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Extra Material: Tablesof BesselFunctions

EEE 206

SpringSemestert999-2000 (2 hours)


1. (a) of using AM-SSB-SC modulationin

Outline the advantagesand disadvantages
a radio communication svstem.

(b) Describe, with the aid of block diagrams,one method of producing AM-SSB-
SC and one method of demodulatine such a sienal.

V (c) The output from an AM-SSB-SC radio transmitter is fed into a load resistor R
and the resulting voltage acrossthe latter is displayed using an oscilloscope,as
shown in Fieure 1.


Y input
Modulation SSB.SC Earth

If the modulation input to the transmitter contains equal amplitude frequency

componentsof 1 kHz and 3 kIIz, sketch the approximate form of the time
varying voltagedisplayedon the oscilloscopeand henceexplain how this
voltage waveform can be used to estimatethe modulated output power of the

2. (a) Explain the differencebetweenfrequencyand phasemodulation.


(b) Describe,with the aid of block diagrams,the structureand operationof the

demodulatorin a FM stereoreceiver.

(c) An FM transmitteris modulatedwith a singlesinewave. The output for no

modulationis 200 watts into a 100 Cl resistiveload. The peak frequency
deviation of the transmitter is carefully increasedfrom zero until the first
sidebandamplitude in the output is zero. Under theseconditions, determine:
(i) the averagepower at the carrier frequency
(ii) the averagepower in all the remaining sidebands
(iii) the averagepower in the secondorder sidebands

3. (a) What advantagesand disadvantages do pulsemodulationschemeshave over

analoguemodulation ones ?
(b) Explain, with the aid of a circuit diagram, the principles of operation of an
A/D conVertorand describehow it is usedto obtain a PCM signal. What
factors in the design of the convertor determinethe performanceof the PCM
systsm'l t--'
(c) An analoguesignal is limited to an amplitude range of 0-5 volts.

(i) Calculatethe quantisationintervalswhen the signal is digitisedwith 8

bits per sample.

(ii) What voltagesdo the following digital samplesrepresent:

10000000 and 11100101

(iii) For a6Wlz basebandbandwidthand NRZ pulses,calculatethe minimum

PCM bandwidth required for 8 bit quantisation.

4. (a) Describe, with the aid of a diagram, the main componentsof a superhetradio
(s) ,\-./
(b) Explain the concept of "image frequency" and define the term "image
frequency rejection ratio".
(c) When a superhetreceiveris tuned to 600 kIIz, its local oscillatorprovidesthe
mixer with an input of 1055kHz. What is the imagefrequency?

The antennaof the receiver is connectedto the mixer via a tuned circuit whose
loadedQ is 40. What will be the imagefrequencyrejectionratio in dB ?
(d) If the receiverhas a bandwidthof 10 kHz and the input signalto noiseratio is
30 dB, how much information can be receivedper second?

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