Gleadall Et Al. 2024 Towards Global Traceability For Sustainable Cephalopod Seafood

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Marine Biology (2024) 171:44


Towards global traceability for sustainable cephalopod seafood

Ian G. Gleadall1 · Hassan Moustahfid2 · Warwick H. H. Sauer3 · Lahsen Ababouch4 ·
Alexander I. Arkhipkin5,21 · Jilali Bensbai6 · Isa Elegbede7 · Abdelmalek Faraj6 · Pedro Ferreiro‑Velasco8 ·
Roberto González‑Gómez9 · Carmen González‑Vallés8 · Unai Markaida10 · Piedad S. Morillo‑Velarde9 ·
Graham J. Pierce11 · Stacy Pirro12 · Cristina Pita13 · Katina Roumbedakis14 · Yasunori Sakurai15 ·
David Scheel16 · Paul W. Shaw17 · Pedro Veiga8,18 · Demian A. Willette19 · Andreas Winter5 ·
Tadanori Yamaguchi20

Received: 14 February 2023 / Accepted: 7 September 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Cephalopods are harvested in increasingly large quantities but understanding how to control and manage their stocks, and
tracking the routes of the consumption that exploits them, lag behind what has been developed for exploiting finfish. This
review attempts to redress the imbalance by considering the status of the major cephalopod stock species and the traceability
of cephalopod seafood along the trade value chain. It begins with a general overview of the most important exploited cepha-
lopods, their stock status and their market. Four major cephalopod resources are identified: the three squid species Todarodes
pacificus, Dosidicus gigas and Illex argentinus; and one species of octopus, Octopus vulgaris. The techniques and problems of
stock assessment (to assess sustainability) are reviewed briefly and the problems and possible solutions for assessing benthic
stock such as those of octopuses are considered. An example of a stock well managed in the long term is presented to illustrate
the value of careful monitoring and management: the squid Doryteuthis gahi available in Falkland Islands waters. Issues sur-
rounding identification, mislabelling and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing are then reviewed, followed by a
discussion of approaches and techniques of traceability as applied to cephalopods. Finally, some of the mobile apps currently
available and in development for tracking seafood are compared. This review concludes with observations on the necessity
for the strengthening and international coordination of legislation, and more rigorous standards for seafood labelling and for
taxonomic curation of DNA sequences available in public databases for use in seafood identification.

Keywords Barcoding · eDNA · Fisheries management · Genomics · IUU fishing · Machine learning · Metabarcoding ·
Stock assessment · Traceability app · Octopus · Squid · Amphioctopus · Doryteuthis gahi · Dosidicus gigas · Illex
argentinus · Octopus vulgaris · Todarodes pacificus

This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr Yuri M. Froerman,

who died on 9 March, 2023. Active particularly in the 1970s
and 1980s at AtlantNIRO, Kaliningrad, he was an outstanding
researcher, working his way up from technician to become Head
of the Laboratory of Commercial Invertebrates. In the mid-
1970s, he formulated a working hypothesis concerning the life
cycle of the squid Illex illecebrosus in the Northwest Atlantic,
overcoming many difficulties to organize expeditions to study the
ecology of the early stages of the development of this species,
brilliantly verifying his hypothesis. In the 1980s, he made great
contributions to studies on the population ecology of Illex
argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic, and the fishery ecology of
Dosidicus gigas in the Costa Rica Dome area. As Chief Scientist
of a research cruise in 1988, he identified dense concentrations
of D. gigas and organized the Soviet Jumbo Squid Trawl Fishery
in this area in 1989–1991. Unfortunately, he had to retire from
cephalopod research in 1992.

Responsible Editor: R. Rosa.

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Introduction: sustainability and traceability to one-step forward or one-step backward in the chain. ‘Trac-
ing’ involves searching the previous (upstream) history of
Seafood is the world’s most highly traded food commodity the product origin, and ‘tracking’ the subsequent (down-
(Asche et al. 2015) and globalization of food supplies now stream) history after the product has been shipped onwards
brings a much wider variety of seafood to the table than (e.g., Food Standards Australia New Zealand 2017; Future
in the past. However, it is also among the foodstuffs most of Fish 2020). Traceability requires proper documentation
prone to illegal practices, since, after oil, it is the second and record keeping, along with proper handling protocols
most common food product affected by fraud (Guardone during receiving, processing and shipping, to ensure that
et al. 2017). The importance of the sustainable production the product can be tracked accurately (FishWise 2018).
of seafood is therefore coming under scrutiny during the cur- Ultimately, end-to-end traceability also implies that a con-
rent UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Develop- sumer unit of seafood at a restaurant or retailer can be traced
ment, from 2021 to 2030, which is focussing attention onto throughout the supply chain back to its point of harvest by a
a number of key challenges facing humanity (UN General vessel or on a fish farm.
Assembly 2015). While there have been some major changes The principles involved parallel those of food safety
in learning how to ensure seafood sustainability, relatively embodied in the Hygiene Analysis and Critical Control
little attention has been focussed on cephalopods (i.e., squid, Points (HACCP) system, a concept whereby the origin of
octopus and cuttlefish), although they are the third largest food is tracked through each consecutive transaction, so that,
marine group consumed by the human population (the larg- in the event of a food safety compromise, the source of the
est two being finfish and crustaceans). A major requirement problem can be determined quickly and efficiently (by trac-
to achieve sustainability is to ensure that seafood can be ing back up the chain), allowing it to be remedied with a
tracked reliably through the sales chain from catch to con- minimum of delay (devised originally to provide safe food
sumer, fisher to fork (e.g., Gleadall et al. 2022; GDST 2023; for astronauts on the Apollo Space Program; e.g., Mortimore
SALT 2023; for these and other abbreviations, see Table 1). and Wallace 2013). One aim of seafood traceability is to
This review was motivated by the recognition that (i) prevent harm to the resource by ensuring that the ultimate
there is currently insufficient information available on the sources are legitimate and involve fishers and other con-
issues of traceability and sustainability as applied to cepha- tributors who abide by internationally agreed regulations
lopods, and (ii) one way to address and solve these problems put in place to ensure the sustainability of seafood resources
is through the collaborative efforts of experts from various (Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) 2023;
parts of the world, many of whom attended the most recent Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT)
CIAC meeting in Sesimbra, Portugal, in April 2022. That 2023).
meeting was therefore a timely opportunity to begin this While traceability itself is a key action, it is important to
collaboration. place it in context when applied to the seafood value chain.
Information on many aspects of cephalopods is insuffi- The ultimate aim is to use traceability to monitor the extrac-
cient and there are signs of instability in annual catches of tion of seafood from each provenance to ensure that the
some key species of interest (Arkhipkin et al. 2015a; Sauer resource is not over-exploited and to inform resource stock
et al. 2021), suggesting that current fishing practices prob- assessment to guide appropriate management strategies and
ably are not sustainable. With this realization, the aims of enable harvesting to be maintained indefinitely, which is the
this review are to draw attention to and address the root meaning of ‘sustainable’. To verify the status of traceability,
issues as a step towards achieving reliable, effective and then, it is necessary to understand the status of the resource
meaningful traceability of cephalopods, a prerequisite for itself and the effectiveness of stock assessment and fisheries
reliable, effective and meaningful monitoring and regulation management into which the traceability data are to be fed to
of sustainable production (Nielsen 2016; Lewis and Boyle realize sustainability. For stock assessment, species identi-
2017; Boero 2021a, b). These root issues include an under- fication (ID) is crucial: misidentification compromises stock
standing of regulation and certification, (mis)identification, assessment, since the assessment may end up being of a spe-
stock assessment and fisheries management. cies different from the actual species of interest. Therefore,
addressing global traceability of cephalopods is intertwined
What is traceability and what are its functions? with issues of (mis)identification, stock assessment and fish-
eries management.
Traceability is defined as the ability to follow the movement Traceability systems vary from simple paper traceabil-
of food through specified stages of production, processing ity records to increasingly common electronic traceability
and distribution (Codex Alimentarius Commission: FAO systems that use electronic means such as computerized
and WHO 2018; ISO 22005 2007). Each stage is confined or cloud-based databases, barcodes, software solutions,
or other tools to capture and record product traceability

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 3 of 46 44

Table 1  Key to abbreviations and acronyms

AI Artificial intelligence
ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game
ANN Artificial Neural Network
BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
BOLD Barcode of Life Database
CDS Catch documentation scheme
CephRes The Association for Cephalopod Research. ETS (a non-profit ‘third sector’ company, ‘Ente del Terzo
Settore’), Naples, Italy
CIAC Cephalopod International Advisory Council
CPUE Catch per unit effort
CV Computer vision
DL Deep learning
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone (as prescribed by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea)
EU European Union
FDA US Food and Drug Administration
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FIP Fishery Improvement Project
FISH-BOL Fish Barcode of Life (incorporated into BOLD)
FoS Friends of the Sea
GDST Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability
GPO Giant Pacific octopus
GSSI Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative
HoReCa Hotel, restaurant and catering
ID Species taxonomic identification
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUU fishing Illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing
MAPMDREF Le Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche Maritime, du Développement Rural et des Eaux et Forêts
(Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, and Waters and Forests)
MCS Monitoring, control, and surveillance
MSC Marine Stewardship Council (international, non-profit; headquartered in London, England)
ML Machine learning
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
NGS Next-generation sequencing
NOAA US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
‘NOAA Fisheries’ (part of NOAA; also known as NMFS, US National Marine Fisheries Service)
NWA Northwest Africa
OLE Office of Law Enforcement (part of NOAA)
PSMA Port State Measures Agreement
RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organization
SALT Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability
SDGs UN Sustainable Development Goals
SFP Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation
SIMP US Seafood Import Monitoring Program
SNPs Single nucleotide polymorphisms
SPRFMO Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
STS Seafood Traceability System
TREMs Trade Restrictive Measures
UN United Nations
US or USA United States of America
WTO World Trade Organization

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information. To be fully interoperable, systems must be Regulation and certification: necessary

able to utilize a common data format (syntactic interop- prerequisites for traceability?
erability) and they must interpret information based on
shared definitions (semantic interoperability) (Future of Seafood traceability has been born out of the realization
Fish 2016). that, for seafood to be sustainable, it is important to regu-
Traceability is especially important in today’s context late its exploitation and demonstrate that it has come from
of increasingly complex supply and distribution systems a properly managed resource. However, guaranteeing that a
as food products pass through multiple hands, in multiple resource is sustainable relies on a complex of certification
countries before reaching the final retail shelf. Robust trace- schemes and regulatory mechanisms. Many of these have
ability and chain-of-custody mechanisms can also prevent yet to be applied effectively to cephalopod seafood but are
fraud, or non-certified products being passed off as certified briefly summarized here to understand what is required to
ones. There are multiple drivers for traceability in the food bring sustainable cephalopod exploitation up to speed. Much
sector generally including mandatory food safety require- of the impetus for seafood regulation has its origin in the
ments, private safety and quality certifications, sustainabil- USA, in view of its reliance on large amounts of imported
ity claims, and business-related drivers such as inventory seafood.
control, promoting efficiencies, and communication along There are several important and influential factors in the
the supply chain. US seafood industry. Regulatory institutions (NOAA Fisher-
In the USA, food safety regulation initially was a major ies and the FDA) aim to ensure that the US consumer can
driver of the development and investment in traceability enjoy safe and sustainable seafood. Through NOAA Fisher-
practices and technologies across most food sectors during ies, the consumer should be secure in the knowledge that,
the past few decades. More recently, various drivers within first, it comes from a sustainable fishery (whether harvested
the seafood sector have proved to be incentives for apply- and processed locally or imported from another country,
ing traceability to issues beyond food safety and inventory either directly or via processing in a third country and re-
management. These include increased media attention on the exported to the USA); and, second, it was fished legally in
legal and social risks within seafood supply chains, govern- full respect of US requirements concerning factors such as
mental traceability requirements, and private-sector sustain- gear, by-catch, discards and transparency. In addition, the
ability commitments. FDA determines whether or not seafood is safe to consume,
Increased media coverage of the environmental, social, being free of infection or intoxication. US importers, proces-
and legal issues associated with seafood has led to sig- sors and retailers are concerned to meet these NOAA Fisher-
nificant shareholder concerns, potential impacts on brand ies and FDA requirements, because the burden of proof is
value, and challenges to the corporate social responsibility on them, so traceability is of paramount importance to their
initiatives of companies. This recent attention has also cre- business.
ated an opportunity for companies with full traceability to The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a leader in
actively promote the many benefits of their products such as seafood eco-labelling and certification, although the organi-
social and fair-trade compliance and engagement in fishery zation Friends of the Sea (FoS) has established its promi-
improvements. Consequently, companies are increasingly nence in southern Europe. The limitations of MSC and FoS
committing to sustainable seafood sourcing policies, and the labelling and certification schemes have become apparent,
challenge is now for those companies to be able to trace the because, despite 20 years of activity, less than 20% of the
origin of their products to ensure that species and attributes seafood traded internationally is certified. As a result, many
of the products are meeting their policies and communicated major seafood firms have started recognizing fisheries that
to the customer accurately. For companies that buy and sell are under a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) as a move
seafood, the lack of product origin information and supply- towards sustainability for sourcing, even though the seafood
chain transparency can pose significant risks. The first step is not yet eco-labelled or certified. Currently, there are six
towards mitigating and eventually eliminating these risks is cephalopod fisheries MSC-certified or in assessment and
to ensure that end to-end, electronic, interoperable traceabil- nine cephalopod fisheries included in FIPs (Table 2). Note,
ity systems are in place throughout the supply chain. This however, that a major problem with fishery certifications is
work is already under way with some companies that are that they may involve only a limited number of fishers and
instituting traceability policies and setting goals, often with producers in a given area and do not include most of the
the assistance of NGOs, government bodies, and technology fishery. An example is the FIP for Mexico Yucatan octopus
companies. However, much more work is needed (Lewis and which includes only part of the total fishing fleet and fish-
Boyle 2017). ing plants. Sometimes, there may be more than one FIP for
the same fishery (note the two different US certified squid
fisheries at the top of Table 2; see footnote a).

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 5 of 46 44

Table 2  Cephalopod fisheries certified or under full assessment by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and included in Fishery Improve-
ment Projects (FIPs) (Information updated from Roumbedakis et al. 2021 and MSC 2023)
Name Type & Status Species Country

Cephalopod Fisheries MSC-Certified or in Assessment

US Northeastern Coast Longfin Inshore Squid Certified Illex illecebrosus US
and Northern Shortfin Squid Bottom Trawl Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii
US Northeast Squid Bottom Trawl Fishery Certified Illex illecebrosus US
Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii
Western Australia octopus Certified Octopus djinda Australia
Western Asturias Octopus Trap Fishery of Certified Octopus vulgaris Spain
Artisanal Cofradias
California Market Squid Producers Alliance In assessment Loligo opalescens US
purse seine fishery
California market squid purse seine fishery In assessment Loligo opalescens US
Cephalopod Fisheries included in FIPs
Chile Patagonian red octopus—hookah Basic, Active Enteroctopus megalocyathus Chile
Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Timur Day Basic, Active Octopus cyanea Indonesia
octopus—diver-caught, gleaning, hand
gathered, handline, jig & spear
Mexico Bahia de Los Angeles octopus—trap/ Basic, Active Octopus bimaculatus Mexico
diver-caught/hand gathered Octopus hubbsorum
Southwest Atlantic Argentine shortfin squid— Basic, Active Illex argentinus Falkland Islands
jig (TSSFA)
Mexico Yucatan octopus—drift rod and line Comprehensive, Active Octopus maya Mexico
Octopus americanus
Southwest Madagascar octopus—diving & Comprehensive, Active Octopus cyanea Madagascar
Peru jumbo flying squid—jig Comprehensive, Active Dosidicus gigas Peru
Indonesia North Sumatra squid—handline Comprehensive, Active Uroteuthis chinensis Indonesia
India Kerala shrimp and cephalopods—trawl Comprehensive, Active Amphioctopus neglectus India
Uroteuthis duvauceli
Sepia pharaonis
Argentina shortfin squid—jig Prospective Illex argentinus Argentina
Shantou-Taiwan Chinese common squid and Basic, ­InactiveA Uroteuthis chinensis China
short arm octopus—jig/trawl Amphioctopus fangsiaob
Shantou-Taiwan shortarm octopus—jig Basic, ­InactiveB Amphioctopus fangsiaob Taiwan
Mexico Gulf of California jumbo squid—jig Comprehensive, ­InactiveC Dosidicus gigas Mexico
East China Sea and Yellow Sea Japanese flying Comprehensive, ­InactiveD Todarodes pacificus China
Japan Tomamae giant Pacific octopus—barrel Comprehensive, ­InactiveE Enteroctopus dofleini Japan

See: https://​fishe​ries.​msc.​org/​en/​fishe​ries/@@​search?​q=​squid​&​search = currently, both certification units have merged to reduce costs
Note that there are two different certification units for the same squid fishery: two business groups applied to certify their respective fleets,
which is permitted by the MSC certification program. The first is shown as ‘certified’ on the MSC web page and the ‘US Northeast squid bottom
trawl fishery’ as ‘combined with other certificate’
Originally as the junior synonym Octopus ocellatus
Causes of inactivity of FIPs: Athree years without environmental progress; Bmerged with another FIP; Cpaused until this fishery resumes and
improvements can continue to be implemented; Dat MSC’s request (major changes in the nature of the fishery have led to the need for re-assess-
ing the scope of improvements and work plan implementation); Emissed deadline for 3-year audit report and failed to meet social responsibility

A problem with certification is to understand which is available evidence, but it is important that these schemes
the most trustworthy and reliable scheme. All eco-label- are assessed and that benchmarks are provided, which is
ling certification schemes claim that they respect interna- the function of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative
tional requirements and are based on science and the best (GSSI), a public–private partnership supporting its partners

