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Module 2

Title: Direct Current Generator

Title of the Lesson: Types and Characteristics of DC Generator
Duration: 6 hrs

In the previous sections we have learnt about the principle of operation of d.c.
generators. Now that we understand the working principle of a DC generator. You may
also find it useful to learn about the types of DC generators.

Likewise in this module we are going to study the Characteristics of Dc

generator. It is the graph between the two dependent quantities. It shows the steady-
state characteristic of DC generators. The characteristic of the DC generators explains
the relations between the loads, excitation and terminals voltage through the graph.
To fully understand this module, set aside other task that may disturb you while
doing this module. Read and understand the lesson carefully. Analyzed the sample
problems and answer all the activities including the self-evaluation test to gauge how
well you understand the lesson. For problem solving, read the problem carefully, write
down what are the given and the unknown, draw the circuit and analyze, formulate the
equation that fits with the unknown so that you can check what is missing based on
the given, solve the problem step by step until you reach the final answer.

After thoroughly studying this module the student should be able to:
1. Know the different types of dc generator and its applications.
2. Draw the circuit of different types of dc generator
3. Explain the effect of armature reaction in dc generator.
4. Describe the different characteristics of a dc generator
5. Solve problems with regards to the type of dc generator and effect of
armature reaction
1. Write the general voltage equation of a dc generator.
2. What are the types of a dc generator?
3. Name the different characteristics of dc generator
4. What are the effects of armature reaction in dc generator?

Lesson Proper
I. Types of Generators
D.C. generators can be classified as:
1. Permanent magnet type
2. Electromagnet type

Permanent Magnet Type
In this type of generator the poles are made of permanent magnet. The poles
do not require any windings. Such type of D.C. generators are of small size. These
are employed mainly in dynamo in cycles and bikes. It is not used for industrial purpose
a. It would require large magnet which is economically not feasible.
b. Magnetic strength decreases with time so magnetic flux will not remain
Electromagnet Type

The poles of D.C. generator is magnetized using windings. Electromagnetic

type generators can further classifies based on the excitation of their field.
(a) separately-excited and
(b) self-excited dc generators.


a) Separately-Excited Generators
In separately excited generator the field winding is energized from another dc
source which is connected separately from the commutator

Fig. 1.18 Separately excited dc generator

The armature current and load current are the same and it becomes,

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝐿

The expression for generated voltage is,

𝐸𝑔 = 𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝑎 𝑅𝑎

Electric power developed by the armature is,

𝑃𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐸𝑔 𝐼𝑎

The output or load power is,

𝑃𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑃𝐿 = 𝑉𝑡 𝐼𝐿


𝑅𝑓 = 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

𝐼𝑎 = 𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝐼𝐿 = 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝐸𝑔 = 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

𝑉𝑡 = 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

𝑅𝐿 = 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

b) Self-Excited Generators
In self-excited generator the field winding is energized by the current produced
by the generator itself. There are three types of self-excited generator offered
depending upon their connection of field winding to the armature.

Three Types of Self-Excited Generators

b.1 Series Wound Generator

The field windings (series field) are connected in series with the armature
conductors. They are made up of comparatively few turns of thick wire or strips. This
generator are seldom used but for special purposes like booster etc.

Fig. 1.19 Series Generator

The armature current is the same as the load current, hence,

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼𝑠𝑒

The expression for generated voltage is,

𝐸𝑔 = 𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝑎 (𝑅𝑎 + 𝑅𝑠𝑒 )

Electric power developed by the armature is,

𝑃𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐸𝑔 𝐼𝑎

The output or load power is,

𝑃𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑃𝐿 = 𝑉𝑡 𝐼𝐿
Problem 1]

A series generator is rated 10 Kw, 125 V DC, 1500 rpm with an armature circuit
resistance of 0.13 Ω and a series field resistance of 0.02 Ω. Determine the generated
voltage and power if a brush drop is 2 volts.

