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(Trade) Contest Sister (Pokémon TF/TG/AP)

Dawn sighed as she wandered around her hometown. The festival had come
around this year. She wasn’t exactly in the festive mood though, Ash had wandered
off, as usual, upon hearing Barry’s father, the Tower Tycoon, was here, and wanted
the challenge him.

So here she was, alone, with Piplup in her arms as he looked up at his trainer
worriedly. She’d been rather downtrodden lately, but why he didn’t know as a
rather, melodious chuckle echoed through the air, actually drawing Piplup’s
attention towards it.

A young man was sitting at a rather neat looking stall. There were no striking
features to it, being rather plain, but merchandise was hanging around the bottom
of the stall’s roof and the man sitting at the stall looked rather strange.

His pure white hair was the first thing Dawn noticed, but below that she say her
grey shirt and silver sleeves, as well as his orange eyes. Her long hair was tied in
the back, and he had two strands tied up in the front framing his face.

“Well… someone seems unhappy with their lot in life.” The white haired man
started, his calm, but melodious voice drawing Dawn towards him as she
examined him. His features were plain, but he was clean shaven and rather lithe
for someone his age, but he just continued speaking.

“Tell me little lady? What is on your mind?” He asked calmly, his eyes staring at
Dawn’s face calmly as Dawn looked at him and his plain stall. The only thing that
didn’t seem ordinary were the various ‘charms’ that were hanging from the stall’s
roof. Little trinkets that spun in the air dangling from strings.

Dawn was quiet for a second before she looked around for anyone else, and then
spoke up. “My friend… He’s going to be leaving soon.” Dawn said quietly. Ash
wasn’t going to be leaving ‘soon’ soon, but she was well aware that once he
challenged the Sinnoh league he was going to be moving on… and he would leave
her behind.

Given he’d been in her adventure since the beginning, and she didn’t want him to

“Quite wishful thinking you have… But let me ask, is this what you truly want? For
‘him’ to never leave?” The man asked as Dawn thought for a moment.

“He’s like the older brother I’ve never had.” Dawn admitted, finding that statement
not far from the truth in her interactions with Ash. He really did feel like na older
“Brother you say?” The man asked, chuckling before looking up at his charms with
a soft smile before pulling one down from his stall and holding it by the string. The
charm was a three leaf charm, marked with two false ‘berries’ at the top, Oran
berry to be precise.

“Perhaps a gift will make him remain. Something like this.” He suggested softly,
offering the charm to Dawn.

She actually contemplated taking the charm, but pulled her hand away as Piplup
just stared at the man strangely as a Natu flew onto the man’s stall.

“Call it a gift from me to you, and from you to your friend.” He said, smiling softly as
Dawn took the charm, feeling the warmth of the false leaves in her hand. It felt
really strange and warm, given she’d expected it to be far colder given it was just a

“Farewell little lady.” The young man said as he rubbed the Natu on the head, the
little bird accepting the gesture as Dawn started to walk away, carrying Piplup with
one arm and holding the charm in her other hand.

“What do you think Piplup?” Dawn asked as she dangled the charm in front of
Piplup, who shrugged at it. Dawn simple smirked. The charm was rather simple,
but it should be a nice gift for Ash.

The same Ash who was currently walking around almost at random at the festival,
Pikachu however wasn’t with him for some reason, even though he was alone,
Dawn caught sight of him.

“Hey Ash!” She called, letting Piplup down and running towards her friend, Piplup
running after her as Ash held his hands behind his head.

“Hey Dawn.” He said with a smile as she smiled at him, hands behind her back and
the charm dangling from her hands as Piplup noticed the little blue ‘berries’ on the
charm light up with a dim blue glow. He tried to point it out, by Dawn wasn’t paying
attention as she tilted her head at Ash.

“I have a gift for you.” She said simply, Ash about to ask what it was as Dawn pulled
her hands from behind her back and set the charm over Ash’s head, and around his

The second the charm hit the top of his shirt it glowed slightly brighter, both fake
berries lighting up brilliantly, but neither Dawn or Ash noticed this change in the
charm as Ash smiled at Dawn.

