Thesis Statement On Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis statement on embryonic stem cell research is a

formidable task. Delving into the complexities of this subject demands a deep understanding of
scientific, ethical, and philosophical dimensions. Crafting a thesis statement that encapsulates the
essence of your research while navigating through the intricate landscape of embryonic stem cell
research can be daunting.

The process of writing a thesis statement involves extensive research, critical analysis, and the
articulation of a coherent argument. It requires synthesizing vast amounts of information, evaluating
various perspectives, and presenting original insights that contribute to the existing body of

One of the primary challenges of writing a thesis statement on embryonic stem cell research lies in
the controversial nature of the topic. It encompasses a wide range of ethical, legal, and moral
considerations that often evoke passionate debate and conflicting opinions. Navigating through these
contentious issues while maintaining objectivity and academic rigor requires careful deliberation and
scholarly integrity.

Furthermore, the complexity of the scientific concepts involved in embryonic stem cell research adds
another layer of difficulty to the writing process. Understanding the intricate mechanisms of stem
cell biology, deciphering complex research methodologies, and interpreting empirical data are all
essential components of crafting a well-informed thesis statement.

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Advocates for embryonic stem cell research say that there is nothing unethical or morally wrong with
using the fertilized eggs which were not chosen for in vitro. Embryonic stem cells are of great
interest to medicine and science because of their ability to develop into virtually any other cell made
by the human body. The primitive streak is the precursor to the spinal cord. Perinatal stem cells have
been discovered in umbilical cord blood and in amniotic fluid drawn during an amniocentesis
procedure. There is a debate on when exactly life begins in embryonic development and when the
individual receives moral status. Negative Effects of Bionics on Society Strange But True: Tickling
Your Ear May Slow Down Aging References A Closer Look at Stem Cells: Nine Things to Know
About Stem Cell Treatments American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Stem Cell Research
U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA Warns About Stem Cell Therapies Genetic Science
Learning Center: The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over. It uses human embryos from fertility programs
that were not used to start pregnancies. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free
PDF, if available. The use of adult stem cells represents research that does not treat human beings as
means to themselves, thus, complying with the Principle of Beneficence. Unlike other types of
placental stem cells hAECs are derived from pluripotent epiblasts and maintain multilineage
differentiation potential throughout gestation. However, an inner cell mass (ICM) does form, within
a protective outer layer. Somatic and stem cells in adults may have mutations from repeated division
and exposure to environmental pollutants. Adult stem cells Embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells. What
are stem cells ? (adult type and embryonic type). The autonomous choice to donate embryos to
research necessitates a fully informed, voluntary sanction of the patient(s), which poses difficulty
due to the complexity of the human embryonic stem cell research. Of note, state laws were favored
to a greater extent by those who support stem cell research than by those who do not (Figure 3). The
most salient characteristic of this reality o. There are several actions that could trigger this block
including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The University
of Michigan reserves all rights over this material. This means education must become one of the
highest priorities in this field of research. In healthy humans, adult stem cells produce new cells when
needed, to maintain normal functions and repair minor wounds and disorders. Problems primarily
begin to arise if cells are allowed to clump together to form embryoid bodies in which they begin to
differentiate, or change into more specific cell variants, spontaneously. Scholars can use them for free
to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Some researchers consider
this to be “the greatest potential for the alleviation of human suffering since the advent of
antibiotics” (White). Risks of Stem Cell Therapy The U.S. Food and Drug Administration urges
caution before participating in stem cell clinical studies or treatments not approved by the FDA.
Destroying human embryos is a commonly raised concern, often based on religious beliefs. Check
Out These 5 Science-Related. 3-D Printing Goes Cellular What is the Importance of Virtual Reality
to Doctors. If this is the case, then it is not only allowed but it is obligatory to pursue this research.
The main predicaments to surmount are making the stem cells distinguish into specific practical cells
constantly and avoiding unimpeded cell separation after transplantation (Greer 101). A cell that has
become a special type may be able to divide to make more of the same type, but cannot make
different types. Unique cells with the capacity for self-renewal Progenitor Cells: Capable of forming
at least one, or often many specialized cell types Present in many adult tissues.
