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M y da ily
ro u tine

On Monday to Saturday, I wake up at 4.30 AM from my sleep

after that I go to the toilet and have some wudhu and then I
pray. When I'm done praying, I go to the bathroom to take
shower and brush my teeth. On 5.40 AM, I go to the kitchen
and takes the food to eat breakfast. And then on 6.10 AM
I'm gonna go to school.
At the school I go to my classroom and hearing the subject
that the teacher said in front. On 9.15 AM, It's rest time for
about 30 minutes after that we gonna go to class and
learning again. On 11.45 AM, It's rest time again but this
time I'm going to pray at prayer room. Then we learn the
last school subject after that go home at 1.45 PM, After I
come home I always take a bath and then sleep for about 1
to 2 hours.
On 3.10 PM, I just woke up from my sleep and then I takes
pray again after that I'm going to study at my bedroom and
then at 6.00 PM, I stopped studying and goes to mosque for
pray. At home I'm going to play for about 2 hours and at 8.00
PM I'm going to pray again. Then, At 8.20 PM I will prepares
books for studying at school tomorrow.
On 8.40 PM I'm going to take dinner with my family in dining
room. After done eating, All of us goes to our bedroom and
we take nap at 9.00 PM.

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