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World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

The Successful Use of Galvanized Rebar for Corrosion Protection

of Concrete Reinforcement.
W. M. Marques
International Zinc Association, São Paulo, Brazil.

ABSTRACT: Hot-dip galvanized (HDG) reinforcing steel is bare reinforcing steel coated with a
protective layer of zinc metal. The zinc coating serves as a barrier to corrosive elements that the
rebar is exposed to when embedded in concrete. In addition to the barrier protection that the zinc
provides, it also provides a level of cathodic protection where the zinc will preferentially corrode
when in contact with bare steel (e.g. a void or hole on the surface of the galvanized will be protected
by the surrounding zinc.) Zinc (galvanized) also possesses other favorable corrosion characteristics
when embedded in concrete which make it an effective coating material for corrosion resistance. The
mechanisms of rebar corrosion in tunnel environments will be reviewed. The benefits of use of
galvanized rebar will then be introduced.

1 INTRODUCTION about 1,100 g/m2 (~150 microns thick). The

composition of these coatings, including the
thickness of the zinc surface layer, can vary as a
Galvanizing is one of many techniques used function of the chemistry of the steel being
to extend the life of steel-reinforced concrete coated and the operating parameters of the zinc
structures exposed to aggressive environments bath. The initial corrosion behavior of the coat-
that promote reinforcement corrosion (Yeomans, ing when embedded in concrete is affected by
S. R. 2004). It is very effective in combating the the chemistry of the surface layer (Tan, Z.Q.,
effects of carbonation-induced reinforcement Hansson, C.M. 2008). A coating with a pure zinc
corrosion and increases resistance to chloride layer is known to be more corrosion resistant
corrosion both by increasing the threshold chlo- than one that is an intermetallic zinc-iron phase.
ride level where corrosion begins and also by Sometimes however, with the “batch” hot-dip
slowing the rate of corrosion after that threshold process, a coating comprised entirely of zinc-
is exceeded. Galvanizing reinforcing steel has iron is produced.
been an established practice for some 70-80
years in many countries. The last decade has
seen a growing interest and demand for this 2 UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT
Steel reinforcement can be in the form of CONCRETE
wire, prestressing strand or reinforcing bar (re-
bar). In the case of rebar, the most widely used When mild steel is used as reinforcing in
method to apply the zinc is by the hot-dip meth- concrete, a protective oxide layer is naturally
od. It involves the immersion of single or batch- formed on the surface of the steel due to the
es of cleaned steel bars into a bath of molten alkalinity of the concrete. As long as this film is
zinc at 450 °C. This allows a metallurgical reac- maintained, the reinforcement will indefinitely
remain in a passive state. Once corrosion is
tion to occur between the steel and the zinc, and
initiated, it is only a matter of time before the
produces an intentionally thick coating on the expansive pressures from steel oxidation causes
steel made up of a series of zinc-iron alloy lay- concrete cracking, spalling and delaminations. If
ers, which grow from the steel/zinc interface the on-going corrosion activity is not addressed,
with a layer of essentially pure zinc at the sur- section loss of the reinforcing will occur and
face. These coatings can have a mass of up to
World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

significant structure repair or replacement may is so high that there is a risk of complete disso-
eventually be required. lution of the coating (see figure 1). The relation-
ship between cement alkali content and zinc
2.1 Chloride Contamination corrosion rate may help explain the observed
different behaviors and life of galvanized coat-
In most cases, the protective oxide film on the ings in concrete. The pH of cement on contact
reinforcing steel is destroyed by the presence of with the galvanize coating is very important as
elevated levels of chloride ions. The chloride it controls the formation of a compact and ad-
threshold to initiate corrosion is generally
herent passive layer of calcium hydroxyzincate
considered to be around 0.59 to 0.83 kg of water
soluble Cl- per m3 of concrete (at the level of (CaHZn), a compound that, after being formed,
the steel). This chloride threshold will vary greatly slows corrosion of the zinc surface layer.
depending upon the pH of the concrete. For
example, concrete that has experienced a loss of
alkalinity will require fewer chlorides to initiate
corrosion. Chloride-induced corrosion can be
commonly found in structures exposed to de-
icing salts, a marine environment, or certain
industrial processes. On some structures,
sufficient quantities of chlorides to cause
corrosion were introduced in the original
construction by the use of chloride-containing
admixtures or contaminated aggregates. A table
showing maximum chloride ion content for
different types of concrete is at ACI 318-83,
“Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Figure 1 Corrosion Rate (from Author)
The passivation layer develops during the
first few hours after mixing when the pH of the
2.2 Carbonation concrete solution is lower than 12.8 +/- 0.1. If
pH is between 12.8 and 13.2 the layer develops
The passive oxide film can also be destroyed by slowly and the galvanized coating may continue
the loss of alkalinity in the concrete matrix to dissolve until the passivating layer is formed.
surrounding the reinforcing steel. The reduction If the pH is greater than 13.2, the passive
in alkalinity is generally caused by carbonation, layer will not developed and the galvanize layer
a reaction of atmospheric carbon dioxide with is dissolved completely. pH levels greater than
calcium hydroxide (in the cement paste) in the
13.2 do not develop in concrete pore solutions
presence of water. The result is a reversion of
the calcium hydroxide to calcium carbonate during the first few hours if sulphate is used as a
(limestone) which has insufficient alkalinity to settling regulator, or enough alkaline sulphates
support the passive oxide layer. The amount of are present.
time for the carbonated zone to reach the level The nature of the different alloy microstruc-
of the reinforcing is a function of the amount of tures in HDG rebar has a significant effect on
concrete cover, concrete porosity, humidity the performance of the galvanize coating in al-
levels, and the level of exposure to carbon kaline solutions - primarily because it's the outer
dioxide gas. Carbonation-induced corrosion is a pure zinc layer (eta) that provides the most ef-
particular threat to older building structures. fective passivation, while the underlying Fe-Zn
layers are less stable, particularly in the pres-
3 CORROSION OF GALVANIZED ence of chlorides, by which they are selectively
REINFORCING BAR IN CONCRETE attacked. It is therefore concluded that galvanize
coatings should have a sufficient reserve of the
The threshold for zinc corrosion in concrete pure zinc layer (> than at least 10 microns) to
pore solutions is at a pH of between 12.8 and enable the development of a perfect, and so pas-
13.2 +/- 0.1. Above this limit the corrosion rate sivating, film of CaHZn.
World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