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in accelerating the implementation of the United Nations Italy and Spain), Japan and the Republic of Korea. In 2020,
Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs; UN General global trade of octopus was estimated at 283,577 t, valued at
Assembly 2015). US$ 2.1 billion. Major producers are China, Japan, Mexico,
NOAA Fisheries, the FDA, and US importers, proces- Morocco and Mauritania (FAO 2022a). Countries key to the
sors and retailers are bound by the international rules of trade network for live, fresh or chilled octopus are France,
trade in seafood, which have been driven hard politically and Germany, Italy and Spain (Ospina-Alvarez et al. 2022).
economically by the US to promote free trade and a liberal The USA is the largest seafood importing country with
economy. This culminated with the creation of the World imports accounting for 65% of domestic seafood consump-
Trade Organization (WTO) and its various binding rules tion and 15% of the global total seafood import value in
and agreements including the Sanitary and Phytosanitary 2020 (FAO 2022a). This includes 65,411 t of imported
Measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade agreements cephalopods valued at US$ 383 million, of which 17,278
for market access and entry. As a result, NOAA Fisheries, t was octopus valued at US$ 118 million. The same year,
the FDA, and importers to the USA must implement market the USA exported around 18,000 t of cephalopods valued
access requirements (including those related to traceability) at US$ 110 million and negligible amounts of octopus.
that are in conformity with internationally agreed require- Imports of octopus have increased significantly over the
ments. For seafood, this is facilitated by Globefish, which years, with the volume doubling and the value increasing
is a multi-donor-funded project within the Food and Agri- several-fold between 2010 and 2021 (NOAA 2023).
cultural Organization (FAO) Fisheries Division, established To enter the lucrative US market, industrial and artisa-
in 1984. Globefish is responsible for providing up-to-date nal fisheries that harvest octopus, along with the import-
trade and market information on fish and fishery products, ers and processors with whom they work, must ensure
promoting and easing trade-related information exchange that harvests comply with strict technical regulations
among the seafood industry, governments, academia and and standards of resource sustainability and food safety,
stakeholders worldwide, particularly for developing coun- regardless of whether they are harvested in the US Exclu-
tries and countries in transition. Globefish gathers, assesses, sive Economic Zone (EEZ) or imported. Compliance
analyses, and disseminates up-to-date fish marketing and requires reliable and robust traceability technologies but
trade information worldwide, through key publications and enables smoother seafood trading and distribution. Equally
its website (FAO 2021b). important, making reliable traceability technologies avail-
Certification and regulation of cephalopods vary greatly able and affordable for exporters can help small-scale har-
according to species, the locality and distribution of each vesters in developing countries to conform to regulations,
currently playing a large part in dictating the extent to which which otherwise can become technical barriers to trade,
they can be monitored and tracked as a seafood product. This blocking access to this lucrative market. Ideally, reliable
in turn has a large impact on the sustainability of the stock traceability will help to promote fair-trade practices and
of each particular species on the market. economic development. For example, the main export
from Mauritania is octopus, estimated at 68% of the value
Cephalopods and their market of all its seafood exports, with almost 80% of the octopus
harvested by artisanal Mauritanian fishers. However, the
Cephalopods have been harvested in large amounts in recent route of this harvest through to arrival in the US, and the
decades, reaching a peak global catch of 4.9 Mt in 2014, monetary value obtained by the local Mauritanian fishers,
decreasing to 3.7 Mt in 2020 (FAO 2022a). They are mostly are currently obscure.
wild caught, supplied mainly from China, India, Morocco
and Peru (although a substantial proportion of these catches,
especially of squid, is taken on the high seas, i.e., in inter- Status of cephalopod resources
national waters). Although their consumption is attaining
high popularity in many countries, they remain culturally To comment on and point the way ahead for the traceability
linked mostly to southern European countries (Portugal, of cephalopods, it is first necessary to understand the status
Spain, Italy and Greece), some Latin American countries of the exploited stocks, the fishing industry and the value
(Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay) and several Pacific and chain including the major species involved, the condition of
Asian countries, particularly Japan (Markaida and Gilly the stocks, how (and to what extent) the stocks and fisher-
2016). They are widely traded internationally. Over 62% of ies are monitored and managed, and to recognize the main
production is exported, generating a revenue of US$ 10.2 problems.
billion in 2020, representing about 7% of the global sea-
food trade value. The most important import markets for
cephalopods are China, the European Union (particularly

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 7 of 46 44

where these transboundary, straddling and highly migratory

resources of squid occur (Arkhipkin et al. 2015a). However,
data exchange between these states tends to be limited and
this hinders joint management of these resources. Further,
unregulated high-seas squid fisheries with little-to-no con-
trol on fishing activities, and poor or non-existent monitor-
ing (e.g., see Welch et al. 2022), pose a significant threat to
the sustainability of these squid resources. In addition, these
squid appear in markets around the world often without reli-
able information on where they were caught or by whom.

Todarodes pacificus, the Pacific flying squid

Fig. 1  Fluctuations in the annual catch of Todarodes pacificus in The Japanese flying squid, Todarodes pacificus (Steenstrup,
Japan and South Korea. (Data from Fisheries Agency of Japan and 1880), has a 1-year life cycle and is distributed in the north-
Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (2021), a public- western Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea
domain resource which is updated periodically)
and the East China Sea (Ishii 1925; Sasaki 1929; Soeda
1950; Hamabe and Shimizu 1966; Araya 1967; Kasahara
1978; Okutani 1983). The distribution range shifts season-
ally with changes in water temperature (Soeda 1950; Araya
1967; Okutani 1983; Sakurai et al. 2000): the northern
limit of its range is around 50°N in September and around
40°N in April. Three or four cohorts can be distinguished,
based on the spawning season, of which the autumn and
winter cohorts are the largest in terms of biomass (Araya
1967; Okutani 1983; Osako and Murata 1983; Kidokoro
2009; Kidokoro et al. 2010; Sakurai et al. 2013).
Catches of this species have long been known to fluctu-
ate: the subject of intensive research effort as long ago as the
Fig. 2  Global capture for the major cephalopod straddling stock spe- early 1920s (Ishii 1925). Total annual landings of T. pacifi-
cies Dosidicus gigas, Illex argentinus, Todarodes pacificus from 1950 cus were less than 200,000 t before the 1930s and increased
to 2020. (Source: FAO 2022b) in the 1940s with the development of commercial fisheries.
Annual landings were usually 400,000–500,000 t during the
1950s and 1960s, but decreased markedly during the 1970s,
Major cephalopod stocks dropping to 100,000 t in the mid-1980s. In the 1990s, land-
ings increased and rebounded to about 300,000–400,000 t,
More than half the world’s annual cephalopod catch consists but annual landings have decreased steadily since the year
of just three species of squid in the family Ommastrephidae: 2000 (Kidokoro et al. 2010) falling to a mere 13,416 t in
Todarodes pacificus from the Northwest Pacific (Figs. 1, 2), 2019 (Fig. 1, Fisheries Agency of Japan and Japan Fisheries
Dosidicus gigas from the eastern Pacific, and Illex argenti- Research and Education Agency 2021).
nus from the Southwest Atlantic (Fig. 2; FAO 2021a, 2022a). The decline in the stock size of T. pacificus during the
Unfortunately, these are all transboundary, straddling and/ 1970s and 1980s was considered to have been caused by
or highly migratory stocks (Maguire et al. 2006; Howard excessive fishing effort at that time (Murata 1989), but
et al. 2013) which, in the absence of binding international changing environmental conditions may also strongly affect
regulations or agreements, lack unified stock assessment and the stock size (Sakurai et al. 2000). The drastic declines in
management strategies (Arkhipkin et al. 2022). recent years are suspected to be a result of IUU fishing. The
The last 2 decades have seen a large expansion of distant- catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of T. pacificus caught in the
water squid-fishing fleets, mainly from China, which have northwestern Tatar Strait by vessels of the Russian Federa-
unrestricted access to such stocks. This increased pressure tion in the 2010s generally remained stable (mean CPUE
on these three squid species, especially on the high seas, between 2003 and 2019 was 582 ± 45.8 kg.vessel−1 ­day−1),
renders these resources highly vulnerable to over-exploita- but mean body weight increased from 205 ± 4.0 g in 2004
tion. The relevant coastal states implement their own fish- to 256 ± 3.5 g in 2012, and 297 ± 6.3 g in 2019, which
eries management measures within their respective EEZs

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apparently is an effect of climate warming in the Sea of Two metapopulations of this squid inhabiting the two
Japan (Dulenina et al. 2020). hemispheres are genetically different, with equatorial
South Korean vessels targeting T. pacificus operate in the currents acting as a natural barrier (Staaf et al. 2010).
Sea of Japan, Tsushima Strait and the Yellow Sea. Total Currently, two phenotypic groups or size forms are
annual landings of this species were less than 100,000 t in distinguished within each ‘hemispheric’ metapopulation:
the 1980s and until 1992. Increasing suddenly, the landings medium (< 49 cm ML) and large (> 49 m ML; Keyl et al.
were almost the same as those of Japan for several years. In 2008; Tafúr et al. 2010). The existence of these two size
the 2000s and 2010s, South Korean landings exceeded those groups of squid is the result of water temperature impact on
of Japan by about 50%. However, the landings decreased D. gigas juveniles. Warmer waters induce early maturation
from around 2000 in the same way as seen in Japan (Fig. 1, with animals having a 1-year (or even shorter) life span
Fisheries Agency of Japan and Japan Fisheries Research attaining small or medium sizes. Colder waters delay
and Education Agency 2021). The number of North Korean maturation until the second year, with squid attaining large
fishing vessels operating in the Sea of Japan increased from sizes and having a life span of 1.5–2 years (Arkhipkin et al.
2017 to 2019 (Park et al. 2020), but their landings of T. 2015b).
pacificus are unknown. Detailed information about the life cycle of D. gigas is still
Vessels from China targeting T. pacificus operate in lacking. It is known that it undergoes pelagic spawning in
the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, but since 2004 have open-ocean tropical waters of temperatures ranging between
appeared in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of North 15 and 25 °C (Staaf et al. 2008). An unknown proportion
Korea in the Sea of Japan (Wang et al. 2018). These Chinese of recruitment remains within the spawning grounds and
vessels were reportedly operating in the Sea of Japan from feeds there. The rest of the recruitment migrates eastwards
May to November with a peak between August and Octo- from the open ocean to the tropical and subtropical regions
ber (as observed through night-time satellite images of the of the continental slope and shelf and feeds extensively
lights used to attract the squid, since this is an area of high on myctophids and other pelagic organisms. An unknown
incidence of vessels switching off their automatic identifica- proportion of these migrating recruits performs extensive
tion system (AIS; Park et al. 2020; Welch et al. 2022). Catch latitudinal seasonal migrations from subtropical waters to
amounts for T. pacificus landings in China are unclear. cold-temperate regions of both hemispheres. These recruits
In view of the ongoing serious decline in catches, it is use productive areas of temperate and subpolar shelves and
important that ways are found to regulate fishing effort, for continental slopes for intensive feeding and growth, and
which it is necessary first to find ways of improving methods then return to their subtropical/tropical spawning grounds
of stock assessment. This will not be possible until there is to spawn (Gretchina and Zúñiga 2019). Squid that had stayed
a better understanding of total catch volumes aggregated in the shelf/slope tropical feeding areas upon maturation also
across all the countries fishing this species, and to achieve perform ‘reverse’ migrations westward back to the oceanic
this reliable traceability is key. spawning grounds, benefiting from lesser pressure by
nektonic predators in less-productive oceanic waters (Alegre
Dosidicus gigas, the Southeast Pacific Humboldt or jumbo et al. 2014; Csirke et al. 2018).
flying squid Dosidicus gigas has been exploited since the 1980s. Until
1999, the majority of the total catch was taken from a rather
Dosidicus gigas (d’Orbigny, 1835) is the most abundant small area in the northern part of Baja California in Mexico,
commercial squid species in the Southeast Pacific. This with annual catches attaining over 120,000 t in 1997. After
nerito-oceanic squid inhabits open waters of the tropical the series of strong El Niño events (up to 1997) and two
part of the Eastern Pacific from the shelf edge of South sequential years of La Niña (in 1998–1999), the large size
America to approximately 125°W along the equator (Jereb group of D. gigas appeared in great numbers in the southern
and Roper 2010). On the shelf and continental slope, D. hemisphere where annual catches of 20,000–30,000 t
gigas occurs in the EEZs of practically all Pacific-coast increased sharply in 1996–1997, reaching ~ 300,000 t in
American States, from Chile in the south to Alaska (USA) 2005 (Arkhipkin et al. 2015a; Csirke et al. 2018).
in the north (Arkhipkin et al. 2015a). Dosidicus gigas is Targeted fishing for D. gigas in the northern hemisphere
the largest representative of the family Ommastrephidae, declined dramatically after 2013 and was almost non-
attaining 100–120 cm mantle length and 65 kg weight existent after 2015, as the large form disappeared from the
(Nigmatullin et al. 2001). This species is fished in very catches. In the last decade, the specialized fishery for D.
large amounts, even though its flesh contains ammonia as a gigas has taken place only in the Southeast Pacific where
buoyancy aid (Denton 1974), giving it a noticeably acid taste the fleets of three countries (Peru, Chile and China) take
and a distinct, characteristic ammoniacal smell. These can more than 97% of the total annual catch (FAO 2021a, b). In
be disguised, however (see Sect. “Deliberate mislabelling”). Chile, from 19 to 35 industrial pelagic trawl or purse seine

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 9 of 46 44

vessels and about 2,000 small artisanal boats fish primarily making it difficult to estimate an impact of fishing pressure
the large form of D. gigas, which migrates to Chilean waters on specific phases of squid ontogeny by different fleets.
mainly from February to September (Gretchina and Zúñiga The high-seas fisheries in the Eastern Pacific are controlled
2019). The total annual catch in Chile has not fluctuated by the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries
strongly over the last decade, varying between 106,000 and Management Organisation (SPRFMO) with all fishing ves-
181,000 t. However, recent catches have fallen significantly, sels required to follow the conservation and management
to 58,000 t in 2019 and 55,000 t in 2020, as a consequence measures adopted by the Commission. However, it seems
of smaller squid size and possibly because of substantial that SPRFMO members are reluctant to support and accept
changes in the fishing fleet: since 2020, only artisanal vessels management measures that may constrain their high-seas
have been allowed to target D. gigas there (SPRFMO 2021). fishing operations, in particular for the D. gigas fishery.
Since 2011, the Peruvian fishing fleet consists of more than There are no accepted regulations on the amount of fish-
4600 small artisanal vessels fishing mainly within 40 nm ing effort, uniformity of the reported data or independent
off the coast. Artisanal vessels fish for squid using large catch verifications, a situation which has prevented the
hand jigs year-round and target immature squid during their SPRFMO from undertaking any adequate assessment of
feeding period, as well as maturing and mature squid just the D. gigas stocks in the Convention area or EEZs of
before their migrations to the pelagic spawning grounds adjoining coastal states. It seems currently unlikely that
(Yamashiro et al. 2018). Annual catches by the Peruvian the SPRFMO will be able to impose more stringent regula-
fleet are the largest among the three main fishing states, tions or to achieve closer cooperation for stock assessment
ranging between 300,000 and 600,000 t (FAO 2021b). on the high seas and within each EEZ, rendering stocks of
The high-seas fishery for D. gigas in the Southeast this squid vulnerable to over-exploitation (Arkhipkin et al
Pacific consists of Asian industrial jigging fleets fishing in 2022). Reliable traceability would clearly be of great help
tropical waters from the equator to 20°S and from 120°W in resolving many of these shortcomings.
to the boundary of the EEZs of Peru, Ecuador and north-
ern Chile. The great majority of the fleet is represented Illex argentinus, the Southwest Atlantic shortfin squid
by Chinese vessels that increased their numbers from 276
jiggers in 2016 to a maximum of 557 jiggers in 2020 (Li Illex argentinus (Castellanos, 1960), sometimes called the
et al 2021). A dozen Taiwanese and South Korean jiggers Argentine shortfin squid, is the most abundant commercial
also fish in this area. The fleet targets D. gigas in different squid species in the Southwest Atlantic, occurring in the
areas throughout the year. In summer, the Asian fleet oper- EEZs of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and the Falkland
ates in equatorial waters in the open ocean targeting small, Islands, and also in the high-seas areas of the Patagonian
immature squid, belonging to medium and large groups. Shelf at 42° S and 45–47° S (Jereb and Roper 2010). The
In autumn, the Chinese fleet fishes closer to the EEZs of population structure of I. argentinus is complex, but a
Ecuador, Peru and northern Chile and targets a high pro- predominant 95% comprises the South Patagonian Stock
portion of mature squids also belonging to both size groups (Hatanaka 1988).
(Li et al 2021). The total annual catch of the Chinese fleet The total annual catch of I. argentinus exceeds 1 Mt in
has been relatively stable during the last five years, rang- some years (e.g., 1999 and 2015; FAO 2022b). Currently,
ing between 223,300 and 358,000 t (FAO 2021b). How- this squid is caught by three main fleets in different parts of
ever, increased fishing effort caused a significant decline its range. The first fleet fishes exclusively within the Argen-
in CPUE from 3.9 to 4.0 t ­vessel−1 ­day−1 in 2017–2018 tinean EEZ and consists of ~ 80–90 Argentinean domes-
to 2.8–3.0 t ­vessel−1 ­day−1 in 2019–2020 (Li et al 2021). tic jiggers and trawlers. The second fleet consists of ~ 105
As a result, the Chinese Government issued a unilateral Taiwanese and South Korean jigging vessels and ~ 10–15
3-month fishing ban from 1 September to 30 November Spanish and Falkland-flagged trawlers, starting to fish on
that coincided with the main spawning peak of D. gigas in the high seas in January–February and then moving into
the Eastern Pacific (5° N–5° S, 110°–95° W) (Nigmatullin the northern part of the Falkland Conservation Fishing
et al. 2001). Further, the Chinese Government restricted the Zones (FICZ/FOCZ), where the licenced fishery takes place
number of jigging vessels fishing north of 8°S to 420 ves- between February and middle of June. The third and largest
sels, and to 400 vessels fishing south of 8°S for 2022–2023 fleet consists of 300–400 jigging vessels and several dozen
(Undercurrent News 2021). trawlers (predominantly Chinese) and fishes exclusively in
The Dosidicus gigas fishery is relatively stable in the the unregulated areas of the high seas, mainly from Decem-
Southeast Pacific with the total annual catch exceeding ber until July (Arkhipkin et al. 2022). The catches and sub-
750,000 t every year of the last decade (FAO 2022b). sequent trading figures for this species should correspond to
However, it is not known what proportion of the D. gigas the amounts reported by these countries in the international
metapopulation migrates between the EEZs and high seas, production and trade databases (FAO 2022b; UN 2023).

