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MUSC 3218 Subject: Music Date: 1-26-23

Topic: Tone Production Lesson:

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will play Ecossaise March arranged by Bruce Pearson

Materials Needed: Learning Objectives:

- Score for Ecossaise March by Bruce Students will play from the beginning to
Pearson measure thirteen with proper
- Baton articulations.

Structure & Activity:

- Begin by playing through the beginning to measure thirteen of Ecossaise March as
a chorale
- Explain how accents work
- “Accents are notes with emphasis. This is done by having more air at the
front of a note, not by more tongue.”
- Run through the first four measures with a focus on accents
- Explain how staccato works
- “Staccato for reed instruments is having the tongue on the reed, bringing
it away and then going back to the reed. Flute is all about the air.”
- Play through the first four measures with a focus on staccato
- Apply the same concepts for measures five through thirteen
- Any trouble with fingers or air, work with individuals as needed

Perform the beginning to measure thirteen of Ecoassaise March by Bruce Pearson with
accents and staccatos.

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