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Toothless Cock Vore story V.

It was a beautiful Day on Berk,

Hiccup and Toothless were walking throught the Forest. Both were really bored and
just wanted to relax in the depth forest, where no one could find them . But they were
wrong and as the sun was setting Astrid found them.

"Hiccup, Toothless, I' m so happy to found you two finallly, i was worried sick that
something happend to you. So would you please come back to the Village everyone is
missing you."

At this moment Hiccup noticed that Toothless cock was a little bit hard and a idea
struck him . He lay down to massage Toothless blue cock, which had some nops on it
tip, which where a darker blue color than the rest of the cock. It grows quickly in his
hand, but stopped as his was at his full lenght. Then with a short stroke at Toothless
balls, he stand up and order his best friend to show his girlfriend some much needed

Toothless is happy to do it and so he ran towards her and tackle her down to the
ground. With his teeth he repaidly destroy her clothes and so Astrid lays naked on the
ground. Astrid too shocked about Toothless behavor that she doesn't defend herself.
Instead she get wet, because of the total domination Toothless demonstrate.
The dragon push his big cock inside her pussy. Spreading it much more as it was
normaly possible. Her tummy slightly bulges as Toothless presses his cock deeper
and deeper in her. The warm of her body felt so good around his cock that he soon
begins to to mourn and his balls slap against Astrids legs really hard. They got some
bruises by the power Toothless balls were slapping against her body.

Hiccup was watching this and with a hand he begins to rub his big bulge, which
forms inside his pants, as he watched with great satisfaction how Toothless made his
girlfirend his personal dragon sex toy.

Astrid was screaming from lust. Even with the big dragon cock inside her, deforming
her body it was a lot of pleasure for her. She had always dreamed to become the
dumb cumslut of the most powerful dragon ever met by Viking kind. This was her
last clear thought, before her mind was breaking under the sheer pleasure. After this
point she was only thinking about being the personal sex toy of the dragon, which
was using her like she was just some dragon Slut.

As Toothless came, some junk come out of her pussy, as Toothless cock slip out of
her. But then Toothles saw the opportunity to do something he wished since a long
time ago. He placed his cock to Astrids feets. Meanwhile he cover her legs with his
cum. After a short look at Hiccup, who was naked and masturbating like a manic,
Toothless made his fantasy true.

His big cock let the girl slide in. Astrid, still under the orgasms she just had, does
nothing against it and so more and more of her body slip in Toothless shaft, still as a
shape it was visible throught the cock, where parts of her body, especialy her big
breast, were pressing greatly against the flesh from the dragon, which pleasure the
dragon greatly and he mourns. After her head passed the tip of his dragon cock she
was trapped inside of his cock and his balls. Toothless let out a roar of pure pleasure.

Hiccup watch the entire time, but doesn't move or protest. This is what he always
wanted to see. His best friends making Astrid a sex slave for Dragon cock and than
simply turn her into dragon junk. He was impressed by her. How good she had taken
the cock in her pussy and how she didn't protest against the slide inside the cock,
where the next part start.

Astrid begin to realise what happens and begin to struggle, but her body already start
to become softer and whiter every minute. She realise she does't can come out other
than cum, so she spend her last bit to pleasue herself, and so she lays there in the
balls, overwheled by the pleasure the process is giving her, while she turn into
Toothless Dragon cum.

Toothless eyes roll back from the pleasure of the struggles and movments. But soon it
stopped as Astrid was now fully dragon cum. Now he simply has a rock hard cock
with a lot of pressure in the balls, so he move his head to his croatch as he want to
suck himself to bring himslef the nessesary relief.

Hiccup sees that his dream woman was now his best friends cum load. He was a little
sad that he could not have spend more time with her but seeing how good everything
went, he wanted to say good bye to her and so thought about how he could do it, in
the best way . And so a good idea come to his mind and he look at Toothless, which
was sucking himself off with his new cumload.

He walked to his best Friend, who start to suck himself of. Hiccup touch Toothless
head, which make the dragon stop in his movment. The nightfury look up to see
Hiccup climbs on his friends and start to suck his cock of. Toothless throw his head
back and start to mourn out his pleasure, as Hiccup does. For his human friend was
the sucking great, because Toothless start to leak a lot of precum, which taste great. It
turn Hiccup more on, because the cum has now a scent of Astrid, so he start and suck
and swollow some of the cum.

It went on for a while, but than starts inside of Toothless a tremoil, because he close
to release. Hiccup sense it and talk to him. He says, that Toothless should spill it out
on the ground, so that he could see that his Girlfriend was now really just a big stinky
dragon cum load.
Toothless always happy to do it starts to come and spilt his junk out. A bit land on
Hiccup, but nearly all of it land on the ground. Hiccup stroke himself a few times
than he spilt out his own junk in the puddle of cum, which now cover a huge part of
the ground of the cove, where their friendship had begun.

After this they both went for a flight as their cum dried. Both they didnt care, because
this place was safe for anyone to ever find it, besides the two friends .

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