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1) There are / There're some pens on the table.

2) There are / There're two glasses on the shelf.

3) There are / There're a lot of people in the bus.

4) There is / There's a problem with my car.

5) There is / There's one bottle of milk in the fridge.

6) There are / There're eleven players in a football team.

7) There is / There's an error in this English exercise.

8) There are / There're three televisions in my house.

9) There are / There're ten questions in this test.

10) There are / There're a hundred centimetres in a metre.

En estas frases, hay que emplear el auxiliar "will" con el verbo entre

If Steve plays in the football team, they will win the match. (win)

1) If I finish this work early, I home. (go)

2) If the weather is cold, we television this evening.


3) I you to work in my car if it's very late. (take)

4) We if we need to buy some food. (go shopping)

5) If you help me with the dinner, we time to go to the
cinema. (have)

1) Thieves broke ____ our house while we were on holiday. But they didn't take
very much.

2) Mary and John broke ____ after ten years of marriage. Mary is living with her
mother now.

3) I was brought ____ in the countryside. It was a very happy childhood.

4) There had been an explosion in the kitchen. The police said a gas cannister
had blown ____.

5) She broke ____ in tears. Her dog had died that morning.

6) I'm going to have to brush ____ on my English. I've forgotten a lot.

7) When you load new programmes on your PC, you should boot it ____ again
so they'll work properly.
8) (on the phone) "I'll call you ____ later when you're less busy."

9) I made a mistake when I brought ____ the subject of politics. I shouldn't have
mentioned that subject.

10) We had to call ____ the party. Very few people wanted to come.

check your answ er

*Incorrect answers are shown in red. You have two chances to find the
correct answers.

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1) break into/in (enter by force usually to steal - in Spanish, entrar con

intención de robar)

2) break up (separate after having a relationship - in Spanish, separarse)

3) bring up (raise a child - in Spanish, criar, educar)

4) blow up (explode - in Spanish, explotar)

5) break down (start to cry, becoming emotional - in Spanish, perder el

control, echarse a llorar)

6) brush up (relearn something, practise - in Spanish, repasar)

7) boot up (start a computer - in Spanish, arrancar, encender)

8) call back (telephone again - in Spanish, volver a llamar)

9) bring up (start a topic of conversation - in Spanish, mencionar, sacar un


10) call off (cancel - in Spanish, cancelar)

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6) If you exercise more, you weight. (lose)

7) If there's a lot of traffic, I the bus. (get)

8) If I see John, I him. (ask)

9) If the house is dirty, we it this weekend. (clean)

10) If you don't switch on your PC, it . (not work)


*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.


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1) will go

2) will watch

3) will take

4) will go shopping

5) will have

6) will lose

7) will get

8) will ask

9) will clean

10) will not work/won't work

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