“Thanks Dawn.” Ash said genuinely as Dawn giggled happily at her friend. It was
moments like these that made her forget, that one day, he would be gone from her
She didn’t know that statement was both true and false at the same time.

Ash’s plain brown eyes actually changed color as he and Dawn were looking at
each other, becoming a deep blue hue, similar to Dawn’s own eye color as the pair
started walking together, Ash with his hands behind his head as Piplup followed
behind Dawn.

As the two were walking side by side Ash’s hair started to change color. It wasn’t
very obvious as his black hair became slightly brighter, but only slightly, changing
to a dark blue in hue.

His side spikes actually started to flatten out, losing their spiky appearance as the
back of his hair became wavier in appearance and started growing. As he and
Dawn were walking together his hair reached his lower back, in a naturally wave
appearance as two blue strands of hair off the side of his head hide his ears and
framed his face.

“Hey Ash look!” Dawn said excitedly as she pointed at one of the stalls, one that
was selling Ice cream. Piplup actually started cheering as Dawn picked him up,
Ash’s face softening in appearance as his eyebrows lost their hard look, and his
entire face became more feminine, starting to resemble Dawn’s face, and her
mother’s as well. His skin tone also became more pale, starting at Ash’s tiny nose
and covering his entire head in seconds before proceeding to go down his neck
slowly, his Adam’s apple vanishing as soon as his neck started to thin out, leaving
Ash with a far more girly voice as he smiled at Dawn, and spoke for the first time.

“I’ll buy it for us, what do you want?” He said in a soft, but rather mature tone of
voice. Already the pale skin tone had spread down Ash’s arms, making them softer
and more dainty as his hands slimed down, losing years of callouses as his
shoulders rounded out to be far more feminine as his fingerless gloves vanished,
revealing his feminine small hands in their entirety.

“Vanilla!” Dawn said excitedly as Ash giggled at Dawn’s enthusiasm, pulling some
Poké out of her pocket and asking the man at the stall for one vanilla cone. Piplup
looking dejected until ash ordered a Vanilla scoop in a cup for him. Piplup gave his
best smile, as best as the little penguin Pokémon could anyway and accepted the
ice cream before digging into it, Ash smiling as his friend and her starter enjoyed
their ice cream.

As they did Ash continued to change, his torso shrinking beneath his jacket into a
more compressed and feminine form, losing a lot of weight as his waist caved in to
become a shapely hourglass figure. His chest region also puffed out, growing larger
until two rather nicely sized breasts formed under his shirt, leaving Ash with a pair
of modest C cups under his jacket and shirt.
“Happy Dawn?” Ash asked as Dawn nodded before continuing to lick at her vanilla
cone, Ash’s hips expanding outwards as he adjusted his stance to accommodate
for his now female figure. His butt also expanded, becoming softer as na important
organ quickly vanished without even a moment of discomfort, leaving Ash a
member of the fairer sex.

It was at this point her legs started to slim down as well, but her height grew to be
slightly taller. Going from around Dawn’s 4 ft 6 height to na even five feet, taller
than Dawn and her mother by six inches and two inches respectively. Her new
height left her baggy pants closer to her knees as her feet slimmed down within her
shoes, completely changing Ash physically into a fifteen-year-old girl.

Ash and Dawn started walking again, Ash mentally keeping her walking slower as
her slightly longer strides out have left Dawn behind, but with her physical changes
complete, her clothes started to alter as well.

Ash’s baseball cap, a staple on her since tem years old, changed into a pink
banbana, tied in the back with the ‘bow’ behind her head poking upwards, the
bandana having the image of a contest ribbon displayed proudly in black on the
pink as Ash’s shirt changed beneath his jacket.

The white shirt became sleeveless entirely, and lost its collar, becoming just a
plain white tank top, until a small and rather cute design of a cartoony Pachirisu
appeared on the back of the tank top, but was hidden by her jacket.

