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a bibliography of

armistice-era istanbul, 1918–1923


daniel-joseph macarthur-seal & gizem tongo

British Institute at Ankara

Electronic Monograph 12
Front cover: Agence Rol. Agence photographique (commanditaire). Troupes
anglaises à Pera, quartier européen de Constantinople : [photographie de presse] /
[Agence Rol]. 1922.

Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal & Gizem Tongo


Electronic Monograph 12
Published by
British Institute at Ankara
10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH

This book is available from

Oxbow Books
10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW

ISBN 978-1-912090-13-6

© British Institute at Ankara 2022

All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in
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Published with the assistance of financial contributions from

the British Academy

Typeset by Janine Su
Introduction 1

1. Primary sources 7
1.1. Archives 7
1.2. Publications 1918–1923 9
1.3. Memoirs 17

2. Secondary sources 21
2.1. English articles 21
2.2. English books 22
2.3. English chapters 23
2.4. English theses 24
2.5. French articles 25
2.6. French books 25
2.7. French chapters 25
2.8. French theses 25
2.9. Greek articles 25
2.10. Greek books 26
2.11. Greek theses 26
2.12. Italian articles 26
2.13. Italian books 26
2.14. Italian chapters 26
2.15. Russian books 26
2.16. Russian chapters 27
2.17. Russian theses 27
2.18. Turkish articles 27
2.19. Turkish books 32
2.20. Turkish chapters 35
2.21. Turkish theses 36

Introduction: occupation, historiography and memory

As we write, Turkey is mid-way through a spate of cen- the novelist Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar called his 1950
tenaries marking critical events in the history of the novel set in the occupied city.
country, some more forgotten than others. The armistice The historiography of armistice Istanbul began under
of Mudros, signed on 30 October 1918, ended Ottoman the enormous influence exerted by Mustafa Kemal
belligerence in what had been a calamitous four-year Atatürk’s 1927 Nutuk (Speech). Constituting the main
war. On 13 November 1918, a convoy of British, French, source for the history of the years between 1919 and
Italian and Greek warships reached Istanbul. Britain and 1927, Nutuk provided little detail on contemporaneous
France authorised the Greek army to occupy Izmir on 15 events in Istanbul. Mustafa Kemal’s time in the city was
May 1919, while the Allies formally occupied Istanbul not discussed extensively; rather the focus was on his and
on 16 March 1920, imposing martial law and strengthen- his comrades’ role in the establishment and eventual vic-
ing their grip on the Ottoman administration. Members tory of the national movement after his arrival in Samsun
of the disbanded Ottoman parliament, together with rep- on 19 May 1919. Indeed, Istanbul and the Allied powers
resentatives of the military and Müdâfaa-i Hukuk and Sultan’s government stationed there are portrayed as
Cemiyetleri (Associations for the Defense of Rights), the antagonist. After the foundation of the Turkish
convened the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Historical Association in 1931, Istanbul’s history in the
(TBMM) in Ankara on 23 April 1920 to resist what they immediate aftermath of the First World War – in fact the
saw as an unjust peace. The armistice was superseded by final decades of the Ottoman Empire in general –
the Treaty of Sèvres, signed by Ottoman and Allied rep- remained a marginal issue for the Association’s journal
resentatives on 10 August 1920, which brought interna- Belleten (Hager 2017). Marking the tenth anniversary of
tional control to the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and the Turkish Republic, an illustrated book entitled
divided much of the remaining Ottoman territories into Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne;
zones of influence or direct control, as in the case of Nasıldı? Nasıl Oldu? (From the Ottoman Empire to the
Greek-occupied Thrace and Izmir. Military forces Turkish Republic: How Was It? How Did It Happen?)
aligned to the TBMM achieved victories over the Greek implicitly associated Istanbul with the old regime – or the
army, halting their push into Anatolia on 13 September köle imparatorluk (slave empire), as it called the
1921, before launching a grand offensive beginning on Ottoman Empire – and the history of Istanbul during the
26 August 1922 that resulted in their entry into Izmir on Armistice Period was reduced to a story of the alliance
9 September 1922. After months of negotiations, the between the occupying forces and the ‘sultanic govern-
Allies were compelled to sign a new peace treaty at ment’. Of the complex history of Istanbul in the armistice
Lausanne on 24 July 1923, which was followed by the period, public commemoration focused only on the mar-
departure of the last Allied forces from Istanbul on 6 tyrdom of Ottoman soldiers during the occupation of 16
October and the creation of the Republic of Turkey on 29 March 1920, whose public remembrance began in 1923
October. (Sürmeli 2010), and the entry of Grand National
In Turkey, understanding of these events is framed by Assembly–aligned forces into Istanbul on 6 October
the history of the War of Independence (1919–1923), 1923. The latter has been commemorated annually since
about which a literature of staggering size and detail has 1924 as İstanbul’un Kurtuluş Bayramı (the Day of
accumulated. The national resistance movement, as Erik Istanbul’s Liberation) (Kalemli 2018).
Jan Zürcher claimed, has ‘become such an important part While the occupation went largely neglected in the
of the history of the emergence of the Turkish nation history writing of the early Republican period, a large
state, that it is studied almost exclusively in that context: number of literary works took inspiration from the expe-
as republican prehistory’ (Zürcher 2020). The locus of riences, lived or imagined, of the inhabitants of the occu-
historical action according to this perspective was pied city. The subject attracted the attention of some of
Anatolia, where the resistance movement organised and the most prominent writers of the early Republican era,
its enduring institutions – such as the Grand National namely Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, Mithat Cemal
Assembly in Ankara – were located. Events in Istanbul Kuntay, Halide Edib Adıvar, Peyami Safa and Ahmet
during the same period have often been seen as side- Hamdi Tanpınar. In contrast to the new Turkey being
notes, or Sahnenin Dışındakiler (Outside the Stage), as constructed in Anatolia, Istanbul was often portrayed as

