Pulmonary Eosinophilia Associated With Increased Airway Responsiveness in Young

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J Vet Intern Med 1998;12:163-170

Pulmonary Eosinophilia Associated with Increased Airway

Responsiveness in Young Racing Horses
Jonathan E. Hare and Laurent Viel

Horses are known to acquire small airway disease (SAD), an allergen-induced naturally occurring syndrome of reversible obstruc-
tive lung disease accompanied by airway hyperresponsiveness and increased inflammatory cell numbers on bronchoalveolar lavage
(BAL). This disorder has received scant attention in young racehorses. The purpose of the present report was to examine the effect
of BAL eosinophilia in young racehorses on clinical examination, BAL, hematology, airway responsiveness, and on pulmonary
function at rest and after a standardized exercise challenge. Five (3 males, 2 females; age 2.6 -t 0.9 years) with a history of
respiratory compromise and BAL eosinophil differential count > 5% and 6 controls (4 males, 2 females; age 3.5 2 1.0 years)
training and performing to expectation with normal BAL cell differential (eosinophils < 1%) were studied. Respiratory system
clinical examination was performed and expressed as a clinical score. Arterial blood gas measurements, CBC, and pulmonary
function testing were performed at rest. Pulmonary mechanics measurements were repeated 1 hour and 20 hours after a standardized
treadmill exercise challenge. Incremental histamine inhalation challenge was performed and the concentration of histamine effecting
a 35% decrease in dynamic compliance (PC35Cl,,,) was determined. Significant differences were noted between and controls with
regard to clinical score ( P = .Ol), blood eosinophils ( P = .04), BAL cell count ( P = .04), BAL macrophage differential ( P =
.04), PC35Cl,,, ( P = .008), and tidal volume and respiratory rate at 20 hours following exercise challenge ( P = .05). We conclude
that pulmonary eosinophilia and airway hyperresponsiveness are manifest in some young horses without overt airway obstruction
at rest. We speculate that these may be early events in the natural progression of heaves.
Key words: Lung.

S mall airway disease (SAD) is a commonly recognized

respiratory disability in the horse. Affected individuals
demonstrate recurrent periods of airway obstruction asso-
an influx of neutrophils on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)
c y t ~ l o g y , although
~.~ other inflammatory cells, particularly
mast cellsh and eosinophils,’.“’ have been implicated in the
ciated with increased nonspecific airway responsiveness. I pathophysiology of the condition, Observations in our lab-
This syndrome is characterized clinically by coughing, ex- oratory have identified a subset of young racing horses with
piratory dyspnea, and an inability to perform maximally a predominantly eosinophilic population in BAL fluid, a
due to respiratory embarrassment.’ Affected individuals situation similar to that in human patients with asthma.l’
also exhibit varying degrees of nasal discharge, wheezes, Approximately 50% of asthmatic human patients dem-
and expanded lung fields on physical examination. The dis- onstrate exacerbation of their disease in response to modest
ease is thought to be an allergic condition because chroni- exercise.Iz We sought to determine if this phenomenon oc-
cally affected or “heavey” horses demonstrate clinical curred in horses with SAD, given that exercise appears to
signs of obstructive lung disease after exposure to environ- be one of the factors that initiates clinical signs of the dis-
mental allergens, most commonly hay and straw molds and ease.
fungi.* During exacerbation of their condition, affected In summary, the purpose of the present study was to
horses demonstrate characteristic reductions in arterial ox- evaluate the effect of pulmonary disease characterized by
ygen pressure (Pao,) and pulmonary dynamic compliance BAL fluid eosinophilia in a group of young racing horses
(C), as well as increases in transpulmonary pressure on clinical examination, BAL, hematology, and airway re-
(APPl),lung resistance (R,), and nonspecific airway hyper- sponsiveness as well as its effect on pulmonary function at
responsiveness.’ rest and after a standardized exercise challenge.
In the past, chronic SAD was considered to be a condi-
tion of the older horse? Recent work, however, has sug- Materials and Methods
gested that mild to subclinical SAD is a major cause of
Experimental Animals
morbidity in the young performance horse and consequent-
ly is a condition of considerable economic concern in the Eleven Standardbred horses in full training or racing condition were
equine racing industry.5.h selected for inclusion in the trial. All horses were studied under guide-
lines established by the Canadian Council on Animal Care.
Histologically, the disease is manifest as a bronchiolitis
Five horses, designated as principals (3 males, 2 females; age 2.6
with varying degrees of smooth muscle hyperplasia, mucus
2 0.9 years), had clinical signs of exercise intolerance referrable to
hypersecretion, epithelial desquamation, and inflammatory the respiratory system in the 2 weeks preceding examination. Clinical
cell infiltration.’ Equine SAD commonly is associated with signs of poor exercise tolerance included prolonged respiratory recov-
ery, cough, and mucopurulent nasal discharge after exercise or respi-
From the Department of Clinicul Studies, Ontario Veterinary Col- ratory embarrassment at exercise. Horses had exhibited at least 2 of
lege, University of Guelph. Guelph, ON, Canada. the preceding signs in the 2 weeks before the trial. Horses were iden-
Reprint requests: Laurent Viel, Phd, Department of Clinical Studies, tified from the referral population presented to the Ontario Veterinary
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON NIG College as well as in the practice territories of equine veterinarians in
2WI, Canada; e-mail: lviel@uoguelph.ca. southwestern Ontario. A full physical examination was performed on
Accepted September 30, 1997. each of these horses to eliminate nonrespiratory causes of poor per-
Copyright 0 1998 by the American College of Veterinaty Internal formance. Upper airway endoscopy was performed at rest, without
Medicine sedation, to eliminate pharyngeal and laryngeal anomalies as the cause
0891-6640/98/1203-0006/$3.00/0 of poor performance. All horses were on a regular anthelmintic pro-
19391676, 1998, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02112.x by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [10/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
164 Hare and Vie1

