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Your Lo-Shu Grid

4 9 22

8 11

Birth Day Impact for 4

Character, possibilities

These people are practical and balanced. They like routine. They are decisive. They have good
organizational skills. They are reliable and compassionate. They are warm, generous and loyal to
people they like. They are systematic and patient. They work very hard to achieve security and
stability in everything. Stable romantic relationship plays an important role. Inborn insecurity is
the reason for accumulation of property. Their innate instinct forces them to always fight against
something. They do not like spending money.

Weaknesses, what should be learned

These people may lose their personality or they may lose hope. They are often aggressive and
rude. They criticise everything and they are selfish. They should not make hasty decisions and
they should avoid melancholy.

Life Path Number

Impact of number 9

Life Path number is considered to be the most influential number in your numerological chart. It
is sometimes referred to as the "Destiny number". + If you have a Life Path Number of 9, you
should work to be a humanitarian and serve others. Show kindness and compassion, and be the
inspirational light that sheds a beam on others to help them find their way in life. Remember the
Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”—give without remembering
and take without forgetting.,Develop an interest in world affairs and gain an appreciation for
other cultures, customs, and religions. You should also take the time to explore your love of the
arts, whether it’s music, sculp- ture, paintings, theatre, or literature.,If your Life Path Number is 9,
your ideal career may be one that involves helping others as a teacher, therapist, nurse, doctor, or
lawyer. You may also like a career dealing with the arts, television, films, travel, big business,
religion, or charity. When it comes to work, conceive grand- scale, moneymaking ideas and let
others handle the details.

Name/Express Number Impact

Impact of number 5

You Name Number acts as a remedy to missing numbers in your Grid. In your case it will fill the
void for number 5. The number 5 represents earth element. It is relate to strength, stability and
communication. Note that it's effectiveness is 30-40% so the Loshu Grid will not reflect this
number. If already present it will increase the effectiveness.

Grid Impact
Impact of '11'

You are good in communication. You also have the power to be a good assassin of a situation

Impact of '22'

These people are highly intelligent, sensitive & intuitive. Unlike people with single 2 you are able
to make good use of your intuition. You can easily detect the motives of others and be able to
access other at a glance.

Impact of '3'

These people have a very good/creative brain and an excellent memory. Always have a positive
approach to reach their goals. You are able to inspire others with your optimism and honesty.

Impact of '4'

People with one 4 are very Practical in life and usually good with hands. You enjoy "hands on"
type occupations and get impatient with imaginative ideas & theories. You have the ability to
organise others and carry out plans to perfection. You also relate to music and handicrafts in
some cases.

Impact of '8'

People with one 8 in their chart are methodical, conscientious and good with details. However
surprisingly, they usually find it hard to finish the task they begin. They have restless, active minds
and need constant mental challenges. They stick to their mindsets and it's hard to change their
perception on something if they have made up their mind.

Impact of '9'

People with one 9 in their chart are ambitious and have a strong desire to improve themselves.
The number 9 is on both the mental and will plane. This is one reason humankind have achieved
such a great deal in the 20 century.
Plane Impact
Plane Impact for '4*3*8'

Thought plane provides with Sharp Memory, creativity, imagination power and very strong
analysis. Cleverness, they think and give decisions. Political power, shrewd/cunning, non ethical,
very logical. You can't argue with them.

Plane Impact for '4*9*2'

Mental plane shows the person's ability to have a excellent memory. They have god gifted brain.
They are full of creativity, imagination, intellectual class, cleverness, analysis, very logical. They
are associated with worrying factor. They are good in studies especially science, they think and
give decisions.

Missing Numbers Impact

Missing number 5

People without number 5 find it difficult to get to goals; they; lack drive and versatility. They need
constant motivation from others. These peoples need to learn to set realistic goals and complete
them before starting at others. A missing number 5 is very common.

Missing number 6

People without number 6 need to learn to give more to themselves. They tend to hide innermost
feelings from others. This usually relates to difficulties with one of their parents ( often father ) in
early life. These peoples experience problems in their relationships until they learn to be more
open and free.

Missing number 7

People without number 7 are inclined to be inconsiderate of other people's feelings. They are
disorganized in their feelings. They are disorganized in their daily life. They have little or no
interest in spiritual or metaphysical matters. They find it hard to be self-sufficient and dislike
being left on their own. They need to learn to express their inner feelings and become more
relaxed around others.

