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Hardware and network service (HNS) Level III EXTESION SECOND SEMESTER

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Division. Please put tick mark(□) Regular Extension weekend

Learning module Unit Title:

 Entrepreneurship and Employability skill – II

 Preventing and Eliminate MUDA

Date of Assessment: ----/-----/ 2016 E.C

Time Allowed: 1:30 Hrs.

Prepared by: All ICT(HNS ---Level-III) Trainer’s
PART ONE Choose the best answer for the following alternative (2pts. each)
1. Anew venture's business plan is important because ______________
A. It helps to persuade others to commit funding to the venture
B. Can help to demonstrate the viability of the venture
C. Provides a guide for business activities by defining objectives
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
2. Which one of the following is not the characteristics of entrepreneur?
A. Self-confidence D. All of the above
B. Risk tolerance E. None of the above
C. Mental ability and creativity
3. One of the main external factor that may cause a firm to change its business process is

A. Desire for growth D. Desire for expansion

B. Competition E. None of the above
C. Low employee working morale
4. Which one of the following is a sound business plan component?
A. Flexibility C. All of the above
B. Communicative D. None of the above
5. Is the market strategy which makes the business to be less dependent on one or few
products in the market?
A. Market penetration strategy C. Product development strategy
B. Diversification strategy D. Market development strategy
6. Which one of the following is a push influence of motivation to start an enterprise?
A. Un employment C. Disagreement with previous employer
B. Desire for independence D. A & C E. A & B
7. Which one of the following is an example of entrepreneurship?
A. Teaching entrepreneurship course in a known college
B. Working in a call center as an employee
C. Managing and completing tasks given by the boss in a company
D. Starting up a new type of restaurant in Addis Ababa city
E. None of the above
8. _________ is the level of product which addresses the question what customers really purchase.
A. Actual level of product C. Augmented level of product
B. Core level of product D. None of the above
9. _______ is a way of expanding the venture by purchasing of the entire (part) of the
A. Merger C. Acquisition E. None of the above
B. Franchisee D. Joint venture
10. An individual who starts, creates and manages a new business can be called
A. Leader C. Manager E. None of the above
B. Professional D. Entrepreneur
Part II Match points under column B with A( 1.5 marks Each)
COLUMN (( A )) COLUMN (( B ))
1 Knowledge A Consists of a set or body of information
2 Skill B The ability to apply knowledge
3 Trait C
The total of aggregation of qualities or
characteristics that constitutes personal

4 Business idea D The short and precise description of the

basic operation of an intended business.
5 Business opportunity E
An attractive investment idea or
proposition that provides the possibility of
a return for the person taking the risk.

6 Feasibility study F A feasibility analysis is completed to

determining if an idea is worth pursuing.
7 Product G
Refers to goods/services produced for
sale, the product /service should relate to
the needs and wants of the customers.

8 Business plan H A written document prepared by the

individual entrepreneur or partners that
describes the goals and objectives of the
9 Communication I Sender, Receiver, Message, Medium and
10 Saving J The refers to the money set aside for
future use.
K The process of identifying opportunities in
the market place, arranging the resources
required for pursuing these opportunities
and investing the resources to exploit the
opportunities for long term gains
L A person who brings change, possessing
characteristics found in only a very small
fraction of the population

PART THREE:- Brief and explain the following questions

1. What is the difference between entrepreneur entrepreneurship?
2. What is business opportunity?
3. List and explain some entrepreneurial characteristics?
4. Write four marketing mix strategic and explain each?

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