Table 1. Clinical scoring of respiratory examination. The maximum possible score is 15.
Expiratory effort 0 = normal 1 = increased
Respiratory rate 0 = 512/minute 1 = 12-16/minute 2 = > 16/minute
Nasal discharge 0 = none to thin serous I = copious serous 2 = mucopurulent
Submandibular lymph nodes 0 = normal 1 = enlarged
Thoracic auscultation on rebreathing 0 = normal breath 1 = crackles or wheezes 2 = crackles or wheezes
sounds on 5 2 sites on >2 sites
Thoracic percussion 0= normal 1 = increased resonance
in peripheral lung or
reduced resonance in
caudodorsal lung
Cough 0 = none during exam 1 = once during exam 2 = more than once dur-
ing exam
Bronchoscopic appearance of airways
Airway secretion 0 = none 1 = mucoid 2 = mucopurulent
Airway edema 0 = none 1 = mild blunting of ca- 2 = moderate blunting of
rina carina

gram and had been treated with ivermectin (Eqvalan, Merck Agvet, Coulter Electronics of Canada Ltd, Burlington, ON, Canada). WBC
Kirkland, PQ, Canada) in the 2 months preceding the trial. Six horses, differential counts were performed in a routine manner. Plasma fibrin-
designated as controls (4 males, 2 females; age 3.5 2 1.0 years), had ogen concentrations were measured in blood collected in citrate
been racing and training to expectation and were normal on complete (FibroSystem, BBL, Cockeysville, MD).
physical examination. Arterial blood samples were collected anaerobically by direct punc-
Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed and principal horses were ture of the carotid or transverse facial artery using a 20-gauge needle
further selected as those horses having >5% eosinophils on BAL cell and heparinized plastic syringe (Bard Parker A-line Kit, Becton Dick-
differential count. Control horses had BAL cell differential counts inson Acute Care, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Blood gas analysis was per-
within normal ranges as determined previously.6 formed immediately on a Radiometer ABL3 analyzer (Radiometer
Signed informed consent was obtained from all owners or agents Corp, Copenhagen, Denmark).
associated with the animals in the trial. All horses entering the trial
had adhered to the following drug withdrawal guidelines: bronchodi- Parasitology
lators, expectorants, sodium cromoglycate, antibiotics, and furosemide:
48 hours; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: 72 hours; prednisone: Feces and BAL fluid were examined for evidence of equine lung-
96 hours; dexamethasone: 7 days; and steroids given as depot prepa- worm (Dictyocaulus arnjeldi) larvae by the Baermann technique.
rations: 45 days.
Bronchoscopy and BAL
Experimental Protocol Bronchoscopy and BAL procedures were conducted as previously
All horses were acclimatized to hospital surroundings for 24 hours de~cribed.~.’ Briefly, the horse was restrained in stocks and a nose
before study. On the morning of day I , a general and detailed respi- twitch was applied. A 13-mm-diameter 180-cm-long bronchoscope
ratory examination was performed and blood was obtained for arterial (Olympus CF-LB2, Olympus Corp, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a
blood gas analysis, CBC and differential, and fibrinogen assay. Feces cold light source (Olympus CLK-3, Olympus Corp) was passed into
also were collected for parasitologic examination. Horses were accli- the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx was inspected. The bronchoscope
matized to walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes on the afternoon then was withdrawn and the animal was sedated with 0.5 m g k g xy-
of day I . Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed after introduction to lazine (Anased, Lloyd Laboratories, Shenandoah, IA) IV. After seda-
the treadmill. On day 2, horses were instrumented for pulmonary func- tion the bronchoscope was passed through the naris into the trachea
tion testing (PIT) and baseline pulmonary mechanics measurements to the level of the carina and 60 mL of 0.2% lidocaine solution was
were performed between 1300 and 1400 hours. Treadmill exercise sprayed through the biopsy channel to alleviate airway discomfort and
challenge then was performed. Pulmonary function testing was re- cough. Next, the bronchoscope was wedged in a subsegmental bron-
peated at 30, 60, and 90 minutes and 20 hours post-treadmill exercise. chus of the right diaphragmatic lung lobe. The lavage consisted of the
Histamine inhalation challenge was performed on the morning of day 3. infusion and immediate aspiration of 2 250-mL aliquots of warmed
(37°C). sterile physiologic saline. Fluid was retrieved by means of a
medical suction pump (Medi-pump, Power Air Division, Sheboygan,
Respiratory Examination WI) calibrated to deliver a constant negative pressure of 100 mm Hg.
A physical examination of the respiratory system was performed by Aspiration was discontinued when 200 mL of fluid had been retrieved.
the same clinician on all horses before BAL (Table I). Horses were
assigned a clinical respiratory score based on the method of Hare and Processing of BAL Fluid
coworkers.6 The maximum possible score that any horse could achieve
was 15. The lavage fluid was kept on ice until processing. Concentrations
of nucleated cells in BAL fluid were measured with an automated cell
counter (Coulter Counter ZM). Air-dried slides of BAL fluid were
Hematology prepared by cytocentrifuge at 600 rpm for 6 minutes (Cytospin 2,
After the initial respiratory examination, venous blood samples were Shandon Southern Products Ltd, Astmoor, UK). The slide preparations
collected for CBC and differential (in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid then were stained with a Wright-Giemsa stain using an automated
[EDTA]) and fibrinogen (in sodium citrate) measurement (Monoject stainer (Hema-Tek Slide Stainer, Miles Laboratories Ltd, Rexdale, ON,
blood collection tubes, Sherwood Medical, St Louis, MO). CBCs were Canada). Five hundred consecutive nucleated cells were identified on
performed using an automated cell counter (Coulter Counter ZM, each Wright-Giemsa-stained slide for a complete differential count.
19391676, 1998, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02112.x by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [10/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Pulmonary Eosinophilia in Young Racing Horses 165

