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Name: Samuel Bentum

Index Number: 0720000537

Class: HND In IT A

Authentication is a critical aspect of information security systems that ensures that only
authorized users can access the resources or data they need. In codes and ciphers,
authentication can be achieved through various techniques, including digital signatures,
message authentication codes (MACs), and hash functions.
Digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity of a digital document or message. A
digital signature is created using a cryptographic algorithm that generates a unique code or
hash value based on the contents of the document or message. This code is then encrypted
using the sender's private key, creating a digital signature that can be attached to the
message. When the recipient receives the message, they can verify the signature's
authenticity by decrypting the signature using the sender's public key and comparing it to
the calculated hash value of the message. If the two values match, the signature is
authentic, and the message has not been tampered with during transmission.
Message authentication codes (MACs) are another technique used for authentication in
codes and ciphers. A MAC is a short piece of information that is generated using a secret key
and appended to the message. When the recipient receives the message, they can re-
compute the MAC using the same key and compare it to the MAC sent with the message. If
the two values match, the message is authentic, and the recipient can be assured that the
message has not been tampered with during transmission.
Hash functions are a type of cryptographic algorithm used to create fixed-length values
(hash values) from input data of any size. These hash values can be used for authentication
by comparing them to a pre-calculated hash value for the same input data. If the two hash
values match, the input data has not been tampered with, and the authenticity of the data
is verified.
In summary, codes and ciphers can provide authentication in an information security system
using digital signatures, message authentication codes, and hash functions. These
techniques ensure that only authorized users can access resources and data while
maintaining data integrity during transmission.

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