Remedies for Missing Numbers

Remedies for missing number 5

To compensate for the lack of number 5, you can surround yourself with objects that come from
the ground but are not metal. Quartz crystals make a particularly useful “cure”.
There should be no electric item in the center of the house.
Keep poster of the mountain without water in the center of the house.

Remedies for missing number 6

The element metal is also frequently known as gold, basically meaning money. Consequently,
metal coins can also be considered a “cure”.
They should wear a watch or bracelet with having a Golden chain. They can also try to wear
Yellow clothes while going for some important work.
They should respect ladies. Give cosmetics gift to the married woman.
Keep 11" long 6 rods of golden wind chime hanging in North-West.

Remedies for missing number 7

As number 7 represents the Metal element, the person should wear a Watch or bracelet with
having a Silver chain.
Help dogs, serve them.
Keep hanging chime having 11" long 7 rods of silver in West.
They should wear light color clothes such as white, light blue, light green.

Personal Year

Current personal year 4 : Hard work and slow, but steady progress

Personal Year 4 is physically very active period. This year people must learn to maintain a certain
rhythm in order to use their energy efficiently, but they should not work too hard because they will
eventually get sick. During this period, one has the tendency to work too hard and not paying
attention to the warning signs of overwork. During this time there is also tendency to make hasty
decisions that lead to different limitations and consequent frustrations. When people decide to
do something, they encounter challenges on every step they make and there always seem to be
something in their way. During this period, a sense of certain security is of great importance to
people. They are thinking about their future and about the future of those who are closest to
them. Consequently, they plan ahead more than any other time before. That is why people usually
tend to stay home at this time; they stay close to their families, and prefer their familiar
environment to change and discovering something new. It is a year which is suitable for buying
property and making investments. In this year people will seek support and encouragement
because they may feel insecure and have doubt about their ability to achieve success in life. It's
because they just concentrate on work and are unable to notice the progress they have made.
During this period a lot can be done, but it is necessary to learn how to organise life and
constructively channel energy, otherwise stress can cause nervous tension or even physical
illness. If people learn to relax and deal with energy (and sometimes even with problems),
Personal Year 4 can bring them a great success.

Next year 5 : Feeling Loose and Free

Personal Year 5 brings change and liberation from all constraints that a person was subject to
during the previous four vibrations. During this twelve-month period things may start to move and
necessary changes may occur both within the person and in the external circumstances. It is
important that people understand that change is not only the uncertainty of the future, that it also
gives us the opportunity to move forward. In general, however, changes will be welcome this year,
people will not be able to stand around, they will feel the need to break free from established
rules and habits, and see if they are self-sufficient. During Personal Year 5 freedom is very
important for people, and this is true for both freedom of thought (the opportunity to explore own
ideas without undue influence and pressure from the outside) and freedom of movement. People
feel the need to go out into nature and be alone for a moment while daydreaming, but they also
have the need to meet people and form friendships. The vibration of number five teaches us to
responsibly deal with changes while taking the needs of others who will be affected into
consideration, and thus strengthen our own determination and self-discipline. Then it is possible
to concentrate energy in a certain moment only on one problem and not get distracted by trying
to do too many things at the same time. In this year people can get great inspiration and if they
set a target and focus on it, the energy levels will continue to be high.

Compatible numbers with 4

Compatiblity is based on the Birth Day or Driver of the second person

For example person born on 16th of a month will have a Driver number 1 + 6 = 7

You are compatible with numbers: 7,6,1,3,5

Numbers you are neutral with are:

Your are not compatible numbers: 9,2,4,8

Compatible occupations for Number 4

Occupations to do:

IT sector, work that is related to hands, policeman, army, law sector.

Occupations to Avoid:

Water-related work and sweet shop, milk-related work lassi or tea shop, navy or merchant navy.
Humanitarian work, police, army, NGO, teaching, gun dealer, doctor, chemist. Fire-related
occupation(restaurants, Furness, bakery, glamour, top management). Electricity related work,
communication, leadership work, management, executive, inventor, lawyer, writer, designer,
engineer, business owner, medical doctor, teacher, lecturer, composer, artist, musician, military
officer, movie director, or producer, sales manager, TV or radio station manager, foreman,
department head, editor, principal, production manager, program director, religious leader or any
unique area requiring originality or innovation.

Lucky and Unlucky colors for Number 4

Lucky colors: Black shades

Colors to Avoid: dark blue colors

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