10 × 103
𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝐿 = = 80 𝐴
𝐸𝐺 = 125 + 80(0.13 + 0.02) + 2 = 139 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑠
𝑃𝐺 = 139 × 80 = 11,120 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠 = 11.12 𝑘𝑊

b.2 Shunt Wound Generator

The field windings (shunt field) are connected in parallel with the armature conductor
and have full voltage of the generator applied across them.

Fig. 1.20 Shunt Generator

The armature current is,

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝑙 + 𝐼𝑠ℎ

The shunt field current can be determined as,

𝐼𝑠ℎ =

The load current can be determined as,

𝐼𝐿 =

The expression for generated voltage is,

𝐸𝑔 = 𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝑎 𝑅𝑎

Electric power developed by the armature is,

𝑃𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐸𝑔 𝐼𝑎

The output or load power is,

𝑃𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑃𝐿 = 𝑉𝑡 𝐼𝐿

Problem 2]
A shunt generator delivers 450A at 230 volts and the resistance of the shunt
field and armature are 50 ohms and 0.03 ohms respectively. Calculate the generated

𝐼𝐿 = 450𝐴, 𝑉𝑡 = 230𝑉, 𝑅𝑎 = 0.03Ω, 𝑅𝑠ℎ = 50Ω, 𝐸𝑔 =?

𝐼𝑠ℎ = = 4.6Ω
𝐼𝑎 = 450 + 4.6 = 454.6𝐴

𝐸𝑔 = 230 + 454.6(0.03) = 243.63 𝑉

b.3 Compound Wound Generator

There are two types of compound wound generator. Few series field and shunt
field windings are combined in this generator and connected either short shunt or long
shunt compound generator. This generator was developed to avoid the decrease in
terminal voltage due to increasing load.

b.3.1 Short Shunt Compound Generator

The series field is connected in series with the load and the shunt field winding is
connected in parallel with the armature winding.

Fig. 1.21 Short shunt compound generator

The armature current is,

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝐿 + 𝐼𝑠ℎ

The shunt field current can be determined as,

𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝐿 𝑅𝑠𝑒 𝐸𝑔 − 𝐼𝑎 𝑅𝑎
𝐼𝑠ℎ = =
𝑅𝑠ℎ 𝑅𝑠ℎ
The load current can be determined as,
𝐼𝐿 =
The expression for generated voltage is,

𝐸𝑔 = 𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝑎 𝑅𝑎 + 𝐼𝐿 𝑅𝑠𝑒

Electric power developed by the armature is,

𝑃𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐸𝑔 𝐼𝑎

The output or load power is,

𝑃𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑃𝐿 = 𝑉𝑡 𝐼𝐿

Problem 3]
A short shunt compound generator delivers a load current of 30A at 220 volts
and has armature, series field and shunt field resistance of 0.05 ohm, 0.03 ohm and
200 ohms respectively. Calculate the induced emf and the armature current. Allow 1
volt per brush for contact drop.



. )

a  200
 
g= +
. ( )
.05 (

b.3.2 Long Shunt Compound Generator

The series field is connected in series with the armature and the shunt field winding
is connected in parallel with the armature.

Fig. 1.22 Long shunt compound generator

The armature current is,

𝐼𝑎 = 𝐼𝑙 + 𝐼𝑠ℎ
The shunt field current can be determined as,
𝐼𝑠ℎ =
The load current can be determined as,
𝐼𝐿 =

The expression for generated voltage is,
𝐸𝑔 = 𝑉𝑡 + 𝐼𝑎 (𝑅𝑎 + 𝑅𝑠𝑒 )

Electric power developed by the armature is,

𝑃𝑔 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑎 = 𝐸𝑔 𝐼𝑎

The output or load power is,

𝑃𝑜 𝑜𝑟𝑃𝐿 = 𝑉𝑡 𝐼𝐿
Problem 4]
A 4 pole long shunt lap wound generator supplies 25 KW at a terminal voltage
of 500 V. The armature resistance is 0.03 Ω, series field resistance is 0.04 Ω and shunt
field resistance is 200 Ω. The brush drop maybe taken as 1 volt / brush. Determine the
emf generated. Calculate also the number of conductors, if the speed is 1200 rpm and
flux per pole is 0.02 Wb. Neglect armature reaction.