With batch HDG coatings, higher strength friable and able to migrate away from the
(500 MPa) galvanized rebar has a thinner pure bar/matrix interface into the body of the con-
zinc layer than 400 MPa bar (because of its crete. This migration increases concrete density
higher reactivity in the zinc bath), so has a high- and therefore reduces the local chloride diffu-
er corrosion rate in chloride-bearing or car- sion rates through the cover toward the rebar.
bonated concrete. When the aggressive species In concrete, the critical chloride level for bare
(carbonation front, or chloride ions) reached the steel is 1.1 lb/yd3 (0.65 kg/m3) In a 1992 ILZRO
galvanized reinforcement, in order to initiate performance evaluation report, a bridge in Boca
corrosion they have to disrupt the physical bar- Chica, FL reached this level of chloride in the
rier of the CaHZn film. Carbonation lowers pH concrete within 3 years, and the galvanized rein-
from highly alkaline to around neutrality (pH 7), forcing bars in place showed no corrosion dis-
where the rate of Zn corrosion is still very low. tress 19 years later (Dieter, G.E. 1961). Not all
As a result, galvanized rebar does not gener- metallic materials have the same corro-
ally corrode in carbonated concrete. Chlorides sion/damage/stress/time response relationship. It
are the more aggressive ions for reinforced con- is important to explore the corrosion rate intrin-
crete and are the most frequent cause of rein- sic to the interface of the metal and local envi-
forcement distress. Cl comes from the raw ma- ronment over the exposure time, the volumetric
terials, marine environments or deicing salts. expansion of corrosion products, the degree to
Zinc is attacked by Cl, but has a higher thresh- which these corrosion products protect the metal
old value than bare steel. The overall behavior from further corrosion and the mobility or de-
depends on the source of the Cl, the state of the gree to which the concrete accommodates corro-
galvanized surface (including protection afford- sion products. As illustrated in Figure 2, both
ed by Zn corrosion products), and the degree of black steel and galvanized rebar inserted in con-
protection provided by the concrete cover. crete go through a dormant (initiation) period
If the coating has a pure Zn layer, it dissolves (“A” for bare steel and “C” for galvanized), up
uniformly at first and only later does localized to the time where corrosive species build up at
attack occur in the alloy layers. The absence of the metal/concrete interface and corrosion be-
an external zinc layer produces much higher gins. Bare steel begins to corrode rapidly at this
corrosion rates. Galvannealed coatings (~ 10% point, as shown by period “B” in Figure 1. Gal-
Fe) are catastrophically destroyed when they are vanized steel corrodes much more slowly
used in chloride-containing concrete. "Galvan- through period "D", into period “E” where rem-
neal" refers to steel with a zinc-iron alloy coat- nant zinc areas cathodically protect bare areas.
ing. This is produced by heating a hot dipped
galvanized steel so that the zinc coating and the
top layer of the steel surface essentially meld
together to form a zinc-iron alloy. The most re-
sistant galvanized coatings are those with a
thicker external layer of pure zinc (Yeomans, S. R.
2004). The corrosion of steel in concrete can be
viewed as developing through a two-stage
Figure 2 Kinetics of Black vs. Galvanized Rebar
mechanism: initiation and propagation. Efforts
(Adapted from Yeomans) – from ref 3
to achieve long-term durability of reinforced
concrete have been mostly directed 3 at delay- Figure 3 relates galvanized steel corrosion
ing initiation, i.e. postponing as long as possible behavior to local Cl concentration at the rebar
the start of the propagation stage. In addition to surface. The delayed dormancy period between
the delay in the onset of corrosion, zinc corro- the end of zone I and the start of zone II (in
sion products are not expansive in nature, so spite of increasing Cl content) is supported by
during the time the galvanized coating is dis- the literature.3 The beginning of period II is the
solving, the life of the structure is also effective- critical threshold for the beginning of corrosion
ly being extended. The zinc rich corrosion (A/B boundary in Figure 1 and I/II boundary in
products that typically develop are known to be Figure 2).
World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