Updated July 30, 2019 By Mary Dowd Advances in stem cell research offer hope to patients
suffering from diseases and life-threatening ailments with no known cure. In fact, they have surface
antigens, or proteins, by which the resistant system distinguishes invaders. Perinatal stem cells are
found in the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood and can also change into specialized cells. For
example, it is possible to inject a stem cell into joints to reduce swelling and pain, or in order to
promote the healing processes of soft tissues. When it comes to transplantation rejection however,
embryonic stem cells are more likely to be rejected as opposed to adult stem cells, according to
scientists especially that there have only been few clinical trials done to test the effect of human
embryonic stem cells on transplantation. I agree with the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (also known as the AAAS) when theybelieve that stem cell research should be legally and
ethically accepted. Somatic and stem cells in adults may have mutations from repeated division and
exposure to environmental pollutants. As a result, participation in research is an infringement of that
right. There is a debate on when exactly life begins in embryonic development and when the
individual receives moral status. As described earlier, they can differentiate into any cell or tissue
type within the body. Alternatively, national regulations and guidelines might only stipulate the
general intent, and project-specific decision-making might be at the discretion of a national
specialized research ethics committee. A good thesis is based on thoughtful research and not a simple
rewriting of facts. At that moment, a distinct organism has emerged into existence (Hug 111). More
than a decade ago, scientists discovered that if the normal connections between the early cellular
progeny of the fertilized egg were disrupted, the cells would fall apart into a single cell progeny that
could be maintained in a culture. Although spontaneous differentiation is a good indication that
shows which cultures of embryonic stem cells are healthy, the process is uncontrolled and, therefore,
an inefficient strategy to produce cultures of specific cell types. Most embryonic stem cells are
derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro
fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with the informed consent of the donors.
Related Articles What Is Another Name for Somatic Stem Cells and What. The origin of stem cells
themselves encapsulates the controversy: embryonic stem cells, originate from the inner cell mass of
a blastocyst, a 5-day pre-implantation embryo. Therefore, this argument touches on the question: if
through the actions of embryotic stem cell research is “morally indistinguishable from murder?”
(Outka, 2013). However, those that are against embryonic stem cell research believe that the
possibility of scientific benefits of research do not outweigh the immoral action of tampering with
the natural progression of a fetal development and interfering with the human embryo’s right to live.
Unlike regular cells, embryonic stem cells can reproduce. In doing so, they can avoid experimenting
on patients. It, consequently, follows that if embryo does not accomplish the principle of personhood,
it does not contain any happiness to be confined and thus may be employed instrumentally for the
advantage of human beings. But in 2016, two research teams — one at the University of Cambridge
in the U.K. and the other at Rockefeller University in the U.S. — succeeded in maintaining human
embryos in vitro for 12 to 13 days. The use of adult stem cells represents research that does not treat
human beings as means to themselves, thus, complying with the Principle of Beneficence.
Encouraging advancement of this research violates human rights (Greer 69). Then, those mature cells
replace tissue that is damaged by a disease or injury. A cell that has become a special type may be
able to divide to make more of the same type, but cannot make different types. They can also give
that tissue specific disorders, then attempt to “cure” it with new medical breakthroughs. Several
adverse reactions are possible from emerging therapies that are relatively untested.
Further, scientists state that any harm done is outweighed by the potential alleviation of the suffering
enduring by tremendous numbers of people with varying diseases. Voters were asked if they
preferred that each state have its own laws on embryonic stem cell research or that there be national
laws. It’s helpful to remember that “adult” stem cells can also refer to those in newborns and
children. Even a simple list of the titles of these studies would take many pages. Thus, they have to
be provided with the same safeguards against mistreatment as anyone else. The Roman Catholics,
Orthodox Christians and Conservative Protestants confirm the holiness of human life at every stage
of development. Alternatives to hES cells may reduce use of human embryonic stem cells. We
should not justify this evil even if it achieves good. The results of this poll are shown below, showing
that slightly more than half of respondents support embryonic stem cell research (58%) and an
astounding 84% of respondents either support embryonic stem cell research or think it depends on
the situation. What are stem cells?. “Blank slate” or unspecialized. Pro research advancement
researchers hope that by controlling stem cells in the lab, they can be employed to treat Parkinson's
disease, heart disease, diabetes and some disorders (Hug 114). There often is no in-between view in
this area: you either define life at some part of the physical development of the human body during
the pregnancy or you define it at conception. Therefore, the basis of this research violates women’s
reproductive autonomy, thus violating the Principle of Beneficence. Negative Effects of Bionics on
Society Strange But True: Tickling Your Ear May Slow Down Aging References A Closer Look at
Stem Cells: Nine Things to Know About Stem Cell Treatments American Association of
Neurological Surgeons: Stem Cell Research U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA Warns About
Stem Cell Therapies Genetic Science Learning Center: The Stem Cell Debate: Is It Over. An
advanced stem cell line originates from a solitary embryo, rotating into a collection of cells that
reproduces nonstop. The Mayo Clinic supports continued stem cell research because of the many
advantageous ways that clinical trials further the medical field. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
(iPSC), which were discovered in 2006, are derived from skin or blood cells that have been
reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like pluripotent state that enables the development of an
unlimited source of any type of human cell needed for therapeutic purposes. Explanation of Cell
Specialization What is the Structure of Stem Cells. The fact that a moral belief may be rooted in
religious conviction neither exempts it from challenge nor puts it beyond the realm of public debate.