Her jacket however, started to grow, the sleeves covering her entire arms as it
turned entirely pink with the sleeves turning black at her wrists, mirroring the pink
of Dawn’s dress turning black near the bottom, but only on her sleeves as the
interior of the jack became soft wool and turned light blue, as well as gaining a
small hood in the back, becoming a hoodie as the zipper turned light blue as well.
But that wasn’t all as the waist turned light blue, and the hoodie expanded again
into a skirt, which was part of the hoodie that covered her hips, being entirely pink
and hiding part of Ash’s rather cute figure, except for her breasts, which poked out
rather noticeably against her hoodie.

Her baggy pants remained baggy, but lost their denim definition, becoming simple
cotton and shrinking even further up her legs, revealing their shapely form until the
cotton pants stopped at Ash’s knees, her socks shrinking into her shoes but her
shoes changed as well, becoming blue sneakers as the pendant on Ash’s chest
suddenly glowed entirely, before fading away in sparks of blue light neither Ash or
Dawn noticed.

But there was no Ash. To grant Dawn’s wish for him to never leave, she’d made him
far more connected to her personally. She’d lost her friend, but gained na older
sister. Diamond ‘Diana’ Berlitz, her fifteen-year-old older sister. And na established
trainer and coordinator, just like their mother.

“Thanks Diana.” Dawn said with a smile after she’d finished off her ice cream cone.
Diana merely smiled softly at her little sister as Piplup finished his cup of ice cream
as well.

“No problem sis.” Diana said casually as she wrapped her arm around Dawn’s
shoulder, Dawn giggling at spending time with her older sister at the festival as
Chimchar, her Chimchar, ran up towards Dawn, panic on his face as he jumped
into Dawn’s arms, Piplup getting agitated for a moment before the reason for
Chimchar’s panic revealed itself, and Diana looked forward with a small glare at
the new arrival.

“Paul. Still chasing after my little sister are you?” Diana remarked as the purple
haired trainer looked at both Dawn and Diana, having had several encounters with
both of the girls as he fought down the small blush that also came to his face at
Diana’s remark, Dawn having to hide her face as well as well as hiding Chimchar
from Paul.

“No, I simply came back to get what was mine.” Paul said, remaining straight faced
as Chimchar buried himself into Dawn’s chest, Piplup standing in front of Dawn as
Diana walked forward.

“If I recall you abandoned Chimchar after he failed to put up a good fight against
Cynthia’s Garchomp, which was a stupid move by the way.” Diana reminded him as
Paul glared at her.

“Yeah, but I never expected him to run into the arms of someone who wouldn’t
even put all his power to use, and train him the right way.” Paul said, looking
pointedly at Dawn as She turned her head to face him, but kept Chimchar hidden
from Paul as Diana stared at Paul.

“And what’s that supposed to mean ‘someone who wouldn’t put his power to use.’”
Diana shot back at him as Paul huffed.

“Coordinators aren’t trainers, Pokémon are meant to fight, not show off. And your
sister is just wasting his potential like that.” Paul said simply as Diana glared at

“Alright big man, you really think my Sister isn’t a trainer? That I’m not a trainer?”
Diana said as Paul turned away from them.

“You’re half a trainer, you at least fought in the league. Why you would ever turn to
such a waste of time is beyond me.” Paul said, referring to Diana’s previous runs in
the Sinnoh League, where she’d placed in top eight the first time, and then second
place the second time, before going into contests.

“Contests aren’t a waste of time Paul.” Diana said as suddenly Paul had to lean
forward from something jumping on the back of his head. A Pachirisu jumping
onto, and then off of Paul’s head before landing on Diana’s shoulder, the fifteen-
year-old girl taking a moment to scratch her friend’s chin before returning to glare
at Paul.

“Whatever, not even sixteen and already a washed up has been.” Paul said, turning
to walk away as Diana looked at Dawn, who seemed rather dejected thanks to
Paul’s words before calling out to Paul.

