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Heat is a form of energy
that flows from a
warmer material to a
colder one.
Temperature is the measure
of how hot or cold matter
is. Temperature is measured
in units called degrees
Celsius (C°)
What is Heat Energy?

Heat energy is the result of the movement of

tiny particles called atoms, molecules or ions
in solids, liquids and gases.

Heat energy can be transferred from one object

to another. The transfer or flow due to the
difference in temperature between the two
objects is called heat.
The chocolate drink is hot
while the ice cubes are cold.
When mixed, the chocolate
drink cools down and the
ice cubes warm up and melt.
Heat flows from the hot
chocolate to the ice cubes.
How is Heat Produced?
Thermal energy (also called heat
energy) is produced when a rise in
temperature causes atoms and
molecules to move faster and
collide with each other. The energy
that comes from the temperature
of the heated substance is called
thermal energy
When you hold an iron bar in a fire, heat travels along the
metal by conduction (red arrow). Why? Atoms at the hot
end move more quickly as they absorb the fire's heat. They
gradually pass their energy further along the bar,
eventually warming the whole thing up.
The sun is Earth’s major external source of heat energy. The
sun’s energy travels to Earth as electromagnetic radiation. The
amount of radiation we receive depends on the time of day
and season, but it is constantly enough heat energy to support
Geothermal energy comes from within the Earth. The
heat is produced within Earth’s core, which is made of
solid iron surrounded by molten lava. The core is hotter
than the surface of the sun. The energy is produced by
the radioactive decay of particles of rocks, creating the
magma. People use geothermal heat by utilizing hot
springs or underground water to heat homes and
buildings. hot spring
Animal and plant products give us natural heat energy. When we eat
hamburgers, an animal source, or salad, a plant source, we get heat energy in
the form of calories, which fuels us. When we burn types of plant products,
such as trees, heat energy is created. Heat energy from biomass-plant and
animal products-is originally from the sun. Plants use heat energy directly
from the sun to grow through the process of photosynthesis. Animals eat the
BIOMASS plants to get energy. Humans eat plants as well as animals for energy.

Solid fuel, such as coal, and gaseous fuel, such as petroleum, are natural
sources of heat energy. These fuels are created over millions of years from
the remains of plants and animals. We find them in deposits beneath the
surface of the earth. When humans ignite fossil fuels, the fuels combust,
creating heat energy.


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What are the 3 types of heat transfer?

Three types of heat transfer are :

Conduction transfers heat through touch,

Convection uses the movement of fluids,

Radiation uses electromagnetic waves to transfer heat.

Thermal conductors are objects
that allow heat to flow easily
through them. Metals such as copper,
gold, and aluminum are conductors.
Thermal insulators are objects
that do not allow heat to flow
easily through them. Fabric,
wood, and foam are insulators.
How is Heat used in energy?

Heat is used to generate

electricity at a thermal
power plant for our daily
lives. .
Thermal power plant are the most common
type of power plant in the world, accounting
for about 60% of global electricity
generation. They are used to generate
electricity from a variety of fuels, including
coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear power.

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