Military Operations: As An Agent of The Minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK

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Military Operations: As an Agent of the

Minimization of Terrorist Threats in

Peshawar, KPK
Sayed Noor
Muhammad Bilal
Akhtar Ali

The present study entitled (Military operations: As an agent of

minimization of terrorist threats was conducted in
Peshawar,KPK).The main focus of the study was to explore the
views of the people regarding the Military operations and its
effects on daily life . The target of the study was three busy
bazaars of Peshawar city namely Qissa khwani bazaar, Sadder
bazaar and Karkhano market for the collection of primary data. A
sample size of 379 respondents out of total was drawn by the
formula devised by Sekran (2003) through systematic sampling
procedure. Data were collected through a well-structured
questionnaire. Which covers both the study variables i.e.
independent variable (military operations) and dependent variable
(minimization of terrorist threats) were cross tabulated by using
Chi-square (x2) statistics. Conclusively the study finds highly
significant association ( P= 0.000) between military operations
should continue in all militancy areas and minimization of security
threats. Similarly, a noteworthy association ( P= 0.000) was
revealed between military operations have archived their
objectives and minimization of security threats. In contrast, a non-
significant association was disclosed between the parameters of
independent variable( military operations) such as that operations
should be expanded to settle areas, military operations have saved
the lives of the people, operations are the only solution to
eradicate militancy and more efforts are needed to safe the
country and minimization of security threats(dependent variable).
Commencing military operations in those areas where un-
contradictory proofs of militancy were found in order to give
safety to the lives of masses was suggested as a policy

Key Words: Military Operations, minimization of terrorist threats, terrorism

Military Operations: As an agent of the minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK 47


The phenomenon terrorism, has affected both the social ties and
economic condition of developing countries like Pakistan. To the fact,
terrorism most likely affect developing countries more likely than the
developed countries. The reason behind the difference of effect is that the
developed counties have the opportunities to reallocate their resources to
manage the social and economic activities. On the other hand the
developing countries economic resources are centered in few sectors and
can not be easily reallocated (sandler& Enders , 2005). Pakistan, being the
epi-center of terrorism from last four decades due to involvement in Russia-
Afghan war and then the war against terrorism has been the most affected
area of the region. Due to involvement in these wars the ethnic and sectarian
conflicts spread out as the outcome of these wars besides the separatist
nationalist movements in some areas of the country. These movements are
considered as the most popular ingredients of terrorism in the region. The
outcome of these factors has highly contributed to the lowering of economic
growth. Hence, this study, up to the prevailing information on the subject
has contribution to understand the impact of terrorism on economic growth
of Pakistan. The analysis of the impact is based on the data utilize from
1991 to 2019.. Since independence many issues about economy and
security has hugely affected the economical and internal security situations.
Moreover the problem has been now shifted to internal security threats,
ethnic dissolution, intolerance, political chaos, high spike of inflation and
terrorism. The most important element, terrorism, is considered as a basic
menace to social, economical and ethnic situation/ condition and ultimately
to the socio-political structure of the country as mention by (Daraz, 2008).
In present scenario, the abovementioned crucial issues have been the cause
of growing terrorism which ultimately affects the social structure. (Khan,
2007). The global bad image has been the root cause of the rising militancy
in the country. This phenomenon is prevailing throughout the country and
has left no safe space for citizens. After becoming an alloy in war against
terrorism, with US and NATO forces, the country has become a battlefield
and training area for the militants, both from the country and abroad as well.
Pakistan has to think about changing its policies from pro-Jihadies to anti-
Jihadis to minimize the threats from US by being the supporter of these
organioztions. Amir, 2009). During Russia- Afghan war militant
organizations were helped by USA and then Pak Army genral zia-ul Haq. (
Khan, 2007). Subsequently, all militants groups formed their training bases
and safe houses in tribal area of Afghanistan and Pakistan. These militants
48 Pakistan Vision Vol. 23 No. 2