Bar Type Max. active Min. passive Depth Loss

icorr (μA/cm2) icorr (μA/cm2) @ 50 h (μm)
Weathered 83 - 95 0,6 – 0,8 2,03
Annealed 41 - 80 0,2 – 0,6 1,18
Chromated 37 - 65 1,1 – 2,3 0,92
Non-chromated 30 - 92 0,5 – 0,7 0,45

Figure 3 Kinetics of Galvanized Rebar (Adapted from With 100 micron and thicker coatings, the
Yeomans and Barton) – from ref 3
depth losses of zinc to passivation are consid-
ered insignificant (see Table 1). Note the in-
Tan and Hansson2 state that a coating with a
creased depth loss for annealed bar compared to
pure zinc surface layer is known to be more cor-
non-chromated bar.
rosion resistant than one that is an intermetallic
zinc-iron phase. This is illustrated in Figure 4, 4 POTENTIAL ADVANTAGES OF
where the annealed specimens (having a reac- CONTINUOUSLY GALVANIZED REBAR
tive coating with no pure zinc top layer) re- (CGR) OVER HDG WITH ZINC-IRON
quired a longer time to passivate, because less ALLOY LAYERS
zinc is available on the surface, and a second
and higher peak current density is apparent prior The CGR coating process uses a small
to passivation, likely attributable to the different amount of Al (0.2%) in the zinc bath to produce
intermetallic layers near the surface of this spec- a coating that is almost pure zinc except for an
imen. In Portland cement hydrogen evolution approximately 0.1 micron ternary intermetallic
ceases when the bar becomes passivated. It also alloy layer (Fe2Al5-xZnx) at the zinc/steel inter-
appears that for chromated and non-chromated face. Such a coating, because of its very thin al-
bars the higher availability of zinc at the surface loy layer (the same as that produced on continu-
allowed passivation to occur sufficiently fast so ously galvanized sheet products), is very
that the second peak could be prevented. adherent and can be bent or stretched with min-
imal cracking, and no peeling or flaking. The
CGR process coats the steel using a total expo-
sure time to the molten zinc of several seconds
before cooling. Including the preheating stage,
the total time the steel is at the temperature of
the molten zinc (465 °C) is 4-5 seconds. This al-
lows all grades of steel (normal and high
strength) to be galvanized with no risk of em-
brittlement. In fact, any cold work stresses im-
parted to the bar by a straightening process prior
to entry into the coating section would be al-
most entirely relieved by the preheating prior to
Figure 4 Corrosion of HDG bars when exposed to pH zinc bath entry. All grades, including high
12.5. , ♦ chromated bar, ● annealed bar; ■ non-chromated strength, will have the same coating of essen-
bar – from ref 2
tially pure zinc. This would be the case even
with reactive steels that produce coatings with
In the Tan and Hansson paper, passivation
thick Zn-Fe layers in the traditional HDG pro-
occurred for all types of HDG bars in a CaOH
cess. The literature on rebar with HDG coatings,
solution. Although time to passivation was the
while generally showing much improved corro-
same for chromated and non-chromated bars,
sion resistance over bare steel in concrete, does
the passive current density is slightly higher for
indicate the zinc-iron alloy layers have less cor-
the chromated specimens, indicating the chro-
rosion resistance than pure zinc and are, in fact,
mate film is less protective than the CaHZn.
the corroding species during the propagation
Table 1 Corrosion current and depth loss summary within stage of the life cycle (Yeomans, S. R. 2004, Tan,
the first two days – from ref 2 Z.Q. 2008). CGR has a much thicker pure zinc
World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