The investigator was blinded as to the identity of the slides during the the provocative concentration of histamine that caused a 35% decrease
differential cell counts. Calculation of cell concentrations in BAL fluid in dynamic compliance (PC35Cl,,,) was determined. If C,,,,, had de-
was obtained by multiplying the cell differential percentage by the creased by less than 35% after 32 mg/mL histamine, PC35Cl,,, was
nucleated cell count. Sixty-milliliter aliquots of BAL fluid were sub- expressed as 32 mg/mL.
mitted for parasitologic examination using the Baermann technique.
Statistical Analysis
Pulmonary Function Testing
Respiratory score, hematology, BAL, and airway responsiveness
Horses were restrained with a lead and halter in a 1 X 3-m stock data were compared between principal and control horses by the
without sedation. A flexible plastic face mask was fitted over the an- Mann-Whitney U-test (Statistix 4.0, Analytical Software, St Paul,
imal’s muzzle and connected to a heated Fleisch #4 pneumotachograph MN).” Correlations between percent BAL fluid eosinophils and other
(Gould Electronics, Biltholven, The Netherlands), which was used to parameters were determined by Spearman rank correlation (Statistix
measure air flow, with volume derived by the electronic integration of 4.0).lx The effect of BAL eosinophilia on pulmonary function at base-
the flow signal (Pulmonary Mechanics Analyzer, Buxco Electronics line and after exercise challenge was evaluated by repeated measures
Inc, Sharon, CT). Transpulmonary pressure was measured as the dif- analysis of variance using Dunnet’s test for means comparison.“’
ference between pressure at the airway opening (facemask) and pres-
sure in a latex esophageal balloon (10 cm long, with 3 mL of air
injected, attached to a 2-m polyethylene catheter, 2.69 mm inner di-
ameter, 3.5 mm outer diameter), inserted to mid-thorax, to estimate The results of the respiratory scores, hematology, BAL
pleural pressure. The frequency responses of the transducer and cath-
cell constituents, and airway responsiveness data of prin-
eter systems were measured, with amplitude found to be without at-
cipal and control horses are presented in Table 2. Signifi-
tenuation up to 20 Hz. The phase lag between the pressure and flow
signals was corrected by using a digital delay system (Buxco Elec-
cant differences were observed between principal and con-
tronics Inc) The flow and pressure signals were collected and stored trol horses with regard to respiratory score, peripheral blood
on a personal computer for respiratory loop analysis using software eosinophils, BAL total cell count and macrophage percent-
from Buxco Electronics. Five to 10 breaths from each recording seg- age on differential, and PC35C,,,. Pulmonary function pa-
ment, chosen on the basis of loop closure and uniformity, were aver- rameters obtained at different time periods postexercise are
aged and the average parameter values recorded. Flow-volume and summarized in Table 3. Significant differences were noted
pressure-volume loops were analyzed from the same selected breaths. between principal and control horses with regards to both
respiratory rate and tidal volume at 20 hours. The BAL
Exercise Challenge eosinophil differential count correlated strongly with both
A safety harness and heart rate monitor (Equistat model HR-8A) clinical score (Fig 1) and PC35C,,,, (Fig 2).
were attached to the horse and hobbles were fitted prior to exercise
on a treadmill designed for equine use (Sato equine treadmill, Uppsala, Discussion
Sweden). Temperature in the treadmill room was maintained at 22°C
and humidity was between 40 and 60%. The horse was led onto the Strong evidence exists to support the hypothesis that air-