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

a city of decay and decadence, collaboration and corrup- theses produced at Turkish universities provide indexes
tion (Göknar 2014). These early novels not only inspired of the most important Ottoman Turkish dailies of the
future literary works, but their themes became the subject period, such as İkdam (Çalışkan 1996; Karakaya 1998;
of historians’ research agendas (Temel 1998). Seçkin 2014; Kuruçay 2015) and Tasvir-i Efkâr (Erdemir
In what appears to be the first scholarly monograph 2018; Karapınar 2018; Tahiroğlu 2018; Yılmaz 2019).
on the occupied city, written by a witness and participant Promising work has been begun on the city’s social
in its history, Hüsnü Himmetoğlu set out to counter such history during these years, a subject of neglect in a liter-
aspersions and emphasise the city’s contribution to the ature focused on the confrontation between Allied impe-
War of Independence. He argued that ‘the service and rialist and Turkish nationalist cadres. Research has
sacrifice of Istanbul to the debt of the nation really was revealed how the housing situation in the overcrowded
very decisive, very valuable, and very monumental’, and city was strained by the arrival of refugees and the requi-
that without it, final victory would not have been possi- sitioning of dwellings and public buildings by Allied
ble (Himmetoğlu 1975). He relied on his own recollec- forces (Kıranlar 2015; Ar 2019). The supply of food and
tions and personal archive, together with classified docu- coal to the city was critically disrupted by the aftereffects
ments provided by the Turkish Armed Forces General of the wartime blockade and the loss of access to supplies
Staff (Genelkurmay Başkanlığı), who in correspondence from Anatolia and southern Russia with the victories of
acknowledged that ‘this national saga had remained in the Turkish nationalist and Bolshevik movements
darkness’. (Çavdar 2014; Gündüzöz 2016; Karataşer 2019). Labour
Indeed, prior to the 1990s, the inaccessibility of organisation and industrial relations during a period of
archival sources related to the final decade of the heightened strike action (Ülker 2015), and the socialist
Ottoman Empire (1914–1922) had limited scholarly and communist political movements that had a brief
research on this period. Little further research on Istanbul foothold in the city (Benlisoy 2007; Erdem 2012; Ülker
was carried out until the 1992 edited volume Istanbul 2020), are also the subject of a growing body of research.
1914–1923, prepared by Stéphane Yerasimos, and most The significance of the armistice period to the devel-
especially the 1993 book İşgal Altında İstanbul, 1918– opment of visual art, film, theatre and music – both in
1923 by Nur Bilge Criss (later also published in English). Turkey and the wider world – is yet to be fully grasped.
Building on Yerasimos’s and Criss’s landmark works, Collaborations emerging from the cosmopolitan milieu
scholarship on occupied Istanbul is now expanding of the city produced a unique art world (Tongo 2018;
beyond nationalist historical narratives to embrace cross- Güler 2020), while inter-imperial competition and emer-
cultural and transnational approaches informed by much- gent national claims to cultural heritage shaped the exca-
needed analyses of class, gender and ethnicity. This is vation and study of archaeological objects (Abi 2019). At
partly due to the growing accessibility of archival the other end of the cultural spectrum, scholars have
resources (either physical or digital), and partly a reflec- begun to explore the popularity and dynamics of bars and
tion of broader tendencies in late-Ottoman history and musical entertainment venues under the weight of occu-
historiography. pation (Woodall 2010; MacArthur-Seal 2017).
As a result, we now have access to more detailed Studies making use of sources in multiple languages
studies of the functioning of Allied administration and have contributed to a more nuanced understanding of the
military occupation, using a broader range of diplomatic positionality and diversity of experiences and views among
and military archives (Bozkurt 2014; Le Bras 2021; Istanbul’s Armenian (Ekmekçioğlu 2013; Şekeryan 2017)
MacArthur-Seal 2021; Vagnini 2021). The functioning of and Greek (Kamouzis 2020) speakers. In addition to these
the palace (Bardakcı 2010; Beyhan 2020), Ottoman gov- long-resident communities, the population of Istanbul was
ernment (Akandere 2009; Akşin 2010; Çetin 2015) and supplemented during the period by the arrival of large num-
Ottoman military in the district (Bostancı 2019) has been bers of refugees, including Armenian and Greek Christians
given more serious attention after a long period of from war-torn Anatolia and the Caucasus, Muslims from
neglect as representatives of the ancien regime. Studies Greek-occupied Thrace and, most numerous, arrivals from
have shed light on Atatürk’s activities in the city between the southern provinces of the Russian Empire in the wake
his return from the front and departure for Samsun of victories by Bolshevik forces. White Russian refugees,
(Coşkun 2008), and added to our understanding of particularly the women among them, were the subject of
nationalist organisations and resistance to occupation significant interest from public commentators at the time,
(Özkan 2015; Türkmen 2016). The armistice-era press, and have also been investigated as subjects of historical
given the abundance of source material accessible, has research (Bakar 2012; Ar 2019).
also been a subject of major attention (Kocabaşoğlu, There is also a burgeoning literature on the relation-
Akan 2019; Yüce 2020). Several masters and doctoral ship between the occupation and Istanbul women, many


