Molecular Medical Microbiology The Expanding Concept

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Chapter 1

Molecular Medical Microbiology

The Expanding Concept
Yi-Wei Tang1, Max Sussman2, Dongyou Liu3, Ian R. Poxton4 and Joseph D. Schwartzman5
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA and Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY USA, 2Institute of
Cell and Molecular Biosciences, Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 3Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance
Programs, New South Wales, Australia, 4University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 5Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA

Medical microbiology has long had a molecular An important account of the state of medical bacteriology
dimension. From the earliest days of microbiology the in the late pre-molecular age up to the 1930s is detailed
phenotypic descriptions of microorganisms included bio- in A System of Bacteriology in Relation to Medicine [4]
chemical and physiological details that were in fact and in William Bulloch’s The History of Bacteriology of
molecular. The word ‘molecular’ seems first to have been 1938 [5]. It is important to recall that at that time virology
applied to microbiology by Zinsser and Parker in 1923 at and immunology were still regarded as integral parts of
the Columbia University, New York, Department of bacteriology; both of these then still embryonic sciences
Bacteriology. In the course of their work on bacterial were to give rise to the major independent sciences of
‘hypersusceptibility’, they suspected that they were ‘deal- virology and immunology. The intensive study of the bac-
ing with substances of lower molecular structure than pro- teriophages, mainly those of Escherichia coli, which
teins’ [1]. The term molecular microbiology as it has began in the 1940s, would ultimately lead to the impor-
more recently come into common use, describes an tant concepts and tools of molecular biology.
approach to the study of microorganisms based to a great The molecular approach to the study of microbiology
extent on their genetic characteristics. The origins of this has had a profound effect on the advance of knowledge,
trend, as of much else in modern biology, can be seen in not only about bacteria in general but also about patho-
the seminal description of the structure of DNA by genic bacteria in particular; the rate of progress in recent
Watson and Crick [2] and their immediate recognition years has been particularly striking. The complexity of
that implicit in this structure is the mechanism by which intact organisms was the great difficulty and weakness
genetic material is copied. The work of more than half a inherent in the analytical study of individual phenotypic
century since the structure of DNA was elucidated has characteristics. This contrasts with the power of methods
yielded information that has radically changed views by which genes can be cloned and their phenotypes stud-
about bacteria and not least those about pathogenic bacte- ied in isolation. It seems remarkable how much was
ria. The recognition that this new approach has also fun- achieved in the past by the old methods and approaches
damentally changed medical and clinical microbiology that are now seen as slow and laborious. In the case of
was the inspiration on which the first edition of pathogens, the most striking advances have been in the
Molecular Medical Microbiology [3] was founded in understanding of the mechanisms of bacterial pathogene-
2002. The object was to provide a general review of the sis [6]. It is particularly fascinating that the mechanisms
bacteria of medical importance accessible to practitioners of pathogenesis of phenotypically quite different organ-
who need an introduction to the molecular aspects of isms may be similar or identical. Indeed, in some cases,
medical bacteriology. The developments of the last the molecular genetic evidence suggests that these
decade have meant that a second edition is now desirable. systems have passed between bacteria by gene transfer at
The development of medical bacteriology since the some time during the remote or even quite recent past.
pioneering discoveries of the 19th century can broadly The importance of the molecular approach to medical
be divided into pre-molecular and molecular phases. microbiology goes far further than merely providing
Molecular Medical Microbiology. DOI:
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1
2 Molecular Medical Microbiology The Expanding Concept