treadmill and the treadmill was started at its lowest speed (1.5 m/ way inflammation is associated with increased nonspecific
second) for 3 minutes. The treadmill then was inclined 3” and the airway responsiveness in horses’.2oas well as in other spe-
speed increased to 7-8 &second for 2 minutes, then to between 10 cies.2‘-23In general, it is believed that release of mediators
and 1 1 d s e c o n d for 3 minutes, the final speed being that at which by the inflammatory cell population serves to increase the
the horse maintained a heart rate of approximately 200 beats per min-
permeability of the respiratory epithelium to noxious
ute. After this time, the treadmill was slowly brought to a standstill.
agents, to potentiate the contraction of airway smooth mus-
The horse was removed from the treadmill and cooled down by hand-
walking. cle, to increase the sensitivity of neuronal receptors in the
airway, and to increase the thickness of the airway walls
Histamine Inhalation Challenge by cellular infiltration and mucus p r o d u ~ t i o nThe . ~ ~ human
eosinophil has received particular attention in this regard
The method of histamine aerosol provocation was a modification of because it is a predominant airway inflammatory cell in
that of Mirbahar and coworkers” and Klein and Deegen,I4 and was
chronic asthma.” Equine eosinophils, like their human
based on the work of Cockroft and coworkers.Ir Horses were re-
counterparts, are known to contain several cationic proteins
strained with a lead and halter in a 1 X 3-m stock without sedation.
A flexible plastic face mask was fitted over the animal’s muzzle and including major basic protein,25.2heosinophil peroxidase,z5
connected to a low resistance nonrebreathing valve to prevent the mix- and eosinophil cationic protein.?’ These enzymes are be-
ing of inspired and expired gases.Ih Baseline pulmonary function pa- lieved to contribute to a number of airway events including
rameters were recorded prior to aerosolization of a 0.9% saline solu- mast cell degranulation, epithelial damage, and lymphocyte
tion using a gas flow of 4.5 L/minute generated by a compressor (AFP i n h i b i t i ~ n In
. ~ ~addition, both lipoxygenase and cyclooxy-
Medical, Rugby, UK) through a nebulizer (Mistineb, Wilder Medical, genase products of the arachidonic acid pathway are pro-
Kitchener, ON, Canada). At this flow rate, the nebulizer output was duced by e o s i n o p h i l ~and , ~ ~ these cells are a major source
0.13 T 0.05 mL/minute. Each horse was then exposed to aerosoliza- of platelet activating factor.2X
tion of doubling doses of histamine diphosphate solution (1-32 mg/
In the present study, pulmonary eosinophilia on BAL
mL; Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, MO). Pulmonary function param-
eters were recorded immediately after each 2-minute aerosolization.
cytology was taken as evidence of allergic lung disease.
Aerosolization was discontinued when dynamic compliance decreased The presence of airway eosinophilia is not a novel obser-
to 50% of that recorded after saline aerosolization, a value previously vation in the h o r ~ e . ~The , ~ condition
~ - ~ ~ has been described
reported by Derksen and coworkers,l or when transpulmonary pressure to occur secondary to infection with D. amfeldi, the lung-
doubled. Data were plottcd against the log of histamine dose and, by worm of horses.2y.30 Other investigators have postulated that
interpolation between the points of the concentration-response curve, airway eosinophilia may occur secondary to SAD in the
19391676, 1998, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02112.x by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [10/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
166 Hare and Vie1

