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Thenkailaya Bakthi Peravai Date: 26-01-2024

58, Main Road, Swarnapuri Avenue, Receipt No: tk24-EAD-010046

15 Velampalayam, Tirupur - 641 652

Received with thanks from RISHAB K, Nadiyawa Kabristan,pool Nadiyawa , Jehanabad, -

804417, Bihar, India Email: Mobile: 7909025740 the sum of

Rupees Twenty Five Only by Online Transaction RefNo.: TKB-1706257107-4890 dated 26-01-

2024 towards Donation.

Digitally Signed by ARUL JOTHI

Date: 2024-01-26
25.00 Reason: Digitally Signed
Authorised Signatory - Thenkailaya Bakthi Peravai
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