Round Up cl.5 Unit 2

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PI Gymnasium Gribova

Teacher : Cojocaru Ludmila

Date : 17.11.2022

Form : V

Time : 45

Topic : Round up ( Unit 2 )

Type of the lesson :consalidation

Teaching material: books ,sheets

Specific Competence:

Vocabulary Skills and Community Area,Reading and Spoken Interaction

Sub – Competences:

2. Participating in simple oral communication (with the teacher or colleagues) on school


Evaluation objectives :

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

-to ask and answer the questions :

-to hold a conversation on the topic :

-To read correctly and fluently for specific information

 Sheets
 Pictures
 Words
 Grid of self –evaluation
Lesson Product :

Poster with the title


Talking about school facilities,subject,daily routine,favourite free time activities.

Grid of self –evaluation

• What is the name of the school -1 point

• What ficilities are there in your school? -2 points

• Describe the school using the adjectives: large, clean, comfortable, modern, small etc.-2 points

• What do you like in your classroom? Why it special for you -1point

 Use pictures -1point

 Use the following vocabulary : -Canteen, Library, Gym, music room, indoor sports,outdoor sports
field, dance Room, Computer Lamb, Arts Room etc.- 2 points

 Conclusion -1 point
 For spelling -2 points
 For grammar -2 points
 For paragraph structure-1point

Points 12 10-11 9-8 7-6 5-4 3 2 2 1


Mark 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 0

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