information about mechanisms of pathogenicity. The cen- universal tools for the specific manipulation of DNA.
tral objective of medical science is the prevention of dis- Bertani and Weigle [16] uncovered that most, but not all,
ease. The first great preventive insights, based on λ bacteriophage particles grown on E. coli K-12 were
epidemiological observations, were the recognition by the unable to multiply in a strain of E. coli that carries the
social pioneers of the 19th century of the importance of prophage P1 (E. coli K-12(P1)). The rare λ phage parti-
clean drinking water and the safe disposal of sewage. Of cles that succeeded to multiply were subsequently able to
almost equal importance was the discovery of toxoids at propagate at full efficiency in E. coli K-12(P1). This phe-
the end of the 19th century. This, together with later nomenon was explained by two functions of the prophage
developments in immunology and the manipulation of P1: first, that it restricted the propagation of λ phage in
genes and immunogens, has given rise to highly success- E. coli K-12(P1) and, second, that it modified the few sur-
ful vaccines. A striking example is the vaccine against vivors and so allowed them to propagate in this strain.
Haemophilus influenzae type b, which promises to elimi- Restriction is a general phenomenon due to enzymes
nate the risk of childhood meningitis due to this virulent (restriction endonucleases) that destroy ‘foreign DNA’ by
pathogen [7,8]. As will be apparent from the chapters that cutting it up. The cutting occurs at sites that depend on
follow, molecular biology is yielding far-reaching insights the specificity of the endonuclease present in particular
into every branch of medical microbiology. cells for particular base sequences in DNA. Restriction
may be seen as a kind of defence mechanism against
extraneous genetic material. Modification is due to the
A BRIEF HISTORY methylation of DNA by methylase enzymes to protect it
A detailed account of the origins of molecular bacteriol- from the action of restriction endonucleases. The subject
ogy would lead us too far afield, but a brief sketch of its has been reviewed by Wilson and Murray [17].
development may be helpful. A classical account of the The restriction endonucleases of different organisms
subject is that by Cairns et al. [9]. vary in their base sequence specificity. Since the sequence
The rapid development of the genetics of higher plants specificity of restriction endonucleases can be determined,
and animals in the early 20th century at first had little they have become widely used reagents for cutting DNA at
effect on bacteriology and the mechanisms of inheritance specific sites, to yield manageable lengths of DNA for
in bacteria were thought to be of quite a different kind. detailed study. Similarly, the DNA ligase of E. coli is an
What was then called bacterial ‘variation’ was recognized enzyme that rejoins the ‘nicks’ that may from time to time
but its genetic basis remained elusive, though it was sus- occur in DNA and also function in DNA replication.
pected by some early bacteriologists [10]. Contemporary Methods of DNA analysis based on the application of these
views began to emerge in the 1940s, when biochemical enzymes and techniques for gene transfer became the foun-
mutants of Neurospora crassa were first isolated [11] and dation tools of genetic manipulation and molecular genetics.
the unity of genetics in the biological world was recog- For details the reader is referred to standard texts on molec-
nized. The foundations of bacterial genetics were laid a lit- ular biology, bacterial genetics and genetic manipulation.
tle later with the demonstration that bacteriophage-resistant A seminal advance was the discovery of the polymer-
mutants appear spontaneously in bacterial cultures [12]. ase chain reaction (PCR) by Kary Mullis in 1983 [18]. It
An early step had been the landmark discovery by is a means of amplifying a single sequence of DNA to
Griffith [13] of the in vivo transformation of produce many copies for a variety of purposes. A number
Streptococcus pneumoniae in mice. This was the prelude of different PCR techniques have been developed and
to the demonstration by Avery and his colleagues [14] these are used for a variety of purposes. These include
that Griffith’s transforming substance was, in fact, DNA diagnosis for clinical purposes in which characteristic
and it was also the first demonstration of genetic transfer DNA template sequences in a sample are detected by a
in bacteria. The resolution of the structure of DNA as a known ‘reagent’ sequence. In this way DNA is synthe-
double helix [2] and the recognition that this structure has sized, which itself becomes the template for further syn-
genetic implications [15] led to the deciphering of the thesis and the number of sequences is exponentially
genetic code that determines protein structure. The tran- amplified. PCR is also used for cloning in the course of
scription of the DNA message to messenger RNA and genetic manipulation.
subsequent translation into the amino acid sequence of A key landmark in molecular microbiology was the pub-
proteins was recognized as sufficiently fundamental that lication, in 1995, of the complete genome sequences of
it became known as a ‘dogma’, though like all dogma it H. influenzae [19] and Mycoplasma genitalium [20], by use
did not long survive unmodified. of the sequencing technology developed by Sanger [21]. The
The discovery of the phenomenon of host-controlled innovative aspect of this work was to sequence random frag-
restriction-modification in bacteriophages led to the isola- ments of genomic DNA and to use computers to assemble
tion of restriction endonucleases, which later became the resulting sequences into increasingly larger contiguous
Chapter | 1 Molecular Medical Microbiology The Expanding Concept 3

