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zerosignalconditions quiescent lco, the current, whichf low in the QsandQeoutputtranors is the sum of lco, determined bias 1, and

lco, by determined bias2 and 3. by

l h e r e f o r e ,' | -r , r lco lcol T lco2


lcor lcoz

V r t - ( V e e +* V a e s* V e e o* V s e z* V e e e* V s e g* V o r * V o z ) 2Re * 2 Vp z- ( V e e o V a e z+ V e e s V e e g+ V o g+ V o +) * 2Re

formula 2

Whena signalis beingreproduced, for example, signalis swingingthroughthe positive if, the halfoycle,the current lo will flow in the positiveside of the output stage,and the voltagegenerated rcross the emitterresistance will be RErX lo. T'rerefore, the negativeoutput side's collector current determinedby bias 1 will decreasebut dcf Decause bias3 operates a f ixedvoltagesource, quiescent as the currentl6q2 ossthe baseemitter pnctions of Qr and Qswill be maintained forwardbiasso thatthe transistors not be turnedoff. will by The same thing happens'during reproductionof the negativelialf cycles since bias 2 provides +crward is biasfor positive current l6q2 maintained. output transistors and Qsso that quiescent Qo generated none of the transistors Because switchon and off there is no switchingdistortion during srgnalreproduction. n addition, and negative signalswings, the loadseenby Q+and Q, variesvery littleduring positive avenat the zero cross-point. the sametime,Q+and Qsoperatein a classA emitterf ollowerso that At the voltageamp (QJ operatesinto a load having no nonlinearity. The result is that the circuit as a whole offers performancethat is equivalentto class A amps yet completelyeliminates the problemsof class B amps. rn the synchro-bias and the other circuit,the diodes D1and D2through which the signal passes, ciodesD: and Dothrough which the current for nonswitching output transistor operationduring passes, all high speeddiodeswhich precisely signalreproduction followthe signal, evenat high are f requencies. tsias and Bias3 operatein such a way that the positive 2 and negative signalswingsandzerocrosspointsare perfectly that synchronized, it is f rom this synchronization we havegiventhe circuit and its name "synchro-bias". Employing SLPT's (super linear power transistors),high speed diodes, and other advanced power block configuration prevent to technology,along with our concentrated semiconductor inductiondistortion, this "new classA" power amplifieras an entirecomponent electromagnetic performs qualitythat until now hasbeenpossible only with classA amps. with the sameoutstanding


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