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Rights and Responsibilities

If you received bene ts to which you were not entitled, you will have to pay DFR back. If you do not repay, DFR can intercept your tax refunds, Social Security or turn the claim over to a collection agency.
Simpli ed Reporting rules require that you report when your income exceeds 130% of the federal poverty level by the 10th of the month following the change. The income limit for your assistance group is
indicated on your approval notice. (For instance: assistance group of one, income limit is $1473. In November, you got a raise at work and now your income is $1500 per month. This must be reported by Dec.
10 to avoid a bene t overpayment, which you would be required to pay back.)
Once a year in the middle of your certi cation period, we will need to update your case. You will be mailed an interim report in the 5th month of your certi cation period (NOTE TO WORKER: state 11th
month instead of 5th month if 24-month certi cation). You must return a complete report which means all questions are answered, form must be signed, and you must provide any veri cations that might
be required (such as a veri cation of a change in income or address) and return by the due date or it is considered incomplete and your SNAP bene ts could end. If you need assistance in completing this
report, please call DFR before the deadline at 1-800-403-0864.
If an individual voluntarily quits a job of 30 or more hours per week, or voluntarily reduces work hours to less than 30 per week, without good cause or is terminated from a job for disciplinary reasons, it may
a ect your eligibility or the amount of bene ts you receive.
You are required to report when you receive substantial lottery or gambling winnings. Substantial winnings would be equal to or greater than $4250 before taxes or other amounts are withheld. These
winnings must be reported within 10 days of the end of the month in which the winnings were received.

If there is an Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) in the Assistance Group:

ABAWDs who are employed are required to report when their employment hours decrease below 80 per month. The decrease must be reported by the 10th of the month following the change.(For instance,
hours dropped from 80 to 75 in November, change must be reported to DFR by December 10).

Indiana Family and Social Services Administration

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