25 × 103
𝐼𝐿 = = 50𝐴
𝐼𝑠ℎ = = 2.5𝐴

𝐼𝑎 = 50 + 2.5 = 52.5𝐴

𝐸𝑔 = 500 + 52.5(0.03 + 0.04) + 2 = 505.67 𝑉

𝑍= = 1264 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠

Brush Contact Drop

It is the voltage drop over the brush contact resistance when the current passes from
commutator segments to brushes and finally to the external load. Its value depends
on the amount of current and the value of contact resistance. This drop is usually small
and includes brushes of both polarities. However in practice, the brush contact drop is
assumed to have the following constant value for all loads, 0.5V for metal graphite
brushes and 2.0V for carbon brushes. ( Siskind)

Problem. 5]
The following information is given for a 300 KW, 600 V long shunt compound DC
Shunt field resistance = 75Ω
Commutating field winding resistance = 0.011Ω

Armature Resistance including Brush = 0.03Ω

Diverter Resistance = 0.036Ω

Series Field Resistance = 0.012Ω

When machine is delivering full load, calculate the induced emf.
Diverter – is a very low resistance connected in parallel with the series field. It diverts
or avoids part of the load current through the section of wire that creates no flux.


300 × 103
𝐼𝐿 = = 500𝐴
𝐼𝑠ℎ = = 8𝐴
𝐼𝑎 = 500 + 8 = 508𝐴
𝑅𝑑 𝑅𝑠 = = 0.009Ω
0.036 + 0.012
𝐸𝑔 = 600 + 508(0.011 + 0.03 + 0.009) = 625.4𝑉

1. What particular number in the activity :
a. You did not solve? Why?
b. You are sure with your solution? Why?
c. You are not sure with your solution? Why?

II. Characteristics of DC Generators

A. Three characteristics of DC generators
(1) Open Circuit Characteristic (O.C.C.)

(2) Internal or Total Characteristic and

(3) External Characteristic.
A.1 Open Circuit Characteristic (O.C.C.) (EO/If)
No-load saturation or magnetic characteristics are the other term for open
circuit characteristics or the OCC. At a given fixed speed, this characteristics illustrates
the relation between generated emf at no load (𝑬𝒐 ) and the field current (𝑰𝒇). The no-
load saturation curve is basically similar for all types of generators. To obtained the
data for OCC curve or the no-load saturation curve, operate the generator at no load
at a constant speed. Slowly increased the field current and record the equivalent
terminal voltage. See the figure below for the circuit arrangement to obtain OCC curve.
For shunt or series excited generators, the field winding is detached from the machine
and attached across an external supply.

Fig. 1.23

Now, from the voltage equation of a dc generator, we know that Eg = kɸ. Hence,
the generated emf should be directly proportional to field flux (and hence, also directly
proportional to the field current). However, even when the field current is zero, some
amount of emf is generated (represented by OA in the figure below). This initially
induced emf is due to the fact that there exists some residual magnetism in the field
poles. Due to the residual magnetism, a small initial emf is induced in the armature.
This initially induced emf aids the existing residual flux, and hence, increasing the
overall field flux. This consequently increases the induced emf. Thus, O.C.C. follows
a straight line. However, as the flux density increases, the poles get saturated and the
ɸ becomes practically constant. Thus, even we increase the If further, ɸ remains
constant and hence, Eg also remains constant. Hence, the O.C.C. curve looks like the
B-H characteristic.

Fig. 1.24

The above figure shows a typical no-load saturation curve or open circuit
characteristics for all types of DC generators.
A.2. Internal or Total Characteristic (E/Ia)

An internal characteristic curve shows the relation between the on-load

generated emf (Eg) and the armature current (Ia). The on-load generated emf Eg is
always less than EO due to the armature reaction. Eg can be determined by
subtracting the drop due to demagnetizing effect of armature reaction from no-load
voltage E0. Therefore, internal characteristic curve lies below the O.C.C. curve.

