Beauty and The Bloodshed Character List-2

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Beauty and the Bloodshed Character list

Aurora – Main Character

Twenty-one-year-old college student. She has long blonde hair with hints of
leftover pink from dying it, deep brown eyes, stands about 5’8 and has a little extra
meat on her bones. Her mother was murdered in their home when she was a
sophomore in high school, and she’s been having occasional nightmares about
killing people ever since. She currently goes to school at Gonzaga University in
Spokane Washington, lives with her three roommates; Allie, Jess and Niessie, and
is still dating her high school sweetheart Jeremy.

Alli (In rough draft named Kay)- Roommate/Best Friend

Twenty-one-year-old college student. She has wavy dark brown hair that flows all
the way down her back with golden brown highlights that shimmer when the sun
hits. 5’5 and curvaceous, and blue eyes like “a freshly frozen lake.” She’s mixed,
Portuguese and Italian, with a more olive skin tone, that she got form her mother’s
side. She is not so secretly in love with Aurora, but later falls for Ava. She goes to
Gonzaga as well, and she’s from Spokane. Roommate to Aurora, Jess and Niessie.

Jeremy- Boyfriend
Twenty-one-year-old boyfriend of Aurora who moved to Spokane from Everett
with her to go to GU as well. When Aurora first knew him, he was 5’8 and carried
some extra pounds but had a growth spurt at 16 and is now 6 foot tall and
muscular, with red curly hair, lightly tan skin covered in freckles. His dad invented
something (nobody knows what) so they’re very well off, but he’s very humble and
works for his money.

Payton Rints- Bounty Hunter

Twenty-two-year-old bounty hunter who moves to Spokane to attend Gonzaga as a
cover up for chasing down a serial killer in town. (Currently unsure if I’m going to
have this character be nonbinary.) They’re originally from Everett Washington and
are after the killer who murdered their father, and this killer has a similar MO.
They have a baby face, which softens up their hard-edged appearance, a noticeable
scar that starts at the collar bone and proceeds down towards their chest. Green
eyes with flecks of teal, short and curly dirty blonde hair, stands about 5’11. Toned
and tanned from all the years of chasing down killers.

Jess (In rough draft named Niessie)- Roommate

Twenty-year-old college dropout who now attends the Paul Mitchel School of
Beauty. 5’5 and a little on the heavier side but most of her weight is muscle within
her legs. She’s fair skinned, brown-black eyes, pouty rosy lips, and when she is
first introduced, she has purple gradient hair that is “like fire if fire was purple.”
She had dropped out of college after their freshman year to start beauty school and
her hair color changes more frequently than the seasons. Roommate to Aurora,
Allie, and Niessie.

Niessie (In rough draft, named Kennedy)- Roommate

Twenty-one-year-old college student at Gonzaga, originally from Tacoma,
Washington. 6’1 with a slender statuesque build, chiseled facial features, blemish
free, russet-brown skin. She had shaved her head back in middle school in
solidarity with her friend who had cancer and shaved their head, and since they had
passed on, she continued to shave her head. Dark emerald, green eyes that could
lure anyone to their doom. Her fashion sense was through the roof, she always
“looked like a goddess.” Roommate to Aurora, Allie, and Jess.

Ava (In rough draft named Krystale)- Bounty Hunter

Twenty-three-year-old, half Korean, bounty hunter from Bellingham, Washington.
Moved to Spokane with Payton, and her twin Walter to chase down a killer that at
one point was on the west side of the state. She is 5’6, has a cold, icy complexion
she looks like something out of a fairytale, with tiny, delicate facial features that
make her seem fragile but the muscle in her tiny body makes her seem deadly.
Dark black hair with hints of blue, that is shaved on the right side of her head and
shows off a scar from her jaw line to above her right ear, light brown eyes that
shine gold in the sunlight. Spunky personality, she could woo anyone.

Wally- Bounty Hunter

Twenty-three-year-old, half Korean, bounty hunter from Bellingham, Washington.
Moved to Spokane with Payton, and his twin Ava to chase down a killer that at one
point was on the west side of the state. He has the same icy complexion and facial
features as his sister, except doesn’t look quite as fragile. He stands at 5’9, and
despite his small frame, he has a lot of muscle from all the years of chasing bad
guys. Dark hazel eyes with gold flecks when the sun hit. Dark black, with hints of
blue, wavy hair that is long on top to his ears, left messy on purpose. Absolute
ladies’ man.

Mason Stonefield- Asshole

He might be Jeremy’s best friend, but we hate him, only including him in this as he
is the only extra character that is important enough to get a name. He is hot, 6’2
toned and tanned, dark brown hair that frames his face in curls. Think Incubus,
unless you know who he really is, then you’re being lured into his reach and when
he’s done with you, the spell is worn off and you hate yourself. Daddy’s money
can hide a lot of the things he’s done. Jeremy is blind to how awful his friend is,
but nobody ever tells him what he does either.

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