“You’d better enter the tournament Paul.” She shot at him, Paul stopping as he
turned his head towards Diana. “If you want to face a Frontier brain, you’d better. A
chance to fight the Tower Tycoon is the prize.” She goaded him, knowing that Paul
had a sore spot regarding Battle Frontier brains.

“Really now?” Paul asked as Diana nodded, before he walked off to go enter, Diana
huffing before turning to Dawn with a smile. “Let’s go home for a bit sis,
Tournament’s in a few hours.”

“What?” Dawn asked in confusion as Diana turned her around and started walking
her towards their mother’s house, the one they lived in as well as Dawn protested.
“Why are we going home? Aren’t you going to fight Paul?” Dawn asked as Diana

“Sis, when you want to prove someone wrong. You have to do it in Style.”

A few hours later, after the tournament had dragged on for a while, it came down to
the final two contestants in it. Diana, who was currently hiding most of her body
underneath a blue cloak, which hid everything below her neck from Paul’s view,
including her shoes. He didn’t bat an eye at it, but he did wonder slightly why her
hair was done up in a pair of blue thunderbolts rather than left hanging naturally.

“So Paul.” Diana started, her mother being the announcer, allowing her daughter to
get in her words before the battle started. “How does it feel to face me?” Diana
asked as Paul just looked at her blankly.

“So, did you come out of retirement?” He asked, one hand on his first Pokeball as
Diana smirked, before pulling one hand out of her cloak.

“Something like that, because I never retired!” Diana shouted, ripping her cloak off
in such a fashion it hid her from Paul’s view for a few seconds as she stuck
something in her hair before the cloak flew away into the wind, leaving Paul
actually staring with his mouth open at the sight before him.

Diana had taken the moment her cloak had covered her to stick two Pokeball
ornaments in her hair and put on a pearl necklace. She struck a pose, her right
hand pointing towards Paul with her left outstretched behind her, revealing the
blue skin tight sleeves of her undershirt as Paul’s eyes drifted to her outfit in shock.

She was wearing a fancy pull over Kimono dress, one that was pink with white
flower decals all around the dress and a purple trim. The kimono only went down
to cover her thighs before revealing her pink silk pants underneath her kimono,
which had a purple trim to match down to her knees, and she was wearing pink
heals with blue ribbons on them. The outfit was meant to emphasize her beauty in
many ways.

Something Paul clearly noticed given he quickly had to wipe his nose of a tiny bit of
blood from seeing the beautiful girl in front of across from him on the battlefield,
dressed up like she was going for a fancy ceremony or something… no.

“You aren’t fighting a trainer Paul. Now, you face a Coordinator!” She said, winking
at him and pointing her left hand towards him with the palm up, her index finger
pointed out with her thumb outstretched and her right hand clenched in a fist on
her hip as she struck another pose.

Needless to say the sudden requirement of tissues among teenage boys shot up at
the sight. And Dawn could only watch in slight awe and some embarrassment at
her older sister’s actions.

Paul shook himself out of his stupor as Johanna called for the battle to begin, the
finale of the Twinleaf Tournament.

“Lairon, stand by for battle.” Paul said, throwing a pokeball into the air, the ball
releasing his Lairon and it landed with a thud on the ground before roaring, Paul
catching Lairon’s ball as it fell from the sky.

“Center stage! Milotic!” Diana said, putting on the flair by spinning on her heel, the
spin concealing her grabbing her Milotic’s Pokeball from her belt before tossing it
into the ring, the ball popping open as the contest seals activated from around it.

In a torrent of bubbles and smoke, a figure emerged as a cloud of mist shrouded

part of Diana’s half of the battlefield, from within the smoke red eyes glowing
before, with a billow of a twister, the smoke was blown away and all the bubbles
popped, revealing Diana’s Milotic as it gave a proud cry for battle, sparkles from
the popped bubbles surrounding the Milotic as the mist didn’t disperse, hiding part
of Milotic’s tail from within, before it flapped its tail as Diana snapped, causing the
mist to disperse from the flapping of Milotic’s tail, the astounding entrance
shocking the crowd as Dawn, Piplup and Chimchar watched intently at her older
sister’s work.

