosphorylat ion

Oxidat ive phosphorylat ion

Reduct ion phosphorylat ion

Subst rat e-level phosphorylat ion

A basal body is a protein structure found at the base of cilium or 1 point
flagellum. *



A polyribosome is a group of ribosomes bound to single mRNA molecule. 1 point




Answer the following questions based of the image * 2 points


Leading St rand

Lagging St rand

TATA box is not important in forming transcription initiation complex in 1 point



Which of the following is a double membrane-bound organelle? * 2 points


Endoplasmic Ret iculum


Golgi Apparat us

In Calvin cycle, 1 molecule of glucose is formed from * 2 points

6CO2 + 12AT P

6CO2 + 18AT P + 30NADPH

6CO2 + 18AT P + 12NADPH

6CO2 + 30AT P + 12NADPH

What is the correct order of structural organization of the mRNA * 2 points

5' caps, 3' UT R, coding segment , 5' UT R and poly A t ail

5' caps, 5' UT R, coding segment , 3' UT R and poly A t ail

3' caps, 5' UT R, coding segment , 3' UT R and poly A t ail

Poly A t ail, 5' UT R, coding segment , 3' UT R and 5' caps

Proofreading by DNA polymerase corrects errors during replication. * 1 point


Match the following based of the image * 3 points

Templat e
Coding St rand RNA Polymerase DNA polymerase
St rand

The A site of the ribosome holds the tRNA that carries the next amino 1 point
acid to be added to the chain *



The enzymes for glycolysis are located * 2 points

in t he cyt oplasm

on t he inner membrane of t he mit ochondrion

on t he inner surface of t he cell membrane

on t he out er membrane of t he chloroplast

Answer the following questions based of the image * 3 points

Int egrins Act in Collagen Myosin Fibronect in

Match the following based of the image * 3 points


Secret ory vesicles

Cis face

Trans face

During DNA replication the two strands of DNA are kept separated by 2 points
the action of *

DNA polymerase.

Single-st rand binding prot eins.

DNA ligase.

T he enzyme helicases.
Which of the following correctly pairs the DNA replication enzyme with 2 points
its function? *

DNA helicase join gaps bet ween DNA fragment s

DNA ligases unwind t he DNA

Topoisomerase correct s “overwinding” in front of t he replicat ion fork

DNA polymerase synt hesizes short RNA primers

As protons flow through the ______, energy is released and exploited to 2 points
combine ADP and inorganic phosphate to form ATP. *

Elect ron t ransport chain

AT P synt hase

Out er mit ochondrial membrane

Krebs cycle

Which of the following is NOT necessary for transcription to occur? * 2 points

St art codon

RNA polymerase

DNA molecule

Transcript ion fact ors

If one glucose molecule is completely broken down to water and carbon 1 point
dioxide, then the number of CO2 produced in the Krebs cycle is equal to



The following image shows: * 1 point

Animal cell

Bact erial cell

Plant cell

RNA splicing removes introns and joins exons * 1 point



Competitive inhibition blocking of enzyme action by blocking its active 1 point

sites *


Which of the following is true about cyclic photosynthesis * 2 points

It t akes place t o produce AT P

Cyclic elect ron flow uses only Phot osyst em II and Phot osyst em I

Cyclic elect ron flow uses only Phot osyst em II

It t akes place under t he environment al st ress like dryness

The net product of total oxidation of one glucose molecule to acetyl 2 points
CoA is: *

4 AT Ps + 6 NADH.

2 AT P + 1 NADH.

2 AT P + 4 NADH.

2 AT P + 3NADH.

The motor protein that is associated with muscle contraction is called 1 point
myosin *



The DNA chain acting as template for RNA synthesis has the following 2 points
order of bases, AGCTTCGA. What will be the order of bases in mRNA? *




CO2 enters the plant and O2 exits through microscopic pores called tight 1 point

junction *



Cleavage of Fructose 1, 6-biophosphate yields * 2 points

T wo aldoses

Only a ket ose

An aldose and a ket ose

T wo ket oses

DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase are necessary for gene expression 1 point
to occur. *



Most ATP produced in aerobic respiration occurs in the process of: * 2 points


Format ion of acet yl-CoA

Krebs cycle

Which of the following molecules is the most efficient form of stored 2 points
energy? *

Prot eins



Fat s

The two ribosomal subunits (large and small) are made of proteins and 1 point
tRNA *



Telomeres do not prevent the shortening of DNA. * 1 point



Zinc, an essential trace element for most organisms, is present in the 2 points
active site of the enzyme carboxypeptidase. The zinc most likely
functions as a(n) *

Cofact or

Allost eric act ivat or

Noncompet it ive inhibit or

Compet it ive inhibit or

The light dependent reaction takes place in? * 2 points


Endoplasmic ret iculum

St roma

Cyt oplasm

Match the following based of the image * 3 points

Large Small
St op codon ribosomal St art codon ribosomal
fact or
subunit subunit

Which of the following occurs in both photosynthesis and respiration? * 2 points

AT P product ion

Elect ron gradient

Sugar product ion

Ferment at ion
All of the following are involved in forming the translation initiation 2 points
complex: except: *

T he st op codon

T he init iat or t RNA carrying met hionine,

T he small ribosomal subunit

T he mRNA.

Answer the following questions based of the image * 3 points

Gyrase Primase Helicase Ligase

The Cap region facilitate the export of mRNA from nucleolus to 1 point
cytoplasm *


Which of the following is a type of mRNA processing in prokaryotes? * 2 points

T he addit ion of a 5' “cap”

T he addit ion of a poly-A t ail

T he splicing of int rons

All of t he ment ioned are t ype of processing in prokaryot es?

Prokaryot ic does not preform mRNA processing

Which of the following proteins are abundant in the extracellular matrix? 2 points

Act in




For the synthesis of one glucose by photosynthesis , Calvin cycle must 1 point
take place three times, fixing 3 molecules of CO2 *



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