of whom continued to develop the political activism and deserving of thanks for their contributions: Alessandro
civic engagement that had marked the war years. The Vagnini, Ari Şekeryan, Başak Deniz Özdoğan, Ceren
period witnessed intense debates over women’s dress Abi, Claire Le Bras, Dimitris Kamouzis, Ekaterina
(Mahir Metinsoy 2014), and women’s place in the ‘moral Aygün, Erdem Sönmez, Erol Ülker, Fabio Grassi, Hrag
decay’ and ‘corruption’ that seem to define the era Avedanian, Lerna Ekmekçioğlu, Lorans Tanatar Baruh,
(Beyinli 2019). Such concerns were at their most pro- Marie Bossaert, Mehmet Kentel, Mehmet Ö. Alkan,
nounced with regard to prostitution, about which there is Merve Köksal, Oktay Özel, Pınar Üre, Seza Sinanlar
a growing literature centred on the armistice period Uslu, Vazken Khatchig Davidian, Yiğit Akın and Zafer
(Toprak 1987; Doğan 2019). While most scholarship on Toprak. For their help in the production of this e-publica-
women’s experiences has focused on Muslim and tion, we would also like to thank Burcu Akşahin, Abby
Turkish women, recent work has addressed Istanbul Robinson and Janine Su.
Armenian women’s civil activism and journalism from The bibliography is divided into (1) Primary Sources,
the armistice period into the Republic (Ekmekçioğlu including (1.1) Archives, (1.2) Contemporary Publica-
2016). tions and the Press and (1.3) Memoirs; and (2) Secondary
In sum, works from across these fields represent a Sources. Given the complexity and diversity of primary
body of scholarship so large that it is now difficult to sources available, we have prepared the following notes
claim that the occupied city is any longer neglected. Part summarising available collections:
of the reason for this growth in interest in a variety of
fields is the realisation by historians of the extent of Archives
resources available for the study of the armistice period. An array of archives for the late Ottoman period are
The number of states directly involved or highly interest- available to researchers, with records from a far larger
ed in developments in the occupied city multiplied the number of departments of state than are accessible for the
quantity of documents available to researchers. With study of early Republican Istanbul, for which period the
such abundance comes challenges however, namely the ministries of health, interior and security, among others,
geographic dispersal and linguistic diversity of sources. remain largely closed to researchers. In order to under-
stand developments in Istanbul between 1918 and 1923,
Aims, methods and scope researchers can investigate police reports of incidents
It is with this in mind that we have compiled the present involving civilians and Allied personnel in the folders of
bibliography of primary and secondary sources for the the Dahiliye Nezâreti (Ministry of the Interior)
city. The bibliography contains over 1400 entries, from exchanges with British, French and Italian High
Turkish and international archives to the multilingual Commissioners maintained by the Hariciye Nezâreti
publications and newspapers of Istanbul in the period, (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and discussions of matters
and to memoirs and more recent scholarly articles and of state concern such as labour unrest in the Şûrâ-yı
monographs on the city. The principal criterion for inclu- Devlet (The Council of State) and Bâb-ı Âli Evrak Odası
sion in the bibliography was that works should have a collections (Document Bureau of the Sublime Porte),
substantive focus on Istanbul during the years 1918– among many other series. Much of the state archives is
1923. As such, works covering a longer time frame or now digitised, though there are currently restrictions on
more extensive geographic area have generally been access to digital scans of documents for those outside of
excluded, and researchers wishing to understand this Turkey, or who do not have a Turkey identity number. In
broader context will have to search elsewhere. addition to the Ottoman state archives, the impressive
This bibliography was compiled on the basis of refer- military collection at the Archives of the Turkish General
ences encountered in the authors’ prior research on the Staff (ATASE), categorised under ‘İstiklal Harbi’, throws
armistice-era city. Thanks to funding from the British light on the history of the city during the period. In 2018,
Academy via the British Institute At Ankara, additional it was decided to centralise and bring together the vast
time could be devoted to the creation of a more complete quantity of Ottoman documents formerly hosted by dif-
collection of sources. In this, a principal aim was to ferent archives in Turkey – including the ATASE, Deniz
expand our search across the major languages spoken in Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Arşivi (Naval Forces Archive),
Istanbul at the time – namely, Turkish, Greek, Armenian, İstanbul Elektrik Tramvay ve Tünel İşletmeleri Genel
Ladino, French, Italian, English and Russian – and there- Müdürlüğü (Directorate General of İETT, the municipal
by to further facilitate the transcommunal and transna- bus transport authority) and İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi
tional research methodologies required for the compre- (Istanbul Archaeology Museum) – under one roof at the
hensive study of this multilingual city. This could not Ottoman state archives. The relocated documents will
have been accomplished alone, and many colleagues are hopefully be accessible to researchers soon.

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

In addition, the Allied powers occupying Istanbul tou Kratous and Diplomatiko kai Istoriko Archeio tou
also produced substantial if varied diplomatic and mili- Ellinikou Ipourgeiou ton Exoterikon in Athens. The
tary archives. The British High Commission’s communi- records of the United States High Commission in the city
cations with the Foreign Office, largely contained in the are available at the National Archives and Record
diverse FO 371 series, detail strategic discussions on Administration in College Park, Maryland.
such issues as the establishment of the Allied police, This multinational diplomatic and military presence
legal debates over the legitimacy of the capitulations, the in the city also led to the generation of large numbers of
decision to formally occupy Istanbul in March 1920, private papers by servicemen and officials. Dozens of
counterinsurgency efforts, and intelligence summaries individual soldiers’ accounts of Istanbul can be read at
related to the city and wider Ottoman Empire. The War the Imperial War Museum, King’s College London
Office files contain war diaries maintained by British Liddle Hart Centre for Military Archives and National
units deployed to Istanbul, as well as discussions relating Army Museum, as well as local archives in the UK.
to the defence of the city and measures to protect British Prominent individuals have also left collections, such as
troops. Both can be found at the National Archives in British High Commissioners Admiral John de Robeck
Kew, while reports sent to and from the India Office are (Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge) and
available at the British Library. While most British Horace Rumbold (Bodleian Library, Oxford), American
records consist of higher-level communications with High Commissioner Admiral Mark Bristol (Library of
London, French diplomatic and military authorities Congress) and Greek High Commissioner Efthimios
maintained more extensive day-to-day reports, including Kanellopoulos (Elliniko Logotechniko kai Istoriko
files generated by the Interallied police and sanitary com- Archeio).
mittees in the city, as well as French intelligence-gather- Digitisation promises to make this wide range of
ing efforts that detail both British and Ottoman activities. archives more easily accessible to researchers wishing to
The records of the French Ministry of Foreign investigate the occupied city, but is at present highly
Affairs are split between La Courneuve, which houses uneven across different collections. Though the Ottoman
ministerial files generated in Paris, and the Centre des state archives are largely digitised, they are restricted to
Archives Diplomatiques in Nantes, which holds the files researchers working from abroad. Digitisation of the
of the French High Commission in Constantinople. The National Archives in the UK has not yet reached relevant
latter’s 36PO series includes extensive documents on folders beyond cabinet-level decision-making sessions
matters of urban governance, with folders concerning about the fate of Istanbul. Several State Department files
ports and quays, sanitation and policing. Military series covering Turkey in the period are digitised and
archives of the Corps d’Occupation de Constantinople – available from Gale Archives Unbound, but at a high cost
including intelligence summaries, as well as records to those without an institutional subscription. French,
relating to the police and gendarmerie, press censorship Italian and Greek military and diplomatic records on the
and counter-espionage – are available from the Service city are unavailable online.
Historique de la Défense in Vincennes. Partially compensating for this, important collec-
Important Italian diplomatic and military records tions of documents relevant to armistice-era Istanbul
concerning Istanbul and the wider Ottoman Empire can have been published. These include most notably the
be found in the Archivio Storico Diplomatico del minutes of the weekly Allied high commissioners’ meet-
Ministero degli Affari Esteri, the Ufficio Storico dello ings, transcribed and collected by Sinan Kuneralp, as
Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito, the Ufficio Storico della well as the Minute Book of the British Chamber of
Marina and the Archivio Centrale dello Stato, which Commerce in the city. The state archives of Turkey have
includes the papers of Prime Minister Francesco Saverio published several collections of documents related to the
Nitti. The archives contain the records of the High War of Independence and activities of Mustafa Kemal
Commission in Constantinople, various reports about Atatürk in the period which at times comment on events
official, informal meetings between allied diplomatic in occupied Istanbul. More general collections of Allied
representatives taking place in Istanbul, as well as corre- diplomatic documents from the period include reference
spondence between military officers of the Italian to Istanbul and the wider Ottoman Empire. British poli-
Expeditionary Force and the Italian cabinets from cy making in Turkey is covered in volumes 13, 17 and
1918 to 1922. 18 of Documents on British Foreign Policy. For Italy,
Due to their status as Allies and interests in Ottoman the publication and digitisation of Archivio Storico
lands, both Greece and the United States maintained Diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri documents
large High Commissions in the occupied city. Greek for the period is underway in the sixth series of
records on Istanbul can be found at the Genika Archaia Documenti Diplomatici Italiani (DDI), which so far cov-