Paul remained stoic, throwing his arm out for his first command. “Metal Sound.”
Paul ordered, Lairon opening his mouth and releasing a grand clattering from
within as Milotic stood strong and took the noise even as it’s special defense was
lowered… only for her to cry out in pride once more as Diana pointed towards the

“Our competitive spirit burns strong young trainer!” Diana said, Paul realizing he’s
just screwed up with taking the chance to lower a stat on Milotic, he’d boosted its
power in the process… but that meant this Milotic didn’t have Marvel Scale.

“Full swing, ride the waves!” Diana ordered, Paul not knowing what attack she’d
called for as Milotic opened her mouth, letting loose pulses of water that grew and
expanded, Paul assuming that meant she was going for a Water Pulse attack… only
for Milotic to shoot through the open spaces in the pulses of water with astounding
speed, using the sound bursts generated from the pulses of water to increase her
own speed as her tail glowed with draconic energy.

Paul didn’t have time to react as Milotic spun around and slammed the Dragon Tail
attack straight into Lairon’s head, instead of using it normally to knock a Pokémon
out of battle and instead slamming the heavy Steel type’s face into the ground
before using the momentum to flip off the Lairon and point her mouth at the Lairon
as the Water Pulse impacted him, and despite the slight decrease in overall power
from Milotic using the rings of water as a speed boost, they still hurt quite a bit as
Diana spread her arms freely.

“Rain Powder.” Diana ordered her arms outstretched towards the sky as Paul gave
a new order.

“Flash Cannon! Knock it down!” He ordered, Lairon pulling his head out of the
ground and aiming up at the water type serpent as it seemed to float midair for a
second, before the Lairon could only stare at the display above, a lot of audience
and even Paul had to.

Clouds swirled in the sky as Milotic spun in the air in a ring. The clouds bringing
down a downpour of rain over the battlefield, and only the battlefield, thanks to
Milotic’s astounding control as the clouds parted in the center, leaving a sole spot
light on the center of the battlefield that Milotic landed in, Lairon drawing himself
away from the display to fire a Flash Cannon at Milotic.

Taking advantage of the fired show, Milotic fired an Ice Beam at the ground in front
of her, creating a slope of ice the Flash Cannon slammed into, before shooting up
into the air due to the angle created and into the spotlight created by the clouds as
Lairon was being soaked.

But Milotic wasn’t done as she fired a second Ice beam straight upwards, like a
bolt of blue lightning right at the Flash cannon as it disappeared into the clouds,
shattering the flash cannon into sparkles and dispersing the icy energy across the
clouds… Causing the rain to turn to sparkling snow that started falling upon the

The fancy maneuver hadn’t done any damage to Lairon, but it had set the stage
completely in Milotic’s advantage, Paul could only stare in shock as his brute force
tactics were redirected literally skyward as Milotic jumped out from behind the
ramp of ice and into the snowy air.

“Cloudburst!” Diana ordered as Milotic stuck her tail into the air. Paul could only
watch in awe as the clouds swirled towards Milotic’s tail, surrounding it in what
seemed like a miniature storm around her tail. That barrier of clouds stuck around
Milotic’s tail revealed the sun… but hid the attack she was using as Milotic shot
from the sky towards Lairon, who, thanks to the now muddy ground, had no way of
actually avoiding the attack as it slammed into his back.

The clouds exploded into a flurry of snow as soon as Milotic impacted Lairon’s
back, revealing the Aqua Tail attack she’d been using as glittering snow fell around
the two for a second as Lairon crumpled to the ground, unconscious from the extra
beating he’d taken.