They further support their argument by noting that stem cell research uses embryonic tissue before its
implantation into the uterine wall. Characteristics of embryonic stem cells Embryonic stem cells
ESCs form an internal cellular mass ECM or an embryoblast at an early stage of embryo
development. This is obviously problematic for any human subjects, especially for those already frail
from the disease or injury. Human Embryo Research Panel. 1994. Report of the Human Embryo
Research Panel. 2 volumes. Bethesda, M.D. Expand 696 PDF 3 Excerpts Save Hematopoietic stem
cells derive directly from aortic endothelium during development Julien Y. Bertrand N. Chi B.
Santoso Shutian Teng D. Stainier D. Traver Medicine, Biology Nature 2010 TLDR The unique
strengths of the zebrafish embryo are used to image directly the generation of HSCs from the ventral
wall of the dorsal aorta and it is demonstrated that the H SCs generated from haemogenic
endothelium are the lineal founders of the adult haematopoietic system. This allows us to test for
cures for potentially fatal diseases in ways that would otherwise be risky or unethical. Medical
benefits are almost unlimited Cell replacement therapies Design better medications and produce
organs, limbs Human achievement. Thesis. We should increase funding for and remove restrictions
on embryonic stem cell research. Experience. That’s the scientific name for an embryo in its earliest
form, usually 4-5 days past the fertilization stage. In the interim, researcher achieved breakthroughs
with other primates. In addition, their unspecialized nature makes them of great interest for
regenerative medicine applications. That makes it easy to isolate them for harvesting.
As a consequence, if they are stopped, many people will keep on suffering from terrible diseases that
could be cured. The use of adult pluripotent stem cells is becoming a favoured option over using
embryonic stem cells. Is embryonic stem cell research justified if it may save lives of dying patients.
In 2006, President Bush vetoed the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act stating that the federal
government should not support “the taking of innocent human life.” Although stem cells are very
promising for science and can open new doors to many new treatments in the medical field, it looks
like there are still differences of opinion on their ethical use. If you have medical questions, please
contact GIOSTAR, a global stem cell company that has treated a large number of patients. As
described earlier, they can differentiate into any cell or tissue type within the body. Read Full Essay
Now Read Full Essay Now Citation styles: APA MLA Chicago A persuasive essay for the use of
stem cells for research. (2003, November 13). Since an embryo is regarded as a human being with
morally obligated rights, the Principle of Beneficence is violated, and the autonomy and welfare of
the embryo is not respected due to the destruction of an embryo in stem cell research. That makes it
easy to isolate them for harvesting. Thus what could potentially turn into a person must not be
ethically regarded as a person. Stems cells are also being used successfully for tissue grafts. Thus,
advocates believe embryonic stem cell research may aid in developing new, more efficient treatments
for severe diseases and ease the pain and suffering of numerous people. Using stem cell could reduce
the dependence on organ donations and transplantations. Conclusion It is not ethically permissible to
destroy human embryonic life for medical progress due to the violations of personhood and human
research tenets outlined in the Belmont Report. Some countries — such as Austria, Germany, Italy,
Russia and Turkey — do not permit research involving human embryos. The University of Michigan
reserves all rights over this material. It is evident that there are many supporters of its advancement;
however, the violation perspectives of human rights negate the benefits associated with it. Further,
scientists state that any harm done is outweighed by the potential alleviation of the suffering
enduring by tremendous numbers of people with varying diseases. Many stem cells can only produce
exact copies of themselves — for example, blood cells to blood cells, bone cells to bone cells, and so
forth. Most arguments on the topic of trem cell research are that to obtain stem cells, a scientist or
embryologist must extract the cells from a human embryo. Harvested stem cells continue dividing in
the lab for an extended period of time, providing an ongoing supply for research purposes. Stem
Cells: Cells that do not yet have a specific function or job in the organism.. Where do we get Stem
Cells. During pregnancy, they develop into all of the cells and tissues that form the fetus and the
newborn it grows into. It’s helpful to remember that “adult” stem cells can also refer to those in
newborns and children. Stem cells could possibly be cultured in a lab to grow new organs for people
awaiting transplants. Most of these take potently opposing sides in either justifying or rejecting stem.