A.3. External Characteristic (V/IL)

An external characteristic curve shows the relation between terminal voltage (V) and
the load current (IL). Terminal voltage V is less than the generated emf Eg due to
voltage drop in the armature circuit. Therefore, external characteristic curve lies below
the internal characteristic curve. External characteristics are very important to
determine the suitability of a generator for a given purpose. Therefore, this type of
characteristic is sometimes also called as performance characteristic or load

B. Internal and external characteristic curves for each type of generator.

B.1 Characteristics of Separately Excited DC Generator

Fig. 1.25

If there is no armature reaction and armature voltage drop, the voltage will
remain constant for any load current. Thus, the straight line AB in above figure
represents the no-load voltage vs. load current IL. Due to the demagnetizing effect
of armature reaction, the no-load generated emf is less than the no-load voltage. The
curve AC represents the no-load generated emf Eg vs. load current IL i.e. internal
characteristic (as Ia = IL for a separately excited dc generator). Also, the terminal
voltage is lesser due to ohmic drop occurring in the armature and brushes. The curve

AD represents the terminal voltage vs. load current i.e. external characteristic.

B.2 Characteristics of DC Shunt Generator

To determine the internal and external load characteristics of a DC shunt
generator the machine is allowed to build up its voltage before applying any external
load. To build up voltage of a shunt generator, the generator is driven at the rated
speed by a prime mover. Initial voltage is induced due to residual magnetism in the
field poles. The generator builds up its voltage as explained by the O.C.C. curve. When
the generator has built up the voltage, it is gradually loaded with resistive load and
readings are taken at suitable intervals. Connection arrangement is as shown in the
figure below.

Fig. 1.26

Unlike, separately excited DC generator, here, 𝐼𝐿 ≠ 𝐼𝑎 For a shunt generator, 𝐼𝑎 =

𝐼𝑙 + 𝐼𝑓 . Hence, the internal characteristic can be easily transmitted to 𝐸𝑔 𝑣𝑠𝐼𝐿 by
subtracting the correct value of 𝐼𝑓 from𝐼𝑎 .


Fig. 1.27

When load resistance is decreased during a normal running condition, the load
current increases. Then, as we go on decreasing the load resistance, terminal voltage
also falls. Hence, load resistance can be decreased up to a definite limit, after which
the terminal voltage extremely decreases due to too much armature reaction at very
high armature current and increased 𝐼 2 𝑅 losses. Therefore, outside this limit any
further decrease in load resistance the effect is decreasing the load current. Thus, the
external characteristic curve goes back as shown by dotted line in the above figure.

B.3 Characteristics of DC Series Generator

Fig. 1.28

The curve AB in above figure identical to open circuit characteristic (O.C.C.)

curve. This is because in DC series generators field winding is connected in series
with armature and load. Hence, here load current is similar to field current (i.e. IL=If).
The curve OC and OD represent internal and external characteristic respectively. In a
DC series generator, terminal voltage increases with the load current. This is because,
as the load current increases, field current also increases. However, beyond a certain
limit, terminal voltage starts decreasing with increase in load. This is due to excessive
demagnetizing effects of the armature reaction.
B.4 Characteristics of DC Compound Generator

Fig. 1.29
The above figure shows the external characteristics of DC compound
generators. If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so that, increase in load current
causes increase in terminal voltage then the generator is called to be over
compounded. The external characteristic for over compounded generator is shown by
the curve AB in above figure.