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In the last 20 years, total annual catches of I. argentinus

have experienced ‘boom and bust’ variability with almost an
order of magnitude difference between the poorest (146,645
t in 2016) and richest (1,011,331 t in 2015) years (FAO
2022b). The most stable catches are observed for the first
fleet in Argentina, which has the advantage of exploiting the
large Patagonian and Argentinean Shelves within the Argen-
tinean EEZ. In contrast, catches of the second fleet have
experienced the greatest variability, up to 20-fold during the
last decade (FAO 2022b). Such variation in catches is prob-
ably caused by the variability in southward migrations of Fig. 3  Octopus vulgaris annual landings on the NW African coast
the South Patagonian Stock squid, the only stock exploited (FAO, CECAF 2020)
by this fleet (Arkhipkin et al. 2015a). One of the causes of
such variability could be oceanographic conditions in the
southern part of the Patagonian Shelf, with colder waters
preventing squid migrations further south. Another cause
could be the fishing activities by the numerous vessels of the
third fleet in the high seas taking up a significant proportion
of the South Patagonian Stock during their southward feed-
ing migrations (Waluda et al. 2001a, b). On the high seas,
the variability in catches taken by the third fleet has been
intermediate, as these vessels exploit not only migrating
South Patagonian Stock, but also squid stocks belonging to
other less numerous cohorts such as summer-spawning and Fig. 4  Octopus vulgaris abundance index (kg per 30 min.) from
Bonaerensis North Patagonian Stocks (Brunetti et al. 1998). Moroccan demersal surveys, Cap Boujdor-Lagouira (FAO, CECAF
The Southwest Atlantic is unique as it does not have a 2020). See text for explanation of the observed fluctuations
Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO)
responsible for management and conservation of all trans-
boundary and straddling stocks including I. argentinus. importers from NWA. Octopus is fished by both small-scale
Without coordinated management and regulation of the fish- and industrial fleets, which use different gears that impact
eries, straddling stocks of I. argentinus are highly vulnerable the stock differently (Sauer et al. 2021).
to overfishing, especially in years of naturally occurring low Landings and abundance in NWA (Figs. 3, 4) show inter-
recruitment. Reliable traceability of the provenance of fished annual variability due to the biological characteristics of
I. argentinus is a prerequisite for resolving this vulnerability. being a short-lived species. The fluctuations in abundance
and catches are influenced by annual variations in recruit-
Octopus vulgaris, the common octopus of the Eastern ment and environmental condition changes. In Morocco, the
Central Atlantic landings between 1991 and 1997 showed a decline that could
be attributed to the increased effort resulting from the entry
Although squid account for the majority of cephalopod of artisanal boats and coastal trawlers to the fishery. Since
landings, the common octopus, O. vulgaris, stands out as 1997, an improvement in landings has been observed in
the octopus species of major fishing and trading interest. Morocco after the biological rest period was increased from
The Eastern Central Atlantic (FAO Major Fishing Area 34), one period to two, which reduced fishing effort by about
especially off Northwest Africa (NWA; i.e., Morocco, Mau- 30% compared with 1996 and the departure of the Euro-
ritania, Senegal and The Gambia), is considered the most pean trawling fleet targeting cephalopods in 1999. In 2003,
productive fishing ground of this species with 89,000 t in the catch declined dramatically, as a result of the uncon-
2019 (FAO, CECAF 2020), representing 32% of total demer- trolled increase of artisanal fishing that was structured sub-
sal catches in this region. Even though the catch is small sequently, followed by a long, gradual recovery and stability.
compared to other fish species, it has a high economic value. Octopus in Morocco are generally caught mixed with
In Mauritania, for example, it is the top fishery resource in other demersal species including other cephalopods (e.g.,
terms of value in a country where GDP is currently heav- squid and cuttlefish). These other species have shown a
ily reliant on fishing. In the last few decades, the number gradual increase recently due to the management measures
of countries importing octopus has increased (Sauer et al. being implemented, mainly indirect measures associated
2021), although Japan, Spain and Italy remain the major with octopus management plans (MAPMDREF/DPM 2004)

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 11 of 46 44

and the establishment of protected areas that are presumably particularly their short, circa-annual, lifespan. An annual
contributing to protecting essential habitats and biodiversity. stock is effectively a new population every year and its abun-
Another management measure that is contributing to dance cannot be determined from standing biomass carried
sustainability of octopus is the quota control system for the over from prior years (Rosenberg et al. 1990; Pierce and
coastal and offshore fishing fleets, established since 2001, Guerra 1994). Many squid fisheries therefore carry out stock
which requires all catches to be landed at the local fishing assessments with depletion models, which can be calculated
ports for control by the local commissions. using in-season time series of catch and effort to estimate
levels of abundance that would sustain the observed rates
Stock assessment of catch (Arkhipkin et al. 2021a). This modelling approach
is applied in Spain in western Asturias for the small-scale
To understand whether or not fishing on a given stock is octopus fishery there (Roa-Ureta et al. 2021), and also in
sustainable, some form of stock assessment is necessary. Morocco since 2011 for the assessment of the Total Allowa-
Stock assessment is an aspect of the quality of manage- ble Catch Octopus and for fisheries indicators’ simulation on
ment of a stock and hence speaks to both sustainability and a weekly basis (https://r​ drr.i​ o/g​ ithub/b​ en-m
​ hamed/D
​ EPLr/).
traceability (although not assuring either). Where fisheries A depletion model in its most basic form assumes a
are assessed and managed rigorously, compliance is also closed population in a fixed area with individuals removed
excellent. Compliance may be achieved by a top–down pro- only through catch (DeLury 1947). Cephalopod stocks, how-
cess, being required to obtain and maintain licences (e.g., as ever, do not always meet the assumption of being closed,
required in the Falkland Islands Doryteuthis gahi fishery; see and further advances of the model have been implemented.
Sect. “Doryteuthis gahi, a model squid stock”), or it may be For assessing short-lived species over longer periods (e.g.,
achieved through a more bottom–up, co-management-based the duration of a fishing season), natural mortality, while
process, and in any case is necessary for certification (e.g., in difficult to measure (Caddy 1996), needs to be factored in,
the Western Asturias Octopus Trap Fishery for O. vulgaris; in addition to catch, as a source of removal (Rosenberg et al.
Table 2). Where there is little assessment, but there are many 1990; Agnew et al. 1998). In some stocks, immigration or
rules and regulations, there is probably less compliance; for recruitment pulses recur during the depletion period and
example, with octopus being sold directly to restaurants and need to be incorporated in the depletion model (Brodziak
thus bypassing controls (as in parts of southern Europe). and Rosenberg 1993; Payá 2007). Immigrations during the
Globally, many cephalopod stocks, especially those depletion period are typically evident from sudden increases
supporting important fisheries, are assessed using a vari- in catch-per-unit-effort, but may not be distinguishable from
ety of methods, ranging from depletion models (see the localized aggregations that were already there, undetected
Sect. “Assessment based on modelling: depletion models by fishing vessels. A forthcoming challenge for depletion-
and other approaches”), which are mainly used in squid fish- model stock assessment is then how to evaluate catch fluc-
eries, to production models, which have largely fallen out of tuations more objectively and, if possible, by automated
fashion for assessing finfish stocks but seem to produce use- algorithms. Other challenges include the use of Bayesian
ful results even if the assumption of fixed carrying capacity priors to stabilize the model computation, non-linearity of
is unrealistic for short-lived species such as cephalopods. the relationships between catch, abundance, and fishing
Small-scale cephalopod fisheries such as European fisheries effort (an issue for all assessment models that use fishery
for O. vulgaris, often lack formal assessment even if fish- data), and varying natural mortality rates (Arkhipkin et al
ing is strictly controlled. In small-scale fisheries, the role of 2021a). With worldwide increasing trends in cephalopod
fishers in assessment and management may be especially catches (Rodhouse et al. 2014; Doubleday et al. 2016),
important (Sect. “Octopus stock assessment: the role of fish- continuing development of the depletion model is of high
ers”) and citizen science can also play a role (Sect. “Octopus importance. However, the need for intensive monitoring to
stock assessment: the role of citizen science”). However, permit stock depletion (and within-season immigration) to
many fished stocks (including most European fished cepha- be followed in real-time results in this method being costly
lopod stocks) are not routinely assessed and, indeed, often and time-consuming to apply and it may not be feasible for
the stocks are not formally defined. all fisheries.
Various other assessment approaches commonly applied
Assessment based on modelling: depletion models to finfish stocks have been used for assessing squid, octo-
and other approaches pus and cuttlefish stocks (with the description of population
dynamics being simplified to reflect the lack of multiple
Stock assessments of cephalopods are constrained by their year classes) including cohort analysis, virtual population
life-cycle characteristics of weak spawner–recruit rela- analysis and yield-per-recruit models (e.g., Lange and Sis-
tionships, high sensitivity to environmental factors, and senwine 1983; Csirke 1987; Rosenberg et al. 1990; Roel and

44 Page 12 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

Butterworth 2000; Royer et al. 2002, 2006; Hendrickson and tended to be difficult to obtain in most areas: the fishers
Hart 2006; Gras et al. 2014). In other cases, putative cohorts are often secretive about the places they visit to ply their
have been identified using length–frequency data [which skills, they may violate fishing regulations (i.e., use fishing
carried the risk that within-year microcohorts (recruitment methods deemed illegal or ignoring limits on the number of
pulses arising from asynchronous laying and hatching of traps deployed), and in many cases, they are relatively poor
eggs) are interpreted as annual cohorts] prior to application and therefore may be fearful of declaring their entire catch.
of such models (e.g., Agnesi et al. 1998; Orsi Relini et al. Also, they may be subsistence fishers who consume or barter
2006; Giordano et al. 2010). much of what they catch. However, in recent years, data on
Survey catch rate is used as an abundance index in standing stocks are being supplemented by observations in
several cephalopod fisheries (e.g., Kidokoro and Mori 2004; the field from fishers in partnership with local authorities and
Hendrickson and Showell 2016), while in the Saharan Bank by harnessing the help of recreational divers. Participation of
area, production models have been used routinely (Sato fishers in European octopus artisanal fisheries management
and Hatanaka 1983). More recent variants of production ranges through co-management in Galicia (Otero et al.
models (ASPIC, A Stock Production Model Incorporating 2005) and active participation in Andalucia and Sardinia, to
(environmental) Covariates; and SPiCT, Surplus Production top–down management systems in Algarve and the Thracian
in Continuous Time) have also been applied to cephalopod Sea (Pita et al. 2021). However, sensibly, the involvement
stocks (e.g., Abella et al. 2010; ICES 2020; Geraci et al. of fishers has been increasing over the last few years, which
2021) and simplified variants using only catch data have is desirable to successfully manage this species (Pita et al.
been applied to multiple data-poor stocks in Europe 2021). A similar approach of management in collaboration
including various cephalopod stocks (Froese et al. 2018; with fishers has been used in Morocco since the crisis of the
Tsikliras et al. 2021). octopus fishery in 2003–2004 (MAPMDREF/DPM 2004).
Finally, numerous forecasting models based on Octopus taken by small-scale fishers is a component
environmental correlates of abundance and with varying of coastal subsistence culture in many parts of the world.
degrees of sophistication have been proposed (e.g., Osako Examples include ‘Octopus’ tehuelchus in Argentina
and Murata 1983; Coelho and Rosenberg 1984; Fogarty (Storero and Narvarte 2024); and the giant Pacific octopus,
1989; Otero et al. 2008) and this remains a promising Enteroctopus dofleini (Wülker, 1910), the large size of which
area for future development, even if success ultimately allows this species a particular importance throughout its
depends on understanding the mechanisms underlying range. Alaska Native and British Columbia First Nations
empirical relationships between abundance and environment subsistence harvest of octopus traditionally occurs in the
(Moustahfid et al. 2021). intertidal during low tides, where octopuses are harvested
In assessing stock, a vital component is to quantify fish- from their dens (Fall 1997). However, subsistence harvest
eries catches to calculate the biomass removed from the can also occur when octopuses are attracted to bait targeting
stock by harvesting. Fishing vessel catch data are therefore other species such as halibut fishing via hook and line, or
a fundamental component of stock assessment. While this crab harvest via baited pots. As a typically nearshore fishery,
can be based on ship and observer logs for pelagic harvests the octopus harvest may be sensitive to shore-based impacts
such as squid, most octopus catches rely on small-scale such as heavy use of an area by beachcombers, or oil spills
artisanal fishers. Having a reliable system of traceability in that directly coat the intertidal environment (Juday and Fos-
place could play a large part in helping to assess stocks more ter 1990; Benedetti-Cecchi et al. 2001).
objectively and accurately, whatever the physical character- On parts of the British Columbia coast, the cultural
istics of the animals and methods of fishing. importance of octopuses is revealed in the naw náaGalang
(or constructed octopus houses, maintained by the Haida
Octopus stock assessment: the role of fishers Gwaii), just one form of mariculture practised by coastal
indigenous people (Smith et al. 2019; Pacific Sea Garden
Stock assessment for squid is generally performed using Collective 2022). Shelter and food can both be critical to
information from commercial fishing vessel logs and octopuses after they have settled from the planktonic stage,
manifests plus market data, and research fishing, in both in terms of survival while growing and for brooding
combination with mathematical modelling. However, eggs. Construction of octopus houses involves moving rocks
octopuses are not usually captured on a large volumetric around on the beach to redirect or slow the outflow of water
scale by methods such as trawling (with some exceptions with the tide, and form extensive tide pools. Rock piles
such as Morocco) but by manually intensive methods using erected within the area are shaped to accommodate an octo-
the laying of inshore coastal traps, jigs, or pots by artisanal pus, and a strategically placed removable stone on each pile
fishers, or harvesting octopuses by hand in the intertidal is used to make it easier to harvest an octopus from within.
zone. Reliable information from artisanal fisheries has

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 13 of 46 44

Once harvested, new octopuses move into the same suitable Traceability has already benefited from the application
habitat, often within a short period of time. of citizen science in a marine context (Giuffredi et al. 2021;
The impact of subsistence fishing for octopus is currently Agersnap et al. 2022), so adapting it to cephalopod stock
of minor importance at the global scale, but most fishing for assessment is clearly feasible. Possible stock assessment
Octopus vulgaris is by large numbers of artisanal fishers tasks for citizen scientists could include the collection of
who then sell their catch to middlemen. Off the coast of West images and their metadata (locality, time and ID) and quanti-
Africa, fishers currently are unlikely to cooperate in provid- tative monitoring of sightings. Applications to traceability in
ing catch information at the point of capture, so traceability the future might involve eDNA sampling (e.g., to ascertain
must begin at the point of landing the catch and selling it on. distribution limits of certain species, particularly of octo-
In parts of Spain and Portugal, however, local govern- pus), the testing and practical use of portable eDNA kits and
ments and scientists are beginning to work in partnership of traceability apps, which contribute to the enhancement of
with fishers, but currently this is at a pilot stage and is a traceability.
development for the future which, if successful, will be a
significant advance towards much more reliable traceability. Fisheries management: achieving sustainability
Such partnerships can be used to encourage consumer feed-
back and the establishment of niche seafood products, which In order for a species to be exploited sustainably, stock
in turn may be a stimulus to provide more stock assessment assessment is fundamental (see the above parts of Sect.
data to chase the increased value of popular niche harvesting. “Status of cephalopod resources”), because this provides
a way of finding an appropriate estimate of a stock size
Octopus stock assessment: the role of citizen science for which the fishery can be considered to be sustainable.
Most of the examples above have illustrated some of the
In attempting to assess cephalopod stocks, typical fisheries difficulties involved in stock assessment (e.g., a straddling,
sampling methods may not provide an ideal approach: for migratory stock; or the problems of assessing numbers
example, octopuses tend to be den-occupying ambush preda- of a cryptic benthic animal such as a species of octopus).
tors, spending much of their time inaccessible within rock When reasonably accurate stock assessments are possible,
clefts, crevices and small caves, which cannot be sampled though, fisheries management becomes a more confident
easily. With practice, SCUBA divers can learn how to locate process, presenting the means to safely exploit a seafood
octopus dens but scientific surveys based on such a strategy resource which is sustainable in the long term, providing a
are impractical for most scientists. Volunteer-based citizen reliable source of nourishment, employment and profit for
science, however, is an ideal approach to such surveys. the burgeoning human population. One of the best examples
Citizen science involves members of the public volunteer- of a well-managed cephalopod stock is the Falklands stock
ing their help to conduct scientific research: citizen scien- of the squid Doryteuthis gahi.
tists may design experiments, collect data, analyze results,
and sometimes help to resolve particular research problems Doryteuthis gahi, a model squid stock
(Bonney et al. 2009; Haklay et al. 2021; NOAA 2021).
Several attributes of scientific research projects are ideally The Falkland Islands economy is highly dependent on
suited for enlisting the help of citizen science: scientific pro- two squid species: the ommastrephid Illex argentinus
tocols are well designed and easy to learn and execute, and (Sect. “Illex argentinus, the Southwest Atlantic shortfin
in modern times, the Internet enables easy data submission squid”) and the loliginid Doryteuthis gahi (d’Orbigny,
and acquisition of results. Some research is not practical 1835), accounting for 41% and 28%, respectively, of fish-
for scientists alone to execute. For example, large data sets ery catches between 2012 and 2021. Together, they com-
may be needed, but data collection can be labour intensive prise 60–80% of annual commercial fishery catches from
and involve collection in the field of quantitative measure- Falkland Island waters (Agnew et al. 2005; Arkhipkin et al.
ments and observations over broad spatial and/or temporal 2013). Fisheries for both species are licenced in the Falkland
extents. Such projects can be pursued much more efficiently Islands Conservation Zones, and both have shown resilience
by harnessing the help of volunteers in the broader human of their stock abundance and life-history parameters through
population. An example of citizen science contributions to more than 3 decades of heavy exploitation (Arkhipkin et al.
research involving octopuses is the work by Scheel (2015) 2021b). However, management implementation differs sig-
and Scheel and Johnson (2021), who used data collected by nificantly between these two species, because I. argentinus
volunteer dive programmes (Seattle Aquarium and REEF, (captured mostly by vessels from South Korea, China and
respectively) to examine the impact of temperature and cli- Taiwan as part of international agreements; Falkland Islands
mate change on recruitment of E. dofleini in Washington Government 2022) suffers from the problems of being a
State waters. straddling and transboundary stock (cf. also D. gigas and

