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University of Gondar

Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam
By Belaineh Esk. Academic Year 2022/2023


1. Let x1(t) and x2(t) be periodic signals with fundamental periods T1 and T2, respectively and similarly the
sum x(t) = x1( t ) + x2(t) is periodic with fundamental period T, which of the following is true for any
integer value of m and k
A) T=mT1 B) T= kT2 C) mT1=kT2 D ) All E ) None
2. Which of the followings is true about the system given below
A) memoryless . B) causal. C) linear. D) time-invariant, E ) All. F ) All except D

Fig problem 2

3. An LTI system has an output ,y(n), shown below for an input of δ(n) then which of the following is
true if an input is δ(n-2) is applied as input

y(n) = 1,-5, 4, -4. n = -1,0,1,2

0 elsewhere

A) y(1)=1 B) y(3)=4 C) y(4)=-4 D) y(2)=-5 E) y(0)=0 F) All

Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam 2022/2023

4. Which of the followings is true when the signal x(t), shown below is represented as linear sum of unit
step functions.
A) u(-t)-u(-t-1)+3u(t)-u(t-1)-u(t-1)-u(t-2)-u(t-3) C) u(-t)-u(-t+1)+3u(t)-u(t+1)-u(t-1)-u(t+2)-u(t+3)
B) u(-t)+u(-t-1)+3u(t)+u(t-1)+u(t-1)+u(t-2)+u(t-3) D) u(-t)-u(t-1)+3u(t)+u(t-1)-u(t-1)+u(t-2)+u(t-3)
E) None

Fig problem4
5 �−2
5. The integral of 2
� cos (2��)� � �� will be
A) e-2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 0 E) None
6. The trigonometric Fourier series expansion of half-wave rectified sine wave shown below will be

Fig problem 6
2 ∞ 2 ���(2����) 2 ∞ 2 ���(2����)
A) x(t) = ᴨ+ �=1 ᴨ
( 1−4�2 ) C) x(t) = ᴨ − �=1 ᴨ
( 1−4�2 )
∞ 2 ���(2����)
B) x(t) = �=1 ᴨ
( 1−4�2 ) D ) none

7. The Nyquist rate for the given continuous time signal is

x(t) = 6 cos50πt+20 sin 300πt+10 cos 100πt.
A) 50 B) 100 C) 300 D) 150

2 Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam

Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam 2022/2023

8. For the RLC circuit shown in below differential equation relating the output current y(t) and the input
voltage x(t).

Fig problem 8
��(�) ��(�) �2�(�) ��(�) ��(�) �2�(�)
A) y(t) = C ��
− �� ��
− �� ��2
C) y(t) = C ��
+ �� ��
+ �� ��2
��(�) ��(�) �2 �(�)
B) y(t) = C ��
+ ��
− �� ��2
D) none

9. The inverse DTFT of the given Signal

1 �−�Ω
1 �−�2Ω

A) (1/4)� �(�) + 2(−1/4)� �(�) C) ( − 1/4)� �(�) + 2(−1/4)� �(�)

B) (1/4)� �(�) − 2(−1/4)� �(�) D) none
10. The even part of the signal x(t)= ej2t +2 is
A) cos(2t) B) sin(2t)+2 C) cos(2t)+2 D) cos(2t)-2 E) none
11. Which of the following is true about the signal x(n) = (1/2)n u(n)
A) It is energy signal and its value is 2 C) it is neither energy nor power signal
B) It is power signal and its value is 2 D) it is both power and Energy signal
12. A system is called invertible if we can determine its input signal x uniquely by observing its output

signal y. . What will be the inverse system for the condition y(n) = −∞

Fig problem 12
A) x(n)=y(n)-y(n-1) C) x(n)=y(n-1)-y(n)
B) x(n)=y(n)+y(n-1) D) x(n)=y(n+2)-y(n)

3 Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam

Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam 2022/2023

13. The discrete-time signal x (n) = (-1)n is periodic with fundamental period
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 0
14. The frequency of a continuous time signal x (t) changes on transformation from x (t) to x ( t),  > 0 by
a factor