Paul frowned as Milotic slithered over to Diana’s side of the field, before Diana
bowed gently as Milotic took a pose behind her, coiled up and allowing her trainer
to sit on her tail as she herself watched on.

“Alright trainers! Use your second Pokémon!” Johanna announced, seeing as her
Daughter had sorta called back Milotic for later.

“Come forth and take Center Stage! Roserade!” Diana called, Milotic uncurling but
allowing Diana to stand on her tail with a smile as she balanced masterfully in her
heels on her makeshift platform that was Milotic’s tail, smiling as she threw out
Roserade’s Pokeball, having pulled it out from behind her dress while she’d been
standing up, and throwing it out.

Paul watched as the Pokeball burst open, releasing a shower of petals in all colors,
but also small embers of blue flame as Diana’s Roserade spun around within the
petals, using her flowery arms to whip the small embers of blue flames around and
catch petals aflame, turning her beautiful multicolored entrance into a shower of
multicolored embers that floated in the air for but a moment as Roserade raised
one arm towards the sky, and the other on her chest, giving a beautiful cry as the
light above the battlefield turned harsh, the Blue, pink, purple and yellow flames
surrounding Roserade burning brighter for just a moment before dispersing into
sparks on the wet ground.

It was at this point Paul realized Diana’s concealed strategy involved use of the
weather, and weather affects, Roserade having used her entrance to call in a
Sunny Day without even a word from her trainer in a well-practiced maneuver of
petals and flames. The crowd was in awe as Diana’s displays, but Paul wasn’t
falling for them this time.

“Electivire! Stand by for Battle!” Paul shouted, throwing out his Electivire’s
Pokeball, and it burst open to reveal one of his most powerful Pokémon, which
gave a mighty cry of its name as Roserade stood before it, Paul not even going to
give Diana a chance to make a move this time.

“Fire punch!” Paul ordered, moving to take advantage of Roserade’s own sunny day
as Electivire’s fist ignited and he shot at Roserade, practically roaring to take her
out in one punch.

Diana’s confident smirk never wavered as she snapped her finger, nonverbally
giving a command to Roserade. She’d taught each of her Pokémon a single
nonverbal command… one meant for fighting the type they were most commonly
weak to. That command for Roserade was for fighting Fire-types.

And Roserade obliged as she pointed bot her arms forward, the arm with a blue
bouquet firing off a stream of water at Electivire, doing no damage, but dousing his
fist as Paul recognized the Water Sport attack, Roserade’s red arm lighting up
brightly before she raised it, Electivire suddenly fell to his knees, the Extrasensory
attack causing him to clutch his head in pain as Diana gave a new order.

“Bloom of Revelation.” She ordered, Roserade obliging as she raised a single arm
towards the sky, dancing slowly on her legs as power gathered in her red flowered
arm, before she struck out her blue petal arm, a blizzard of blue petals firing out
and slashing at Electrivire, who raised his arms to defend against the razor sharp
petals that spun around Roserade like a storm.

The concealed Pokémon than suddenly jumped up from the center of the blizzard
of blue petals, her red arm full of energy before she pointed it down at Electivire,
and like a shadow against the sun he stared before being outright blasted by a
Solar Beam that sent him skidding backwards as Roserade landed, and with her
gentle landing the petals all dispersed around the area, landing on the battlefield
and covering the wet ground in petals that floated on the small puddles around the
illuminated field.
Paul growled, he was being run around in circles trying to figure out what these
commands meant. Let alone how to counter them. He needed to think fast before
Electivire was taken out.

“Step two. Step one.” Diana commanded, Paul actually blinking at the… odd
command. He even mouthed ‘What?’ As Roserade shot forward, bouncing
between dry spots on the battlefield towards Electivire.

“Fire punch! Quick!” He shouted, hoping to take advantage of the close range
Roserade seemed to require for this maneuver as Electivire’s still wet fire ignited,
causing steam to emit from it as he tried to punch at Roserade.