Table 2. Clinical score, hematology, bronchoalveolar lavage, and airway responsiveness results in principal and control
horses. Values are mean 2 SD.
Principals (n = 5) Controls (n = 6) P
Parameter Median Range Median Range Whitney)
Clinical score 4 3-10 I .5 0-3 .o I
WBC ( X 10y/L) 10.4 8.4-1 1.O 7.4 5.7-9.5 .06
Eosinophils ( X 109/L) 0.3 0.1-0.9 0.07 04.11 .04
Paoz (mm Hg) 91.0 78.6-96.1 95.8 88.6-102.1 .I7
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Total cells ( X 106iL) 650 320-1,100 360 260-540 .04
Macrophage (%) 58.6 40.6-62.4 67.7 61.0-78.8 .o 1
( X loon) 389 202-501 263 179-339 .06
Lymphocyte (%) 25.8 22.6-3 1.4 31.5 19.0-35.0 .32
( X lOf'/L) 203 74-250 100 52-1 84 .I2
Neutrophil (410) 0.8 0-1.8 0.4 0.2-1.4 .58
( X IOVL) 5.8 0-7.8 1.1 0.8-7.6 .3 I
Eosinophil (%) 11.8 6.4-26.4 0.3 0-1 .o
( X IOVL) 65 38-292 0.8 0-5.4
Mast cell (%) 1.4 0.4-2.4 1.o 0-2.8 36
( X IOVL) 12 3-16 2.8 0-15.2 .I7
Epithelial (%) 0 0-3.2 0 04.6 .93
( X 10") 0 0-2 1 0 0-3.1 .93
Airway responsiveness: PC35C,,,. (m.dmL) 4.4 1-10.7 21.4 1 1.2-32 .o 1
Pao,, arterial oxygen tension: PC35C,,,,, concentration of histamine effecting a 35% decrease in dynamic compliance
Entry variable.