44 Page 14 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

Fig. 5  Exemplary label of a seafood package (from Vigo, Spain) Patagonian continental shelf). The ingredients label (top left) pro-
providing accurate information about the contents, the ‘calamar vides the species name as Loligo gahi (an older name for this species,
patagónico’ (Patagonian squid) Doryteuthis gahi from the vicinity using the genus name Loligo instead of Doryteuthis) and the fishing
of the Falkland Islands (which are situated on an extension of the area, FAO 41, which is the SW Atlantic Ocean (Image: PFV)

T. pacificus; see Sect. “Major cephalopod stocks”; Fig. 2). to 16 vessels per season; and in-season monitoring to ensure
Doryteuthis gahi has a more restricted coastal distribution an escapement biomass of minimum 10,000 t at the end of
typical of squids in Family Loliginidae. This species is here each season (Arkhipkin et al. 2008; Barton 2002). A survey
considered in a little more detail to demonstrate a species is conducted prior to the opening of each season to estimate
that can be tracked through the system from being caught the Doryteuthis gahi recruitment stock and initiate in-season
in the Falklands through to various destinations around the assessment. Every survey includes fixed-station trawls cover-
world; sales-chain information that, ideally, should be avail- ing the entire fishing area, and adaptive-station trawls selected
able for all species. Predictably, seafood products based on to increase the precision of biomass estimates in high-density
Doryteuthis gahi are labelled clearly and correctly (Fig. 5), or school-edge locations. The dual approach ensures that the
in contrast to the sadly common occurrence of mislabelling scientific requirements of randomization and repeatability are
(typically fraudulent) which is characteristic of some other met, via fixed stations; and the spatio-temporal variability of
squid species (cf. Sect. “Deliberate mislabelling”). the Doryteuthis gahi population is captured via adaptive sta-
Doryteuthis gahi is a ‘domestic’ squid species completing tions (Gawarkiewicz and Mercer 2019). As a single-jurisdic-
its entire life cycle in Falkland Islands waters (Arkhipkin et al. tion fishery, Doryteuthis gahi management can also respond
2013), so the Doryteuthis gahi fishery is fully controlled by quickly to occurrences such as an exceptional ingression of
the Falkland Islands Government. Major facets of Doryteuthis I. argentinus into the Doryteuthis gahi fishing zone (Winter
gahi management include: spatial restriction of the target fish- 2015), or a sudden increase in the presence of pinnipeds (Iri-
ery to one delineated area on the shelf break (as the only area arte et al. 2020).
where small-mesh trawls, suitable for catching small squid, are The Falkland Islands Doryteuthis gahi stock has shown
permitted); temporal restriction to two separate seasons per increasing catch trends in recent years (Arkhipkin et al.
year (corresponding to two annual cohorts) timed to end when 2021b), indicative of a successful management structure.
Doryteuthis gahi reaches spawning maturity; effort limitation However, while accurate statistics about the stock itself are

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 15 of 46 44

Fig. 6  Spider chart illustrating the approximate export footprint 030741, 030742, 030743, 030749, 160554) and may be a mixture
tracking the trade in Doryteuthis gahi for 2018–2021. Mean annual of data for several squid species (including other loliginids, ommas-
exports (tonnes) by the Falkland Islands (blue lines; line thickness trephids and cuttlefish), particularly for Spanish exports. However,
related to exported volume) and Spain (orange lines). Values are Falkland Islands vessel reports of Doryteuthis gahi production repre-
‘squid exports’ data (UN COMTRADE database; UN 2023), com- sent > 95% of total Falklands squid production (FAO 2022b). Source:
bining all commodity codes where squid can be reported (HS 6-digit: UN (2023)

useful (and exceptional compared to stocks of many other (+ 448%), and Germany (+ 11%); (b) there was a significant
species), it is important to keep track of the harvest throughout increase in exports to some new markets or markets that
the value chain and to understand more about the presence of traditionally have not been key importers of this commodity
Doryteuthis gahi within the global market for cephalopods. including 435 t to Senegal (a new importer in 2021) and 464
Falkland Islands flagged vessels reported that Doryteuthis t to Russia, + 167% from 220 t in 2020 (UN 2023).
gahi represented 86% of their total production in 2020, so The data available in the international databases do not
squid exports accounted for most (c. 90%) of the seafood fully depict the trade flows of this commodity, known for
exported from the Falkland Islands in the same year (FAO being re-exported by Spanish processors both within and
2022b). Therefore, even though Falkland Islands trade sta- outside the EU. For instance (and similar to what happens
tistics are not identified to species level, it can be inferred with other related commodities such as I. argentinus; Harte
that > 95% of ‘squid’ exports are Doryteuthis gahi. Destina- et al. 2018), it is likely that some of the Doryteuthis gahi
tion market countries between 2018 and 2021 (Fig. 6) were imported by Spain is processed and re-exported to other
Spain (90%), Morocco (5%), South Africa (1%), and Ger- Spanish key end markets within the EU (e.g., France, Italy,
many (1%). Namibia has also been a relevant importer (2% Portugal, Croatia, Germany and Greece), or even to third
of the Falkland squid exports in 2020), but did not import countries such as Morocco for processing and re-exporting.
from the Falklands in 2021 (S&P Global 2023). According to US imports data, there was a considerable
In 2021, there was a considerable increase (64%) in Dory- increase in Spanish squid imports in 2021, but there are no
teuthis gahi production compared with the period 2012–20. details of the specific amounts per squid species, because
This surplus resulted in a corresponding increase in exports, squid imports are reported as either ‘Loligo’ or ‘squid’
with trade flow affected at two main levels: (a) predictably, (NOAA 2023).
there was an increase of imports by each of the main trade The successful Doryteuthis gahi fishery stock manage-
partners: Spain (+ 20%), Morocco (+ 106%), South Africa ment model developed by the Falkland Islands Fisheries

44 Page 16 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

Department has been accompanied by a successful mar- products from catch to consumer. Similar squid products
keting strategy led by Spanish seafood companies feeding that can compete with Doryteuthis gahi in the EU and US
southern European retail and food service supply chains. markets are known for having higher risks of IUU fishing
Besides efforts to find new markets in Latin America and input and human rights violations due to the involvement of
Southeast Asia, the majority of the extra production of 64% unregulated distant-water fleets, bad practices, and opaque
in 2021 and 78% in 2022 (compared with mean annual pro- processing, particularly in China (Asche et al. 2022; Selig
duction over the period 2012–20) has been absorbed by et al. 2022).
southern EU food service and retail sectors due to several 5. Sustainability performance Seafood sustainability is
characteristics confirmed by Spanish industry members of now a major aspect of purchasing policy for any contempo-
the Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable run by the Sus- rary retailer and food service company operating in EU or
tainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). These characteristics North American markets. Evidence from independent third-
are as follows. party sustainability assessments (such as those developed
1. Volume aggregation The entire production of the fish- by FishSource for this fishery; SFP 2022) that the fishery is
ery comes from 16 industrial vessels fishing for Doryteu- considered well managed and sustainably exploited is also
this gahi in Falkland Islands waters with strong ties to, or an important factor from a market perspective. This has
belonging to, just a few Spanish seafood companies, which helped to build trust among producers, suppliers and major
have been able to establish long-term business agreements EU and North American market operators.
with major southern EU food services and retailers, thereby These characteristics of the D. gahi industry have enabled
optimizing marketing planning due to an annually assured it to navigate the crisis brought about by the current COVID-
supply. related effects on business much better than other seafood
2. Increased processing Cleaning and gutting squid is industries, and also by the shortly preceding Brexit fiasco
manual-labour intensive, which is a limiting factor for some (via the uncertainties which affected trading conditions
hotel, restaurant and catering (HoReCa) businesses that do among the UK, Falkland Islands and the EU). Traceability
not have the necessary capacity or resources. This challenge and sustainability included, these characteristics have also
has been taken up through increased processing capacity for aided this industry to expand its market penetration, reach-
cleaning and gutting at Spanish facilities, or in third-country ing new clients and creating new opportunities throughout
facilities owned by Spanish suppliers (e.g., in Morocco, Sen- the EU and into North American countries (typically indi-
egal, Namibia and South Africa). This has broadened the cated as USA, although Canada is involved via the free trade
spectrum of HoReCa establishments willing to buy from agreement between them, with US importers of squid also
food service companies operating in the southern EU. At supplying Canadian food service and retail operators).
the same time, this extra basic processing capacity has ena- Where traceability is not as transparent and
bled the development of new products that better meet the ­straightforward as in this Doryteuthis gahi industry, a
needs of the retail sector, fostering the supply to southern ­fundamental requirement is to have clear criteria for ­species
EU retailers as well as steadily contributing to open new or provenance identification.
retail markets in the central and northern EU.
3. Seafood inflation During 2022, the EU experienced Identification
high price inflation on all food products due to increased
production and distribution costs. Fortunately, in the Dory- Taxonomic identification of individual squid or octopus
teuthis gahi fishery of the Falkland Islands, this has been species is important but tricky, and more so for those who
balanced out by increased efficiency of the fleet (probably are not taxonomic experts such as behavioural ecologists,
as a result of changes since 2016, when equal duration of fishers, or citizen scientists. Consider, for example, one of
the fishing season was introduced for both seasons, exploit- the world’s most widely known and distinctive octopuses,
ing both cohorts: a strategy which almost doubled CPUE the giant Pacific octopus (GPO), Enteroctopus dofleini. The
which has not fallen back since, i.e., the ‘efficiency’ of every genus name, Enteroctopus, has been used widely only since
vessel has almost doubled; Arkhipkin, pers obs). This has the turn of the century (based on the revision by O’Shea
helped to increase the competitiveness of Doryteuthis gahi (1999), although it was first coined by Rochebrune and
products in the EU, ultimately making them more attractive Mabille 1889). Using museum specimens, Pickford (1964)
to consumers and HoReCa businesses, and therefore a good proposed that this species (as ‘Octopus dofleini’) is com-
option both for household consumption and as a replacement posed of three subspecies, but by the 1990s that was not
of other seafood items on restaurant menus. supported (Gleadall 1993; Hochberg 1998). Now, however,
4. Traceability The vertical integration of the fishing rather than several subspecies, it is becoming clear that the
fleet with Spanish processors, together with the EU import GPO includes more than one species. Among the northern
requirements, enables full traceability of Doryteuthis gahi Pacific Alaskan population, studies using DNA sequencing

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 17 of 46 44

(Toussaint et al. 2012a, b; Hollenbeck and Scheel 2012, et al. 2022). Additionally, the use of common names is
2017) confirmed the presence of a second species, the a source of even more confusion (especially since they
‘frilled giant Pacific octopus’ (scientific name pending). may vary from place to place even within the same coun-
This previously unnoticed species can be recognized visu- try), and is a major reason why the binomial (‘two-name’)
ally by its body pattern characteristics and in some samples ‘genus + species’ Latin-based system of Linnaeus is pre-
it is more common than the well-known E. dofleini (Scheel ferred for scientific purposes (Winston 1999).
unpublished data from incidental catches in Prince William In northern European cultures, cephalopods have entered
Sound spot shrimp surveys by the Alaska Department of the diet relatively recently and in past centuries they were
Fish and Game; ADFG). However, the two species are often used only as bait for catching finfish, so until the last few
confused by non-specialists and currently fisheries data decades there has been little interest in ID at the species
­consider only a single GPO, all under the name E. dofleini. level: Simmonds (in Bartsch 1931), for example, recorded
In an informal, unpublished trial, Scheel examined the long ago that squid species of genus Loligo are a favourite
success rate at distinguishing between the two species of food of the cod, Gadus morhua, and that half of the cod
GPO shown in pictures of the catch from the ADFG shrimp caught by fishers off Newfoundland was taken using squid
survey (Scheel unpublished data from ADFG) depicting the as bait. A large amount of squid is still used today as finfish
live octopuses in situ, out of water, on the deck of a ves- bait by sport fishers in USA but typically the squid species
sel or against some other neutral background. Two trained being used is unknown: as a bait item, fishers are not inter-
observers agreed with each other and with genetic ID of ested in which squid species they have (Moustahfid, pers
species for all but a single image, for which the opinion of obs). Indeed, packages containing octopus arms labelled as
the two observers differed. People experienced in octopus ‘calamari’ (= ‘squid’) are not questioned by people unfamil-
ID can be used to train artificial intelligence (AI; see Sect. iar with cephalopods (see Sect. “Misidentification”).
“Artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning Taxonomic identification is gradually becoming easier
and deep learning”) to identify octopuses in images and, and more reliable with the advent of various databases freely
where possible, IDs can be validated using DNA sampling available on the Internet which provide some guidance for
(but note the caveats in Sect. “DNA barcoding for species both scientists and laypeople in how to recognize species.
identification”: it is important that DNA reference sam- However, it is difficult for one person to be expert at iden-
ples themselves have been identified correctly; Vecchione tifying any particular animal group because of the large
et al. 2022). Such principles are involved in the construc- number of species, so it is easy for errors to creep in when
tion of certain tracer apps built around the identification of database compilers attempt to identify species with which
­cephalopod harvests (see Sect. “Traceability apps”). they are less familiar. Errors tend to be repeated and eventu-
Obstacles to successful identification have their history ally find their way into all the available databases and there
in taxonomic practice to work from preserved specimens, is a time lag in updates and revisions to these databases.
since preservation can destroy or obscure the differences There is also some inertia in accepting and incorporating
most obvious in life. Other reasons for (accidental) misi- new advances in ID. In the field of octopus ID, for exam-
dentification include: misprints and incorrect cues in spe- ple, recent improvements include more detailed descriptions
cies keys (e.g., Hochberg and Dorsey 1987, Fig. 14.5, (e.g.Gleadall et al. 2010; Leite et al. 2008, 2021); clear rec-
inadvertently illustrating E. dofleini as an ocellate species, ommendations to ensure the best conditions necessary for
perhaps Octopus bimaculoides); the unique challenges of preserving reference (‘type’) specimens (e.g., Gleadall et al.
naming and describing highly and continuously variable 2010); and emphasizing the importance of ensuring a direct
octopus body patterns (Packard and Hochberg 1977; Roper connection between DNA sequences and morphological
and Hochberg 1988; Hanlon and Messenger 2018); and our data using the same reference specimen (e.g., a holotype
incomplete understanding of cephalopod diversity. Many specimen) for both data sources (Gleadall 2013). Improve-
species, including the frilled GPO, have yet to be identi- ments are also underway (González-Gómez et al. 2023, this
fied unambiguously through publication of a scientifically special issue) to enhance the information available for the
rigorous taxonomic description. Americas, which have long suffered from erroneous Euro-
Even for the specialist, identifying organisms can be centric IDs of the endemic American species of octopus
subject to some ambiguity. Scientific ID traditionally relies in view of similarities with species described in Europe,
on morphological appearance but size and colour of ceph- such as Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, and Pinnoctopus
alopod individuals within a species may vary considerably, macropus (Risso, 1832). Some journal editors, reviewers
and often it can be difficult to distinguish between varia- and researchers clearly are unaware of such improvements,
tion among individuals within the same species and differ- allowing the publication of inadequate descriptions of little
ences among species (Laptikhovsky et al. 2002; Anderson help to subsequent researchers, and which fail to present
et al. 2008; Gebhardt and Knebelsberger 2015; Alujević essential basic morphometric data (even in supplementary