As several people experience physical restoration and healing in their bodies, their lives are
transformed forever with renewed hope and strengthened faith. However, scientists are learning how
to create induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from adult stem cells. The healthy cells are implanted
into the patient, serving as treatment to permanently repair failing organs Holland 5. Even though
many issues regarding the ethics of stem cell research have now been solved, it serves as a valuable
example of ethical cost-benefit analysis.
However, researchers have found a variety of ways to activate both cell division and differentiation.
Poorly processed cells have been documented to mutate into cancerous tumors that can wreak havoc
upon people’s bodies. Using stem cell could reduce the dependence on organ donations and
transplantations. Politics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Societal opinions on ethical issues related
to rapidly advancing technologies like cloning and stem cell research influence public policy and
government regulations. Embryonic stem cells can be manipulated in the lab to develop into any type
of cell in the body. An imperative factor in stem cell therapeutic treatments is the ability to use the
patient's own stem cells to generate the most effective medical therapies. If this is the case, then it is
not only allowed but it is obligatory to pursue this research. Several adult stem cell lines
(“undifferentiated cells found throughout the body”) exist and are widely used cell research. Adult
stem cells are undifferentiated cells (meaning “clean slates” with the potential to change into another
cell variant) found throughout the body after development; they multiply via cell division to
replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. Embryonic stem cell study contributes
drastically to the systematic grasp of stem cells. This type of reasoning, known as Bentham’s
Hedonic (moral) calculus, suggests that the potential good of treating or researching new cures for
ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, certain cancers, etc. Greed has made
many people wild in history and still does. While these types of cells are interesting and certainly
worthy of research, this article will focus on embryonic stem cells as they are consistently the most
well-known and discussed type by the general public. Register for a free account to start saving and
receiving special member only perks. Next, the mesoderm, make up bones, blood, muscles, and the
genial system. This support allowed various research facilities to obtain and study the embryos.
Therefore, this argument touches on the question: if through the actions of embryotic stem cell
research is “morally indistinguishable from murder?” (Outka, 2013). Read more about the
explanation of cell specialization. With knowledge of embryonic stem cells having higher
complications than the viable adult stem cells continued use of embryonic stem cells violates the
Principle of Beneficence not only for the embryos but for the health and safety of the patients
treated with stem cells. Hence, they have not and can not fully evaluate the facts and can only give
snap decisions, according to Having heard extensive lectures on both sides, I
believe that embryonic stem cell research shows great promise in bettering the medical and scientific
community. Stem Cell Information from the National Institute of Health, U. Also, donated embryos
were scheduled for destruction before the donation was made. Unlike other types of placental stem
cells hAECs are derived from pluripotent epiblasts and maintain multilineage differentiation
potential throughout gestation. Asterias is now expanding its clinical trials to include patients with
sub-acute injuries. Embryonic stem cells have various limitations, comprising immune rejection and
tumors generation (Hug 113). These stem cells are being used in drug development, toxicology
testing, and disease reversal, as well as to grow healthy new tissue to heal injuries. In recent years,
stem cell therapy has become one of the most effective forms of treatment for a wide range of
conditions and ailments. That makes it easy to isolate them for harvesting. Illness, organ failure and
death can occur if the number of diseased and dying cells surpasses production of new cells.
However, those that are against embryonic stem cell research believe that the possibility of scientific
benefits of research do not outweigh the immoral action of tampering with the natural progression of
a fetal development and interfering with the human embryo’s right to live.
Human embryos for stem cell research can help a number of patients. The Roman Catholics,
Orthodox Christians and Conservative Protestants confirm the holiness of human life at every stage
of development. Opponents of embryonic stem cell research would equate the actions done to
destroy the embryos as killing. Embryonic stem cells ESCs are characterized by a dual capacity self.
Former presidents of the U.S. have taken a political stance on the issue and changed regulations to
align with the position of their political party. This may be an important factor as voters consider
laws about this controversial area of research. Not only has this important field of regenerative
medicine given us the tools to help patients find the right treatments for their needs, but the
outcomes are undeniable. Researchers harvest them with the permission of the sperm and egg donors.
The majority of voters indicated they would like to know more about stem cell research, which
presents an opportunity for programs that wish to enhance the public’s understanding of this complex
issue. The cells “feel” the stiffness of the surrounding tissues and destroy the cancer-causing cells. It
uses human embryos from fertility programs that were not used to start pregnancies. What are stem
cells?. “Blank slate” or unspecialized. Some scientists that work for the American Association for the
Advancement of Science believe. If you would like to learn more about stem cell therapy and how it
may be of benefit to you, please do not hesitate to contact Texas Partners Healthcare Group today.
