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The Creation Stories

Grade 10-Reviewer

The Creation from Genesis 1-2 God also told the sea animals to
Creator- God who is a spirit (John 4:24) reproduce and fill the waters, while the birds
and is a light (1 John 1:5). to increase in number.
Before Creation- Earth is formless and Sixth Day- Land Animals and Human
desolate. The raging ocean that covered Beings: Adam and Eve
everything was engulfed in total darkness, After God created the sea and sky
and the Spirit of God was moving over the animals, He commanded for the Earth to
water. produce all kinds of animal life, domestic or
wild, and small and large.
First Day- Light and Darkness Then, He created the human beings
Light was good. “Day” or “Morning” (A man and a woman), in His image, to rule
Darkness as “Night” or “Evening” over the animals in the sea, sky and on the
Second Day- Sky land.
A dome or vault, called “Sky”, was Have many children, so that your
created to separate the waters from the descendants will live all over the earth and
waters. bring it under their control. I am putting you
Third Day- Land and the Seas, and in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the
Vegetation wild animals. 29 I have provided all kinds of
The waters under the sky were grain and all kinds of fruit for you to
gathered together “Seas” and the dry eat; 30 but for all the wild animals and for all
ground, “lands or the Earth”, appeared. the birds I have provided grass and leafy
On the same day, as God was plants for food”—and it was done.
pleased with what He saw, he commanded Seventh Day- God blessed the seventh day
the land or Earth to “produce all kinds of and made it holy. He rested from all his
plants, those that bear grain and those that work of creating.
bear fruit.”
Fourth Day-Sun, Moon, and Stars
Lights were created to separate day The Creation from the Greek Mythology
from night and to show the time when days, By Hesiod, Theogony
years, and seasons begin, and so two greater
lights appeared, Sun and Moon. Three tiers of gods and goddesses
Sun ruling over the day. Primordial gods- Gaea, Tartarus, Eros,
Moon ruling over the night. Erebus
Stars were also created. Titans- 2nd generation rulers
Fifth Day-Sea and Sky Animals Cronus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus,
God created all the sea monsters and Oceanus, Rhea, Tethys, Themis, Theia,
Phoebe and Mnemosyne
all the living creatures in the water, and all
- immortal giants of incredible strength and
kinds of birds.
knowledge of old religion rituals and magic.
Olympians- 3rd generation rulers Erebus-God of Darkness and Shadow
-in the image of humans and with
human emotions Cronus-titan god of time, fertility, and
-interact and often interfere in the harvest
lives of mortals -A titan offspring of Gaea and Uranus
-The only titan who agreed to Gaia in
Greek Personalities castrating Uranus’ genitals.
Chaos-a yawning nothingness. -Became the ruler after Uranus
-created Gaea -Mated with Gaea
Gaea- Goddess of the Earth -Swallows his children to forbid Uranus’
-Mother and mate of Uranus prophecy to happen
-gave birth to the Titans, Cyclops and Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon
-conspired with Cronus to kill Uranus Rhea-Titan goddess of fertility and
Uranus- God of sky and heavens motherhood
-The son and mate of Gaea who ruled the -Daughter of Gaea and Uranus
starry dome that covered the earth and -Hid their sixth son, Zeus, in the Island of
represented power and masculinity. Crete, conspired with him to overthrow
-Prophesized that Cronus will be treated the Cronus.
same way he treated him. -Saved her youngest son by giving Cronus a
-Fathered and prisoned his three monstrous stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to eat
offsprings: Zeus- Ruler of Mt. Olympus
 Cyclopes (Arges, Brontes, Steropes)- -God of gods
one-eyed monsters -God of sky, thunder and lightning
 Hecatoncheires (Briareus, Cottus, -Son of Cronus and Rhea
Gyges)- Fifity-headed and a hundred- -Pretended to be a wine server and poisoned
handed monsters his father, Cronus.
 Titans (Cronus, Coeus, Crius, With his brothers, Hades (god of the
Hyperion, Iapetus, Oceanus, Rhea, underworld) and Poseidon (god of the sea
Tethys, Themis, Theia, Phoebe and and earthquakes) ended the war with Cronus
Mnemosyne) and the titans called the Titanomachy.
-immortal giants of incredible strength -released the Cyclops and Hecatoncheires
and knowledge of old religion rituals from Tartarus, gifting him a thunderbolt.
and magic.
The Creation from the Egyptian
Tartarus-the second entity to come into Mythology
existence, and shortly after his birth he according to Heliopolis
settled in the deepest bosom of the Earth Nu-a great, chaotic ocean or primordial
-Abyss and underworld waters where Benben-a primordial stone or
-Referred to as both a god and a place mound with a lotus flower from, where the
-guarded by Campe-dragon-like monster god Ra came about with light.

Eros-God of Love and Sex Ra-Sun god

-The first Pharaoh
-Created Shu and Tefnut
-Sent his only eye to search for Shu and
-Greatest gift to Egypt is the Nile River
-Had a premonition that his grandchildren
will produce offsprings that could end his
reign, and so forbade Geb and Nut to
produce offspring.

Shu- God of Air

-A man with a feather on his head
Tefnut- Goddess of Rain and Moisture
-A lioness
Geb-Grandson of Ra, and the son of Shu
and Tefnut
-The God of Earth
-Mated with Nut
Nut—Granddaughter of Ra, daughter of Shu
and Tefnut
-Gave birth to Osiris, Horus, Isis, Nepthys,
and Seth
Osiris-Lord of Death and Rebirth
-Lord of the underworld and judge of the
-Brother and husband to Isis
-Incarnation of good
-A kind and wise ruler who taught humans
agriculture and civilization with his
sister/wife Isis.

Isis-Goddess of Healing and Magic

-Wife of Osiris
Seth-God of the desert, foreign lands,
thunderstorms, eclipses, and earthquakes
-Strong but unruly; Embodiment of evil
-Jealous of Osiris, and so he murdered him
Nepthys-“Mistress Of The House”
-Protector of the dead

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