If series winding amp-turns are adjusted so that, the terminal voltage remains
constant even the load current is increased, then the generator is called to be flat
compounded. The external characteristic for a flat compounded generator is shown by
the curve AC.
If the series winding has lesser number of turns than that would be required to
be flat compounded, then the generator is called to be under compounded. The
external characteristics for an under compounded generator are shown by the curve

C. Voltage Regulation

. Voltage regulation is defined as the change in terminal voltage from no-load

to full-load .It is used to identify the change in terminal voltage due to increase in the
generator load. Slight change in voltage from no-load to full-load classifies the
generator to have a good voltage regulation. It is expressed as percentage of full load
terminal voltage. Mathematically, it can be defined as,
𝑉𝑅 = × 100


𝑉𝑅 = 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝑉𝑁𝐿 = 𝑛𝑜 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑔𝑒

𝑉𝐹𝐿 = 𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 − 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

D. Applications of DC Generator
According to their characteristics, dc generators are used in different purposes:

D.1 Separately Excited DC Generators Separately excited DC Generators are used in

laboratories for testing as they have a wide range of voltage output. Used as a supply
source of DC motors.

D.2 Shunt generator: This generator has a good characteristic with a constant
terminal voltage. It is used for charging storage battery. It is also used in running
normal lights and providing excitation to the alternators.

D.3 Series generator: The series generator has a raising characteristic. Therefore,
it is used as a series booster to increase the magnitude of the voltage across the

feeder line and used in DC locomotives for regenerative braking for providing field
excitation current

D.4 Flat compound generator: This type of generator is used to supply electrical
power where the distance between the generator and the load is small, used in offices,
hotels, homes, schools, etc.

D.5 Over compound generator: This type of generator is used to supply electrical
power where the distance between the generator and the load is long, used in lighting
and heavy power supply.

D.6 Differential compound generator: This generator is used for arc welding where
high voltage drop occurs with increase in current.

III. Armature Reaction

A. Windings in a dc Generator
There are two windings in a dc generator and a dc motor:
• Field winding
• Armature winding.
The purpose of field winding is to produce magnetic field (called main flux) whereas
the purpose of armature winding is to carry armature current. Although the armature
winding is not provided for the purpose of producing a magnetic field, still the current
in the armature winding also produces a magnetic flux (called armature flux).

The armature flux distorts and weakens the main flux and create problems for the
proper operation of the dc machines. The action of armature flux on the main flux is
called armature reaction in a dc generator.
The phenomenon of armature reaction in a dc generator is shown in figure below.
For the sake of clarity we are taking only one pole.

Fig. 1.30

When the generator is on no-load, a small current is flowing through the armature and

therefore flux produced in the armature is very small and it does not affect the main
flux φ1 coming from the pole. (Fig.1.30a)

When the generator is loaded, high current start flowing through the armature
conductors, thus a high flux φ2 is set up as shown in Fig. 1.30b

By superimposing the fluxes φ1 and φ2, we obtain the resulting flux φ3 as shown in
Fig.2.8c This is what happens to the flux under one pole under armature reaction in
a dc generator. From Fig.1.30c it is clear that flux density at the trailing pole tip (point
B) is increased while at the leading pole tip (point A) it is decreased.

This unequal field distribution due to armature reaction in dc generator produces

the following two effects:

1. The main flux is distorted.

2. The main Flux is weakened.
The weakening of flux due to armature reaction in a dc generator also depends on
the position of the brushes. For that we need to understand the geometrical and
magnetic neutral axes.

B. Geometrical and Magnetic Neutral Axes

The geometrical neutral axis and magnetic neutral axis should be clearly understood
in order to get a clear idea of armature reaction in a dc generator.
• The geometrical neutral axis (GNA.) is the axis that bisects the angle between the
center line of adjacent poles.
• The magnetic neutral axis (MNA.) is the axis drawn perpendicular to the mean
direction of the flux passing through the centre of the armature. No e.m.f. is
produced in the armature conductors along this axis because then they cut no
flux. When no current is there in the armature conductors, the MNA coincides with

Fig. 1.31

The armature reaction in a dc generator is explained as below,

Consider no current in armature conductors, then MNA coincides with GNA.