were fully supported by the locales. When these militants went out of
control and started challenging the writ of the government, the government
officially announced military operation against these militant groups in the
areas of FATA. The aim to start these military operations was to curtail the
insurgency and eliminate the militants in those targeted (Shareen , 2004).
FATA (now settled area of province KPK) was, then an autonomous area of
the country in the north-west region, having its own differential political
and social values. It has seven different districts name after their original
name as agencies. These districts came on the man-eye radar after the war
against terrorism after the massacre of 9.11 in USA. Te residents of these
areas reacted to the military operation against the Taliban in Afghanistan
which were considered as the main supporter of the Al-Qaeda and its leader
Osama-Bin Laden. Being sympathizers to the Afghan Taliban, the locales
of these area organized militant groups to help the Afghan Taliban. In the
beginning, these militants were considered as the supporters of Afghan
Taliban which slowly converted into independent militant groups and
started their own terrorist activities. Gradually, their activities were noted
by the defence forces of Pakistan and military operations were launched
against these militant groups in the border area of Pakistan. Operations like,
enduring freedom (2001) , Al-meezan (2002-06), Zalzala (2008), Sherdil
(2009-10), Rah-e Haq, Rah-e Nijat (2009) were considered the most
successful and targeted operations against these militant groups.
Resultantly, the residents were displaced to the settled areas of the nearby
districts as refugees. This displacement put an extra burden on the economy
of the country in 2009. About three million displaced persons were
accommodated and fed out of the available budget resources as an extra
load on economy. This burden was put up with for next few years as the
displaced persons were unable to re settle in their hometowns due to the
destruction taken place due to militants terrorist activities and the military
operations took place against these terrorists. These factors have largely
affected the lives of the residents of these districts along-with with the
internal peace of the area. Different scholars of the field are of the view that
military operations and terrorist activities have largely affected not only the
lives of the residents but also the economical and social activities of the
areas. Jan-et-al ( 2011) conceive that the residents have deep-heartedly
accepted the losses caused by the terrorist activities and the actions of
military operations taken placed against these terrorist activities. The
residents perceived the military operations, against insurgency, as the dire
need on maintenance of peace in the locality however, erge to have an eye
of the government on the needs of the residents. (Greogory, 2007) finishes
Military Operations: As an agent of the minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK 49

up with the findings that during operations against militants, the armed
forces have caught and traced so many Al-Qaeda members who were
continuously crippling te economic and socio- political structure of those
areas. They were in habit of violation of all types of human rights. These
militants have obstructed all types of human rights to maintain their own
hold and apply their norms in those areas. Adora (2010) evaluates that the
quality of life, socio-economic activities has inverse relation with rising
militancy in any area of the world. Therefore, the militants groups target the
socio-economic resources to disturb to social life in the region. Hudson
(2002) portrays that terrorism is the product of violent behavior in any
region. This violent behavior can be treated with counter terrorism to
safeguard the mobility of people, economical and socio-political behaviors.
(Ferdous, 2009) concludes that no land on world is safe from the terrorist
activitiesand it has spread throughout the world unanimously. Multiple
causes exist behind the spread of the terrorism among which the most
famous are the poor economic order, violence in political systems and
disbursed. The nations are figuring it out as the war against terrorism,
however, the reasons behind these are non-effective socio-economic factors.
(Azam, 2009) is of the view that terrorist groups especially Al-Qaeda has
hugely affected the socio-economic condition, political paradigm and
infrastructural beauty of the countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. He
includes the root cause of this unrest as the political condition poverty
elevation rate and some personal interests. This research is an effort to
articulate the impact of rising terrorist activities and its overall impact on
socio-economic life of the residents of FATA.


Total population of the visitors to these three bazaars was 30,000 per
day. A sample size for the present study was 379 out of total population as
devised by the formula Sekaran, ( 2003). This sample size was selected
through simple random sampling procedure. The proportional allocation
method was used to determine sample size of each bazaar. Distribution of
respondents from each Bazaar is given in the table 1.
50 Pakistan Vision Vol. 23 No. 2

Table 1 shows Sample size for each Bazaar

S.No Bazar Name Visitors Required
(Population size) (N) Sample size (n)
1 Cantt bazar Peshawar 12,000 152
2 Qissa khwani Bazar 8,000 101
3 Karkhana Market 10,000 126
TOTAL 30,000 379
Source: Trade Unions and parking areas contractors.

