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Title: Unraveling the Complexity: Writing a Thesis on Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banking

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is a monumental task, one that requires dedication,
patience, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. When it comes to delving into the
intricacies of customer satisfaction in Islamic banking, the challenge becomes even more pronounced.
This niche field demands meticulous research, comprehensive analysis, and a nuanced approach to
understanding the unique dynamics at play.

Exploring the realm of Islamic banking brings forth a myriad of complexities, blending financial
principles with Islamic ethics and jurisprudence. Within this framework, dissecting customer
satisfaction requires a multifaceted perspective that incorporates cultural, religious, and economic
factors. Understanding the diverse needs and preferences of customers within the Islamic banking
sphere is essential for crafting a comprehensive thesis.

One of the primary hurdles in writing a thesis on customer satisfaction in Islamic banking lies in the
scarcity of readily available research material. Unlike conventional banking systems, Islamic banking
operates within a distinct framework guided by Sharia principles, necessitating specialized resources
and expertise. Gathering relevant data, conducting surveys, and analyzing consumer behavior within
this context can be a daunting task, requiring extensive groundwork and meticulous attention to

Furthermore, navigating the intricate landscape of Islamic finance necessitates a deep understanding
of Sharia-compliant financial instruments, contracts, and ethical considerations. Integrating these
elements into the thesis requires not only academic rigor but also a sensitivity to the cultural and
religious sensitivities surrounding Islamic banking practices.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from expert professionals becomes imperative. ⇒ ⇔ offers a lifeline for students grappling with the complexities of writing a thesis
on customer satisfaction in Islamic banking. With a team of seasoned researchers and writers well-
versed in Islamic finance, ⇒ ⇔ provides comprehensive support tailored to the
unique requirements of this niche field.

From crafting research proposals to conducting literature reviews and data analysis, ⇒ ⇔ offers a range of services to streamline the thesis writing process. Their
expertise in Islamic banking ensures that every aspect of the thesis is meticulously researched and
thoughtfully presented, providing students with the confidence to tackle this daunting task head-on.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on customer satisfaction in Islamic banking is a challenging endeavor

that demands expertise, dedication, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. With the
support of ⇒ ⇔, students can navigate this complex terrain with confidence,
ensuring that their thesis stands as a testament to their academic prowess and dedication to
advancing knowledge in this vital field.
One of the aims of this survey is to confirm the validity of the hypothesis that modern banks keep
their customers very satisfied and that is why they grow over older banks at a higher pace. We
contend that when a recovery effort is perceived as a successful one and the failure is attributed to
the customer self, customers will view the recovery as an additional benefit and therefore feel more
satisfied Customer Satisfaction Framework when the failure is attributed to the provider. Journal of
Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). In Bangladesh, non-banking institutions are not
well flourished compared to the banking streams. Many of the services are restricted to be rendered
such as current deposits, FX services, no ATM services etc. The waterfall methodology is a
sequential activity-based process in which each phase in the SDLC is performed sequentially from
planning through implementation and maintenance. - Primary forms of agile methodologies include -
Rapid prototyping or rapid application development methodology -. Therefore, this research will
help on the existing knowledge from previous researchers them to identify the factors which impact
the e- regarding what constitutes e-banking service. Customer Satisfaction Score As its name
suggests the customer satisfaction score CSAT is a percentage that reflects how satisfied a customer
is with a companys service. Satisfaction is higher when the quality of service is high and vice versa.
Available online: (accessed on 3 February 2023). Uddin, K. M. Salah, Nymatul Jannat Nipa, and
Mamunur Rashid. 2015. Identification the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Service
Quality in Jamuna Bank. The results of this study are summarized as follows. This result revealed
that responsiveness is the second most influential (after reliability) predictor of CS. The outcomes
also show that the participants stress the firm’s ability to discuss and communicate its needs.