sequence reads (so-called ‘contigs’). Microbial genome composition of the cell under different growth conditions
sequencing, which originally cost greatly in excess of [28]. Such studies can be extended to study the concentra-
$1 million per genome and which could take years to com- tions of metabolites (metabolomics) and the dynamic flux
plete, can now be done in a few days for a fraction of the of metabolites through the metabolic pathways (fluxo-
cost by means of next-generation sequencing techniques mics) [29]. Finally, next-generation sequencing has facili-
[22]. The rapid progress in this field is such that it is pre- tated the new field of metagenomics, with major studies
dicted that genome sequencing will become routine in diag- aimed at cataloguing the microbial flora of, for example,
nostic microbiology laboratories. This will provide clinicians the human gut, skin and oral cavity, with the aim of better
with unprecedented information about a given infective understanding the complex relationship between humans
microorganism, including its precise identification, antibiotic and microbes [30].
resistance profile, toxin production and other potential viru- It will be evident that the large body of molecular
lence factors that may affect therapy and thereby treatment information that is progressively becoming accessible will
outcomes [23]. Already, multiple whole-genome sequences explain many hitherto mysterious characteristics of patho-
are available for the majority of known human microbial genic bacteria and their interaction with their hosts. It
pathogens and the number of sequences is currently increas- should also be clear that deductions from molecular biol-
ing exponentially. ogy alone are not sufficient to explain many features of
The low cost and ease with which the genomes of microbial behaviour; a complete understanding of this
microbial strains can be sequenced has opened up tech- will ultimately depend on the reintegration into ‘whole
nology platforms for the analysis of microorganisms in organism’ biology of the information obtained by molecu-
ways that were unimaginable even a few years ago. For lar biological analysis.
example, the comparative analysis of the genomes of
related organisms provides insights into their evolution
and particularly their acquisition of genes and groups of
genes, such as antibiotic resistance genes and pathogenic- In the past much of the practice and thinking in medical
ity islands, by horizontal transfer. For example, in a and particularly in clinical bacteriology was based on the
ground-breaking study, the ancient genome sequence of classical views of bacteria and their behaviour. These
Yersinia pestis, responsible for the Black Death that rav- views have changed rapidly under the influence of accu-
aged Europe in the Middle Ages, was reconstructed after mulating fundamental molecular knowledge. These
the sequencing of DNA extracted from the teeth of vic- changes, already evident in the better understanding of
tims interred in a burial ground in East Smithfield, bacterial pathogenicity and pathogenesis, are extending
London [24]. Phylogenetic analysis indicated this ancient into every branch of medical and clinical microbiology,
strain is an ancestor of most extant strains of Y. pestis. from bacterial morphology at one extreme to ecology,
Unexpectedly, its perceived enhanced virulence was epidemiology and prevention at the other. At the same
found not to be due to phenotypic differences, but proba- time molecular techniques are finding an increasing use
bly the result of prevailing social and environmental in the diagnostic laboratory. In addition, the molecular
factors. In a more contemporary analysis of the genomes approach has far-reaching implications for the understand-
of 151 strains of Clostridium difficile, it has been possible ing of the interaction between host and microbe [31,32].
to monitor retrospectively the emergence and global This book is an attempt to collect a wide range of
spread of the epidemic strain C. difficile 027/BI/NAP1 molecular information about all aspects of bacterial
and show the existence of two epidemic lineages and a pathogens. Its general structure is, therefore, not unlike
relationship with rare fluoroquinolone resistance [25]. that of the classical textbooks; the more fundamental
The availability of whole-genome sequences has aspects of microbiology are considered in the early chap-
opened up new technologies to study the behaviour of ters of the book, before individual pathogens are dis-
microorganisms, the so-called ‘omics’ technologies [26]. cussed in detail. The chapters differ from conventional
While the genomes of microorganisms are rather static, texts of medical microbiology in that it is assumed that
their transcriptomes and proteomes are highly dynamic information of a more traditional and classical ‘pheno-
and subject to continuous change and adjustment in typic bacteriology’-kind can be found in many well-
response to the environment and phases of the cell cycle. known and excellent texts. This has made it possible to
The use of DNA arrays and more recently RNA-seq tech- concentrate on the more recent molecular information that
nologies make it possible to obtain snapshots of the gene is increasingly rapidly becoming available.
expression profile simultaneously in both pathogen and Medical microbiology, whether molecular or classical,
host [27]. Similarly, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is now frequently practiced and researched by scientists
and multidimensional liquid chromatography, coupled to rather than by medical practitioners. A number of chap-
mass spectrometry, facilitate a similar view of the protein ters described as ‘clinical overviews’ have, therefore,
4 Molecular Medical Microbiology The Expanding Concept

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