Language Learning Material For Writing

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Week 1

Skill Focus Writing and Composition

Code and Learning EN7WC-II-c-5:
Competency Extract information from a text using a summary, precis, and
References 1. Worksheet
2. Rubric


 Writing Resources
 Worksheet
 Rubric


4.1 Activity Instruction

1. Hand out copies of the worksheet to all students, ensuring that each student has a copy.
2. The student will read and study the worksheet, and answer the following activity.
3. Provide clear instructions to the students regarding the tasks on the worksheet. The
activity will allow the learners to experience how to properly paraphrase a text.
4. For the last activity, the students will refer to the rubric when paraphrasing the text.
5. Allocate a specific time frame, such as 25-30 minutes, for the students to work
independently on the activities.
4.2 Worksheet
Worksheet 1

Lesson 1


Paraphrasing is the process of expressing someone else's ideas or information in your own
words, while maintaining the original meaning. It involves rephrasing and reorganizing the
original text without changing its essence.

Considerations in Paraphrasing

1. Understand the original text:

Read the original text carefully to grasp its main idea and supporting points. Make sure
you comprehend the author's message before attempting to paraphrase it.
2. Use your own words:
Paraphrasing involves expressing the same ideas using different words and sentence
structures. Avoid directly copying phrases or sentences from the original text. Instead,
rephrase the content using your own language and writing style.
3. Change the sentence structure:
Alter the sentence structure of the original text while retaining the meaning. Convert a
long sentence into a shorter one or vice versa. Use synonyms, different verb forms, and
alternative phrases to express the same concept.
4. Focus on the core message:
Identify the key points and ideas in the original text and prioritize conveying them
accurately. Some supporting details or examples can be omitted or condensed while
paraphrasing, as long as the central message remains intact.
5. Use synonyms and different word choices:
Replace words or phrases from the original text with synonyms or alternative expressions.
Be cautious about maintaining the same meaning, context, and tone. Consult a thesaurus
to find appropriate word choices.
6. Be mindful of citation and plagiarism:
Paraphrasing is not an excuse for presenting someone else's work as your own. If you're
using paraphrased content in an academic or professional context, make sure to properly
cite the original source. Additionally, avoid closely imitating the original sentence structure
and style.
7. Compare your paraphrase to the original:
After paraphrasing, compare your version to the original text. Ensure that the meaning
and tone are preserved while the wording and sentence structure are sufficiently
different. Make revisions as needed to improve clarity and accuracy.
Worksheet 1

Paraphrasing is the act of restating someone else's ideas or information in one's own words,
while retaining the meaning and essence of the original content (Roig, 2019). It involves
rephrasing and restructuring sentences, using synonyms, and altering the sentence structure to
convey the same information without directly quoting the original source. Paraphrasing is a
critical skill in academic writing as it allows researchers to integrate external information into
their work while demonstrating their understanding and avoiding plagiarism (Smith, 2017).


Original Sentence: "The internet has revolutionized communication and transformed the way
people interact with each other."

Paraphrased Sentence: "Communication has undergone a significant transformation and

people's interactions have been revolutionized by the internet."

Original Sentence: "Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and
reducing the risk of chronic diseases."

Paraphrased Sentence: "To lead a healthy life and lower the chances of chronic illnesses, it is
crucial to engage in regular physical activity."

Original Passage: "Climate change poses a significant threat to our planet. Rising global
temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are all signs of this alarming
phenomenon. It is essential that we take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and adopt sustainable practices to mitigate the impact of climate change on our environment."

Paraphrased Version: "The Earth is facing a major danger due to climate change. Increased
worldwide temperatures, the melting of ice caps, and the occurrence of severe weather events
are indications of this concerning occurrence. It is crucial for us to promptly address the issue
by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and embracing sustainable measures to alleviate the
influence of climate change on our surroundings."


Roig, M. (2019). Paraphrasing plagiarism: An exploration of the definitions of plagiarism and

paraphrasing. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 15(1), 1-13.

Smith, J. (2017). The art of paraphrasing in academic writing. Journal of Scholarly Writing, 24(3),
Worksheet 1


I. Paraphrasing Practice

Instructions: Paraphrase the following sentences using your own words. Maintain the original

1. Original Sentence: "She completed the project ahead of schedule."

Paraphrased Sentence: ___________________________________________________________

2. Original Sentence: "The movie was highly entertaining, with thrilling action scenes."

Paraphrased Sentence: ___________________________________________________________

3. Original Sentence: "He possesses exceptional artistic talent."

Paraphrased Sentence: ___________________________________________________________

4. Original Sentence: "The novel explores the complexities of human nature."

Paraphrased Sentence: ___________________________________________________________

5. Original Sentence: "The team celebrated their victory with great enthusiasm."

Paraphrased Sentence: ___________________________________________________________

Worksheet 1

II. Identifying Paraphrases

Instructions: Circle the paraphrase of the original sentence.

1. Original Sentence: "The cat chased the mouse."

a) The mouse was pursued by the cat.
b) The cat and mouse were playing together.
c) The dog chased the cat.

2. Original Sentence: "She sings beautifully."

a) Her singing is exceptional.
b) She dances gracefully.
c) She speaks eloquently.

3. Original Sentence: "The car collided with a tree."

a) The tree fell on the car.
b) The car crashed into a tree.
c) The tree crashed into the car.

4. Original Sentence: "I love eating pizza."

a) Pizza is my favorite food.
b) I dislike eating pizza.
c) I am allergic to pizza.

5. Original Sentence: "The students studied diligently for the exam."

a) The students avoided studying for the exam.
b) The students procrastinated before the exam.
c) The students put in a lot of effort to prepare for the exam.
Worksheet 1

I. Paraphrasing Practice
Instructions: Read a paragraph or short passage and paraphrase it in your own words.
Paraphrase the passage by expressing the same idea using your own words. Focus on
maintaining the original meaning while rephrasing the sentence structure and using different

Original Passage:
Climate change is a big problem. The Earth is getting warmer and things are changing.
The weather is becoming more extreme, with hotter summers and colder winters. The ice is
melting in the polar regions, causing the sea levels to rise. Animals and plants are also affected.
Some animals are losing their homes because their habitats are changing. It's important for
everyone to understand climate change and take actions to protect our planet. We can do
things to help stop climate change. One way is by using less energy in our daily lives. We can
turn off lights and appliances when we're not using them and use energy-efficient light bulbs
and appliances. Another important thing is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We can buy fewer
things and use them for a long time. When we recycle, we turn old things into new ones instead
of throwing them away. Planting trees is another great way to fight climate change because
trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. If we all work together, we can make a
difference and protect our planet for future generations.

Paraphrased Version:
Worksheet 1


Aspect Rating
Organization 1 - Limited organization; ideas are disjointed and difficult to follow.
2 - Some organization; ideas are somewhat coherent, but transitions are weak.
3 - Good organization; ideas flow logically with clear transitions between
4 - Excellent organization; ideas are well-structured, cohesive, and flow smoothly.
Language Usage 1 - Poor language usage; limited vocabulary and frequent errors hinder
2 - Basic language usage; some vocabulary variety, but errors occasionally affect
3 - Proficient language usage; appropriate vocabulary with few errors that do not
impede understanding.
4 - Sophisticated language usage; diverse vocabulary, precise expression, and
minimal errors.
Grammar 1 - Frequent and significant grammatical errors that impede comprehension.
2 - Some grammatical errors that occasionally affect clarity.
3 - Minor grammatical errors that do not hinder understanding.
4 - Virtually error-free grammar with excellent sentence structure.

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