This study consists of well devised conceptual framework to study

the two understudy variables. Minimization of terrorist threats (dependant
variable) and Millitary operations (independent variable).

The indexed dependent variable (Military Operations) was cross

tabulated with independent variable ( Minimization of terrorist threats) to
find out the association between these two variables. Chi-Square (x2) test
was formulated to find out the level of association of variables at Bi-variate
level. Statiscal formula (tai, 1978) was applied to calculate the value of chi
square(x2) as the below formula:-

r c (Oij  eij )2
  

i 1 j 1 eij

Table 2. Conceptual framework

Independent Dependent
Military Operations Minimization of Terrorist Threats


Frequency/ percentage distribution of respondents, ( Minimization of

terrorist threats and Millitary Operations)

The results after the response of the respondents disclosed that

78.6% were of the view that the military operations should be continued in
Military Operations: As an agent of the minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK 51

all militancy areas to eradicate the menace of militancy While 19.3%

respondents opposed the military operation against the militants, and 2.1%
respondents were uncertain about the statement. In response to a question
whether military operations have achieved their objectives against militants
for minimization of security threats in the bazaars of district Peshawar,
78.9% of the respondents agreed that operations have gained their results of
controlling security situation, while 19.8% of the respondents were
disagreed to the statement and 1.3% were found uncertain about the results
of the military operations for minimization of security threats in district
When the respondents were asked for the expansion of military
operation to the settled areas of the city for achieving the objectives, 82.3%
respondents found agreed and considered it necessary for the achievement
of the targets and eradicating the terrorism, while 17.2% disagreed and
0.5% were found uncertain. About the saving of the lives of the people as a
result of these operations 82.1% respondents were agreed, while 16.6%
disagreed and 1.3% respondents gave no answer about the relation of the
military operations and saving of the lives..
Furthermore, when the residents of the district Peshawar were asked
about the military operations necessity for the abolition of the terrorism,
82.8% found it necessary while 15.8% disagreed to this option and 1.3% of
the respondents were uncertain. Moreover, when the respondents were
asked that whether they consider the military operations as the permanent
solution for the suppression of the threat of the terrorism, 80.5% agreed to
the statement while 19.5% were disagree. The last question regarding the
military operations against militants in the survey area was about the
continuation of more efforts for saving the country from militancy. 79.2%
agreed that more efforts are required while 19.0% of the respondents
disagreed to statement and 1.8% were found uncertain.
It was concluded that militancy is a curse which is disturbing normal
life of the people or challenging the law of the state. The military operations
were the dire need of the time to curb the menace at early stage.
52 Pakistan Vision Vol. 23 No. 2

Table No. 3.shows-Uni-variate analysis of the respondents

S.No Attributes Yes No Uncertain Total

You think the
1 military operations 327(86.3) 47(12.4) 5(1.3)
should continue in all
militancy area
You think the
2 military operations 299(78.9) 75(19.8) 5(1.3)
have achieved their
You think the
3 military operations 312(82.3) 65(17.2) 2(.5)
should expand to the
settle areas.
You think the
4 military operations 311(82.1) 63(16.6) 5(1.3)
have saved many
You think the
5 military operations 305(80.5) 74(19.5) 00
are the only solution
to eliminate militancy
You entail more
6 efforts are required to 300(79.2) 72(19.0) 7(1.8) 379(100)
safe the country

*Values in the table denote frequency while values in the parenthesis stand
for percentages proportion of the respondents.

Table No.4 shows Association between Military operations and

minimization of security threat.

Table No 4, Shows that a highly significant relationship (P=0.001)

was found between Military operations should continue in all militancy
areas and minimization of security threats. Likewise, a significant
relationship (P=0.000) was disclosed between military operations have
archived their objectives and minimization of security threats.
Military Operations: As an agent of the minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK 53