Roserade merely slipped under Electivire’s flaming fist, using a puddle right next to
him as a small area to skid, sending water behind her as she launched herself at
Electivire’s back, hitting it with a Poison jab as Electivire spun around to try and hit
her again, only for Roserade to bounce off Electivire’s back and a shadow ball
straight at Electivire, that slammed right into his face.

Electivire toppled over from the constant damage he’d taken, landing with a thud in
a puddle of water, sending it everywhere as the harsh sunlight died down.
Roserade taking a bow before gracefully bouncing over to her trainer’s side, Diana
still sitting cross legged on Milotic’s coils.

Paul growled as he pulled out his final Pokeball. He was down to his last one in this
competition. This… trainer was utterly destroying him, but he’d figured her out. She
used weather strategies, she he had to take advantage of how flashy and long her
displays were with a powerful pokemon, one that was rather slow, but with the
ample amount of time she provided between attacks…

“Torterra! Stand by for battle!” He shouted, throwing out his started as Diana
actually smiled at that. She’d wanted to use one of her other pokemon, but this
opportunity was too good to pass up. She didn’t bother with the super theatrical
approach this time, merely pulling her Pokeball out from behind her, but throwing it
into the air behind her back and catching it in her other hand before tossing it

“Infernape! Take center stage!” She ordered as her final Pokémon came forth, her
own starter.

Paul could only stare in shock as bolts of thunder erupted from where the ball
opened, a cloud of smoke hiding the Infernape within before it burst away from an
eruption of flames, Infernape spinning on his tail before landing on his feet,
spinning a long red staff like object in his hands before tossing it back to Diana’
who caught to held item meant to give off a good impression as Infernape raised
his fists, bouncing back and forth as Paul just stared at probably one of the worse
matchups he could have had.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try though. With his most powerful Pokémon
by his side, and assuming her Infernape, her starter, was her strongest, this was
going to be a battle to remember.

“STONE EDGE!” Paul shouted, Toterra quickly calling up a flurry of stones from the
wet ground, specifically the wet ground and launching them at Infernape, Diana
calling out her own maneuver.

“Hidden Burn.” She ordered, Infernape raising both first before opening them into a
Shadow Claw on his right hand and a Fire Punch on the other first before using the
Shadow claw to start batting away sharp rocks, even spinning around and using
Iron Tail to bat one back at Torterra before launching forward to strike the slow
Pokémon with his other fist.

The dance of strikes wasn’t anywhere nearly as flashy as the rest of her
maneuvers, but Infernape did practical but still showy attacks, not flashy and
super fancy ones. So when Infernape closed in on Torterra he tried to punch his
face with his flame fist.

“Crunch.” Paul ordered as soon as Torterra was in range, the continental Pokémon
raising its head and catching the Fire punch in his mouth, burning it slightly but
bitting down, inflicting some damage to Infernape as the monkey growled, before
using its arm as leverage as he ignited his feet, Torterra’s eyes going wide as his
opponent slammed two Blaze Kicks right into the sides of his head, causing him to
let go of Infernape’s arm as he bouncing back, avoiding any puddles of water as
Diana looked around the battlefield at the many discarded petals.

“Flaming field!” She ordered, Infernape seeing what she was going for and throwing
out both arms, igniting his hands before clapping them together to send out a heat

Torterra weathered the attack, not taking much from it as the petals all around the
battlefield ignited, turning into small embers before Infernape made a second
clap, sending out a second heat wave that made the first burn brighter, the heat
starting to get to Paul as he realized what she’d done.

She’d turned Roserade’s discarded petals into a makeshift Grass Pledge, and used
Heat Wave in place of Fire Pledge to ignite the field so Torterra would start burning
up… Utterly crafty and flashy, as well as an extremely powerful play as a move.

Paul knew Torterra wouldn’t be able to take almost any more of this abuse, but
Torterra turned his head towards Paul, nodding, wanting to go down fighting, and
Paul was going to oblige him.
“Sandstorm!” He ordered, Torterra roaring as Sand whipped up around him,
spinning rapidly before growing in size before covering the field in a swirling
tornado of sand, obscuring both Torterra and Infernape from view and dousing the
flames Infernape had set up with copious amounts of wind and sand.

