303 - Company Culture Post-Reading Exercise Leah Viamonte

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English 2

Company Culture Exercise (10 pts.)

Name: Leah Viamonte

Date: February 12, 2024

A) Of the following words highlighted throughout the articles, match each to its best meaning
according to the context it’s used.

1) array of i) display, variety a) something of particular value

2) pose j) raise/bring attention to, suggest b) desirable benefits

3) therefore n) as a result c) give employment

4) asset a) something of particular value d) inner-most part of

5) core d) inner-most part e) search for

6) instilled in l) put into/infused slowly over a period of time f) that which has the majority

7) key m) essential, most important g) speaking really highly of

8) perks b) desirable benefits h) evaluate

9) prevailing f) that which has the majority i) display, variety

10) raving about g) speaking really highly of j) raise/bring attention to, suggest

11) seek e) search for k) assume responsibility for

12) take on k) assume responsibility for l) put into/infused slowly over a period of time

m) essential, most important

n) as a result
B) Now use each of the words (listed above) in your own ‘authentic’, meaningful sentence. The
sentences should be original, self-written – NOT COPIED from the dictionary or other source.
Also, the words should be used according to the ways they were in the readings and the
definitions above.

1. The art gallery displayed an impressive array of paintings from different eras.
2.Before making a decision, we need to pose some important questions regarding the group
3.The weather forecast predicts rain; therefore, we should bring our umbrellas and sweaters.
4. Time management is an asset in achieving the success we want.
5. Meditation helps to calm the mind and connect with one's core being.
6. Values of honesty and integrity are instilled in children at a really young age.
7. Communication is key to maintaining long healthy relationships.
8. One of the perks of working is that you can have your own money.
9. During the summer months, the prevailing fashion trend among teenagers is to wear colorful
and comfortable clothing.
10. After trying the new restaurant, I couldn't stop raving about the delicious food and the
great environment.
11. My brother decided to seek professional advice when faced with a big legal issue.
12. As the eldest sibling, my sister often had to take on the responsibility of looking after me
and my brother when my parents were busy.

C) Write a summary-commentary of the articles read on company culture. The piece of work
should contain 3 well-developed paragraphs. Follow/respond to the guide/structure below.

Paragraph 1 should include:

 An opening statement that will get the attention of the reader. This could be something like a
personal reaction to what you read, a thought-provoking question or other statement, a quote
or expression related in some way to the contents of the articles.
 Responses to: Did you have previous understanding of this concept: ‘company culture’, and if so,
what was it and where’d you learn about it? If you were not aware of this concept, what do you
now know that you didn’t before?

Paragraph 2 should include:

 What do you think are the most important points of these articles (name 3) that should be
considered, thought about, and applied? In YOUR opinion, and in your own words, why do YOU
think these points are important?

Paragraph 3 should include:

 How do YOU personally connect to the contents in terms of your life now and where you are
headed in your particular future professional work/what you’ll be doing and with whom? Be
sure to mention your future field of work.
 How do you think you could benefit from being aware of the concept of company culture?
 Lastly, a concluding thought that will leave the reader with something to think about. Again, it
could be a statement, question, etc.

 Try to find a way to integrate into your summary 2 or 3 of the words from section A as well as
2 or 3 additional signal words (as practiced in class), and either underline or bold the words.

 Please complete and submit your work using a ‘Word’ doc.

Exploring company culture got me thinking about how workplaces are like big families, each with its own
rules, values, and ways of doing things. Before reading these articles, I knew a bit about company
culture from what I've heard and seen, but I didn't realize how important it really is. Now, I get that it's
like the heartbeat of a company, shaping how everyone behaves and works together.

The articles pointed out a few key things that I think are important. First off, they talked a lot about how
company culture is important to employees because workers are more likely to enjoy their time in the
workplace when they fit in with the company culture. This point is crucial because a positive work
culture can contribute significantly to employee morale and productivity. Feeling like you belong in your
workplace can enhance job satisfaction and overall well-being. Also, the articles mention that when
employees feel like they're a good match with the company culture, they're more likely to stay at the job
for a long time. This is important because if people feel comfortable where they work, they're less likely
to want to leave. Lastly, Jobs aren't just about getting paid, while money matters, other things like
feeling connected to the company's values and having a positive work environment are also important.
Since we spend a lot of time working, it's crucial for both employees and employers to make sure they
get along well.

After reading these articles I realized how important company culture is going to be for my future jobs.
It's like the vibe of the place where I'm going to spend a lot of my time. I want to be in a place where
people feel respected and supported because that's when I'll do my best work. In the future I want to
work in construction site, and understanding company culture can help me figure out if a workplace is a
good fit for me and how I can contribute positively to it because it is not so common to see a woman in
civil engineering. It's like learning the secret language of how things work, and it can help me navigate
my career journey better. So, thinking about company culture makes me realize that it's not just about
where I work; it's about how I feel and how I can make others feel too. It's about creating a space where
everyone can thrive and grow together.

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