ers events up to November 1919. Published documents The armistice period witnessed a significant growth
on Russian emigrants in the interwar period include a in the number and size of newspapers and journals as the
large number who resided in Istanbul. Given the rich- material hardship of the war years was alleviated, and
ness of documentation available, such efforts can only Ottoman and Allied censors looked on newspapers with
represent a small fraction of materials for the study of a new set of lenses. New and existing Ottoman Turkish
the occupied city. newspapers and journals are preserved in the National
Library, Istanbul Beyazıt State Library, the Library of
Contemporary publications and the press Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the İBB Atatürk
The bibliography includes books published in Istanbul Library. A great majority of these printed-and-bound
and elsewhere during the armistice period that had a sub- newspapers and journals are today available in digital
stantive focus on life in the city. These contemporary format and accessible without visiting the libraries (with
publications reveal diverse aspects of urban life. Though the exception of the TBMM periodical collection). The
rare, many of these books are housed at İBB Atatürk ever-increasing rate of digitising periodicals has certainly
Library, where they have been digitised and made avail- provided researchers with rich data from various collec-
able for download, or at other libraries such as İstanbul tions and locations, including the recently digitised
Araştırmaları Enstitüsü (Istanbul Research Institute). French daily Stamboul, available at Gallica. Greek and
Perhaps most important and widely drawn upon was the Armenian newspapers published in Istanbul can be read
survey Constantinople To-day, produced by a team of at Atatürk Library but are yet to be digitised. Many Greek
researchers from Robert College led by Clarence Richard and Armenian newspapers and journals from Istanbul
Johnson, and covering matters of education, economy, found their way to libraries in Greece, such as the
crime, administration, sport, transport and more; it has National Hellenic Library and the library of the Greek
also been made available in Turkish translation (Johnson parliament, and Armenia – namely the National Library
2007). A more idiosyncratic take on aspects of the cultur- of Armenia – where most are also available in digital for-
al activity in the city was recorded in the 1922 publica- mat. Scanned copies of the major British organ in the
tion Constantinople Cameos (Hessenstein, Brigg 1922). occupied city, The Orient News, can be consulted in per-
Evidence of the art world of the armistice city can be son at the British Library in London or İslam
seen in catalogues of exhibitions, such as those by the Araştırmaları Merkezi in Istanbul.
Society of Turkish Painters (Türk Ressamlar Cemiyeti). Allied occupation brought international attention to
Educational life is accessible via guides published for developments in the city, and a large number of articles
students at the Darülfünun, and annual reports of the were published in British, American, Italian, Greek and
Society of Teachers (Muallimler Cemiyeti). French newspapers, among others, by correspondents
Foundational documents of new societies like the based in the city, such as Ernest Hemingway, Arnold
Friends of Britain Society (İngiliz Muhipleri Cemiyeti) Toynbee and G. Ward Price. Due to the sheer scale of
and Society for the Support of the League of Nations news items published in the international daily press con-
(Cemiyet-i Akvam’a Müzaheret Cemiyeti) – later identi- cerning the city by these and other correspondents, these
fied as collaborators in the occupation – make evident the have not been included in this bibliography, which
distinct politics of the period. Satirical publications instead only lists newspapers published in Istanbul.
including Yeni Zenginler (Nouveau Riche) (Simavi 1918)
and Harb Fakirleri (Those Impoverished by the War) Memoirs
(Simavi ca. 1918–1921) reflect the sentiments of a war- The distinctive experiences encountered in the armistice
weary society in armistice Istanbul. Two important texts era have ensured that these years occupy a prominent
on prostitution (Rasım 1922; Galib 1922) reveal the state place in the memoirs of both Istanbul natives and those
of heightened concern about the issue at the time. The brought to the city as refugees, visitors and in the service
administration and financing of Istanbul province and of the occupying powers. Published memoirs by Allied
mayoralty are traceable in annual reports produced by the diplomats (Armstrong 1925) and officers (Harrington
İstanbul Vilayeti Meclis-i Umumisi (General Council for 1940; Bennett 1975) reveal a broader range of responses
Istanbul Vilayet) and Şehremaneti (Municipality of to the city than were contained in the official correspon-
Istanbul). A large number of Constantinopolitan Greek dence authored by such individuals available in state
publications from the period stored at the Sismanoglio archives. They found a counterpart in the diaries and
Megaro library of the Consulate General of Greece, memoirs of Ottoman officers (Durukan 2018) and offi-
including yearbooks and memoranda of communal and cials occupying such high posts as şehremini (Topuzlu
ecclesiastical organisations, are digitised and available 2002), a large number of which have recently been pub-
via the website of the Public Central Library of Veria. lished.