Researchers use embryos from fertility clinics given by donors for research purposes. Embryonic stem
cells are resultant from person embryos. These cells were expected to be suitable for transplantation
into diabetics as well as for use as a source of pharmaceutical-grade insulin. These stem cells can
renew themselves and reproduce to form all cell types of the body. For some people, it may seem
unethical to use stem cells on the grounds that extracting stem cells damages the blastocyst, which is
a structure formed in the early development of mammals, more specifically the sixth or the eighth
day of the development of an embryo. This report provides guidelines for the conduct of hES cell
research to address both ethical and scientific concerns. Stems cells are also being used successfully
for tissue grafts. Doing so changes the facts on paper and potentially also in practice. Also, you can
type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. As described earlier,
they can differentiate into any cell or tissue type within the body. For example, an equally legitimate
public conversation could be had about shortening instead of lengthening the time frame for
permitted research. This is perhaps because there is need for more convincing evidence or people are
not informed accurately on the details of this research area. With knowledge of embryonic stem cells
having higher complications than the viable adult stem cells continued use of embryonic stem cells
violates the Principle of Beneficence not only for the embryos but for the health and safety of the
patients treated with stem cells. They can become all of the cells of the human body, as well as the
cells of the embryo and developing fetus. However, researchers have found a variety of ways to
activate both cell division and differentiation. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 114:1184-1186.
This ability to grow more healthy tissue in laboratory conditions could substantially alter the future
of medicine. More research is needed to determine how perinatal stem cells could be used in
experimental studies and treatment. BIOINFORMANT, Your Global Leader in Stem Cell Market
Research. At this blastocyst stage, the young embryo has about 150 cells. For example, an equally
legitimate public conversation could be had about shortening instead of lengthening the time frame
for permitted research. Research in animals indicates that stem cells may provide the opportunity to
replace parts of people’s bodies that are damaged or not working correctly. Asterias is now
expanding its clinical trials to include patients with sub-acute injuries. Most embryonic stem cells are
derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro
fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with the informed consent of the donors.
Their exploitation is controversial since, unfortunately, these cells cannot be collected without
damaging the embryo. Although official embryonic stem cell treatments have not been created yet,
more than 6,000 people and 66 different diseases have been treated successfully with cord blood
therapies. Austin G Smith Biology, Medicine Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
2001 TLDR The relationships between mouse embryonic stem cells, resident pluripotent cells in the
embryo, and human embryo-derived cell lines are evaluated, and the prospects and challenges of
embryo stem cell research are considered. People willingly donate their eggs for this research, and
this process does not constitute child-killing since the eggs are near their zygote phase, not a whole
mature embryo. Principle of Beneficence in Embryonic Stem Cell Research The destruction of
human embryos for research is not ethically permissible because the practice violates the principle of
beneficence depicted in the Belmont Report, which outlines the basic ethical principles and
guidelines owed to human subjects involved in research. Medical benefits are almost unlimited Cell
replacement therapies Design better medications and produce organs, limbs Human achievement.
Thesis. We should increase funding for and remove restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
Experience. Using embryonic stem cells has been immensely negative and associated with causing
brain tumors and cancer cells. Today we are going to look at three of the most pertinent
breakthroughs in stem cell research (specifically involving the heart) to provide a greater
understanding of how far we’ve come, and where we stand today. There are several actions that
could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or
malformed data. The fact that a moral belief may be rooted in religious conviction neither exempts it
from challenge nor puts it beyond the realm of public debate. The main clinical supply is the aborted
fetus and unexploited embryos presently housed in frozen store at IVF facilities. It is significant to
understand the ethical implications of this research in order to respect the autonomy, welfare,
beneficence, and basic humanity afforded to all parties involved. An advantage of embryonic stem
cells is that they are in better condition than adult stem cells. For example, implanting normal
pancreatic cells into a patient with diabetes could restore the ability to produce insulin as the cells
multiply. For instance, bone cells can originate from osteocyte cells, or liver tissues can come from
hepatocytes. Though utilitarian supporters argue on the basis of rights, they exclusively refer to the
rights of sick individuals. There are lots of free tools on the web, use them. Bearing this in mind,
scientists also do not believe that this should derail stem cell therapies considering that there are
DNA tests to check if stem cells will turn out to be problematic or not. It is important to stress that
they are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman’s body and that they are produced in a plastic
laboratory culture via clinics in vitro. The origin of stem cells themselves encapsulates the
controversy: embryonic stem cells, originate from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, a 5-day pre-
implantation embryo. Showing that a blastocyst is a human being, or a person, requires further
argument. Harvested stem cells continue dividing in the lab for an extended period of time,
providing an ongoing supply for research purposes.

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