Now, when current start flowing through the armature conductors, due to the combined
action of main flux and armature flux the MNA get shifted from GNA. In case of a

generator, the M.N.A. is shifted in the direction of rotation of the machine. In order to
achieve sparkles commutation, the brushes should be moved along the new MNA.
Under such a condition, the armature reaction in a dc generator produces
the following two effects:

1. It demagnetizes or weakens the main flux.

2. It cross-magnetizes or distorts the main flux.
Let us discuss these effects of armature reaction in a dc generator by considering
a 2-pole generator (though the following remarks also hold good for a multipolar

1. Fig 1.32(a) shows the flux due to main poles (main flux) when the armature
conductors carry no current. The flux across the air gap is uniform. The m.m.f.
producing the main flux is represented in magnitude and direction by the vector
OFm in fig 1.32 (a). Note that OFm is perpendicular to GNA.
2. Fig 1.32(b) shows the flux due to current flowing in armature conductors of dc
generator alone (main poles unexcited). The armature conductors to the left of
GNA. carry current “in” (×) and those to the right carry current “out” (•). The
direction of magnetic lines of force can be found by cork screw rule. It is clear that
armature flux is directed downward parallel to the brush axis. The m.m.f.
producing the armature flux is represented in magnitude and direction by the
vector OFA in fig (b).

Fig. 1.32

3. Fig 1.32 (c) shows the flux due to the main poles and that due to current in
armature conductors acting together. The resultant m.m.f. OF is the vector sum
of OFm and OFA as shown in fig (c). Since MNA. is always perpendicular to the
resultant m.m.f., the MNA. is shifted through an angle θ. Note that MNA. is shifted
in the direction of rotation of the generator.
4. In order to achieve sparkless commutation, the brushes must lie along the MNA.
Consequently, the brushes are shifted through an angle θ so as to lie along the
new MNA. as shown in Fig 1.32(d). Due to brush shift, the m.m.f. FA of the
armature is also rotated through the same angle θ. It is because some of the
conductors which were earlier under N-pole now come under S-pole and vice-
versa. The result is that armature m.m.f. FA will no longer be vertically downward
but will be rotated in the direction of rotation through an angle θ as shown in
Fig1.32(d). Now FA can be resolved into rectangular components Fc and Fd.
o (a) The component Fd is in direct opposition to the m.m.f. OFm due to main
poles. It has a demagnetizing effect on the flux due to main poles. For this
reason, it is called the demagnetizing or weakening component of armature
reaction in dc machines.
o (b) The component Fc is at right angles to the m.m.f. OFm due to main
poles. It distorts the main field. For this reason, it is called the cross
magnetizing or distorting component of armature reaction in dc machines.
It may be noted that with the increase of armature current, both demagnetizing and
distorting effects will increase.

C. Demagnetizing and Cross-magnetizing conductors

The conductors which are responsible for producing demagnetizing and distortion
effects are shown in the Fig.1.

Fig. 1.33

The brushes are lying along the new position of MNA which is at angle θ from
GNA. The conductors in the region AOC = BOD = 2θ at the top and bottom of the
armature are carrying current in such a direction as to send the flux in armature from
right to left. Thus these conductors are in direct opposition to main field and called
demagnetizing armature conductors.
The remaining armature conductors which are lying in the region AOD and BOC
carry current in such a direction as to send the flux pointing vertically downwards i.e.
at right angles to the main field flux. Hence these conductors are called cross
magnetizing armature conductors which will cause distortion in main field flux.
These conductors are shown in the Fig. 1.34

Calculation of Demagnetizing and Cross Magnetizing Amp-Turns

Let us the number of demagnetizing and cross magnetizing amp-turns.

Let Z = total number of armature conductors
I = current in each armature conductor

= Ia for simplex wave winding


= Ia for simplex lap winding


 m = forward lead in mechanical or geometrical or angular degrees.

The conductors which are responsible for demagnetizing ampere-turns are lying in the
region spanning 4 θm degrees. The region is between angles AOC and BOD, as shown
in the Fig. 2.