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

Civilians also documented this unique period in the Conclusion

city’s history in a number of memoirs and other ego doc- Needless to say, every bibliography has limitations and
uments. In Turkish, journalist Zekeriya Sertel (Sertel this one is no exception. We have chosen, for instance, to
1968) and the recently published memoirs of the archi- list the names of the newspapers and journals published
tect Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu (Kuruyazıcı 2008) serve as in Istanbul between 1918 and 1923, excluding the press
testimonies to the lived experiences of the population in published in other cities. For practical reasons, we also
general and the cultural elite in particular. Foreign visi- did not list the numerous reviews and opinion pieces
tors to the city and short-term residents also produced about the occupation that appeared in the Istanbul press
travel writing and other reflections on their experiences during the period. A number of contemporary articles
(Keun 1923; Sheridan 1926; Dos Passos 1927). Time in written on the social, political and cultural life of Istanbul
the city also constitutes substantial sections of the mem- were indeed published in both Istanbul and non-Istanbul
oirs of actors, artists and musicians who arrived among media; however, it is beyond the scope of this study to
the many refugees from the former Russian Empire attempt such a comprehensive compilation. Inevitably,
(Gritchenko 1930; Morfessi 1931; Vertinsky 1989; given the dispersal and diversity of materials, items will
Kostrova 2006). have been missed, and suggested additions will be gladly
The presence of artists like Alexis Gritchenko high- received. While the present bibliography includes works
lights the existence of visual sources that capture life in up until the end of 2021, notable new publications on the
occupied Istanbul. As most visual depictions of the city occupation era are expected in 2022 and beyond, as a
remain in private hands, these have also not been includ- number of conferences centre academic attention on the
ed in the bibliography. Major collections of photographs period. As interest in the armistice era increases, we hope
can be found at the Istanbul Research Institute and Salt that this resource proves useful to academics, students
Research. Photographs produced by French and British and the wider public, and will support the more compre-
military forces and soldiers are available online from the hensive study of this multifaceted city during a critical
websites of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and and complex period in its history.
Imperial War Museum, respectively. Numerous other
photographs can be found among the private papers of
soldiers and officials listed elsewhere in the bibliography.

1. Primary sources

1.1. Archives Private Papers of O.F.M. Wethered, RN. https://www.-
1.1.1. Institutional archives İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (ISAM), Istanbul American School of Classical Studies at Athens İstanbul Sicilleri.
Dorothy H. Sutton Papers, Gennadius Library of the
American School of Classical Studies at Athens. İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Istanbul Photographs, contemporary publications. https://www.-
finding.aid Bibliotèque nationale de France, Paris Kentro Mikrasiatikon Spoudon / Κέντρο Μικρα-
Newspapers, photographs, contemporary publications: σιατικων Σπουδών, Athens Photographs, audio recordings, memoirs, contemporary
publications. Elliniko Logotechniko kai Istoriko Archeio /
Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό και Ιστορικό Αρχείο, Athens Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Efthymios Kanellopoulos / Ευθύμιος Κανελλόπουλος, Clarence K. Streit Papers, 1838–2000. Library of Con-
A.E.501. gress.
archives/ Mark L. Bristol Papers, 1882–1939. Library of Congress. Ethniko Idrima Erefnon kai Meleton Eleftheros
K. Venizelos / Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών και Μελετών Salt Research, Istanbul
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bch.1922.3037 English Mamboury, E. 1920: ‘Ruines byzantines de Mara, entre
Anderson, S. 1922: ‘Dervish orders of Constantinople’ Maltépé et Bostandjik’ Echos d’Orient 20.119: 322–
The Muslim World 12.1: 53–61. 30
Bensted, H.J. 1923: ‘Notes of three interesting cases Istanbul press
occurring in the British Corps of Occupation,
Constantinople’ BMJ Military Health 40.1: 48–50. Armenian Adamnapuyj / Ատամնաբոյժ
de Bunsen, M. 1920: ‘The new Levant company’ Journal Angudineru Daretsuystı / Անկուտիներու տարեցոյցը
of The Royal Central Asian Society 7.1: 19–31. Arakadz / Արագած Aravod / Առաւօտ
Clemow, F.G. 1923: ‘The Constantinople Board of Aravod Noraharsneru / Առաւօտ նորահարսներու
Health’ The Lancet, 201.5206 (June): 1180–82. Ariamard / Արիամարտ Artaramard / Արդարամարտ
Frederick, M. 1922: ‘The crisis as seen from Constan- Artsunk / Արցունք
tinople’ The Contemporary Review, 122: 556–60 Aşkharh / Աշխարհ
Azadutyan Daretsuytsı / Ազատութեան տարեցոյցը