Similarly, the construct responsiveness was taken from Zia ( 2020 ) (4 items), and one is newly
proposed by the authors in this study. The previous empirical research covers service sectors like
consumer goods, higher education, hospitals and the tourism and travel sectors in Bangladesh. This
measurement technique comprises an f 2 influence level test. For more information on the journal
statistics, click here. This study validated the existing model in a new context. Journal of
Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). Nonetheless, Islam et al. ( 2020 )
and Fida et al. ( 2020 ) found that there was no correlation between reliability and customer
satisfaction. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP). The metric is
usually collected through questions that ask customers. Upgrade to a different browser or install
Google Chrome Frame to experience this site. Research is part of the problem-solving manager do to
make decisions. So, for future research, it could be extended with a greater sample size and sample
areas to generalize the result to a greater extent. According to the research examining service quality
relationships with customer satisfaction and purchasing intention, they think service quality is a
precedent of consumer satisfaction. If the provider attempts to recover from a failure caused by the
customer, the customer Customer Satisfaction Framework perceive additional benefits and Mgt 498
Environmental Wk4 feel satisfied. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one
view. Wang, C.-K.; Masukujjaman, M.; Alam, S.S.; Ahmad, I.; Lin, C.-Y.; Ho, Y.-H. The agile
methodology is a form of XP aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of
useful software components. NBFI staff should answer questions and have the faith to alert clients
once services are given.
Despite this fact, most companies have no clue what their customers really think. The research results
also demonstrate that reliability is the most crucial dimension in the model for NBFIs in Bangladesh.
The outcomes also show that the participants stress the firm’s ability to discuss and communicate its
needs. According to the standard, the R 2 values of 0.75, 0.50 or 0.20, respectively, for the latent
dependent factor ( Henseler et al. 2015; Hair et al. 2011 ) imply substantial, moderate and weak. The
second one is practical process, which implies how customers receive technical support, and the third
one is the corporate image, which is the company vision perceived by customers. To browse
Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. The present study did not strongly support the impact of access on CS in the
NBFIs in Bangladesh. Gratitude is emotional appreciation for benefits that are intentionally
delivered by another person Soscia,; Palmatier et al. Based on the above arguments, the following
hypothesis is proposed: H6. It is a type of behavior linked to satisfaction, resulting in comparisons
between expectations and insights of outcomes ( Parasuraman et al. 1991 ). Some research suggests
that quality of service can be regarded as the degree to which the company fulfils consumer
requirements or desires ( Barbara and Vincent 1990 ). Finally, speedy growth in NBFIs can also
affect growth in jobs, particularly through small- and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs’) expansion.
The previous empirical research covers service sectors like consumer goods, higher education,
hospitals and the tourism and travel sectors in Bangladesh. The quality indicators determined in this
study are analogous to customer satisfaction and therefore recommend that managers pay equal
attention to quality considerations. The education of respondents is diversified as it also includes
people with no education. Secondly, tangibility has a positive influence on customer satisfaction
(H2). The positive relationship between service quality (SQ) and customer satisfaction (CS) has been
tested by several researchers in the service-quality domain, including banks ( Peng and Moghavvemi
2015; Jamal and Naser 2002; Anderson and Sullivan 1993 ). Banks as providers of financial services
had a monopoly in providing service to customers, in the early years of banking business. The sample
frame choosing NBFIs’ services was adopted from the NBFI branch’s availability in all three cities.
There is a massive existing literature in various service sectors ( Chonsalasin et al. 2021; Slack and
Singh 2020; Peitzika et al. 2020; Phan et al. 2021; Shokouhyar et al. 2020; Umoke et al. 2020 )
including the banking service sector ( Pooya et al. 2020; Sardana and Bajpai 2020; Fida et al. 2020;
Haron et al. 2020; Khatoon et al. 2020 ) on service quality and customer satisfaction. By enhancing
quality, a company expands and gains market share ( Buzzel and Gale 1987 ). Friendly service is
important when social factors are not taken into account. This fund is a non-inflationary that assists
in eliminating stresses on the price of the economy. Chrishankar Janathanan, thesis of customer
satisfaction in banks. The findings are in line with Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ), but are opposite to
some studies ( Ladhari et al. 2011; Pakurar et al. 2019; Khamis and AbRashid 2018; Nazeri et al.
2019; Shayestehfar and Yazdani 2019 ). This indicates that the data collected from each respondent
were taken only once, unlike the longitudinal research approach ( Dabholkar et al. 2000 ) or
sequential framework ( Ashraf et al. 2022 ). To assess service quality and customer satisfaction, face-
to-face and one-to-one interview techniques were used with closed-ended structured questionnaires
developed according to the literature in this service-quality domain. A questionnaire was
administered to 205 customers across two Chinese fast food restaurants. Subscribe to receive issue
release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. The significant effects of customer
satisfaction on bank performance also differ from Islamic to Conventional banks. Parasuraman et al.
( 1988 ) updated the model, branding it SERVQUAL. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic
Commerce Research (JTAER).