absence of parasitic i n f i l t r a t i ~ n . ~The

, ~ ~ )horses
, ~ ' in the pres- these horses may be indicative of allergic lung disease, a
ent study were found to be negative for parasites on Baer- situation similar to that previously recognized in the cat'?
mann examination of feces and BAL fluid, suggesting that and dog.'h
the presence of a patent infection with D. arnjeldi was The characterization of this equine disease as solely an
unlikely. In addition, all animals had been treated recently eosinophil-mediated disorder is likely to be erroneous, just
with ivermectin, a drug demonstrated to have excellent ef- as is the designation of chronic SAD as a purely neutrophil-
ficacy against all life stages of D. ~ r n j e l d i . 'The ~ likelihood mediated disorder. Workers have demonstrated the patho-
of migrating ascarids inducing pulmonary eosinophilia in physiologic significance of mast cell^,'^,'^ lymphocyte^,?^
the principal horses was extremely unlikely given the fact and even eosinophilsy,10in the latter condition. It may be
that these horses were regularly dewormed with ivermectin, more appropriate to view the principal horses in the present
actively training, and housed in racing barns and given al- study as representing part of the natural progression of SAD
most no access to pasture. It is extremely unlikely, there- given their young age and relatively mild disease state.
fore, that the eosinophil infiltration in the airways of the The usefulness of the clinical respiratory score described
horses in the present study was secondary to parasitic lung here in assessing airway disease in horses was addressed in
disease. We believe that the airway eosinophilia noted in a previous study? Using other clinical scores, other workers

Table 3. Pulmonary function in principal and control horses in response to exercise challenge. Values are mean 2 SD.
Parameter Baseline 60 Minutes 20 Hours
Rate (breaths per minute) P 13.6 t 4.6 16.9 t- 4.6 15.4 t- 3.1a
C 10.6 t- 1.9 13.5 t 3.2 10.8 t 3.2
Tidal volume (L) P 5.9 t 0.9 5.8 t- 1.2 6.3 t 0.7
C 7.3 t 1.1 6.5 t- 1.0 8.3 t- 2.1
AP,, (cm HZO) P 7.9 t 1.5 8.2 t 1.7 8.8 t 1.3
C 10.7 t 3.3 8.7 t- 3.2 8.7 t 2.9
C,,,, (Lkm H 2 0 ) P 2.9 t- 1.0 2.7 t- 0.5 2.6 t 0.3
C 2.1 t 1.2 2.4 t- 0.7 2.1 t 0.8
R,, (cm HzO/L/second) P 0.72 t 0.16 0.67 t 0.23 0.73 t 0.20
C 0.94 t 0.50 0.70 t 0.34 0.74 t 0.44
WorWminute (kg X m/second/minute) P 380 t 200 450 t 90 450 t 140
C 390 t- 130 450 t 150 300 t 100

P, principal; C, control; AP,,, maximum change in transpulmonary pressure; C,,,, inspiratory dynamic compliance; R, , total lung resistance.
Significantly different from control, P 5 .05.
19391676, 1998, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02112.x by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [10/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Pulmonary Eosinophilia in Young Racing Horses I67





0 5 10 15 20 25 M 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
BAL Eosinophil Dflerenthl(%) BAL Eosinophil Differential (%)

Fig 1. Correlation between bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) eosinophil Fig 2. Correlation between bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) eosinophil
differential (%) and respiratory score in study horses; r2 = 0.94, P < differential (%) and the provocative concentration of histamine that
,005. caused a 35% decrease in dynamic compliance (PC35C,,,,) (mg/mL
histamine) in study horses; v2 = -0.78, P < 0.05.