Primary sources

Bar / Պար Vertchin Lour / Վերջին լուր

Cagadamard / Ճակատամարտ Vosdan / Ոստան
Dacar / Տաճար Yerevag / Երեւակ
Darakir / Տարագիր Yergir / Երկիր
Dzidzağ / Ծիծաղ
Ganteğ / Կանթեղ English
Gavroş / Կավռօշ The Acorne
Gavroşi Daretsuytsı / Կավռօշի տարեցոյցը The Orient
Gohag / Կոհակ The Orient News
Gsmitner İsgüdartsinerun / Կսմիթներ Սկիւտարցիներուն Pera Young Men
Hay Aşkharh / Հայ աշխարհ Young Men of Turkey
Hay Badani / Հայ պատանի
Hay Gin / Հայ Կին French
Hay Hoğakordz / Հայ հողագործ Les Annales juives
Hay Midk / Հայ միտք L’Aurore
Hay Pjişg / Հայ բժիշկ Borsa
Hay Pujag / Հայ բուժակ Le Bosphore
Hay Sgaud / Հայ սկաուտ Bulletin commercial d’Orient
Hay Sird / Հայ սիրտ Bulletin de l’Administration sanitaire des frontières
Hayrenik / Հայրենիք Bulletin du Vicariat apostolique de Constantinople
İknad Ağa/ Իգնատ աղա Bulletin mutualiste quotidien de Constantinople
İravaked / Իրաւագէտ Byzantio
İravunk / Իրաւունք Constantinople matin
Jamanag / Ժամանակ Le Courrier du soir
Joghovourti Artzakankı / Ժողովուրդի արձագանքը Courrier de Turquie
Joghovourti Tsaynı-Jamanag / Ժողովուրդի ձայնը- Danse
Ժամանակ Le Djin
Joghovurt / Ժողովուրդ L’Écho de Péra
Khelok Tavit / Խելոք Դավիթ Echos d’Orient
Lraper Yerguşapti / Լրաբեր երկուշաբթի L’Éclair
Lsaran / Լսարան L’Économiste d’Orient
Marzaşkharh / Մարզաշխարհ Emlak
Nor Ayk / Նոր այգ L’Entente
Nor Gaydz / Նոր կայծ Études et notes: chaire de médecine exotique
Nor Gyank / Նոր կեանք Exportateur d’Orient
Nor Tar / Նոր դար Express
Şaviğ / Շաւիղ La Fleur
Şaviğ-İknad Ağa / Շաւիղ-Իգնատ աղա Le Foufou
Orenk / Օրէնք La Gazette britannique
Partsravank / Բարձրավանք Hayat-ı Ticari / Vie commerciale
Piwzantion / Բիւզանդիոն Indicateur de commerce et de finance
Sadana / Սատանա L’Information d’Orient
Sargavakin Daretsuytsı / Սարկաւագին տարեցոյցը İstanbul Ticaret Rehberi
Sepasdia / Սեբաստիա İstitlahat-ı Bahriye Gazetesi
Sgaud / Սկաուտ İzci Gazetesi / Journal des éclaireurs
Sinema / Սինեմա Journal de mariage
Siraharneru Daretsuytsı / Սիրահարներու տարեցոյցը. Journal de réclames
Şant / Շանթ Le Journal d’Orient
Şirag / Շիրակ Kampana
Tarman / Դարման Kooperatif
Tsutsag Anhayd Darakrelots / Ցուցակ անյայտ Libretto
տարագրելոց Liman (Le Port)
Vasdag / Վաստակ Le Lundi

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

Le Mariage Epitheorisis / Επιθεώρησις.

Le Mastic 8080/eliasim/rec.aspx?id=353410
Moniteur : tout ce qui est national est nôtre I Evdomas / Η Εβδομας.
Le Moniteur Oriental eliasim/rec.aspx?id=347240
La Nation Imerisia Nea / Ημερήσια Νέα
L’Œuvre Kirix / Κήρυξ.
Office commercial français du Levant rec.aspx?id=347340
L’Orient illustré O Logos / Ο Λογος.
Pages médicales de Constantinople handle/123456789/4895
Pars Melissa / Μέλισσα.
Le Pays : association pour la défense des droits nationaux eliasim/rec.aspx?id=351624
des provinces orientales I Nea Agogi / Η Νέα Αγωγή.
Péra qui danse jspui/handle/123456789/7002
La Pérote Nea Genea / Νεα Γενέα
Le Petit journal illustré / Musavver Küçük Gazete Nea Zoi / Νέα Ζωή.
Presse du soir : organe indépendant politique, littéraire eliasim/rec.aspx?id=347392
et financier Neologos / Νεολόγος
La Renaissance Neos Poimin / Νέος Ποιμήν.
Le Réveil 8080/eliasim/rec.aspx?id=351780
Revue commerciale d’Orient Proodos / Πρόοδος
Revue commerciale du Levant Tachidromos / Ταχυδρόμος
Revue économique de Turquie / Türkiye İktisat Mecmuası Vourdoulas / Βούρδουλας.
Revue littéraire persane 8080/eliasim/rec.aspx?id=347234
Le Salon
Seda-i İslam Ladino
La Semaine El Cugueton-El Jugueton
Spectateur d’Orient El Judio-El Cudio-El Djuydo
Stamboul El Telegrafo
Svoboda / La Liberté El Tiempo-El Tyempo
Tareman La Patriya
Tour de Léandre
Tout Péra Ottoman Turkish
La Turquie nouvelle Aile Tabibi
L’Union commerciale Aile Terzisi Moda
La Vérité Akbaba
Zühal / Mercure Akşam
Akvam Greek Alay
Ano Kato / Ανω Κατω Alemdar
Ap Ola / Απ’ Ολα Amele
Chronos / Χρόνος Anadolu Hediyesi (Souvenir d’Anatolie) / Resimli Anadolu
Dionysos / Διονυσος. Hediyesi (Souvenier Illustré d’Anatolie)
eliasim/rec.aspx?id=352584 Anafor
Efimeris ton Kirion / Εφημερίς των Κυριών. http://- Asker Hocası Askeri Ceride-i Baytariyye / Askeri Mecmua-i Baytariyye
Eklisiastiki Alitheia / Εκκλησιαστική Αλήθεια Askeri Hava Mecmuası
Frou Frou / Φρου Φρου. Aydede
eliasim/rec.aspx?id=352340 Aydınlık
Ellinikos Filologikos Sillogos / Ελληνικός Φιλολογικός Ayine / Ayna
Σύλλογος Aylık Mecmua
Embros / Εμπρός. Babıali Hariciye Nezareti Matbuat-ı Umumiyye Müdür-
rary.asp?item=36269&seg=3583 iyeti Matbuat-ı Ecnebiyye Hülasaları
Bağçevan / Bağçıvan