4 m
Total number of armature conductors in angles AOC and BOD = Z
As two conductors constitute one turn,
1 4𝜃𝑚
Total number of turns in these angles = 2 ∙ ×𝑧

2 m
 total number of turns in these angles =  ZI
2 m
 Demagnetizing amp-turns per pair of poles =  ZI

Demagnetizing amp-turns / pole =  ZI OR
ATd per pole = ZI 
The conductors lying between angles AOD and BOC as shown in fig 2.14 constitute
what are known as distorting or cross-magnetizing conductors. Their number is found
as under:

Total armature- conductors / pole both cross and demagnetizing = Z


From above we have found an expression for demagnetizing conductors per


2 m
Demagnetizing conductors / pole = Z (found above)

Z 2
 cross-magnetizing conductors / pole = −Z m
P 360

 1 2 
= Z − m 
 P 360 

 1 2 
 cross-magnetizing amp-conductors / pole = ZI  − m 
 P 360 

 1  
 cross-magnetizing amp-turns / pole = ZI  − m 
 2 P 360 
(Remembering that two conductors make one turn)

 1  
AT = ZI  − m 
pole  2 P 360 
Note: For neutralizing the demagnetizing effect of armature-reaction, an extra number
of turns may be put on each pole.

AT d
No. of extra turns /pole = for shunt generator
AT d
= for series generator

If the leakage coefficient λ is given, then multiply the above expressions by it.

If lead angle is given in electrical degrees, it should be converted into mechanical

degrees by the following relation.

 (electrical ) e 2 e
 (mechanical) = OR  m = =
2 2

Problem 6]

A wave wound 4 pole d.c. generator with 480 armature conductors supplies a current
of 144 A. The brushes are given an actual lead of 10o. Calculate the demagnetizing
and cross magnetizing amp turns per pole.

Solution :

𝑃 = 4, 𝑍 = 480, 𝐼𝑎 = 144 𝐴. 𝜃𝑚 = 10°

For wave wound,

𝐼𝑎 144
𝐼== = 72 𝐴𝑚𝑝.
2 2
𝐴𝑇𝑑 𝜃𝑚 480 × 72 × 10
= 𝑍𝐼 = = 960
𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑒 360 360
𝐴𝑇𝐶 1 𝜃𝑚 1 10
= 𝑍𝐼 [ − ] = 480 × 72 [ − ] = 3360
𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑒 2𝑃 360 2 × 4 360

D. Compensating Windings and Interpoles in DC Generator

In DC compound machine setup by armature current opposes magnetic field

flux, this is known as armature reaction. The armature reaction has two effects (i)
Demagnetizing effect and (ii) Cross magnetizing effect. Demagnetizing effect weakens
the main field flux which in turn decreases the induced e.m.f (as E ∝ Ø)). To overcome
this effect a few extra turns/poles are added in series to main field winding. This
creates a series field which serves two purposes,
(a) It helps to neutralize the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction.

(b) If wound for cumulative compounded machine the electrical performance

will be improved.
Compensating Winding
All armature conductors placed under the main poles region produces e.m.f which is
at right angle (90°) to the main field e.m.f. This e.m.f causes distortion in main field

flux. This is known as cross magnetizing effect. To minimize the cross magnetizing
effect compensating winding is used. This compensating winding produces an m.m.f
which opposes the m.m.f produced by armature conductors.

Fig. 1.35

This objective. is achieved by connecting compensating winding in series with

armature winding. In absence of compensating winding, cross magnetizing effect
causes sparking at the commutators and short circuiting the whole armature winding.

It should be noted that compensating winding must provide sufficient m.m.f. so as to

counterbalance the armature m.m.f .Let.