(A)  . (B) 1/ (C)  2 . (D) �

15. The Fourier transform of the exponential signal e jω0 t is

(A) a constant. (B) a rectangular gate. (C) an impulse. (D) a series of impulses
16. The unit impulse response of a linear time invariant system is the unit step function ut . For t > 0, the
response of the system to an excitation e at ut, a  0, will be
(A) aeat . (B) �
(C) a1 e at. (D) 1 e at

17. The Fourier transform (FT) of a function x (t) is X (f). The FT of dxt/ dt will be
(A) dXf /df . (B) j2πfXf . (C) jfX(f) (D) X(f)/(jf)
18. An analog signal has the spectrum shown in Figure below . The minimum sampling rate needed to
completely represent this signal is


-1.5 -1 1.5
1 Frequency (KHz)
Fig problem 18

(A) 3 KHz . (B) 2 KHz . (C) 1 KHz. (D) 0.5 KHz.

4 Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam

Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam 2022/2023

19. A given system is characterized by the differential equation: the system is

�2 � �� �
2 − �� − 2� � = � �

(A) linear and unstable. (B) linear and stable.

(C) nonlinear and unstable. (D) nonlinear and stable.

20. The system characterized by the equation yt  axt  b is

(A) linear for any value of b. (B) linear if b > 0.
(C) linear if b < 0. (D) non-linear.
21. Inverse Fourier transform of u is
�(�) 1 �(�)
(A) + (B)
2 �� 2
(C) 2δ(t)+ (D) t sgn(t)

22. The impulse response of a system is hn  a n un. The condition for the system to be BIBO stable is
(A) a is real and positive. (B) a is real and negative.
(C) |a|  1. (D) | a|  1
23. The signals x1t and x2t are both bandlimited to  ω1 ,  ω1  and  ω2 , ω2  respectively. The
Nyquist sampling rate for the signal x1t x2t will be
(A) 2ω1 if ω1 ω2 . (B) 2ω2 if ω1 ω2 .
(C) 2ω1ω2 . (D) ω1ω2 /2 .

24. If a periodic function f(t) of period T satisfies ft  ft  2 , then in its Fourier series expansion

(A) the constant term will be zero. (B) there will be no cosine terms.
(C) there will be no sine terms. (D) there will be no even harmonics.
25. The frequency response of a system with h(n) = δ(n) - δ(n-1) is given by
(A) δ(ω) - δ(ω - 1) (B) 1 - e jω .
(C) u(ω) – u(ω -1) (D) 1 – e-jω .
26. The DFT of a signal x(n) of length N is X(k). When X(k) is given and x(n) is computed from it, the
length of x(n)
(A) is increased to infinity (B) remains N
(C) becomes 2N – 1 (D) becomes N2

5 Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam

Signal and Systems Analysis Model Exit Exam 2022/2023

27. For the probability density function of a random variable X given by fx (x)  5eKxu(x) , where u(x) is
the unit step function, the value of K is
(A) 1/5 (B) 1/25
(C) 25 (D) 5

28. To obtain x(4 – 2n) from the given signal x(n), the following precedence (or priority) rule is used for
operations on the independent variable n:
(A) Time scaling → Time shifting → Reflection.
(B) Reflection → Time scaling → Time shifting.
(C) Time scaling → Reflection → Time shifting.
(D) Time shifting → Time scaling → Reflection.
29. The unit step-response of a system with impulse response h(n) = δ(n) – δ(n – 1) is:
(A) δ(n – 1) (B) δ(n).
(C) u(n – 1) (D) u(n).

30. What is the out put of the digital convolution x(n) and h(n) given below as y(n)=x(n)*h(n)
x(n) ={ 1, 1, 2} and h(n)={ 2 ,1 ,2}
A) y(n)={2,3,7,4,4} C) y(n)={4,4,1,2,3}
B) y(n)={4,4,2,3,7} D) y(n)={7,4,4,3,2}

31. The inverse Fourier transform of X(w) = 2−�2+�3� is

A) �(�) = (�−� − �−2� )�(�) C) �(�) = (�−2� − �−3� )�(�)

B) �(�) = (�−� + �−2� )�(�) D) �(�) = (�−� − �2� )�(�)

32. Which of the following is true ?

A) The output value of DTFT is discrete
B) The number of complex multiplication and addition in DFT is higher than FFT
C) For DTFT to exist the signal may not necessarily be absolutely consumable
D) DFT is sampled values of DTFT
E) A and D

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