Primary sources

Beşer ve Tabiat El-Adl

Beynelmilel Men-i Teseü’l Cemiyeti İslam Şubesi’nin Erkan-ı Harbiye Mektebi Külliyatı
Saadet Yurtları Mecmuası / Oeuvre internationale de Ezan
suppression de la mendicité section musulmane école Fağfur
de bonheur de Chichli traveauz et comptatibilité Felahat
Bilgi Yurdu Mecmuası Fuzuli
Bilmeceli Meşhur Hikayeler Külliyatı Gençlik Vahdeti
Birinci Kitap Genç Kadın
Bizim Mecmua Genç Komünist
Borsa Genç Sanatkar
Bugün Genç Yolcular
Büyük Mecmua Güleryüz
Büyük Yol Gün Doğuşu
Cadı Haber
Cemiyet-i Umumiyye-i Belediye Zabıt Ceridesi Habl-i Metin
Ceride-i Adliye Hacıyatmaz
Ceride-i Askeriye Hadisat
Ceride-i Havadis Hadisat-ı Hukukiye ve Tarihiye
Ceride-i Hüseyniye Haftalık Gazete
Ceride-i İlanat Haftalık Gül Bahçesi
Ceride-i İlmiye Halkalı Ziraat Mekteb-i Alisi Mecmuası
Ceride-i Sufiyye Hanım
Ceride-i Tıbbiye-i Askeriye / Askeri Tıb Mecmuası Hanımlar Alemi
Çırak Mektepleri Mecmuası Hayat-ı Ticari / Vie commerciale
Çiftçi Hekim
Çiftçiler Derneği Mecmuası Hizmet-i Umumiye Mecmuası
Çiftçi Takvimi Hukuk Mecmuası
Çil Horoz Hukuk ve İktisad Mecmuası
Darülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Mecmuası Hukuk-ı Beşer
Darülfünun Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası / Darülfunun Fünun İctihad
Fakültesi Mecmuası İdrak
Darülfünun Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası İfham
Darülfunun Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası İhsaiyat Mecmuası
Deccal İhtiyat Zabitleri Postası
Dergah İkdam
Dersaadet İlan
Dersaadet Muhbiri İleri / Ati / Ahval
Dersaadet Ticaret Odası Gazetesi (Le Journal de la İmalat-ı Harbiye Sanayi Mecmuası
Chambre de commerce de Constantinople) / Istanbul İnci / Yeni İnci
Ticaret (Bulletin de la Chambre de commerce et İnkilab-ı Beşer / Serbesti
d’industrie de Stanmbul) İrşad’ül Müslimin
Diken İslam
Diş Tabibleri Cemiyeti Mecmuası / Bulletin de la Société İslam Mecmuası
odontologique turque İstanbul Belediyesi İhsaiyat Mecmuası
Diyane İstanbul Emraz-ı Cildiye ve Efrenciyye Cemiyeti Mecmuası
Donanma Emirnamesi İstanbul Paj Medikalleri / Pages medicales de Constan-
Donanma Mecmuası tinople
Düşünce İstanbul Serirîyyatı Mecmuası
Eczacı İstanbul Ticaret Rehberi
Edebi Mecmua İstanbul Vilayet Gazetesi
Edebiyat-ı Umumiye Mecmuası İstanbul Vilayeti Meclis-i Umumisi Müzakerat Zabıtnamesi
Efkar-ı Umumiye İstiklal
Eğlence / Yeni Eğlence İ’tisam

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

İş ve Ticaret Peyam
Jandarma Evamir Mecmuası Peyam-ı Edebi
Jandarma Sadası Peyam-ı Sabah Edebi Nüsha
Jin Polis Mecmuası
Kadınlar Dünyası Politika Gazetesi
Kaplan Posta ve Telgraf Mecmuası
Karagöz Pul Koleksiyonu
Karikatür Resimli Salon Mecmuası
Kavanin ve Nizamat ve Mukarrerat-ı Maliye Mecmuası Revue Commerciale Scientifique Turque
Kırım Mecmuası Risale-i Mevkute-i Bahriye
Köy Hocası Riyaziyat
Kurtuluş Rüsumat Müdüriyet-i Umumiyesi Muharrerat-ı Umumiye
Kurtuluş Yolu Mecmuası
Kürdistan Sabah / Peyam-ı Sabah
Lale Sanayi Mecmuası
Lâne Sebilürreşad / Sırat-ı Müstakim
Lisanü’l Gayb Serbesti / Ahali & Akil
Maarif Vekaleti İhsaiyat Mecmuası Servet-i Fünun
Mahfil Sıhhiye Mecmuası
Maliye Muharrerât‑ı Umumiye Mecmuası Söz
Matbuat Bültenleri Spor Alemi
Mecmua-i Askeriye Sudi
Mecmua-i Ruhi Süha
Mecmua-i Seneviye-i Bahriye Şair
Mehmedçik Şair Nedim
Memleket Şark
Meslek-i İçtimai Şebab
Mesuliyet Şehr
Milli Talim ve Terbiye Cemiyeti Mecmuası Takvim-i Vekayi
Minber Takvim-i Zaman
Mizan Takvim-i Ziya
Muallimler Mecmuası Talebe Defteri
Muhadarat Tan
Muhamat Tanin
Muhibban Tarih-i Osmani Encümeni Mecmuası (TOEM)
Musavver Gençlik Vahdeti Tarik
Musavver Küçük Gazete / Le Petit journal illustré Tasvir-i Efkar
Musavver Maarif Tatlı Sert
Mühendis Mektebi Mecmuası Tedrisat Mecmuası
Müstecir Terbiye
Müşadahe Terbiye ve Oyun
Nefir Tercüman-ı Hakikat
Ordu Emirnamesi Tıbbi Sahifeler
Orman Mekteb-i Alisi Mecmuası Ticaret ve Sanayi
Ortaoyunu Ticaret-i Hariciyeye Mahsûs Aylık Hülasa-i İhsaiye
Osmanlı Genç Dernekleri Ticaret-i Umumiye Gazetesi
Osmanlı Genç İhtiyat Zabitanı Mecmuası Türk Dünyası
Osmanlı Hilal-i Ahmer Mecmuası Türk Genci
Osmanlı Tarih ve Edebiyat Mecmuası / Tarih ve Edebiyat Türk Kadını
Mecmuası Türk Spor
Osmanlı Terakki-i Ziraat Türk Tıp Mecmuası
Osmanlı Ziraat ve Ticaret Gazetesi Türk Yurdu
Payitaht Türkçe İstanbul / The Turkish Stamboul: a Pro-British Daily