Z c = No. of compensating conductors / pole face

Z a = No. of active armature conductors / pole

I a = total armature current

Ia = current /armature conductor


 Z c I a = Z a  
Ia Za
 A  or Z c = A

Owing to their cost and the room taken up by them, the compensating windings
are used in the case of large machines which are subject to violent fluctuations in load
and also for generators which have to deliver their full load output at considerably low
induced voltage as in the Ward-Leonard set.
D.1 No. of Compensating Windings
No. of armature conductors / pole =

No. of armature turns / pole =
 No. of armature – turns immediately under one pole
Z Polearc Z
=  = 0.7 ( approx.)
2 P Polepitch 2P

No. of armature amp-turns / pole for compensating winding
= 0.7  = 0.7  Armature amp-turns/pole

D.2 Compensating Winding Disadvantages

This winding neutralizes the cross magnetizing effect due to armature

conductors only but not due to interpolar region. This winding is used in large machine
in which load is fluctuating.
Cross magnetizing effect in interpolar region is by interpoles (also known as
compoles (or) commutating poles). These interpoles are small in size and placed in
between the main poles of yoke. Like compensating winding, interpoles are also
connected in series with armature winding such that the m.m.f produced by them
opposes the m.m.f produced by armature conductor in interpolar region. In generators,
the interpole polarity is same as that of main pole ahead such that they induce an e.m.f
which is known as commutating or reversing e.m.f. This commutating e.m.f minimizes
the reactance e.m.f and hence sparks or arcs are eliminated.

Fig. 1.36

Compensating winding and interpoles are used for same purpose but the difference
between them is, interpoles produce e.m.f for neutralizing reactance e.m.f whereas
compensating winding produces an m.m.f which opposes the m.m.f produced by
Self-Evaluation Test

1. What is compensating winding? State the advantages and disadvantages.

2. What are the effects of armature reaction?
3. What are the effects of demagnetizing and cross magnetizing armature
4. State the applications of dc generator.
5. Enumerate and explain the three characteristics of dc generator.

The Assignment/Course Requirement Guide will give the student a clear direction
upon his/her completion for the listed learning activities that can be found in each of
the provided modules or study guides. Aside from the instructions provided, this
course requirement guide will intend to specify the rubrics on grading the activities and
also the guidelines for both the schedule and means of submission if in case the
student will not be able to submit his/her assignment via online platforms.


For Problem Solving Type Item in a Quiz, assignment or Examination:

Criteria Point(s)
per Item Ratin
(Weight 15 10 5 3 0 g

Given Complet Incomplet No

and e given e given given
Unknow and and and
n in the unknown unknown unknow
problem n

Circuit Complet Circuit No

diagram e circuit only circuit
of the diagram/ w/out
problem with label

Written Correct Correct

Solution Answer Answer Wrong Wrong No
and with with Answer Answer Answer
Answer Correct Correct but with and and No
to Solution Solution Correct Wrong Solutio
Problem and but no Solution Solution n
units(s) units(s)

Total Point (for 1 Item) 25

For multiple choice Type Item in a Quiz, assignment or Examination:

Criteria Points Rating

per Item 5 3 1 0
Objective For every Wrong or
Type correct no
questions answer answer
Problem For every Wrong or
solving correct no
type answer answer

Guidelines for Submission and Evaluation

1. For those students who choose either synchronous (SL) or asynchronous
online learning (AOL) as the mode of learning that is suited for them, all
activities must be submitted online (Google Classroom, Google Mail, or
Messenger). Otherwise if the student prefers for remote print learning mode
(RPL), the instructor will give two (2) weeks for them to accomplish and submit
a printed/hand-written copy of their output.
2. Feedback for the submitted outputs will be through e-mail (for SL or AOL) or
will be returned on the students directly in the next schedule of submission
(applicable for RPL).
3. Submission and return (for RPL) of materials may be located outside the gate
of the University or in the designated area of the LGU in the student’s


Fundamentals of Electrical Machines, (2012, January 30) M.A. Salam, Alpha

Science International Ltd. Oxford U.K., Salam/dp/1842657046
Electrical Machines and Automatic Controller . , Technical Publications., 2014
Electrical Machines., S.K. Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company

Electric Machinery., P. F. Ryff., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
Electric Machinery; S.D. Umans., McGraw-Hill Inc., 2014
Electrical Technology ;BL Theraja : Vol.
Introduction to Electrical Engineering; M.S. Naidu S. Kamakshaiah
Electrical Machines, Siskind. McGrawhill, 1979


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