44 Page 18 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

files), misinterpret previous studies, omit important and rel- americanus Froriep, 1806, in cooler deeper waters. In East
evant recent literature, and consequently cite outdated pub- Asia, the common octopus is now identified as O. sinen-
lications, and propose IDs which are fundamentally ques- sis d’Orbigny, 1841 (Gleadall 2016), and a similar species
tionable because of the absence of any comparisons with in the Kermadec Islands as O. jollyorum Reid and Wilson
taxonomic ‘type’ specimens. 2015. However, despite a gap between their populations of
Over the last 30 years or so, there has been a trend to try nearly 9,000 km and a distinctive morphological difference
to circumvent the more difficult and ‘subjective’ IDs based between males of O. sinensis and O. jollyorum, they are
on morphology in favour of the use of ‘more objective’ recognized by some researchers as but one species, based
gene sequence comparisons: the so-called ‘barcode’ tech- on the (apparently objective and infallible) DNA sequence
niques such as species differences in the DNA sequence of similarity of the COI gene (Amor et al. 2016; but see Amor
mitochondrial gene Cytochrome oxidase 1 (COI). However, and Hart 2021). Possible cryptic diversity (that is, the pres-
IDs based on sequence comparisons are only as good as the ence of more than one species where only one species has
morphological ID of the specimen from which the refer- been detected morphologically) has been proposed also for
ence sequence was taken, and it has been recognized that the squids Loliolus beka, Uroteuthis edulis; and octopuses
the number of errors of names associated with sequences Octopus minor, Amphioctopus fangsiao, and Hapalochlaena
deposited in repositories such as GenBank is much larger lunulata from Chinese waters (Xu et al. 2022).
than one might expect (Groenenberg et al. 2009; Vecchione
et al. 2022). Although IDs are not guaranteed by the owners Identification of cephalopods in commercial products
of databases such as GenBank, many users seem to accept
unquestioningly the ID accompanying each registered In the drive to improve species ID (especially to overcome
sequence. This lack of reliability in DNA sequence data- the widespread problem of species substitution in the mar-
base curation has consequences outside of pure science: it ket; see Sect. “Misidentification”), seafood species have
has resulted in at least one recorded instance where a sus- been identified by a range of different techniques (Silva and
pected species substitution fraud was rendered inconclusive, Hellberg 2021). However, techniques such as the analysis
because DNA sequences from publicly available databases of allozyme polymorphisms have serious limitations when
indicated close matches to more than three different squid applied to food, because fresh tissue is necessary. Identifi-
species, preventing any criminal prosecution from taking cation techniques based on DNA analysis overcome such
place (Moore 2020). (That is, samples identified by three limitations, because DNA molecules are more stable to
different species names in the ‘barcode’ database had clearly different treatments (heating, salting and smoking) than
been taken from individuals of the same species.) proteins (Chapela et al. 2002). Table 3 is a list of those
For both octopus and squid, discrimination of species techniques used for cephalopod species in commercial
can be challenging, even when appropriately paired mor- products. More than half of these studies have relied on
phological and sequence data are available. The close simi- genetic barcoding using the COI gene, amplifying, and
larity among species that actually are different may well be a BLAST searching of new sequences against public DNA
property of the rapid speciation considered to have occurred databases using BOLD and the NCBI web pages (Table 3).
recently (and probably still in progress) in modern cepha- Detecting the provenance of samples is another approach
lopods (Nesis 1999). Therefore, for example, the morpho- that is increasing in use, because it is a way to trace a sea-
logical differences between the squid species Alloteuthis food item without restriction to species that may be difficult
media and A. subulata (distinguished on the basis of their to identify taxonomically at the species level. Beginning in
morphology by Naef 1923) overlap to the extent that for 2022, chemical signatures are used to trace the origin of
some authors they are regarded as variations among a single cephalopod products on both domestic and international
species (Laptikhovsky et al. 2002), although DNA analysis scales, based on analysis of fresh or frozen soft tissues and
suggests that they are indeed different (Anderson et al. 2008; particular octopus parts such as statoliths or ink. Stable
Gebhardt and Knebelsberger 2015; Alujević et al. 2022). carbon and oxygen isotope analyses (isotope-ratio mass
Among octopuses, ‘common’ octopuses around the world spectrometry) of statoliths and elemental analyses (X-ray
were all identified until recently as Octopus vulgaris but fluorescence using Itrax) of soft tissue of octopus have
are now recognized as a complex of different species with been combined successfully to deduce the provenance of
their own discrete biogeographical limits, as confirmed by four octopus species at international and domestic scales
analyzing differences in nuclear and mitochondrial COI (Martino et al. 2022). Total X-ray fluorescence-based multi-
gene sequence, as well as subtle morphological differences elemental profiling of O. vulgaris ink has successfully dis-
detected subsequently. Off the American Atlantic coasts, tinguished among four collection areas in Portugal (Duarte
for example, there are two species: Octopus insularis Leite et al. 2022). Spectral fingerprints obtained with near-infra-
and Haimovici, 2008, in warmer shallower waters; and O. red (NIR) spectroscopy have been patterned by different

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 19 of 46 44

Table 3  Methods used for cephalopod species identification and provenance identification in market products
Method Target gene Species number* N tested, mislabeling% References

Species identification
­AFLPa 2 S, 1 O, 1 C Maldini et al. (2006)
PCR-RFLPb 16SrRNA 5S Colombo et al. (2002)
­FINSc 16SrRNA 9 S, 1 O 8 Chapela et al. (2002)
cytb 13 O, 11 C, 4 S 20 (30%) Espiñeira et al. (2010)
PCR–RFLP + FINS cytb 8S 18 Chapela et al. (2003)
cytb 21 S, 2 O, 1 C 15 (33%) Santaclara et al. (2007)
cytb 4 S, 1 O 5 (60%) Pardo et al. (2018)
Real-time PCR COIII, 16SrRNA, ITS1 26 S, 16 C, 15 O 34–42 Espiñeira and Vieites 2012);
Herrero et al. (2012)
COI, cytb, ATPase 6, 12SrDNA 4S Ye et al. (2016)
COI, 16SrRNA, 12SrRNA 5 S, 5 O, 1 C Chung et al. (2018)
COI 2S 48 Shi et al. (2020)
COI 11 S, 5 O, 4 C 17 (25%) Velasco et al. (2020)
Multiplex PCR 16SrRNA 5 S, 2 O 8 Kim et al. (2015b)
COI 3O 30 Lee et al. (2022)
DNA barcoding COI, cob, 16SrRNA 1 S, 1 O Nicolè et al. (2012)
COI, cytb 5O 51 (55%) Debenedetti et al. (2014)
COI 6 (33%) Armani et al. (2015)
COI 1O 1 (0%) Khaksar et al. (2015)
COI, 16SrRNA 7O 59 Martin (2015)
COI, 16SrRNA 3 C, 2 S 19–18 (52–22%) Galal-Khallaf et al. (2016)
COI 2 O, 1 S Shen et al. (2016)
COI, 16SrRNA 6 S, 4 C, 2 O 66(48%) Guardone et al. (2017)
COI, 16SrRNA 5 S, 4 C, 1 O 95 (2%) Wen et al. (2017)
COI 2 S, 1 O 8 (0%) Marin et al. (2018)
COI 1 S, 1 C 7(57%) Sarmiento et al. (2018)
COI 2 S, 1 O 11 (27%) Tinacci et al. (2018a)
COI 4 S, 3 C, 2 O 16 (19%) Tinacci et al. (2018b)
COI 1O 17 (53%) EJFEFJ (2019)
COI 4 S, 3 C, 2 O 59 (31%) Fernández et al. (2020)
COI 3 O, 1 S 6 (0%) Wallstrom et al. (2020)
COI 1S 35 (23%) Sun et al. (2021)
“ + NanoTracer COI 5 O, 4 S, 3 C 150 (33%) Maggioni et al. (2020)
­LAMPd COI 1S Ye et al. (2017)
COI 3S Tatulli et al. (2020)
RPA-LFAe COI 8 S, 5 O, 1 C 32 (3%) Velasco et al. (2021)
Nanopore COI 2C Ho et al. (2020)
Sequencing COI, cytb 2S Toxqui-Rodríguez et al. (2023)
Provenance identification
­NIRSf 2 C, 5 areas Curró et al. (2021)
NIRS 2 O, 2 areas Varrá et al. (2022)
­XRFg, ­IRMSh 4 O, 5 areas Martino et al. (2022)
XRF 1 O, 4 areas Duarte et al. (2022)

Species numbers are subdivided as C, cuttlefish; O, octopus; and S, squid

*Included here are only those papers working with commercial samples. There are many other publications dealing with genetic studies of
cephalopod species taken from the wild using barcoding genes but these are not relevant to commercial harvest sampling
Amplified fragment length polymorphism; bPolymerase chain reaction—restriction fragment length polymorphism; cForensically informative
nucleotide sequencing; dLoop-mediated isothermal amplification; eRecombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow assay; fNear-infrared
reflectance spectroscopy; gX-ray fluorescence spectrometry; hIsotope-ratio mass spectrometry

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traditional and modern (e.g., ML) tools to identify the origin Indication of the scientific name or provenance of seafood
of two species of octopus from two different areas (Varrá is optional (Xiong et al. 2016). The popularity in China of
et al. 2022). Indeed, an array of tools has now been used dried cephalopod products, which are even more difficult to
to test provenance traceability in marketable cephalopods identify, paves the way for species substitution (Wen et al.
(Table 3). 2017; Shi et al. 2020).
South Korea has sought to introduce a Seafood Trace-
ability System (STS) providing a record of a product briefly
Legislation for identification and labelling using barcode- and QR code-based information technology.
However, its application is voluntary and does not include
Current legislation on ID for seafood products worldwide any of the imported species. Lack of strong implementation
still has many gaps (see Sect. “IUU fishing and a summary measures from the government, resistance from the industry
of measures in place to combat it”). Mandatory seafood and producers, low incentive and limited interest from con-
labelling provisions such as for scientific and common sumers have all contributed to the current failure of the STS.
names is still quite limited (D’Amico et al. 2016). The fol- Thus, the Korean market is still vulnerable to IUU products
lowing brief review of cephalopod product legislation con- that lack proper hygiene and regulatory standards, which
siders only countries most relevant to cephalopod trade and has serious implications considering the nation’s heavy
consumption including China, Korea, the EU and the US. dependence on seafood (EJF 2019). A number of funda-
‘The Seafood List’ is the US FDA ‘Guide to Acceptable mental improvements in regulations and laws for labelling
Market Names for Seafood’ sold in interstate commerce. are clearly needed (see Sect. “Misidentification”).
It contains around 40 cephalopod common and scientific The fishery sector fishing octopus from particular areas
names. However, the market names considered acceptable has sought to obtain an official certificate of designation
are just ‘squid’ or ‘calamari’, ‘cuttlefish’ and ‘octopus’, of origin. Unofficial designations such as ‘Polbo das Rias’
which are ambiguous generic names providing incomplete (estuary octopus) for Octopus vulgaris from Galicia might
information for consumers (Wallstrom et al. 2020). legally protect the traditional way of preparing octopus in
A recent review on the labelling of seafood products typical local fairs and pilgrimages, thus adding value to the
(D’Amico et al. 2016) includes the most recent EU regula- product, and providing access to national and international
tions. Mandatory information for any product containing markets (Espiñeira and Vieites 2012). A similar effort (still
live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in-brine cepha- pending) has also been included in the management plan
lopods include scientific name and provenance. However, for O. maya, a Caribbean endemic of the Campeche Bank,
for prepared or preserved (canned) cephalopods, no such Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico (DOF 2014).
information is mandatory. Neither is it mandatory for res-
taurants or other mass caterers, which may indicate cepha- Misidentification
lopods on their menu by generic or otherwise incomplete
names. Given the technical difficulties of ID to distinguish species
Each EU country has its own legislation regarding cepha- with the naked eye (Lee et al. 2022; Sect. “Identification”),
lopod commercial names (Herrero et al. 2012; Xiong et al. the occurrence of accidental misidentifications is not sur-
2016). The list for Spain established in 1986 had many short- prising. Because of the difficulties (even for experts) of iden-
comings such as labelling canned cuttlefish (Sepia spp.) as tifying species correctly, misidentifications and consequent
longfin squid ‘calamar’ (Herrero et al. 2012). Currently, unintentional substitutions can and do occur. These may be
individual countries draw up and publish a list of the com- due to similar geographic distribution of species such as the
mercial designations accepted in their territory including common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, and the lesser octopus,
accepted local or regional names (European Commission Eledone cirrhosa, which have overlapping distributions and
2022). Mediterranean countries list more cephalopod species similar morphological characteristics. Also, the juveniles of
than the rest of Europe but they still contain scientific names different octopus species can be misidentified at any level in
that are now unaccepted, such as Octopus dollfusi (currently the value chain, even at the point of capture.
identified as Amphioctopus aegina). The complexity of cephalopod trade flows and variations
The Chinese fishery sector suffers from significant leg- in, or lack of, labelling systems and official lists of seafood
islative and managerial shortcomings and, unlike many trade names in different countries can make it difficult to
other countries, lacks specific provisions for the labelling accurately identify the origin of species used in cephalopod
of fishery products and an official reference list of seafood products, especially in processed preparations where poten-
trade names. In fact, except for establishing some basic tially identifiable anatomical features have been removed.
compulsory labelling requirements, only a few standards These problems, along with often-inadequate traceability
(some mandatory and some voluntary) have been issued. measures, create opportunities for exploitation through

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 21 of 46 44

product mislabelling or substitution with species of lower could not be identified using barcode analysis. This high-
commercial value, as well as abusive practices such as the lights the need to enlarge on the information available in the
addition of water to artificially increase product weight and, reference databases, since for some octopus species, there
ultimately, the price (Ospina-Alvarez et al. 2022). are no reference sequences available, either in GenBank or
Misidentifications can contribute to miscalculation of BOLD (Debenedetti et al. 2014). It is clearly important to
stock assessment for both the actual species (for which, con- tighten up the identifications recorded in the reference data-
sequently, the stock will be under-assessed) and the species bases and regular reviewing is necessary to weed out any
whose name is used to identify the organism (for which the misidentifications. Also, it is important that the database ref-
stock will be over-assessed). For both organisms, this results erence sequences used are named (by their accession num-
in inaccuracies in tracking the species from capture to con- bers) in identification studies. Unfortunately, the studies by
sumer, and ultimately errors in stock management (based on Debenedetti et al. (2014) and Guardone et al. (2017) did not
errors of stock assessment) which compromise the sustain- record the reference accession numbers (confirmed by pers
ability of both resources. For these reasons, misidentification com to author IGG), so it is not possible to comment further
must be minimized but currently the problem is massive and on the identifications used in those studies. The conclusion
can account for up to half the estimated stock of particular is that many of the samples reported as O. membranaceus
species (Naaum et al. 2016). were probably honest misidentifications (not deliberate but
Academic reports on specimen substitution are some- based on the erroneous information available at the time).
times susceptible to technical problems when attempting to However, specimens labelled as ‘Octopus membranaceus’
assess the extent of misidentification and mislabelling. For but identified as Cistopus spp. may well have been exam-
example, there are two reports on frozen products imported ples of deliberate mislabelling, since Cistopus is a genus of
to Italy (Debenedetti et al. 2014; Guardone et al. 2017) that medium-large species of inferior palatability (in both taste
include labels identifying some of the samples as ‘Octopus and consistency) and, consequently, of inferior value.
membranaceus’. This is a poorly characterized species of Deliberate, fraudulent misidentifications fall into two
uncertain distribution, but which is the type species of the major categories: deliberate mislabelling (Helyar et al. 2014;
small octopus genus Amphioctopus (i.e., the correct identi- Naaum et al. 2016); and bogus identification and labelling of
fication is Amphioctopus membranaceus). The species iden- catches from illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fish-
tification reference used in these reports was the first edition ing (Macfadyen et al. 2019; Nodzenski et al. 2019; Donlan
of the FAO catalogue of world cephalopods (Roper et al. et al. 2020). Among both these categories is included the
1984), published during a period when genus Amphiocto- practice of ‘re-exporting’ as a strategy to mislead concern-
pus was not recognized and ‘Octopus membranaceus’ was ing the true provenance of the product (Asche et al. 2022).
thought to be synonymous with a number of other species
that are now recognized as distinct, though related. Among Deliberate mislabelling
these is Amphioctopus fangsiao (cf. Gleadall 1997, 2003),
which is a highly exploited East Asian species (Sauer et al. Ensuring that seafood is accurately labelled is of great
2021). Both Debenedetti et al. (2014) and Guardone et al. importance to avoid negative impacts on marine popula-
(2017) used sequences deposited in FISH-BOL, GenBank tions and to achieve sustainability goals but problems with
and BOLD to identify DNA sequences from samples that mislabelling are significant. For example, surveys estimate
had been labelled as O. membranaceus. Some of these that 13% to 37% of seafood sold in the USA is incorrectly
sequences were identical with a database sequence identified labelled (Lewis and Boyle 2017). It is known that fishers
by the submitter as A. fangsiao ‘from Vietnam’ (a species often mislabel seafood, especially if they caught it illegally
with a reported distribution only as far south as Taiwan: no (IUU fishing; Warner et al. 2014; see Sect. “IUU fishing
taxonomic studies have confirmed the presence of A. fang- and a summary of measures in place to combat it”). Inten-
siao in the South China Sea). Other samples were identified tional species substitution can aid the introduction of ille-
as belonging to the genus Cistopus from Thailand and India. gally caught fish to international markets, thereby supporting
Debenedetti et al. (2014) and Guardone et al. (2017) sug- consumption of products from poorly managed fisheries. For
gested that both these labelling and identification conflicts instance, 55% of 44 samples labelled as ‘shark’ in Brazil
were due to intentional substitutions (deliberate mislabel- were identified as largetooth sawfish, an IUCN Critically
ling; see Sect. “Deliberate mislabelling”, below), consider- Endangered species the trading of which is prohibited (e.g.,
ing that O. membranaceus was a species under heavy exploi- Faria et al. 2013). Such practices may give consumers the
tation and that the substituting species have a lower market false impression that supply is keeping up with demand,
value. Debenedetti et al. (2014) also reported that a speci- while declines in the populations of threatened species go
men labelled ‘Octopus membranaceus’ was identified as unnoticed. Moreover, the fact that certain species names
O. aegina, but 21 other samples of ‘Octopus membranaceus’ appear commonly in restaurant menus makes it harder to

