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Def of Terms.

So these will be the terms that are used in our study

Project Design Flow chart,

So, starting with the project, we must Gather data, requirements, and other necessary documents prior
to designing a building. This phase includes setting the project's objectives, conducting feasibility studies,
budgeting, and initial planning.

. After determining the scope of the project, architects, engineers, and designers create precise plans,
blueprints, and specifications. Site surveys, conceptual design, thorough design development, and
completion of construction drawings are all part of architectural design.

If the client approves, then we proceed to drafting of architectural plans,

But, if the client does not approve, then we go back to redesigning of architectural design.

Drafting of architectural plans

Detailed construction drawings are prepared, including plans for foundation, floor plans, roof plans,
structural details, plumbing, electrical layouts and mechanical systems.

Since it is stated in our limitation and delimitations of our study, the mechanical and electrical is marked
with broken lines connecting to project estimates, for it is not included.

Then under drafting of architectural plans we have determination of loadings

Design must adhere to load, resistance, and strength designs.

which leads us to Structural Analysis which will be computed through STAAD and Manual computation

after obtaining the results we proceed to project estimate and find the approximate or rough total cost
of the project.

Fixture Units

The total fixture units for a building or a specific area are used in sizing pipes and designing the plumbing
system to ensure it can handle the expected demand.

Determination of soil pipe sizing

it involves assessing the flow rates, fixture units, and hydraulic considerations to select the appropriate
diameter for pipes used in draining wastewater from plumbing fixtures.

Designing a sanitary house drain requires attention to detail and compliance with local regulations to
ensure an effective and safe system for wastewater removal within a building.


Designing a storm drain system involves creating a network of pipes, channels, and structures to
manage and control rainwater runoff from impervious surfaces, such as roads, parking lots, and roofs,
preventing flooding and erosion.

After that we proceed to

Determining pipe sizes
Determination of Main Vent Pipe Size:

Determination of waste pipe size

Determination of Branch & Relief vent size

Determination of Fixture Trap sizes:

And then

Design of Septic Tank

Calculate the appropriate size of the septic tank based on factors such as the number of bedrooms or
fixtures in the building, the estimated daily wastewater flow, and the soil percolation rate. Larger tanks

Selection of Water Tank

we have to Determine the intended use of the water tank so in our case it would be for commercial use,
Selection of water tank is placed at the bottom since it will need the details on top to ensure consistent
water supply.

And Lastly, Finalize the Results


So Our staircase design is a Half-turn stair with landing

Following section 1207 Stairs Exit and loads (Rise is 194millimeters that complies to the maximum rise of
200 millimeters) having a Run of 300 millimeters that adheres to the minimum width of 250millimetrs.

stair nosing: 25mm

tan-1 (rise/run) =slope of the stairs is 32 degrees maximum is 32.4 and Total Rise for each stair is 1750
millimeters, each floor will have a total rise of 3500 millimeters. Height of stairs rise/run = there will be a
total of 36 runs. The standard width of Tread will not be less than 1.10 meters, so each tread is
1.35meters and will have 1.7 x 2.7meters Landing .For the Baluster it will have a height of 900
millimeters with a hand rail of 60millimeters thick .

FOUNDATION PLAN is composed of COL FOT., TIE BEAMS and WALL FOOTING . Our column footing lies 3
meters under the NGL which is (1.5x1.5)m. and it will have 4m,5m, and 6m different spacing form center
to center of columns

TIE BEAMS are connected to the column footing having a dimension of 400 x 500 millimeters

WALL FOOTING are placed in extensions, for Kitchen, staff room, comfort room and locker room in the
ground floor area. Since it will only be used in ground floor, our wall footing is 150mm thick

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