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Energy Potential Energy

- In physics, it is the capacity of doing work. - energy that is stored or conserved.

- it is the concept most central to all of science. - capable of doing something in the future.
- is abstract. Formula:
Formula: Potential Energy= mass times height at constant
E= mc² gravitational force
The acceleration due to gravity is constant, if the value of
Work g= 9.8 m/s²,
-measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is PE= mgh
moved over a distance by an external force at least part of
which is applied in the direction of displacement. Work is required to elevate objects earth’s gravity. The
potential energy of a body due to elevated positions is called
When we consider the quantity force times distance, we are gravitational potential energy.
talking about an entirely different quantity — work.
Formula: Gravitational Potential Energy
Work = Force times distance - Energy that’s within an object when it is moved against a
W = Fd gravitational force.
- Heavier objects possess more gravitational potential
Work Concept energy
(1) the exertion of force - the higher the object will also gain more GPE.
(2) the movement of something by that force
The unit of measure for work combines a unit of force (N) Gravitational Potential Energy = weight × height
with a unit of distance (m): the unit of work is the newton-
meter (N •m) also called joule (J). Kinetic Energy
- energy of an object that is moving. It refers to motion or
Example: A weightlifter who holds a barbell weighing 1000 movement.
newtons overhead does no work on the barbell. He may get - kinetic energy of an object depends on mass and speed. It
really tired doing so, but if the barbell is not moved by the is equal to half the mass multiplied by the square of the
force he exerts, he does no work on the barbell. speed.
KE = ½ mass × speed²
Work may be done on the muscles by stretching and KE = ½ mv²
contracting, which is force times distance on a biological
scale, but this work is not done on the barbell. Lifting the For example, when you ride in a fast moving car, you have
barbell, however, is a different story. When the weightlifter zero kinetic energy relative to the car but considerable
raises the barbell from the floor, he is doing work. kinetic energy relative to the ground.
Notice that speed is squared in the definition of KE, so if the
Power speed of an object is doubled, its kinetic energy is
- the rate at which energy is transferred or the rate at which quadrupled (2²= 4) , and the object can do four times as
work is done. much work.
- equal to the amount of work done per time it takes to do
it. Accident investigators are well aware that an automobile
Formula: going 100 km/h has four times the kinetic energy it would
Power =work done/time interval have at 50 km/h. This means a car going 100 km/h will skid
P= W/t four times as far when its breaks are locked as it would going
-the SI unit of power is Watt which is Joules per second (J/s) 50 km/h. This is because speed is squared for kinetic energy
(this squaring of speed also means that KE can only be zero
Mechanical Energy or positive — never negative).
- form of energy due to relative position of interacting bodies
(potential energy) or to their motion (kinetic energy). It may Work- Energy Theorem
be in the form of Potential or Kinetic Energy or both. Kinetic energy of a moving object is equal to the work done
- energy of an object that moves. in bringing it from the rest to that speed or to the work a
moving object can do in being brought to rest.
Examples: Formula:
• Child throwing a basketball • plane speeding down the Net force × distance = Kinetic energy
runway • child kicking a ball. Fd= ½ mv²
Put still another way, we can say that the work done is equal Efficiency
to the change in kinetic energy — work – energy theorem. - In Physics, (and often for chemistry) is a comparison
of the energy output to the energy input in a given
Work =∆KE , Work = Final Kinetic Energy – Initial Kinetic system.
Conservation of Energy Let’s consider a lamp, it’s input energy is electrical energy
Kinetic and potential energy underlie other seemingly while its output energy will be split between light energy and
different forms of energy such as heat, sound and light heat energy.
More important than being able to state what energy is is As the purpose of the lamp is to provide light, we consider
understanding how it behaves – how it transforms. Energy the light energy as the useful energy output, whereas the
changes from one form to another. It transform without net heat is the wasted energy or the non useful energy.
gain or net loss.
Efficiency= useful energy output/ total energy input
The study of various forms of energy and their Or,
transformations from one form to another has led to one of Efficiency= useful power output/ total power input.
the greatest generalizations in physics- law of conservation Inefficiency exist whenever energy in the world around us is
of energy. transformed from one form to another.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it may be Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum
transformed from one form into another, but the total Kinetic Energy and Momentum are both properties of
amount of energy never changes” motion but they’re different. Momentum like velocity, is a
vector quantity. Energy on the other hand, like mass, is a
Example: scalar quantity.
When you plug your phone into the wall to charge it.
Electrical energy from main supply travels along the wire and When two objects move toward each other, their momenta
get transferred to the chemical energy, stored in the phones may fully or partially cancel. Since kinetic energies are always
battery and when you use your phone, this chemical energy positive (or zero) , the total kinetic energy of two moving
can be converted back yo electrical energy which flows objects is greater than the kinetic energy of either one alone.
around the circuit of the phone and powers the different
parts like the screen and speaker. In the screen, the electrical Energy for Life
energy will be converted into light energy so you can see it - Every plant, animal, and a living cell is a living machine and
and at the speaker will be converted into sound energy just like a mechanical machine, needs an energy supply.
- All living organisms need energy to grow and reproduce,
Ideally, every time their energy is transferred, it would all be maintain their structures, and respond to their
transferred usefully unto the desired store that you wanted environments.
to go to. - Metabolism for example, is the set of life-sustaining
In reality though, some of it is going to be dissipated as chemical processes that enables organisms transform the
wasted energy which means to forms other than one that we chemical energy stored in molecules into energy that can be
intended. used for cellular processes.
- Animals consume food to replenish energy; their
Machines metabolism breaks down the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
- Device for multiplying forces or simply changing the and nucleic acids to provide chemical energy for these
direction of forces. The principle underlying every processes.
machine is the conservation of energy concept. - Plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical
Example: energy stored in molecules during the process of
Consider one of the simplest machines, the lever. photosynthesis.
At the same time that we do work on one end of the lever,
the other end does work on the load. We see that the
direction of force is changed, for if we push down, the load
is lifted up. If the heating from friction forces is small enough
to neglect, the work input will be equal to work input.

Work input= work output

Since work equals force times distance, input force times
input distance equals output force times output distance,
(Force × distance)input = (Force × distance) output

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