The applicability of a theory across different settings enhances its level of validity. The second one is
practical process, which implies how customers receive technical support, and the third one is the
corporate image, which is the company vision perceived by customers. It is supposed to happen as
the economy is growing and do so for the per capita income. The significant effects of customer
satisfaction on bank performance also differ from Islamic to Conventional banks. The face-to-face
interview technique suits well in such a phenomenon. Four dimensions were verified except
accessibility and empathy and thus supported the study of Cronin and Taylor ( 1992 ). Berry, and
Leonard L. Berry. 1990. Delivering Quality Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and
Expectations. In terms of its methodology, the SERVPERF scale is a significant advancement over
its predecessor, the SERVQUAL scale ( Jain and Gupta 2004 ). Gunawaradana, and Dharmadasa,
The practice of internet and its technology had a solid growth in Sri a Convenience Lanka, and now
several banks in Sri Lanka have also Convenience is a dimension of e-banking that enables provided
internet banking for their customers. Though the numbers of NBFIs are increasing in number, there
was no concomitant growth in the number of depositors in Bangladesh as expected. This reduction
leads to consistent and desired outcomes from processes. Policymakers need to reassess their
customers’ desired level of service quality. Analyzing the Roles of Empathy, Affective Commitment,
and Perceived Quality. Hsu, and Godwin J. Udo. 2006. Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and
Behavioral Intentions in the Service Factory. Which methodology aims for customer satisfaction
through early and continuous delivery of useful software components developed by an iterative
process with a design point that uses the bare minimum requirements. Path coefficient and
significance level by the bootstrapping test. If service quality relates to retention of customers at the
aggregate level, as other research has indicated, then evidence of its impact on customers' behavioral
responses should be detectable. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and
Education (EJIHPE). The construct empathy and reliability (5 items) were sourced from Zia ( 2020
). Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. This indicates that customers of
Bangladeshi NBFIs are pleased when they find it easy to use the physical appearance of the
operation, including employee outfits, smart equipment and related products. Agile methodology
aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components
developed by an iterative process using the. This creates an opportunity for further advanced
research to fill the gap in NBFI settings. Customer Satisfaction Surveys The customer satisfaction
survey is the standard approach for collecting data on customer happiness. Reliability positively
affects customer satisfaction in the NBFIs. 2.5.2. Tangibility Tangible features of services, such as
physical equipment, model equipment, dressed workers and aesthetically pleasing materials, can be
used to describe the tangibility aspect of service quality ( Parasuraman et al. 1985 ). According to (
Gatari 2016 ), banks’ tangible structures include a bank lobby, customer seating arrangement, sitting
rooms and buildings. Several studies were performed in traditional banks; but NBFIs, in particular,
remained untouched. So a banking organization must be keen in identifying the factors which
influence their decision in taking the financial service. Washington, DC: Development Research
Group, World Bank. This model was updated in 1991 and 1994 but remained the same as the five
dimensions initially implied. While technology can provide various ways to improve services in
institutions, such as ATM and internet banking, these services are essential for users to understand.
Future research can benefit from this illustration as a motivation for more systematic investigations.
6.3. Limitations and Future Direction of the Study The study is limited in terms of sample size,
although it is suitable for PLS-SEM analysis. Policymakers need to reassess their customers’ desired
level of service quality. The following are the implications of the study that could have an impact on
the industry, if carefully considered. 6.1. Policy Implications Firstly, the model’s confirmation will
help managers understand that service-quality factors associated with NBFIs are different from the
traditional banking industry. A research framework for service quality and customer satisfaction.
Moreover, consumers are watching the business practices of. Informed Consent Statement Informed
consent was obtained from all subjects interviewed and involved in this study. Finally, accessibility is
not significantly associated with customer satisfaction (H6). In addition, this study also explores the
link between quality of service and consumer satisfaction for the NBFIs in Bangladesh. The
enhanced guideline aims to ensure that GOCCs go beyond compliance and utilize the CSS in. In
response, the financial ecosystem has been transformed more rapidly with the economy’s
advancement over the past few decades. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Up with
Apple. This result revealed that responsiveness is the second most influential (after reliability)
predictor of CS. Though the numbers of NBFIs are increasing in number, there was no concomitant
growth in the number of depositors in Bangladesh as expected. Background to the company services
which implies the provision of banking Hatton National Bank HNB is a premier private products and
services through electronic delivery sector commercial bank operating in Sri Lanka which channels
such as the internet, the telephone, the cell has aggressively driven the adoption of the latest phone
etc. Sukumaran Sujit, and Vincent Charles. 2018. Deriving Managerial Implications through
SERVQUAL Gap Elasticity in UAE Banking. Fifthly, assurance is a key factor in SQ dimensions,
which refers to employees’ knowledge and gentleness and their capacity to express faith and
confidence ( Parasuraman et al. 1985 ). In NBFIs, the assurance dimension had a positive and solid
impact on customer satisfaction. The present paper sheds additional light on the Customer
Satisfaction Framework regarding restoration of customer satisfaction in service failure see more
recovery. If the provider attempts to recover from a failure caused by the customer, the customer
Customer Satisfaction Framework perceive additional benefits and Mgt 498 Environmental Wk4 feel
satisfied. Tangibility positively affects customer satisfaction in the NBFIs. 2.5.3. Empathy Empathy
prevails when banks understand, interact and provide customers with information ( Gatari 2016 ).