44 Page 22 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

argue for increased protections for them when consumers imported at an Italian port, showed that 23% of the analyzed
think that these populations are healthy and abundant given products were mislabelled. The highest percentage of misla-
their apparent ‘availability’. belling was observed for cephalopod-based products (44%),
Some species of fish and invertebrates that are used as followed by crustaceans (17%) and fish (14%). A higher rate
substitutes carry the risk of negative human health impacts was found in products imported from Asia. Percentages of
such as allergies and poisoning (Warner et al. 2016; Fer- mislabelling in cephalopod products as determined by DNA
nandes et al. 2020; Kroetz et al. 2020). For example, samples sequencing methods greatly vary between studies, although
from Chinese shops in Italy labelled as ‘squid’ have been mislabelling rates of 30–50% are not uncommon. Typi-
identified by DNA sequencing as puffer fish in the genus cally, species of higher commercial value are substituted by
Lagocephalus, which is banned from European markets due another of lower value (FIS 2018). Longfin squid (Loligo)
to the presence of life-threatening tetrodotoxin in certain tis- are commonly substituted by shortfin squids of the family
sues (Armani et al. 2015). Some ‘squid balls’ marketed in Ommastrephidae such as genera Illex and Todarodes (Pardo
the Philippines are known to be made from pork or chicken et al. 2018).
(Sarmiento et al. 2018) and ‘cuttlefish balls’ from Singa- Legal gaps in the commercial naming of cephalo-
pore may include pork, mislabellings with the potential to pod species have been underlined as factors which lead
cause stress and conflict in a multi-religious market (Ho to widespread mislabelling in the market (Herrero et al.
et al. 2020). 2012). Lack of mandatory requirements to report cepha-
In addition to species substitution, there are many other lopod species for some products also encourages species
kinds of seafood mislabelling to hide the correct identity, substitution. Labels on most fresh products and prepared
origin or weight of the seafood. Examples include: misrep- dishes, as well as canned cephalopods, fail to provide
resentation of provenance (Forbes and Alexander 2015); cephalopod species information (Espiñeira and Vieites
sourcing of farmed products subsequently labelled as wild 2012). Labelling without providing scientific names rep-
(Aursand et al. 2009); frozen and thawed products labelled resents from a third to two thirds of all cephalopod prod-
as fresh (see, for example, Pennisi et al. 2021); and short- ucts in supermarkets (Espiñeira and Vieites 2012; Herrero
weighting or over-glazing (Silva and Hellberg 2021). The et al. 2012; Fernández et al. 2020; Velasco et al. 2021).
objective of all such mislabelling is economic fraud: to Mislabelling also extends to the mass-catering sector
obtain more profit by assigning the name of a higher-quality (Pardo et al. 2018). The fact that each country has its own
(tastier and more valuable) provenance, species or product legislation and that also inside the same country there are
to seafood or other product considered much less palatable different valid regulations for a given species or taxonomic
or of lower quality, which would normally trade at a much group, depending on the format in which it is marketed,
lower price. Those guilty of mislabelling are most often makes the standardization of cephalopod legislation more
the distributors or final seafood retailers (e.g., fishmongers, difficult and cephalopod commercial naming ambiguous
restaurants and supermarkets; Jacquet and Pauly 2008). (Herrero et al. 2012).
Customers then lose out by purchasing low-cost seafood at Octopus and squid commercial landings data are sub-
prices corresponding to high-value products. For instance, ject to the usual issues of under- and mis-reporting (see
when canned low-quality squid is mislabelled as ‘octo- Sect. “IUU fishing and a summary of measures in place
pus’, the retail price can quadruple (R. González-Gómez to combat it”) and, in many cases, the taxonomic identity
pers obs), as does the corresponding loss to the consumer. of the targeted species remains unknown or is taken for
Fishermen and businesses abiding by the regulations then granted because official fishery statistics do not attempt to
struggle to compete with such cheaper products that move distinguish different species. Uses of umbrella or generic
more easily through the value chain when they are being common names, such as ‘octopus’ or ‘squid’, leads to
mislabelled and fraudulently sold on as more-expensive, species substitution (Espiñeira and Vieites 2012; Velasco
high-demand products. et al. 2021), thereby confusing consumers and regula-
The statistics of mislabelling reflects the fact that cepha- tors (Fernández et al. 2020). Squid landings are typically
lopod species tends to have a similar appearance, especially classified as ‘long-finned’ (loliginid) or ‘short-finned’
to an untrained consumer, so it is relatively easy to take (ommastrephid), while octopus catches are often referred
advantage of difficulties of visual ID and distinction. From to as ‘unidentified octopus’ or ‘common octopus’, Octo-
an increasing number of market surveys (often through DNA pus vulgaris (Pierce et al. 2008; Norman and Finn 2016;
sequence testing and other approaches), it is known that Domínguez-Contreras et al. 2018).
the incidence of (mostly deliberate) seafood mislabelling The generic name ‘baby octopus’ (probably implying
is high. A recent study by Guardone et al. (2017), analyz- ‘baby Octopus vulgaris’) is often applied to the adults of
ing 277 products belonging to different seafood categories several species from the small-sized genus Amphiocto-
(fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, bivalves and amphibians) pus marketed widely around the world (Jereb et al. 2014).

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 23 of 46 44

Amphioctopus aegina from Indonesia and Vietnam is often 2018), related to its superior taste and the fact that until
sold as ‘baby octopus’ in Australian (Martino et al. 2022) relatively recently it was regarded as a cosmopolitan species
and Hawaiian markets (Wallstrom et al. 2020), and A. aegina (see Sect. “Octopus vulgaris, the common octopus of the
and A. marginatus are sold as ‘baby octopus’ or ‘little octo- Eastern Central Atlantic”). Many octopus products in Spain
pus’ in California (Martin 2015). Amphioctopus marginatus including prepared dishes, which do not have any species
was the only octopus recorded in Chinese markets by Wen label contain O. vulgaris (Espiñeira and Vieites 2012). It is
et al. (2017). Half of the Octopus vulgaris sold in Seoul probably the most appreciated cephalopod on the Spanish
markets was substituted by A. marginatus (EJF 2019), which market due to the traditional way of preparing it as ‘Gali-
has been found also as a substitute for O. vulgaris in the Ital- cian octopus’. Even though it has no official certificate of
ian market (Nicolè et al. 2012). In addition, possible cryptic designation of origin, such ‘brand names’ are used to legally
diversity in cephalopod species from Chinese waters (Xu protect certain foods that are produced in a given area, thus
et al. 2022) suggests that many other Amphioctopus species adding value to the product and providing enhanced access
might be involved in the international market. to national and international markets.
Frozen octopus sold in Spain may include American spe- Such brand features of O. vulgaris in association with the
cies such as O. maya and O. mimus (Espiñeira and Vieites high prices it can attain in the market generally, due also to
2012; Fernández et al. 2020; Maggioni et al. 2020; Velasco limited supplies from the main exporting countries, often
et al. 2021). Espiñeira and Vieites (2012) conducted a study result in fraud in which the name Octopus vulgaris is used to
to identify fraud related to the labelling of food products in label other cephalopod species of lower value such as other
Spain and found that approximately 67% of the products octopuses (e.g., Eledone sp., the ‘lesser octopus’) or even
(including fresh and canned products, prepared dishes, and species of squid, particularly Dosidicus gigas (Santaclara
frozen products) had no species name. According to those et al. 2007; Espiñeira et al. 2010; see Sect. “Dosidicus gigas,
authors, this is a consequence of the current labelling regu- the Southeast Pacific Humboldt or jumbo flying squid”):
lations in Spain, which do not require the particular species one of the most common frauds of seafood species substi-
to be declared in certain food formats (whole, tentacles, in tution involves squid labelled as octopus (Lawrence et al.
pieces, etc.). The study revealed that in prepared and canned 2022). The most common substitutes for O. vulgaris in the
products, even when the species name was not included, the literature are D. gigas and Amphioctopus spp. (Velasco et al.
commercial name was indicated as well as the commercial 2021). Some cans show misleading advertisements on the
format (terms for the latter being currently under review; main package label such as ‘octopus style’, but are labelled
Secretaria General de Pesca 2020). elsewhere in small font as Dosidicus gigas or with generic
Instances of mislabelling are especially difficult to detect names such ‘cephalopod’ (Espiñeira and Vieites 2012; Her-
in processed foods such as breaded or canned products rero et al. 2012; Velasco et al. 2021). Mislabelling has been
because morphological characteristics of the species are reduced somewhat with the recent practice of at least includ-
entirely lost due to the different treatments to which they ing the true species name somewhere on the package.
have been subjected, including peeling, cutting, cook- At the opposite end of the quality range to O. vulgaris, D.
ing and canning. In this regard, it is noted that the jumbo gigas is currently the leading squid in terms of total catch
squid D. gigas has suckers that contain an interior rigid landings worldwide and it is the most common cephalopod
ring equipped with formidable triangular teeth and its flesh used as a substitute, due to its low price. It is the most fre-
contains ammonia (see Sect. “Dosidicus gigas, the South- quently represented cephalopod (from 48 to 100% of com-
east Pacific Humboldt or jumbo flying squid”). To make it mercial samples) in Chinese markets and the only species
a palatable product, some companies subject it to drastic retrieved in shredded and grilled, sliced and dried ‘octo-
physical and chemical processing in which the sucker rings pus’ and ‘cuttlefish’ in Zhangzhou and Qingdao markets
are removed and the ammonia off-flavours are corrected fol- (Wen et al. 2017; Ye et al. 2016, 2017; Shi et al. 2020). It
lowing a chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide and is also found in ‘squid balls’ and ‘fish balls’ imported from
a cocktail of phosphates. As a result, the arms of a squid, some countries in Southeast Asia (Sarmiento et al. 2018).
the most captured cephalopod in the world, chopped and Breaded precooked slices labelled as Illex argentinus from
cooked, have an octopus-like appearance. Several European Spain to Bulgaria are also substituted by D. gigas (Tinacci
companies take advantage of this fact (and the existence of et al. 2018a).
legal gaps related to labelling) and sell processed jumbo Fernández et al. (2020) conducted a seafood labelling
squid as ‘octopus-like’ canned products in what is a clear study in three major supermarkets located in Spain and
example of economic fraud. found that 68% of cephalopod commercial products were
The common octopus of the eastern Atlantic, O. vul- improperly labelled (either incorrectly, not fully informa-
garis, has worldwide socioeconomic importance and is tive, or incomplete) including species mixes and substitu-
the most valuable cephalopod on the market (Pardo et al. tions (31%). Among other findings, the authors highlight the

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following: (a) a product labelled as the ommastrephid squid 2018). Therefore, after processing, currently, these Pacific
Illex argentinus but identified by DNA sequencing as cut- D. gigas products can be classified, according to the Codex,
tlefish, Sepia sp.; (b) a product labelled as a loliginid squid, as a product of Spain. Some cans of Spanish origin have
Loligo sp., but identified as a mixture of the ommastrephids reached the international market to the US (Lingwall 2017),
I. argentinus and D. gigas; and (c) a product labelled as where two New York food processing and distribution com-
Octopus vulgaris but identified as O. maya from the Gulf of panies imported, processed, marketed, sold, and distributed
Mexico and Caribbean. more than 50 t of D. gigas from Peru worth $1.1 million
For the present review, one of the authors (RGG) inves- that had been falsely labelled as octopus (US Department
tigated a number of products available in supermarkets in of Justice 2019).
southeastern Spain (in November, 2022) and found that, To establish a common organization of the markets
although labelled with phrases such as ‘Octopus in Galician regarding fishery and aquaculture products, current EU
sauce’ (implying O. vulgaris), the packs all contained jumbo regulations concerning seafood dictate that, in order for
squid, D. gigas (Fig. 7). Despite being correctly labelled in these to be sold, appropriate labelling should indicate: (a)
the ingredient list as D. gigas, the ambiguity between the the commercial designation of the species and its scientific
commercial name of the product (implying that it is octo- name; (b) the production method; (c) the area where the
pus) and the labelled and identified squid species is clearly product was caught or farmed, and the category of fishing
intended to mislead consumers into purchasing something gear used; (d) whether the product has been defrosted; and
quite different from what they expected. Similar mislabel- (e) the date of minimum durability [Regulation (EU) No
ling examples include D. gigas deliberately mislabelled as 1379/2013]. According to these regulations, this informa-
‘octopus in oil’, ‘octopus in Galician sauce’, ‘octopus pieces tion is mandatory regarding cephalopods should they be
in garlic sauce’, ‘octopus-squid in garlic sauce’ or ‘octopus- sold live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine.
squid in marinara sauce’ (Fig. 7), suggesting that this prac- However, for canned, breaded or composite products,
tice is pervasive. using the scientific name is not mandatory. Instead, the
These findings raise serious concerns about the transpar- legal name, a customary name or a descriptive, one should
ency of the seafood supply chain and highlight the need for be used (European Commission 2014). In Spain, the com-
traceability studies and continuous monitoring by the regu- mercial name is regarded as the official name through-
latory agencies. This particular fraud appears to be exten- out the nation (BOE 2019). In this regard, several species
sive, since annual Spanish imports of D. gigas from Peru names can be traded under the same ‘legal name’. For
have averaged around 60,000 t in the last three years (FAO instance, the name ‘pota’ can refer to species from any
2021b). According to Harte et al. (2018), not only has Spain of five different squid genera: Berryteuthis, Illex, Noto-
remained Peru’s largest trade partner over the past decade, todarus, Ommastrephes or Todarodes. This can clearly
with 24–38% of squid export by value going to Spain, but mislead consumers. To tackle this issue, Spanish authori-
also some companies are currently processing 6000 t per ties have disclosed a plan to update the current national
year and are also doubling their cold storage capacity. More- regulations (Velasco et al. 2021) including a new list of
over, lower octopus catch quotas imposed in Morocco will accepted commercial names for canned seafood where
continue to tighten the supply of genuine O. vulgaris, and each Spanish commercial name would be related to a sin-
consequently, prices can be expected to continue rising, a gle scientific name included in the FAO ASFIS database
situation that seems likely to boost fraudulent practices (and (CWP on Fishery Statistics Secretariat 2020).
profits) related to mislabelling. Since correct labelling is important for protecting nature
The misrepresentation on these labels (obvious to some- as well as the health of, and access to fair pricing for con-
one familiar with the scientific names of Cephalopoda) vio- sumers, an effective labelling strategy must use the ‘one spe-
lates the general principles of the Codex Alimentarius stand- cies, one name’ rule (Golden and Warner 2014). Accord-
ard for labelling, as well as many of the mandatory labelling ingly, using the scientific name of the species in every single
requirements (FAO and WHO 2018). However, despite this food format including canned and breaded products, would
misrepresentation, it is not illegal per se, because the Codex be the best approach to achieve these goals as it would
guidelines are recommendations for voluntary application by enhance the traceability of seafood, making it easier for gov-
member countries, serving as a basis for national legislation. ernments to improve food safety, protect endangered species,
Enforcement is therefore the responsibility of each coun- enforce fisheries laws, and curb seafood fraud.
try. There is also a loophole in the Codex regarding country Indicating the country of origin on the label should also
of origin: ‘When a food undergoes processing in a second be mandatory for all seafood formats. With D. gigas, as
country which changes its nature, the country in which the previously indicated, Spanish companies buy large quan-
processing is performed shall be considered to be the coun- tities from other countries such as Peru and process them
try of origin for the purposes of labelling.’ (FAO and WHO afterwards in several factories based in Spain. Labelling the

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 25 of 46 44

Fig. 7  Examples of processed seafood sold in Spain as octopus the largest font, and also capitalized, beneath which (in smaller font)
(implying Spanish-caught Mediterranean common octopus, Octopus is the scientific name, Dosidicus gigas. c, d ‘Octopus, garlic style’. c
vulgaris) but containing only jumbo squid (the low-value, low-quality The front label reads ‘Octopus, garlic style’ and ‘Product of Spain’.
squid, Dosidicus gigas, of SE Pacific origin; see text). This labelling The rear label (d) lists the ingredients and begins with ‘Pulpo (Dosid-
is blatantly fraudulent, designed to mislead the consumer into believ- icus gigas)’. e, f ‘Boiled tentacles’ (strongly implying that the pack
ing that the contents are octopus, even though the named species is a contains chopped arms of the octopus, O. vulgaris). e The front label
squid. a, b ‘Marinated octopus’. a The main package label bears the has an illustration of an octopus and states ‘boiled tentacles’, but the
common name ‘Pulpo’ (octopus) and then the scientific name, Dosid- rear label (f) states the content as ‘Dosidicus gigas’, while a recipe is
icus gigas accompanied by the Spanish flag and the words ‘Product of included for cooking the contents as ‘octopus Galician style’. (Image:
Spain’. b In the small-font list of ingredients, the rear label states only RGG. Commercial trademarks have been blanked out with grey rec-
‘jumbo squid tentacles’ but also shows the word ‘Pulpo’ (octopus) in tangles)

44 Page 26 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

final canned product as a ‘product of Spain’ is legal accord- fishing authorizations. Fisheries resources available to bona
ing to the current international regulations, but this is also fide fishers are removed by IUU fishing, which can lead to
undoubtedly misleading for consumers and all concerned. the collapse of local fisheries, with small-scale fisheries in
This is a significant loophole requiring rectification, at the developing countries proving particularly vulnerable. Prod-
international level, such that the Codex should require label- ucts derived from IUU fishing can enter overseas trade mar-
ling with the true geographic site of origin (country) of the kets which thereby undermines and threatens livelihoods,
organism, in place of, or at least in addition to, the country exacerbates poverty, and augments food insecurity.
of processing. Without such legislative changes to labelling Octopus and squid commercial landings data, too, are
requirements, it will continue to be difficult to trace the true subject to issues of under- and mis-reporting and, in many
source, and affected resource, to inform true sustainability. cases, the taxonomic identity of the targeted species remains
Attention to rigorous traceability has the potential to reduce unknown or is taken for granted because official fishery sta-
both the incidence and impact of mislabelling. tistics do not attempt to distinguish different species. How-
ever, the stigma of IUU fishing has its effects, too, making
IUU fishing and a summary of measures in place to combat it difficult to find IUU estimates for cephalopods: Ospina-
it Alvarez et al. (2022) clearly avoided the issue when they
stated, ‘our research does not include illegal, unreported,
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a broad and unregulated (IUU) trade and discards data’.
expression covering various fishing activities that contra- In the USA, estimates suggest that 20–32% by weight of
vene national or international law for fisheries management all imported seafood originates from IUU sources. These
(Agnew et al. 2009; Sumaila et al. 2020). Illegal fishing is illegal imports were valued in 2011 at between $1.3 and
where any foreign or domestic vessel operates in waters $2.1 billion, out of a total of $16.5 billion for the 2.3 Mt of
under the jurisdiction of a State without the permission of edible seafood imports. This trade represented between 4
that State, or in contravention of its laws and regulations and 16% of the value of the global IUU fish catch and reveals
including those of any relevant regional fisheries manage- the unintentional role of the USA, one of the largest seafood
ment organization (RFMO) to which that State is a party. markets in the world, in funding the profits of illegal fishing
Unreported fishing is any activity resulting in failure to (Pramod et al. 2014).
honour obligations to report fishing activities accurately to Combating IUU fishing has been the focus of govern-
the relevant national authority or RFMO. Unregulated fish- ments, RFMOs, and intergovernmental and non-governmen-
ing refers to the fishing of fish stocks to which there are no tal organizations worldwide. This has led to the develop-
applicable conservation or management measures, and also ment of an international framework to support three types
to activities carried out in a RFMO area by vessels without of measures to combat IUU fishing (summarized in Table 4).
nationality, or by those flying the flag of a State not party to Since 2015, national and international efforts to combat
that RFMO, in a manner that contravenes the conservation IUU fishing have been driven by targets SDG 14.4 and 14.6
and management measures of that State or RFMO. of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which
IUU fishing remains one of the greatest threats to marine aim to (respectively) end IUU fishing and eliminate subsidies
ecosystems due to its potent ability to undermine efforts that contribute to IUU fishing by 2030. Of all the measures
to manage fisheries sustainably and to conserve marine being implemented, the most relevant to IUU fishing is the
biodiversity. It is difficult to monitor, but IUU fishing has CDS (measure outlined in Table 4, Sect. 3A), which is a sys-
been estimated to affect 26 Mt valued at US$11 to 23 bil- tem to determine throughout the supply chain whether fish
lion annually (Agnew et al. 2009); and more recently, 8–14 originates from catches consistent with applicable national,
Mt, with an estimated loss in annual economic impact (due regional and international conservation and management
to the diversion of fish from the legitimate trade system) measures. CDS could function most effectively in synergy
at US$26 to 50 billion (Sumaila et al. 2020). IUU fishing with other international instruments including the PSMA and
takes advantage of corrupt administrations and exploits the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport
weak management regimes, in particular those of develop- Vessels and Supply Vessels. Trade policy can play a critical
ing countries lacking the capacity and resources for effective part in combating IUU fishing by implementing market states
monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS). It is ubiquitous measures (Table 4, Sect. 3A, B). TDS documents enable the
and insidious: found in all types and dimensions of fisheries; ID of exports of seafood sourced from fishing vessels flying
on the high seas and in areas within national jurisdiction; the flags of RFMO non-member states, who are barred from
concerns all aspects and stages of the capture and utilisa- harvesting species covered by the RFMO.
tion of fish; and may be associated with organized crime. It Both the US and the EU have procedures for trade-
greatly disadvantages and discriminates against those fishers restrictive measures to be taken against countries perceived
who act responsibly in accordance with the terms of their as doing too little to address IUU fishing. The EU uses Trade

