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Arranged By
Fifi Alfianty
NPM A1B018037



1.1 Background

English education study program is a place for learning english by purpose which the
students are hoped going to be a teacher in the future. In order to reach the goal, the
university provides some courses relevant to the teacher activities. Such as lesson plan,
micro teaching, teaching trainee 1, and teaching trainee 2, etc. This courses aim to make
the students have knowledge and experience how to teach. This is very important for the
students to master the teaching field, starting from the lesson plan who make the students
are able to prepare the lesson until teaching strategy. The second practicum is the final
learning teaching at english education study program. In this course, the students are
placed in school around 2 month and do the teaching practice in real condition. The
students are expected able to handle the students, deliver the materials in understandable
way, and solve the problems unexpected in the classroom. So that in this research, the
writer is going to explore what the problems that teacher trainee face during teaching at

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

Good education is needed in every country including Indonesia. So that to
create good education, we need to have good quality of teacher. In order to have good
teacher quality, we need to make good quality of teacher trainee. By doing this
research, the writer is going to analyze the problems or the difficulties faced by
students trainee in teaching at school during the practicum period so later on we can
find the solutions. In the previous study, the writer has found that the studies were
only exploring about the problems occur but there is less solution’s given so that in
this research to make this research different from others, the writer will give the

1.3 Research Question

1. What the difficulties that students’ trainee face during the teaching practicum ?
2. How to solve the difficulties ?

1.4 Research Objective

1. To find out the difficulties that students’ trainee face during the teaching
2. To find out the solutions
1.5 Limitation
In this research, the writer focuses on the difficulties which the 7 th semester students
of English Teacher Study Program Face during their teaching practicum time and try
to find the solutions.

1.6 Significant of this research

The significant of this research is to make the students’ trainee have solutions
to solve their difficulties later on as a real teacher.

2.1 Students Teacher

Student teachers faced a lot of issues while they were on their practicum experience.
Some of the issues and concerns were content knowledge, classroom skills, school culture
and setting (Loche, 1996); the implementation of managerial and instructional practices,
assuming the role of instructional leader, and undergoing evaluations (Kyriacou & Stephens,
1999), and expectations of faculty supervisors and mentor teachers (Woods & Weasmer,

Harwell and Moore (2010) highlighted concerns like inconsistencies in the actual and
expected practicum experience, the amount of work, and the pressure felt during the
practicum experience. They indicated that student teachers seemed to be most concerned
about their ability to perform successfully in the practicum experience and they had
unrealistic or inaccurate expectations of the practicum experience.

3.1 Research Design

The methodology of this research is qualitative method research. According to
Crasswell ( 2014 : 4 ). Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding
the meaning individual or group describe to a social or human problem. He also said, there
are several characteristics of qualitative research. They are : natural setting, researcher as an
instrument, the datas are from observation, interview, and others source, then it uses
inductive data analysis, participants meaning, emergent designs to the ability to adapt to new
ideas, concept, or findings, etc.

3.2 Participant Of The Research

The participants of this research are the seven semester students of english education
study program who are following teacher practicum. This uses purposive sampling which the
writer choose the participants knowable which criteria english students education study
program who are following teacher practicum in 6 Oktober. The populations are around 64
students consist of A and B class, and the sampling taken are around 30 students which many
of them teach in different school. The second participants are 3 lecturer who handle the
teaching practicum to find out the solutions.

3.3 Setting Of The Research

Setting od the research is located on University Of Bengkulu on WR Supratman
Street, specifically at 7th Semester students of EDSA.

3.4 Intruments
The instruments consist of :
1. Guided Interview
The writer already prepare the questions which relate to the difficulties or problem
faced by students trainee
2. Open Ended Disussion
In this section, the participants are freely to deliver their experience including their
difficulties during the teaching practicum.
3. Documentations
Including taking lesson plan examples from the participants and also take photos
during interview.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data

1. Colleting the datas from the interview and documentation
2. Understanding and classifying the similar answers from participants
3. Make conclusions and describe it

3.6 Research Procedures

1. Asking willingness to the lectures and 7th English department students to be
participants for this research
2. Doing the interviews
3. Collecting the documentations
4. Making report

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