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Group 6: Sevilla, Gan, Ersando, Lugami

VISION: We envision a future where every child has equal access to affordable and exceptional early childhood
education, laying the foundation for lifelong achievement. We are committed to ensuring the widespread
availability of affordable primary education for all youth, fostering a rich and equitable educational landscape

MISSION: We are committed to empowering national empowerment through a resilient network of home-
based educators, providing affordable and accessible early childhood education for all children. We emphasize
equitable access to high-quality learning, fueled by innovation, collaboration, and advocacy for fairness. We
aim to break barriers for a better tomorrow, regardless of socioeconomic status or location.

GOAL: Guarantee the presence of a specific count of qualified teachers to enhance the accessibility of
economically viable early childhood education nationwide.


Specific Develop targeted training for home-based education teachers to meet early
childhood education demands in every region

Measurable Conduct 10 workshops in each region, with each session training 50 educators,
totaling 5,000 educators nationwide.

Attainable Secure a budget for each workshop, covering expenses like venue rental, materials,
and trainer fees. Recruit a team of skilled early childhood education trainers.

Relevant Enhance the number of qualified educators to ensure affordable early childhood
education for all children

Time-bound Complete all workshops within 12 months, with the initial session scheduled to
commence within two months from today


A. Needs Assessment and Training Program

Conduct a needs assessment for educator shortages and develop a comprehensive training
program for home-based educators.
B. Workshop Implementation

Securing funding and resources for program implementation involves identifying regions in
need, allocating budgets for workshops, and employing a team of 10 expert trainers. Coordinating
logistics, developing tailored curriculum, and publicizing events precede workshop implementation,
where progress is monitored, feedback collected, and the overall program is evaluated for
effectiveness, culminating in a celebration of successful completion.

C. Policy and Financial Support

Draft and implement national policies prioritizing early childhood education and allocate
sufficient funding for affordable education programs.

D. Infrastructure and Community Engagement

Build and expand infrastructure for early childhood education in underserved areas and engage
communities, parents, and caregivers to raise awareness and involve them in program planning.

E. Teacher Training and Monitoring

Provide comprehensive training and ongoing professional development for educators and
establish monitoring systems for program effectiveness, including enrollment rates and learning

F. Partnerships and Advocacy

Foster collaborations with educational institutions, NGOs, and other entities, and advocate for
early childhood education as a fundamental right, raising public awareness.

G. Region-Specific Actions

Systematically addressing high-demand regions, assessing teacher counts, establishing

partnerships, supporting teacher training, planning workshops based on regional needs, allocating
resources, recruiting qualified trainers, and setting up monitoring mechanisms aligns to train home-
based educators for universal access to affordable early childhood education.

H. Resource Allocation and Barriers

(a) Designated Resources:

Essential resources for success include financial support for program development and
logistics, human resources for management and training, and physical resources for materials and

(b) Potential Barriers:

Limited budget, time constraints, funding challenges, trainer availability, low turnout, program
effectiveness, limited resources for development, and resistance to policy changes pose potential

I. Outcomes

Addressing educator shortages through a tailored training program involves securing funding,
identifying venues, recruiting participants, hiring qualified trainers, and enhancing workshop
participation to improve educator skills.

J. Evidence of Success

Educators trained, participant feedback, improved education quality, and policy changes
support educator development.

K. Tracking and Evaluation Process

Regularly review progress, collect participant and stakeholder feedback, monitor educator
performance, evaluate policy impact, and adjust strategies for successful implementation and goal

L. Progress Monitoring

Review progress against the timeline, collect feedback from participants and stakeholders,
identify challenges, and adjust the action plan for successful implementation and goal achievement.

M. Key Performance Indicators

Monitor enrollment rates, assess access and equity, evaluate program quality, monitor teacher
training effectiveness, assess parental engagement and changes, measure learning outcomes, solicit
community feedback, and monitor policy implementation for early childhood education.

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