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 27 of 46 44

Table 4  International regulatory framework for sustainable fisheries management and combating IUU. Measures deployed following interna-
tional agreements according to their functional relevance to fishing activities for different countries as port states, flag states or market states

(1) Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA, in force since 2016)

Aim: to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing; prevent marketing of fish caught through IUU fishing by prohibiting port entry to foreign
vessels engaged in, or suspected to be engaged in, IUU fishing
(2) Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Performance (VGFSP, in force since 2014):
Aim: to strengthen and monitor flag state compliance with obligations to ensure that vessels registered under their flags do not conduct IUU
Measures include monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) activities such as vessel monitoring systems (VMS) and observers, which aim
to promote information exchange and cooperation among countries so that flag states refuse to register vessels that are ‘flag-hopping’ by
attempting to register with another flag state and refuse to allow the landing of vessels that have been reported for IUU fishing. Included in
VGFSP are recommendations on how countries can encourage compliance and take action against non-compliance by vessels, as well as on
how to enhance international cooperation to assist developing countries to fulfil their flag state responsibilities
(3A) Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes (VGCDS, adopted by FAO in 2017). Aim: to provide assistance to States,
RFMOs, and other organisations when developing and implementing new CDS, or harmonising or reviewing existing CDS. (CDSs and TDSs
were developed in combating IUU fishing of tuna and have been implemented with success since the early 1990s)
(3B) Trade Restrictive Measures (TREMs). Along with CDSs and trade documentation schemes (TDSs), TREMs are key trade-related measures
to combat IUU fishing

Restrictive Measures (TREMs) in the form of yellow cards a multi-agency committee released an action plan for com-
(identification of non-cooperating countries) and red cards bating IUU fishing and seafood fraud within the US market
(ban on imports). States can only become the object of EU and containing recommendations ranging from expanding
trade measures in their capacity as flag states; port or mar- collaboration with other nations on the issue of IUU fish-
ket states that actively participate in the laundering of IUU ing, developing better technology for tracking imports, and
products cannot be targeted. These trade restrictions are ratifying the UN’s Port State Measures Agreement. As a
applied broadly to all fish imports from a particular country result, NOAA Fisheries developed a national seafood trace-
regardless of the IUU fishing that triggered the identifica- ability program (known as the Seafood Import Monitoring
tion. While industrial operators generally have the option Program, SIMP) which applies to selected at-risk seafood
of reflagging their vessels to avoid flag state-related restric- species entering US commerce. SIMP includes mandatory
tions, small-scale fisheries are inherently unable to escape collection of data from importers pertaining to the harvest,
embargoes on their flag state. This means that embargoes landing, and chain of custody of products via an electronic
on an entire country’s fish exports are more likely to have portal and verified via random audits. The SIMP homepage
disproportionate impacts on small-scale fisheries. links to a range of resources to aid industry compliance
In the USA, NOAA oversees fisheries management. with the new regulation, including model catch certificates,
NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement (NOAA OLE) enforces a compliance guide, and an implementation guide. A volun-
regulations pertaining to the conservation and protection of tary ‘trusted trader’ program is also being developed which
US living marine resources and natural habitats, of which seeks to reduce the compliance costs for eligible importers
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Manage- who purchase from trustworthy supply chains with robust
ment Act and the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 are of traceability processes already in place.
high relevance to combating IUU fishing. NOAA releases a Many other countries have ratified the PSMA and devel-
biennial report to Congress outlining the agency’s actions to oped national rules and market access requirements to com-
improve international monitoring and enforcement of fisher- bat IUU fishing. However, many countries are experiencing
ies policy. It also provides to Congress a list of nations iden- challenges with implementation. Whether enacted by port,
tified as engaging in IUU fishing practices, illegal by-catch, flag or market state, any measure to combat IUU fishing
and other prohibited activities. Although NOAA OLE has should be reliable and transparent, particularly in interna-
been tracking and identifying countries involved in IUU fish- tional seafood trade. This requires the use of reliable and
ing since 2009, these identifications do not lead to a ‘nega- cost-effective systems and tools to support enforcement of
tive certification’, the equivalent of an EU red card. Instead, market access rules that do not create unnecessary technical
the US legislation allows trade measures to target only fleets, barriers to trade.
species, and product types directly tied to the IUU fishing
that has given rise to the identification.
In 2014, US President Obama issued an Executive Order
calling for the creation of The Presidential Task Force for
Combating IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud. In March 2015,

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Cephalopod traceability Government‑instigated approaches

Numerous confounding variables render traditional marine An example of a government-based approach at providing
population management approaches incapable of monitor- the impetus for improved traceability, with significance for
ing cephalopod bioresources efficiently, leaving loopholes cephalopod traceability, is Morocco where quota control has
that result in accidental mislabelling or intentional exploi- been established for more than 2 decades and the authori-
tation which compromise sustainability. For importers and ties enforce a biological rest along the Moroccan coast to
processors in particular, the complications are significant: fight against illegal fishing. Owners and operators of fishing
Mexico, for example, represents a bare 7.8% of US ceph- establishments and premises are required by law (established
alopod imports; but Spain, which supplies half of these by the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fish-
imports, is itself a major importer of octopus harvested in eries, Rural Development and Water and Forests; MAPM-
Mexico, Morocco, Mauritania and Argentina, which it then DREF) to keep records of the origins of products, as well
re-exports to the US market (Coronado et al. 2020; CWP as the quantities received, processed, shipped and stored to
2020). Seafood products of different origins are often also contribute to eradicating illegal fishing and informal circuits
mixed during processing and export. and to safeguard the resource. In practice, this is also called a
To accurately identify cephalopod seafood products ‘catch certification’, a tracking system documenting the fish
requires a reliable, affordable, and widely accessible sys- from its capture to the consumer. This certification system
tem capable of tracking seafood from its point of harvest has contributed to better monitoring of fishing and post-
through its distribution. Traceability technology this effec- harvest activities through the traceability of products from
tive would, in turn, underwrite improved stock manage- the ship to export, passing through the intermediate opera-
ment and resource sustainability, while also allowing eco- tions of product transformation.
labelling and certification to enhance product value through
premium pricing. DNA barcoding for species identification
Ensuring that seafood supply chains are fully traceable,
and that products are legal and accurately labelled is a large DNA barcoding has become established as a powerful tech-
undertaking, but it is a challenge that must be met head- nique to support policing of international legal frameworks
on if companies are to achieve their sustainability goals. and/or local regulations and codes of conduct, both for the
As government regulations and international media focus protection of endangered species (Hobbs et al. 2019) and the
more on food safety, eliminating IUU fishing, and protect- management of exploited populations (Lu and Luo 2020).
ing human rights in the seafood industry, it will be impor- Barcoding has been particularly successful, and is now
tant that companies are also proactive on these topics. By widely applied in testing the accuracy of labelling of species
better understanding and managing their supply chains and in seafood products (Luque and Donlan 2019), contributing
developing the ability to trace specific products back to their to the fight against IUU fishing (Agnew et al. 2009).
source, companies can mitigate or eliminate high risk items DNA-based approaches are particularly useful where tra-
while maximizing inventory control. Investing resources ditional methods of ID are difficult or compromised, such
into solutions now will help to protect brand value, build as where clear species delimitation is not established or
consumer trust, and greatly reduce these environmental and cryptic species exist, or when material exists as processed
social issues. products and distinctive morphological characters are lost.
In the last decade, much promising work has been done to In cephalopods, both factors are an issue. Although many
tackle seafood traceability issues. There are many resources, species occupy wide geographical ranges with little over-
from traceability software solutions, auditors and consult- lap among similar species from the same genus or family,
ants to academia, government institutions and NGOs that facilitating easier region-by-taxon species ID, there are also
can provide assistance to businesses looking to improve their many examples of incomplete taxonomic information com-
supply-chain traceability (FishWise 2018). There are also plicated by the presence of cryptic species (e.g., Avendaňo
steps companies can take now to begin to improve supply et al. 2020; Fernández-Álvarez et al. 2020), as exemplified
chain traceability, including clearly communicating expecta- by the recently much-improved elucidation of the global
tions to their suppliers, improving internal tracking systems, distribution of ‘common octopus’ species comprising the
conducting risk assessments and auditing high-risk items. ‘Octopus vulgaris complex’ (see Sect. “Identification”).
A more immediate practical issue is that cephalopods
display highly flexible morphologies with few hard body
parts on which to base clear species ID, and so quick and
reliable ID is difficult for all but experienced taxonomists,

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 29 of 46 44

and particularly where individuals are processed into sea- suggested by Cusa et al. (2022), should be applied to decide
food products. Due to improved DNA sequence coverage on the most appropriate tools to apply. For example, stable
tied to taxonomic and geographical range descriptions for isotope profiling of seafood products and areas of origin has
many cephalopod species, and improved coverage of spe- shown potential for some fish species in some areas (Carrera
cies in more reliable DNA sequence databases such as the and Gallardo 2017; Kim et al. 2015a), and stable isotope
Barcode of Life Data System (Hebert et al. 2003; BOLD and multi-elemental analysis has recently been applied to
2022), routine confirmation of species ID and therefore cephalopods (Martino et al. 2022).
general geographical origin is available through standard
DNA barcoding methods using Polymerase Chain Reaction eDNA metabarcoding for rapid species
(PCR)-based sequencing protocols. Such methods are now identification
being used to confirm the identity of cephalopod products in
the supply chain, at least to species level (Debenedetti et al. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is free DNA (or extra-organis-
2014; Guardone et al. 2017; Maggioni et al. 2020). However, mal DNA) that persists in the environment providing an indi-
this system works well only as long as the reference database cation of which organisms are currently, or were recently,
DNA sequences themselves have been identified correctly in the vicinity (Pilliod et al. 2013; Ames et al. 2021). All
(see Sect. “Identification”) and if the reference specimens living organisms shed genetic material as skin, scales, hair,
were not obtained at a distance unreasonably far from the metabolic waste, etc., into their surrounding terrestrial or
type locality for the species (Vecchione et al. 2022). aquatic environment and, much like traditional DNA barcod-
Full traceability in the seafood supply chain, however, ing methods, this genetic material can be used to identify a
will only be achieved if products can be traced to a particular particular species. A principal advantage of eDNA metabar-
area inhabited by a given wild population or fished stock. coding over the traditional DNA barcoding is that, by sam-
Genetic methods have shown potential to extend traceability pling from the environment, an investigator no longer needs
to the population level, as long as suitable genetic differen- to capture or even observe the targeted species (Bohmann
tiation between stocks exists and suitably powerful marker et al. 2014; Kelly et al. 2014; Deiner et al. 2016). The utility
systems are applicable. Recent Next-Generation Sequenc- of eDNA as a ‘forensics’ tool comes in part from its capac-
ing (NGS) approaches have allowed the development and ity to utilize either passively sampled genetic material on a
application of genome-wide genetic marker methods such filter (Bessey et al. 2021) or through active sampling using
as the use of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), handheld or battery-operated filtration pumps (Kelly et al.
which show much greater power than previous methods to 2014). Furthermore, with the advent of more accessible and
distinguish within-species population structures (Bernatchez lower-cost molecular and NGS technologies (Willette et al.
et al. 2017; Barth et al. 2019). RADseq-based SNP screens 2014), eDNA metabarcoding also permits the ID of multiple
are now proven technology in enhancing the resolution of species present simultaneously from a single environmental
fishery management boundaries (Benestan et al. 2015; Mul- sample (Deiner et al. 2017). As with traditional DNA meth-
lins et al. 2018; McKeown et al. 2020), and have shown the ods, eDNA metabarcoding benefits from the comprehensive
potential for traceability in abundant and widespread pelagic and dynamic open-access databases of genetic information
finfish species (Bekkevold et al. 2015; Barth et al. 2019) such as the Tree of Life and Barcode of Life projects (Hebert
with life history and biogeography characteristics similar to et al. 2003; Janzen et al. 2005).
those displayed by cephalopods. eDNA methods have garnered increasing attention as a
Traditional methods of population estimation are often tool for detecting and monitoring biodiversity. Although
unsuitable for cephalopods (Young et al. 2006), because eDNA metabarcoding methods are used in a diverse range
species are not amenable to physical tagging methods of settings including soil (Hassan et al. 2022), air (Johnson
(Arkhipkin 2005) and have pronounced phenotypic plastic- et al. 2021), ancient sedimentary rocks (Marchesini et al.
ity (van der Vyver et al. 2016), but genetic methods have 2022), and in screening for human and animal pathogens
revealed sub-structuring within a number of fished species (Farrell et al. 2021), these techniques have their origin in,
(Shaw et al. 1999; McKeown et al. 2019). SNP analyses have and are most extensively vetted and implemented in, aquatic
recently been applied to cephalopods (Morse et al. 2018; (Ficetola et al. 2008; Minamoto et al. 2012; Takahara et al.
Timm et al. 2020), so the potential for identifying geographi- 2012) and marine (Rourke et al. 2021) environments. For
cal stock-of-origin is being realized. example, early trials of eDNA metabarcoding methods were
It would, however, be naïve to think that any one method conducted in large artificial mesocosms (Kelly et al. 2014)
could resolve the complex issues involved in identifying and and yielded high levels of species ID accuracy (Miya et al.
tracing cephalopod products through the supply chain back 2015). eDNA methods have also been shown to be effective
to their fishery location of origin. No one method provides at detecting the presence of rare and low-abundance species
answers in all situations, so an operational framework, as

44 Page 30 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

that may be overlooked using the traditional monitoring The Association for Cephalopod Research (‘CephRes’)
techniques (Thomsen et al. 2014, Pikitch 2018). maintains a web page dedicated to cephalopod genomes
The implementation of eDNA metabarcoding methods has (CephRes 2022). Typically, DNA extraction is performed
tremendous potential to aid in the re-envisioning and mod- using the Qiagen DNeasy genomic extraction kit following
ernization of marine fisheries and the seafood supply chain. the standard protocol for tissues. A paired-end sequencing
Traditional DNA barcoding has frequently been used at the library is constructed using the Illumina TruSeq kit accord-
end of the supply chain in restaurants, markets, and grocers, ing to the manufacturer’s instructions and sequenced on an
where it has been effective in exposing seafood fraud including Illumina Hi-Seq platform in paired-end, 2 × 150 bp format.
species substitution (Naaum et al. 2016; Willette et al. 2017, The resulting fastq files are trimmed of adapter/primer
2021a; Luque and Donlan 2019). However, traditional DNA sequence and low-quality regions with Trimmomatic v0.33
barcoding is limited because of the need to individually sam- (Bolger et al. 2014) and the trimmed sequence is assembled
ple each specimen, which is not practical early in the supply by SPAdes v2.5 (Bankevich et al. 2012) followed by a finish-
chain where thousands of fish may be transported and pro- ing step using Zanfona (Kieras et al. 2021).
cessed simultaneously. eDNA metabarcoding has the promise
to overcome this challenge (Willette et al. 2021b). Beyond spe- Artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine
cies ID en masse, applications of eDNA metabarcoding can learning and deep learning
aid in estimating fish population size and biomass assessments
(Andres et al. 2021; Rourke et al. 2021; Stoeckle et al. 2021), While genetic methods are improving the labelling of sea-
detecting threatened species in fisheries by-catch (Burgess food, Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods can help expand
et al. 2018), cataloguing gut content in diet analyses (Leray the reach and impact of genetic testing and accelerate the
et al. 2013), and discovering instances of, and the impact of, rapid screening of seafood. All of the intelligence can be
farm fish escapes (Aguirre-Pabón et al. 2015). After more accessible on a smartphone or in the Cloud. Here, AI refers
than a decade of robust development of eDNA metabarcod- to computational systems able to perform tasks that nor-
ing methods for monitoring biodiversity, and much more, the mally require human intelligence but with increased effi-
timing is right for the use of this tool to shift from exploratory ciency, precision, and objectivity. Computer vision is a field
trials into broader implementation (Bernatchez et al. 2017), of AI that deals with how computers and systems can be
including routine marine assessments by fisheries agencies used to acquire and process data from images, videos and
(see Aylagas et al. 2018; Laroche et al. 2018). Importantly, other digital data, and make decisions and recommendations
national and international policies are the next step in acceler- upon them. A subset of AI that plays a critical role in com-
ating this transition from novel to routine (Lodge 2022). puter vision is machine learning, ML, where mathemati-
With regard to cephalopod fisheries, initial trials have cal models perform a specific task without using explicit
been performed in several countries including Japan, Mexico instructions, instead relying on patterns and inference. Deep
and the USA, where importers and processors have shown learning (DL) is a subset of ML that uses artificial neural
great interest in incorporating eDNA techniques into their networks capable of learning from unstructured or newly
monitoring programmes, especially in view of the new SIMP added data. The use of labelled training data can further
regulations for mandatory ID data collection and verifica- improve the AI predictive capability through supervised ML.
tion (see Sect. “IUU fishing and a summary of measures in In recent years, ML and especially DL approaches are
place to combat it”). eDNA sampling is also one of the pro- used increasingly to automate marine species ID (Good-
cedures used by the Seafood Tracer app (see Sect. “Trace- win et al. 2022). DL approaches such as Artificial Neural
ability apps”). Network (ANN), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) are used increasingly to automate taxo-
Whole genomes nomic ID efforts (Kandimalla et al. 2022; Tan et al. 2021).
This development of ID aids was fueled by the explosion
Having the genome of different species available extends of freely available visual data featuring living organisms
the utility of both barcoding and eDNA metabarcoding for resulting from the widespread use of smart mobile devices,
combating illegal fishing and mislabelling by opening up digital (and analogue) cameras, as well as the digitization
the possibilities of using other reference sequences such as of vast natural history collections. Combining the exponen-
SNPs (Carvalho et al. 2010; Crawford and Oleksiak 2016; tial growth of biological image data with cutting-edge ML
Valenzuela-Quiñonez 2016; van Oppen and Coleman 2022). techniques such as DL opens up a world of possibilities for
As of December, 2022, the number of cephalopod automated species ID. Additionally, the widespread digitiza-
genomes available stood at 17, including two species tion of natural history collections has become a top priority
of squid and 13 species of octopus, for which whole- for museums worldwide and has produced substantial digital
genome sequencing and assembly have been completed. datasets. Attempts to classify fish have achieved high levels