Gratitude is emotional appreciation for benefits that are intentionally delivered by another person
Soscia,; Palmatier et al. Several published works ( Munusamy et al. 2010; Donthu and Yoo 1998;
Haron et al. 2020 ) support such results. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2023; 11(1):33.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI). We agree with this suggestion that
customers interpret their own special needs or requests of a service recovery and make judgments of
whether their special needs or requests are being accommodated. In terms of facilities rendered to
customers, it is not similar to developed countries and it is even insignificant compared to the
banking sector in Bangladesh. The questionnaire used for of the problems, prompt services,
timeliness services collecting primary data about the customer satisfaction and helping nature of
employees towards customers in e-banking of HNB PLC and three interviews Kumbhar, The
consumers are always conducted among two customers and an employee expecting to complete the
transactions correctly, from HNB PLC. Which Methodology Aims for Customer Satisfaction
Through Early and Continuous Delivery. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to
locate the post. The measurement model (determinants) of service quality. Journal of Functional
Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK).
A research framework for service quality and customer satisfaction. It is, therefore, important for
bankers to consistently undergo training and education in order to deliver more reliable services to
customers. This measurement technique comprises an f 2 influence level test. Prioritizing excellence
in service could help customers be satisfied and sustained, along with empowerment and service
innovation. For example, while the significant effect of empathy was previously assumed in multiple
studies ( Slack and Singh 2020; Umoke et al. 2020; Zia 2020 ), we found an insignificant
relationship between empathy and customer satisfaction in the context of NBFIs in a developing
economy. The findings revealed that most service quality variables, such as assurance, empathy,
food, cleanliness, and responsiveness, positively influenced customer satisfaction. Second, the
impact of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction and loyalty was sought after.
Comparison Study before and during COVID-19 Pandemic. In this study the researchers studied the
construct of customer satisfaction with respect to Indian retail banking from a qualitative
perspective. This can supplement future research by replicating the present study in other contexts.
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). The research findings also indicate
offering high quality service increase customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to high level of
customer commitment and loyalty. The questionnaire used for of the problems, prompt services,
timeliness services collecting primary data about the customer satisfaction and helping nature of
employees towards customers in e-banking of HNB PLC and three interviews Kumbhar, The
consumers are always conducted among two customers and an employee expecting to complete the
transactions correctly, from HNB PLC. It compiles of many different types of events such as
corporate, exhibitions and company parties events. The Effects of Service Quality Performance on
Customer Satisfaction for Non-Banking Financial Institutions in an Emerging Economy. Int. J.
Financial Stud. 2023, 11, 33. In Bangladesh, non-banking institutions are not well flourished
compared to the banking streams. Many of the services are restricted to be rendered such as current
deposits, FX services, no ATM services etc. The face-to-face interview technique suits well in such a
phenomenon. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or
approaches, provides an outlook for. Nonetheless, Islam et al. ( 2020 ) and Fida et al. ( 2020 ) found
that there was no correlation between reliability and customer satisfaction. Barbara, R Lewis, and W
Mitchell Vincent. 1990. Defining and Measuring the Quality of Customer Service. Normally, SMEs
have restricted access to bank credit because of strict collateral loan conditions. The study also
indicates that convenience, security and costs A. The chapter presents the idea of customer
satisfaction defines conditions of loyalty describes selected methods of customer satisfaction
measuring and presents international standards referring to customer satisfaction measurement.
However, Islam et al. ( 2020 ) found no relationship between access to financial services and
customer satisfaction. Therefore, technological quality and process quality construct the image. 2.2.2.