Contrary to above statement, a non-significant relationship

(P=0.755) was found between military operations should be expand to
settled areas and minimization of security threats. Likewise, a non-
significant relationship (P=0.0872) was disclosed between that the military
operations have saved the lives of the people and minimization of security
threats. A non-significant relationship (P=0.425) was found between
minimization of security threats and military operations have saved many
lives. Also a non-significant association was found between military
operations are the only solution to eradicate militancy and minimization of
security threats. Also a non-significant relationship (P=0.424) was found
between more efforts are required to safe the country and minimization of
security threats.
Table No. 4 Relationship between Military Operations and
Minimization of Security threats N= 379
Military Percept Minimization of Security Total Chi-Square
operations ion threats (P-Value)
Yes No Uncertai
You think Yes 292 32 3 (0.8) 327 2=1.235(0.872)
the military (77.0) (8.4) (86.3)
operations No 41 (10.8) 5 (1.3) 1 (0.3) 47 (12.4)
should Uncertain 5 (1.3) 0 0 (0.00) 5 (1.3)
continue in (0.00)
all militancy
You think Yes 268 28 3 (0.8) 299 2=0.829(0.934)
the military (70.7) (7.4) (78.9)
operations No 66 (17.4) 8 (2.1) 1 (0.3) 75 (19.8)
have Uncertain 4 (1.1) 1 (0.3) 0 (0.00) 5 (1.3)
You think Yes 283 26 3 (0.8) 312 2=4.986(0.289)
the military (74.7) (6.9) (82.3)
operations No 53 (14.0) 11 1 (0.3) 65 (17.2)
should (2.9)
expand to Uncertain 2 (0.5) 0 0 (0.00) 2 (0.5)
the settle (0.00)
You think Yes 279 30 2 (0.5) 311 2=3.861(0.425)
the military (73.6) (7.9) (82.1)
operations No 55 (14.5) 6 (1.6) 2 (0.5) 63 (16.6)
have saved Uncertain 4 (1.1) 1 (0.3) 0 (0.00) 5 (1.3)
many lives
54 Pakistan Vision Vol. 23 No. 2

You think Yes 281 24 0 (0.00) 305 2=23.748(0.000

the military (74.1) (6.3) (80.5) )
operations No 57 (15.0) 13 4 (1.1) 74 (19.5)
are the only (3.4)
solution to Uncertain 0 0 0 0
You entail Yes 271 26 3 (0.8) 300 2=3.867(0.424)
more efforts (71.5) (6.9) (79.2)
are required No 60 (15.8) 11 1 (0.3) 72 (19.0)
to safe the (2.9)
country Uncertain 7 (1.8) 0 (.00 0 (0.00) 7 (1.8)
*Figures in table correspond to frequencies and numeral in parenthesis
represent %age proportion of respondents and in the last columns number in
the parenthesis correspond to P-Value


It was induced from the inferences that majority of the respondents

supported military operations against militancy especially in those areas
where the terrorism roots were existed. Also, it was the responsibility of the
government to take some more measures for the wellbeing and better life of
the public. The adoption of a sound strategy by government agencies for its
people to curb the menace of terrorism at early stage is the dire need. The
support of the local people with the government agencies to eradicate
terrorism was suggested as a policy recommendation.
Military Operations: As an agent of the minimization of Terrorist Threats in Peshawar, KPK 55

End Notes and Bibliography

1. Amir, Muhammad. (2009). Mapping the Madrassa Mindset:

Political attitude of Pakistani Madaris. Conflict and Peace Studies.
Vol. 2, No 1, pp 31-35.
2. Greogory, Shaun. (2007). Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. Pakistan Security
Research Unit.
3. Hussain, Zahid. (2007). Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with
Militant Islam, Lahore: Vanguard Books.
4. Jan, Mirza., Paracha, Ahmad. Sajjad., Anwar, Muhammad. And
Imran, Muhammad. (2011).Military operation in wazirstan: Public
perception in Pakistan on terra. Gomal University Journal of
Research. Vol. 1, No. 27, pp 93-109.
5. Khan, Ijaz. (2007). Pashtuns in the crossfire: Pashtun politics in the
shadow of War against Terrorism . Pakistan Security Research Unit.
6. Khan, Ismail. (2007). Plan ready to curb militancy in FATA, settled
areas. The Dawn. Dated (2007, June 27).
7. Shareen, Mazari. (2004). Rethinking the national security policy of
Pakistan. Margalla Papers, National Defense University Pakistan.

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