Primary sources

Türkiye İdman Mecmuası Bennett, J.G. 1975: Witness: the Autobiography of John
Türkiye İktisad Mecmuası / Revue économique de la G. Bennett. London, Turnstone Books
Turquie Bumgardner, E. 1925: The Undaunted Exiles. Staunton,
Türkiye Ticaret Gazetesi The McClure Company
Utarid Demetra, V. 1923: The Unveiled Ladies of Stamboul.
Ümid Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company
Ünyon Kommersiyal / Union commerciale Der Yeghiayan, Z. 2000: My Patriarchal Memoirs. A.
Vahdet Misirliyan (tr.). Portsmouth, RI, Mayreni Publishing
Vakit Graves, R. 1933: Storm Centres of the Near East: Personal
Veteriner Mecmuası Memories, 1879–1929. London, Hutchinson & Co.
Yarın Halide Edip. 1928: The Turkish Ordeal: Being the Further
Yeni Dünya Memoirs of Halidé Edib. New York, The Century Co.
Yeni Gazete Harrington, C. 1940: Tim Harrington Looks Back.
Yeni Gün London, John Murray
Yeni Hayat de Hartmann, T., de Hartmann, O. 1992: Our Life with
Yeni Mecmua Mr Gurdjieff. London, Penguin
Yeni Nesil Henderson, N. 1945: Water under the Bridges. London,
Yeni Şark Hodder and Stoughton
Yeni Ses Hohler, T. 1942: Diplomatic Petrel. London, John Murray
Yeni Ziraat Gazetesi Keun, O. 1923: My Adventures in Bolshevik Russia.
Yirminci Asır London, John Lane
Zaman Luke, H. 1924: Anatolica. London, Macmillan
Zincirbend Gençlik — 1953: Cities and Men. An Autobiography, Volume II.
Ziya Aegean, Cyprus, Turkey, Transcaucasia & Palestine
Zuhr (1914–1924). London, Geoffrey Bles
Marshall-Cornwall, J. 1984: Wars and Rumours of Wars. Russian A Memoir. London, Leo Cooper / Secker & Warburg
Vecherniaia Pressa / Вечерняя пресса / Presse du soir Mufty-Zade K. Zia Bey. 1922: Speaking of the Turks.
Zarnitsy / Зарницы. New York, Duffield and Company
dos Passos, J. 1927: Orient Express. New York, Harper
1.3. Memoirs Patrick, M.M. 1930: Under Five Sultans. London,
Williams and Norgate
1.3.1. Arabic Poynter, M.A. 1921: When Turkey Was Turkey: in and
Taha al-Hashimi. 1967: Mudhakkirāt Ṭāhā Al-Hāshimī, around Constantinople. London, G. Routledge
1919–1943. Maʻa Taḥqīq Wa-Muqaddimah Fī Tārīkh Rawlinson, A. 1923: Adventures in the Near East, 1918–
al-ʻIrāq al-Ḥadīth. Beirut, Dār al-Ṭalīʻah 1922. London, A. Melrose
Ryan, A. 1951: The Last of the Dragomans. London, G. Bles
1.3.2. Armenian Sheridan, C. 1926: A Turkish Kaleidoscope. London,
Anayis [Avedisian], [Yevpime] / Անայիս Աւետիսեան, Duckworth
Եւփիմէ. 1949: Hushers / Յուշերս. Paris, n.p. Surmelian, L. 1945: I Ask You Ladies and Gentlemen.
Bahri, Z. / Պահրի, Զ. 1995: Gyankis Vebe / Կեանքիս New York, E.P. Dutton & Co.
Վէպը. Beirut, n.p. Waugh, T. 1930: Turkey: Yesterday, Today and Tomor-
Der Yeghiayan, Z. / Տէր Եղիաեան, Զ. 1947: Badri- row. London, Chapman and Hall
arkagan Hushers Vaverakirner yev Vgayutiunner / Wrangel, P. 1957: Always with Honor. New York, Robert
Պատրիարքական Յուշերս Վաւերագիրներ Speller & Sons
Վկայութիւններ. Cairo, Nor Asdgh Dbaran Wratislaw, A.C. 1924: A Consul in the East. Edinburgh,
Kalemkarian, Z. / Գալեմքեարեան, Զ. 1952: Gyankis W. Blackwood
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Gatoghigosutian Giligio Baliozian (tr.). New York, Ashod Press

1.3.3. English 1.3.4. French

Armstrong, H.C. 1925: Turkey in Travail: the Birth of a Benezra, N.M. 1996: Une Enfance juive à Istanbul
New Nation. London, John Lane (1911–1929). Istanbul, Isis Press

A Bibliography of Armistice-Era Istanbul

Caraco, M. 2002: La Famille Calderon, ou, chronique de Morfessi, Y. / Морфесси, Ю. 1931: Zhizn’, Liubov’,
la vie juive de Constantinople au début du 20e siècle Stsena. Vospominaniia Russkogo Baiana / Жизнь,
: roman autobiographique. Istanbul, Isis Press любовь, сцена: воспоминанія русскаго баяна.
Dumesnil, V. 1948: Le Bosphore tant aimé. Paris, Paris, Starina
Éditions de Paon Shulgin, V. / Шульгин, В. 1990: Gody, Dni, 1920 /
Gritchenko, A. 1930: Deux ans à Constantinople : jour- Годы, Дни, 1920. Moscow, Novosti
nal d’un peintre. Paris, Édition Quatre Vents Slobodskoi, A. / Слободской, A. 1925: Sredi Emigratsii.
Keun, O. 1922: Sous Lénine : notes d’une femme déportée Moi vospominaniya. Kiev–Konstantinopol 1918–1920
en Russie par les Anglais. Paris, Flammarion / Среди эмиграции. Мои воспоминания. Киев–
Mavroyeni, A. 1989: Notes et souvenirs (1907–1922). Константинополь 1918–1920. Kharkov, Proletarii
Istanbul, Isis Press Teffi, N.A. / Тэффи, Н.А. 1921: Stambul i Solntse /
Rouillon, L. 1923: Mon beau voyage : la Turquie et ses Стамбул и солнце. Berlin, Mysl’
ennemis jugés par un soldat français. Paris, Les Vertinsky, A. 1989: Chetvert’ Veka Bez Rodiny: Stranitsy
Gémeaux Minuvshego / Четверть века без родины: страницы
минувшего. Kiev, Muzychna Ukraiina
1.3.5. German Wrangel, P. / Врангель, П. 2012: Vospominaniia: Put’
Pomiankowski, J. 1928: Der Zusammenbruch Des Os- Russkogo Ofitsiera / Воспоминания: Путь русского
manischen Reiches. Zurich, Amalthea-Verlag, 1928 офицера. Moscow, Veche

1.3.6. Greek 1.3.9. Turkish

Argyropoulos, P.Ι. / Αργυρόπουλος, Π.Ι. 1970: Apomni- Adıvar, H.E. 1962: Türk’ün Ateşle İmtihanı: İstiklal
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1.3.8. Russian İletişim
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