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 31 of 46 44

of performance and have also outperformed humans in spe- Traceability apps

cies recognition (Villon et al. 2018). Allken et al. (2019)
used the Inception v3 architecture to identify pelagic fish There is growing consumer awareness about the need for
species (blue whiting, Atlantic herring, and Atlantic mack- seafood traceability. Sustainability commitments (such as
erel) from trawl camera videos. Open-source AI software is eco-labelling), fishery improvement projects (FIPs), con-
also becoming increasingly available to annotate and classify cerns about fraud, food safety, IUU fishing and human rights
marine species (e.g., VIAME from Kitware: https://​github.​ abuses all motivate the use of traceability within the global
com/​VIAME/​VIAME). seafood sector (Leal et al. 2015; Lewis and Boyle 2017).
However, only very limited ML techniques have been Numerous mobile applications (apps) have been devel-
applied to cephalopod classification problems. Orenstain oped focussed on seafood, especially in recent years. At
et al. (2016) used whole-body laboratory images of cuttle- least 84 apps are currently available for wild-caught fisher-
fish for classification of camouflaging behaviour with SVM ies worldwide, with different functionalities such as data
classifiers. Beak and statolith images were used in the ID of collection, information exchange among fishers, informa-
three squid species including Uroteuthis duvaucelii, Loliolus tion regarding value chains and post-harvest practices, and
beka, and U. edulis found in the South China Sea (Jin et al. for uses linked to employment, legislation and safety (Cal-
2017). The method used to identify squid species was based derwood 2022). Not many of these apps have traceability
on outline geometric morphometric and stepwise discrimi- functions, and even fewer have been used for cephalopods.
nant analysis to evaluate the most suitable method for the Still, the effective use of traceability is increasing, although
ID. The authors suggested that when the entire body of a applied for different purposes in different parts of the supply
squid is available, a combination of statolith and beak should chain: from collecting and storing data, selling the catch at
be used for the ID. When only one hard tissue is available, the harvest level, and tracking transformation in the middle
species ID can be subject to large errors. Another attempt to of the supply chain, to informing consumers and to support
identify squid was by Himabindu et al. (2017), who applied product quality and integrity claims at the end of the supply
an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier to identify chain (Lewis and Boyle 2017). Table 5 provides an overview
5 squid species based on morphometric features measured of tools used to improve seafood traceability which have
from whole-body samples. been used for cephalopods.
Hu et al. (2020) developed and evaluated a rapid, low- Abalobi is a suite of mobile apps, co-designed by South
cost system to classify squid in industrial production. This African fishers and scientists with the support of telecom
involved designing an easy-to-use handheld image-acquisi- companies to be an information management system for
tion system combined with an automated, labour-saving, and the small-scale fisheries sector (Nthane et al. 2020). It col-
efficient DL model (named ‘Improved Faster Recurrent Con- lects fisheries information and connects small-scale fish-
volutional Neural Network’) to identify three squid species ers to market, facilitating the movement of fish directly to
from the North Pacific Ocean. Three indicators (accuracy, consumers, and is backed by full supply-chain traceability.
intersection-over-union, and average running time) were Abalobi is focussed on a cell-phone-based modular plat-
used to evaluate the classification, and the results for the form to facilitate the collection of information and finan-
three indicators in the test samples were means of 85.7%, cial transactions. The platform comprises five user-friendly
80.1%, and 0.144 s, respectively. These examples showed inter-connected apps tailored to the different users (Aba-
the usefulness of ML methods for ID of cephalopods but lobi-Fisher, -Monitor, -Manager, -Co-op and -Marketplace)
their application was limited to a single taxon group (mostly and an information management system (Nthane et al.
squid). However, Tan et al. (2021) went a little further and 2020). For instance, ‘Abalobi Marketplace’ consists of a
developed an ML ID model that can identify squid, cuttle- digital market of fishery resources with an ecological and
fish and octopus based on beak images. The authors found social ‘story’ (https://​fishw​ithas​tory.​org) that connects buy-
that the ANN model achieved the best testing accuracy of ers looking for good-quality fresh, local and fully traceable
91.14%, using the deep features extracted from the VGG19 fish within a community-supported fisheries framework.
model from lower beak images. The results indicated that The app results in a fair, transparent and fully traceable
the deep features were more accurate than the traditional supply chain. Such a system is therefore able to contribute
features in highlighting morphometric differences from the to combating IUU, as the product is traced directly from
beak images of cephalopod species. In addition, the use of fisher to fork.
lower beaks of cephalopod species provided better results PescaData was developed in Mexico and is designed to
compared to the upper beaks, suggesting that the lower register the fishing effort of small-scale fisheries as well
beaks possess more significant morphological differences as to connect fishing organisations and co-create solutions
between the studied cephalopod species (as concluded also for common problems faced by the sector. One function is
from morphological studies; Clarke 1986). to shorten the value chain, linking fishers and consumers

44 Page 32 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

Table 5  Summary of Tools Abalobi TrazApp PescaData

characteristics of some
electronic systems with a Active since 2017 2018 2021
traceability component that are
Country of origin South Africa Peru Mexico (replicated in
in use within the cephalopod
(replicated in other other countries)
fisheries trade
Operations Geography Global National International
Language(s) Several Spanish Spanish
Focussed on small-scale fisheries ✓ ✓ ✓
Supply chain actors
Producers (fishers, vessel owners) ✓ ✓ ✓
Intermediaries (middlemen, ✓ ✓ ✗
processors, wholesalers)
Fishing landing sites ✗ ✓ ✗
Consumers ✓ ✗ ✓
Electronic logbook* ✓ ✓ ✓
GPS ✓ ✓ ✓
Monitoring ✓ ✓ ✗
Marketplace ✓ ✗ ✓
Cephalopod species Loligo reynaudii Dosidicus gigas Dosidicus gigas
Octopus vulgaris Octopus mimus Octopus maya
Loligo gahi Octopus americanus
Compatibility with SALT standards** Yes Yes Yes
Webpage http://​abalo​bi.​org https://​traza​pp.​org https://​pesca​data.​org/

*Electronic logbook includes: records of daily catches, recording fishing effort, target species of fishing,
expenses invested in trips, capture sites, among others; **The Seafood Alliance for Legality & Traceability
(SALT) (https://​www.​saltt​racea​bility.​org/) sets principles for a comprehensive electronic Catch Documen-
tation and Traceability (eCDT) program. Note that currently the GDST global framework does not include
information on seafood traceability compliance, e.g., with regard to traceability apps (GDST 2023). How-
ever, the TrazApp web site states that the app is aligned with GDST standards (https://​www.​traza​pp.​org/#​
que; see also https://​trace​abili​ty-​dialo​gue.​org/​gdst-​capab​le-​solut​ions/)

directly. It is currently being used by around 2,000 sub- legal origin of fishing resources, increase transparency and
scribers from 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries public access to catch information, and improve compliance
(Villaseñor-Derbez et al. 2022). Fishers are able to identify with national legislation.
their catch through a species guide containing a library of Seafood Tracer is an app that was developed using
719 different commercial marine species. octopus species as a test group with support from the US
TrazApp is a Peruvian electronic catch documentation National Science Foundation, collating information from
and traceability (eCDT) system developed by the World eDNA, computer vision AI, and species spatial distribution,
Wildlife Foundation (WWF)-Peru with the participation of and aiming to deliver near real-time species identification to
artisanal fisheries supply-chain personnel, including fish- seafood supply chain end-users. The 1-year project began
ers, intermediaries, processing plants and government enti- in October 2021 and rapidly developed a working proto-
ties. It was designed to be user-friendly, so that each person type traceability tool that (a) used images and associated
in the supply chain can easily generate and access reliable metadata, genetic data, and ecological data to validate spe-
real-time fishing information. Similar to Abalobi, TrazApp cies identity of seafood; and (b) initiated a collaborative,
comes with apps for different users: -Patrón (skipper), -Com- international network of scientists and fisheries industry
erciante (intermediaries), -Desembarques (landing sites), stakeholders to begin field testing a portable eDNA mobile
and -Armador (vessel owner). TrazApp is already being used lab and purpose-built eDNA collection device in the USA,
in eight different regions across Peru and includes more than Mexico, and Japan. The Seafood Tracer project applied
300 vessels so far, sharing information about their landings. the principles of convergence research (cross-disciplinary
It was created to address the current sustainability demand integration of knowledge, methods, and expertise) and was
from international markets, and is designed to guarantee the aimed at addressing the global challenges of food security

Marine Biology (2024) 171:44 Page 33 of 46 44

by boosting the transparency of seafood trading and thereby flavour) and their origin to identify potential fraud related
contributing to fisheries sustainability. Although the project to mislabelling.
ended in 2022, further scientific research is benefitting from A major scientific problem for all seafood is the perva-
spin-offs of the project including the portable eDNA mobile sive presence of DNA sequences from misidentified speci-
lab and patented eDNA collection device (patent pending). mens in public databases such as GenBank and BOLD
All these apps rely on visual ID of seafood but do not (Sects. “Identification” and “DNA barcoding for species
have an alternative platform to ensure that seafood products identification”; see also Strohm et al. 2016). The root of
are objectively identified correctly to species level, which this problem is the lack of taxonomic curation (rigorous
was the emphasis of the specifications and design of Seafood or otherwise) of these databases. Currently, although
Tracer (which, in addition, was based initially on cephalopod there have been some attempts to rectify this, there are
seafood). still no clear procedures for confirming sequence IDs that
are implemented at database level. Some attempts have
been made to flag sequences considered reliable accord-
Conclusions and recommendations ing to agreed standards, such as proposals for a specific
keyword ‘Barcode’ to be assigned by database curators
This comprehensive review sheds light on the crucial which would provide a subset of reference sequences
aspects surrounding cephalopods as seafood, emphasizing for reliable barcoding (see, for example, Hanner 2012).
the pressing need to address prevailing gaps and challenges However, so far, such proposals have not been taken up
in regulations, certifications, stock assessment and fisheries (Hanner pers com to IGG). Clearly, at present it cannot be
management of this species group. Shortcomings in existing expected that taxonomic curation will happen at the level
management strategies, data collection and traceability sys- of large databases such as GenBank, so it will be necessary
tems are contributing to transparency issues and potentially to establish secure taxonomically curated lists specifically
unsustainable fishing practices. Addressing these shortcom- for use in traceability studies. Towards this end, regarding
ings demands the establishment of more robust traceability cephalopods initially, metadata for taxonomically curated
systems, underpinned by stringent labelling mandates and sequences for octopus species of the Americas are now
resilient seafood procurement policies, especially at the available as an online spreadsheet (González-Gómez et al.
importer level. Legislation and government inspection sys- 2023, this issue).
tems are pivotal, as exemplified by initiatives such as the With the unprecedented growth of global seafood trade,
recently implemented SIMP in the US and Japan’s Catch and notably the growing importance of cephalopods in
Documentation Scheme (MAFF 2022), akin to the European developing nations such as around the African continent
Community Catch Certification Scheme introduced in 2010. and the Indian Ocean, it is imperative to prioritize the sus-
New initiatives are on the horizon such as the proposed EU tainability of cephalopod (and other fisheries) harvests. It
Directive on corporate sustainability and due diligence is hoped that the insights outlined here will contribute to
(EUR-Lex 2022). Effectively implementing these changes the development of additional strategies aimed at address-
will drive a shift in management strategies towards securing ing critical issues for seafood in general and for cephalopod
the future of cephalopod (and other) fisheries. Maintaining resources in particular. Fostering collaborative effort among
momentum in urging harvesting countries and supply-chain governments, stakeholders, scientific communities and an
players to invest in science-based solutions is vital to address informed public can pave the way towards a more sustain-
the identified gaps and challenges, ensuring improved over- able and responsible seafood sector.
all sustainability of cephalopod natural resources and sea-
Acknowledgements The authors are most grateful to Athena Allen, at
food-dependent economies. Nature Bureau Ltd. UK, for her able and efficient administrative assis-
Resolving problems of (mis)identification and (mis)label- tance, particularly with collating the references and citations. Gleadall
ling is fundamental. Accurately assigned scientific names (IGG), Moustahfid (HM), Sauer (WHHS) and Willette (DAW) grate-
should always be included on the labels of every food form fully acknowledge the efforts and support of the team during work on
the Seafood Tracer project (NSF Grant #2137582 to DAW), particu-
along with the commercial name, the fishing country and larly Cheryl Ames (a Co-Principal Investigator on that project), Amina
area of origin of the species and other mandatory informa- Jackson, Margarita Joaquin, Julie Kim, and Kevin Wang. Pita (CP,
tion. Molecular inspection of seafood should be routinely University of Aveiro, Portugal) acknowledges FCT/MCTES for the
used as support for official monitoring to ensure regulatory financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020 + UIDB/50017/2020
+ LA/P/0094/2020) and research contract 2020.02510.CEECIND.
compliance (Willette et al. 2018, 2021b). Also (as suggested WHHS also acknowledges the support of the GCRF funded One Ocean
by Willette et al. 2017), both end buyers (e.g., foodservice, Hub project. The authors thank Chingis Nigmatullin for suggesting the
retailers) and consumers should be educated to become Yuri M. Froerman dedication and providing a brief biography.
more familiar with seafood products (e.g., appearance,

44 Page 34 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

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Declarations iginidae) using morphological and molecular approaches. Front
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LLC, Consultant to Hotland plc, Tokyo (a fast-food franchise company AC, Erickson JS, Vora GJ (2021) Fieldable environmental DNA
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was a Consultant and Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) on the Seafood the Florida Keys, United States. Front Mar Sci 8:640527. https://​
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relevant to the content of this article. zoota​xa.​5061.1.7
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Authors and Affiliations

Ian G. Gleadall1 · Hassan Moustahfid2 · Warwick H. H. Sauer3 · Lahsen Ababouch4 ·

Alexander I. Arkhipkin5,21 · Jilali Bensbai6 · Isa Elegbede7 · Abdelmalek Faraj6 · Pedro Ferreiro‑Velasco8 ·
Roberto González‑Gómez9 · Carmen González‑Vallés8 · Unai Markaida10 · Piedad S. Morillo‑Velarde9 ·
Graham J. Pierce11 · Stacy Pirro12 · Cristina Pita13 · Katina Roumbedakis14 · Yasunori Sakurai15 ·
David Scheel16 · Paul W. Shaw17 · Pedro Veiga8,18 · Demian A. Willette19 · Andreas Winter5 ·
Tadanori Yamaguchi20

* Ian G. Gleadall Isa Elegbede
Hassan Moustahfid Abdelmalek Faraj
Warwick H. H. Sauer Pedro Ferreiro‑Velasco
Lahsen Ababouch Roberto González‑Gómez
Alexander I. Arkhipkin Carmen González‑Vallés
Jilali Bensbai Unai Markaida

44 Page 46 of 46 Marine Biology (2024) 171:44

Piedad S. Morillo‑Velarde National Institute of Fisheries Research (INRH), 2 Bd Sidi Abderrahmane, 20250 Casablanca, Morocco
Graham J. Pierce Department of Fisheries, Lagos State University, Ojo, Nigeria
Stacy Pirro Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation, 4348 Waianae Ave. #692, Honolulu, HI 96816, USA
Cristina Pita Centro Oceanográfico de Murcia (COMU-IEO), CSIC, San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, Spain
Katina Roumbedakis El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, CONACyT, 24500 Lerma, Campeche, Mexico
Yasunori Sakurai Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Calle Eduardo Cabello 6,
36208 Vigo, Spain
David Scheel
12 Iridian Genomes, Iridian Genomes, 613 Quaint Acres Dr,
Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA
Paul W. Shaw
13 CESAM ‑ Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies,
Department of Environment and Planning, University
Pedro Veiga
of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, 3810‑193 Aveiro, Portugal
Equalsea Lab, Cross‑Research in Environmental
Demian A. Willette
Technologies, CRETUS, Department of Applied
Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Andreas Winter 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 15
Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans,
Tadanori Yamaguchi Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan 16
Institute of Culture & Environment, Alaska Pacific
1 University, Anchorage, AK 99508, USA
AiCeph LLC, Sendai, Japan
2 Department of Life Sciences, Aberystwyth University,
Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), National
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, UK
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
U.S. Department of Commerce, Silver Spring, MD, USA Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), University of Algarve,
3 Campus de Gambelas, FCT Ed 7, 8005‑139 Faro, Portugal
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
4 Biology Department, Loyola Marymount University,
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Nations, Rome, Italy
5 Kyushu University, Kasuga, Japan
Falkland Islands Government, Natural Resources – Fisheries,
Bypass Road, Stanley FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands Present Address: Fisheries New Zealand, 38 Bowen Street,
Wellington 6011, New Zealand


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