(eta) coating (about 50 microns) than the top eta As covered above, the zinc corrosion products
layer of some HDG coatings, and would there- produced in concrete are friable and have been
fore be expected have a longer Zn corrosion shown to dissipate into the concrete without
stage (period “D” in Figure 1) than such HDG creating the spalling stresses produced by iron
coatings. This suggests that once in period “D”, corrosion products. It is reasonable to conclude
50 microns of pure zinc would not only corrode that the corrosion products from pure zinc
more slowly, than say would be even more friable, producing less
a coating of 10 microns of zinc covering 40+ stress than those from zinc-iron alloys, particu-
microns of zinc-iron alloy layers, but would larly those formed from the gamma phase alloy.
significantly delay the onset of period A conceptual continuous galvanizing process
“E”(Zn+Fe corrosion). The service life of pure is shown in Figure 5. This exact configuration
zinc coatings could therefore be extended con- has not yet been used to produce galvanized re-
siderably compared to HDG coatings that have a bar, but is used on other products such as nar-
thin or non existent pure zinc top layer, and that row-width flats and wire rod.
superior and more dependable performance
could be achieved using the thinner pure Zn
coatings. Certainly, if having 50 microns of pure
zinc proves to be 100 percent effective in resist-
ing severe chloride environments for long peri-
ods, whether it be the top layer on a HDG coat-
ing or the only layer on CGR, then it can be
concluded that the thick layers of zinc-iron alloy
under the pure zinc on HDG may not be re-
quired to achieve the corrosion resistance target
of the application. With the CGR process, 50
microns of pure zinc can be assured to be there.
This assurance may not be possible for all
HDG products. It is interesting to note that In-
ternational Standard ISO 14657 Zinc-coated Figure 5 Proposed process for non-flux continuous galva-
steel for the reinforcement of concrete, specifies nized of reinforcing bar
three classes of coatings, viz., Class A, 600
g/m2 (for diameter d > 6 mm) and 500 g/m2 (for Flux based versions of this process are run in
d ≤ 6 mm); Class B, 300 g/m2 and Class C, 140 other parts of the world using cut-to-length bars.
g/m2. ASTM A767 has 2 classes of coatings, The heat-to-coat method shown in Figure 4 is a
viz., Class I, 915 g/m2 (for d = 10 bar) and 1070 simpler and less costly means of continuously
g/m2 (for d ≥ 13 bar) and Class II, 610 g/m2. galvanizing rebar. Once this process is perfect-
Whereas ASTM A767 specifies the coatings ed, multiple strands could be run side-by-side at
shall be applied by the ‘dipping’ process using speeds from 10 to perhaps 80 meters per minute.
properly prepared bars (implying the batch pro- The induction heating step would bring the
cess), the ISO specification allows bars that are bar surface temperature up to at least the zinc
‘galvanized as an integral phase of the steel bath temperature of 450 °C, allowing the normal
making process’ as well as ‘subsequently galva- continuous galvanizing iron/aluminum reaction
nized’ bars. The requirements for almost 50% to occur that forms the thin and ductile interme-
less zinc by ISO, and no specific language about tallic alloy layer. This process could be used to
galvanizing methods, implies that coatings con- convert black coils of reinforcing bar into gal-
sisting entirely of pure zinc are acceptable and vanized coils, that could be sent for subsequent
that there is not necessarily a need for the thick processing into galvanized rebar cut lengths and
coatings specified by A767. In any case, the formed parts. One concern about doing this is
thinnest coating (140 g/m2) in ISO 14657 is too the added cold work that might create unac-
light to be produced by the batch HDG process. ceptable strain ageing in the rebar from the extra
uncoiling, straightening and recoiling involved
in such a process. The rapid induction heating
World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

step would be expected to largely relieve any

stresses created prior to galvanizing by taking
advantage of the ‘uphill quenching’effect.5 This
would result in a galvanized coil of rebar with
very similar cold work stresses as current black
rebar coils have prior to being formed into parts.


Over a long period of time, hot dip

galvanizing has proven to provide cost effective
and reliable corrosion protection to steel in
concrete in a variety of exposure conditions.
Hot dip galvanizing is one of a number of
corrosion protection measures used to improve
the overall durability of reinforced concrete.
The convenience of manufacture and supply of
the product, the ease of handling, transportation
and installation, its proven durability and the
fact that no special design requirements are
needed, means that hot dip galvanized steel has
been accepted in many countries worldwide for
a wide range of concrete construction.


1 Yeomans, S. R. 2004. Galvanized Steel Reinforcement

in Concrete, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford
2 Tan, Z.Q., C.M. 2008. Effect of surface condition on the
initial corrosion of galvanized reinforcing steel embedded
in concrete, Corrosion Science, Hansson, p. 50, 2512-
3 Kinstler, T.J. 2002. Research and Update on Galva-
nized Reinforcing Steel
4 Stejskal, B. 1992. Project ZE-389, Evaluation of the
Performance of Galvanized Steel Reinforcement in Con-
crete Bridge Decks, Construction Technology Laborato-
ries, published by ILZRO
5 Dieter, G.E. 1961. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-
Hill, New York, p. 418

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