“Earthquake!” Paul ordered, wanting to take advantage of Infernape being on the

ground as Torterra reared up inside the Sandstorm before smashing him feet down,
causing a massive earthquake as Diana made her call.

“Blazing Comet!” She called out, standing up as a dark figure shot out of the
Sandstorm, Paul looking up at the top of the funnel of sand as Infernape spread his
arms out, seeing Torterra standing in the eye of the storm before shooting
downwards with Aerial Ace as his feet Ignited again, burning bright with Blaze Kicks
as Torterra looked up, sending forth a Leaf Storm to stop Infernape’s advance.

But that didn’t work as Infernape spun around midair, going in feet first and using
the fire to burn away at the Leaf Storm, but Torterra had one final trump card.
Slamming its feet into the ground, it roared again, activating Frenzy Plant and
massive thorny vines shot out of the ground around it, Infernape twisting around
them expertly before slamming his feet straight into Torterra’s back, still burning
from the Blaze Kicks as Torterra let out one final cry.

Paul could only watch as the sandstorm died down. Infernape standing atop
Torterra’s back as he lay, unconscious, on the ground, massive vines around
Torterra from Frenzy Plant slowly receding into the ground as Infernape hopped off
Torterra’s back, Diana getting off of Milotic’s coils before smiling at Paul.

“Still say Coordinators aren’t trainers Paul?” She asked with a smile as Paul shook
his head. There was no way in hell he’d forget that experience… clearly someone
well versed in combat like that, to use moves in such a way… Clearly there was
more to Coordinators than being flashy performers.

Paul merely returned Torterra before starting to walk away to contemplate things,
the crowd bursting out in cheers at Diana’s victory as Dawn cheered as well,
Chimchar and Piplup both dancing happily at her victory as Diana returned her
three Pokemon, a smile on her face as she waved her hands towards her mom.

“The winner! Diana Berlitz!” Her mother announced, the crowd cheering even
louder at that proclamation.

“That was amazing Sis!” Dawn cheered as she threw herself into Diana’s arms
once they were home, their mother watching with a smile as her youngest and her
oldest daughter, her two children, shared a heartwarming moment together. Diana
hadn’t even had a chance to change out of her contest outfit yet.
“Glad you enjoyed it. That, little sis.” She said, bopping Dawn on the nose with a
finger. “Is what being a coordinator is all about.” She recited, Dawn giggling as
Piplup and Chimchar sat on the table behind her.

“It’s always great to see my little girls together like this.” Their mother cheered,
walking in on their touching moment, and leaving Diana feeling a bit awkward she
had to tilt her head down slightly to look their mom in the eyes, being two inches
taller than her own mother at fifteen.

“Now, how has your journey been going?” She asked, both girls thinking back on
their journey before simply replying, “Great mom.” In sync. Their mother giggled at
that little moment as she looked up at Diana.

“Take care of Dawn, like always, ok Diana?” She asked her oldest, who nodded
with a smile as Dawn giggled. They’d been on the road together since the start of
Dawn’s journey. And once Diana got changed they were going to be on the road
again. Diana having elected not to face Barry’s dad.

“Right, I’m gonna change and we’ll be off mom.” Diana said before going in her
room, Dawn sitting at the table and waiting for her older sister.

Several minutes later Diana came out of her room, once more in her normal outfit
with her bag on her back, her contest outfit inside alongside several more items of
importance as Dawn stood up.

“Bye mom!” They said together as their mother waved to them, and waved them off
to continue their journey.

“So where too next sis?” Diana asked, smirking as Dawn giggled.

“Wherever the path to the Grand Festival takes us, come on!” She shouted, before
running off, Diana running after her sister with a smile on her face. Dawn had truly
found her happy wish, for someone who would never leave her.

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