Gap Theory of SQ (SERVQUAL) Based on Gronroos ’ ( 1988 ) disconfirmation model,
Parasuraman et al. ( 1985 ) proposed a new service-quality assessment model by comparing the
perceived and planned service distance. Research is part of the problem-solving manager do to make
decisions. Report this Document Download now Save Save Thesis For Later 0 ratings 0% found this
document useful (0 votes) 809 views 24 pages Thesis Uploaded by Maricen Reyes AI-enhanced
description This document summarizes a research study that investigated customer perceptions of
service quality and satisfaction in Chinese fast food restaurants. According to the research results,
implications and suggestions have been discussed for non-banking financial institution managers.
Money, and Pierre R. Berthon. 2000. Service Quality and Satisfaction a the Moderating Role of
Not only is the scale better because it cuts the number of things that need to be measured by 50%,
but it has also been shown to be better than the SERVQUAL scale because it can explain more
differences in the overall quality of service measured by a single-item scale ( Jain and Gupta 2004 ).
It has the most important effect on customer retention and in order to narrow it down, focus on
customer service quality as one of the customer satisfaction factors. Therefore, the researcher is view
would be a significant saving of time and reduced willing to identify the factors which affect the
costs in accessing and using banking services Salehi adoption of e-banking and customer satisfaction
to and Alipour, responsiveness to the market and provides a perfect opportunity for maximising
profits Salehi and C. In response, the financial ecosystem has been transformed more rapidly with
the economy’s advancement over the past few decades. The model has six dimensions: reliability,
compliance, tangibility, assurance, responsiveness and empathy. The reason could be that consumers
are still treating the excellent accessibility facility of NBFIs as basic requirements for the banking
sector. After the screening-out of incomplete responses, 205 samples were chosen for analysis. Words
6 Pages. Show More. The dictionary definition of lead is to gui. Is a form of XP which aims for
customer satisfaction through early and from ISM 3630 at Wayne State University. We agree with
this suggestion that customers interpret their own special needs or requests of a service recovery and
make judgments of whether their special needs or requests are being accommodated. Featured in
Scale by Intercom Customers often switch providers after service failures, which is costly Framewori
firms Folkes, Research suggests that recruiting new customers is more expensive than keeping
current ones satisfied Hart et al. Shayestehfar and Yazdani ( 2019 ) also stated in their comparative
analysis that accessibility was ranked as the highest measure of banking-service efficiency in the
Iranian context. NBFIs can, on the one hand, relieve the financial constraints of small-sized loans,
while on the other hand, help to increase business opportunities with an impact on job growth (
Islam and Osman 2011 ). In Bangladesh, the NBFI industry has been growing fast and changing the
phenomenon of banking dominance. The broad objective of the study has been to identify the
determinants or variables those to be considered for customer satisfaction with grievance redressal
services of the bank. Customers will not be subjected to service standards if they believe that the
service is inadequate ( Hamzah et al. 2017 ). As per Peng and Moghavvemi’s research ( Peng and
Moghavvemi 2015 ), the determining factors for maintaining customers in the banking industry are
processing the customer order on time, keeping the customer’s financial records secure, supplying
reliable financial reports and delivering guaranteed services; these are reliability’s basic qualities.
Tamil Mani, S. Arun Kumar, and Sandhya Prabhakaran. 2010. Influence of Service Quality on
Customer Satisfaction Application of Servqual Model. The enhanced guideline aims to ensure that
GOCCs go beyond compliance and utilize the CSS in. Gratitude is a force or an emotional
foundation for maintenance of reciprocal obligations between people Palmatier et Customer
Satisfaction Framework. In the end, we conclude the study with discussions of theoretical
contribution, managerial implications, limitations of the current research and suggestions for future
research. The first one is technical outcome, which means what customers get from contact with a
service company. Even though a language barrier when functioning e-banking B. In terms of validity,
the convergent validity indicator, such as average variance extracted (AVE), must also be 0.5 or
more ( Barclay et al. 1995 ) and these study results ( Table 2 ) comply with the standards. Thirdly, the
predicted positive relationship between empathy and customer satisfaction (H3) is not supported.
The authors job is as a Customer Care Manager for Senator Windows for the past 15 years. The
second subscale consists of two dimensions-responsiveness and empathy. Enter the email address you
signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The Effects of Service Quality Performance on
Customer Satisfaction for Non-Banking Financial Institutions in an Emerging Economy. This
indicates that customers of Bangladeshi NBFIs are pleased when they find it easy to use the physical
appearance of the operation, including employee outfits, smart equipment and related products.
Bakeerathy Mohalingam Chrishankar Janathanan Business Management School BMSDepartment of
management Colombo 06, Sri Lanka Business Management School BMS bayu gmail.

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