have demonstrated that semiquantitative measurement of

clinical respiratory signs is a sensitive tool in the diagnosis
of equine lung disease.40Hoffman and coworkers 4 1 further BAL neutrophilia may persist in the absence of clinical
demonstrated that the discrimination of healthy from dis- signs of airway o b s t r ~ c t i o nAlternatively,
.~~ the level of pul-
eased foals on the basis of clinical signs alone was a valid monary function alteration in principal horses may not have
criterion for the definition of distal respiratory tract infec- been profound enough in these horses to cause impaired
tions. The present study further emphasizes the importance gas exchange at rest, regardless of whether they were in
of clinical examination in that it demonstrated a strong cor- disease exacerbation or remission.
relation between the respiratory score and the degree of Results of bronchoalveolar lavage showed that airway
airway eosinophilia. eosinophilia did not occur independently of other cellular
Upon examination of hematology, fibrinogen, and blood fluxes. Total cell counts in principal horses were approxi-
gases, principal horses were found to differ from controls mately double those in control horses. This increase ap-
in that they had a higher concentration of blood eosinophils. peared to be a reflection of the trend towards the harvest
There was a trend towards higher total leukocyte numbers of a greater number of lower airway cells of all types except
that may have been attributable to the peripheral eosino- epithelial cells in principal horses. Increased cell harvest
philia. It has been suggested that peripheral blood eosino- was not likely a reflection of BAL technique because as-
phi1 numbers are only a crude indicator of the systemic piration of the infusate was terminated at 200 mL recovery
state, implying that these cells are in transit from their site in all horses. The increased cell harvest may indicate that
of production to their site of s on sump ti on.^' Indeed, other the cells were less adherent to the airways and alveolar
workers have found similar increases in blood eosinophil walls in principal horses, that pulmonary eosinophilia is
counts in horses with eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrates.72.33 associated with increases in all inflammatory cells in the
In the case of the principal horses in the present study, the lung, or that an area of higher cell population was selec-
assumption is that these peripheral eosinophils were in tran- tively lavaged in the principal horses. The latter 2 hypoth-
sit to the lung. Other body tissues were not, however, ex- eses would appear to be most likely in that activated in-
amined in order to test this hypothesis. flammatory cells usually are more adherent to respiratory
The association between Pao, and disease did not epithelium than their quiescent counte~parts.4~ Eosinophils
acheive a statistical significance (P = .17). Previous studies have been demonstrated to produce a variety of cytokines
on equine SAD assert that Pao, is a sensitive indicator of and chemotactic substances that attract and activate a wide
pulmonary function in affected The absence of spectrum of inflammatory cells.27It is well known that la-
prominent differences in PaO, in the face of striking pul- vage of larger airways results in higher BAL cell counts
monary inflammation supports the hypothesis that the hors- than lavage of the smaller, more distal Given that
es of the present report were, at the time of study, in re- the principal horses demonstrated prominent airway re-
mission from their disease. This situation is similar to that sponsiveness compared to controls, it would seem probable
in the chronic heavey horse in clinical remission where that these horses would be more likely to undergo bron-
19391676, 1998, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1939-1676.1998.tb02112.x by Cochrane Colombia, Wiley Online Library on [10/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
168 Hare and Vie1

choconstriction during the BAL procedure, thus resulting formed indoors in conditions of controlled temperature and
in lavage of somewhat more proximal airways. humidity as these factors have been demonstrated to influ-
When the percentage differentials of the BAL cell con- ence the occurrence of exercise-induced bronchoconstric-
stituents were evaluated, it appeared that BAL eosinophilia tion (EIB) in humans.’* In a pilot study, respiratory recov-
was associated with a decrease in the percentage of mac- ery in both principal and control horses took 20-40 min-
rophages. This finding has been observed in horses with utes, during which time the respiratory rate was markedly
chronic SAD where the prominent neutrophilia results in a increased from normal. Analysis of pulmonary mechanics
suppression of the macrophage differential.x In both in- data obtained during this time period could not reliably be
stances, this effect is strictly a result of the dilutional effect compared with that obtained at rest. For this reason, pul-
of an increase in cell percentage on the proportion of other monary mechanics measures were not instituted until 60
cell types. minutes after treadmill challenge. In humans, EIB is most
The occurrence of increased airway responsiveness in severe about 15 minutes after exercise and continues for
our principal horses is supportive of the fact that these an- approximately 45 minutes.I2 In some individuals, a late-
imals were suffering from SAD, despite the fact that they phase reaction occurs in which bronchoconstriction be-
did not demonstrate overt airway obstruction. This is in comes prominent at approximately 4-8 hours and can con-
agreement with the work of Doucet and coworkersZoand tinue for 24 hours or more.I2 The protocol we established
Tesarowski and colleagues,4h who demonstrated the pres- did not allow for meaningful interpretation of pulmonary
ence of increased airway responsiveness in horses in clin- mechanics until at least 60 minutes after exercise; therefore,
ical remission from SAD. Derksen and colleagues3 con- it is possible that acute EIB may have been missed in our
cluded that ponies in clinical remission from SAD were not principal horses. Nevertheless, we were not able to dem-
hyperresponsive to inhaled histamine despite the fact that onstrate a difference in airway patency between principal
their data suggested a trend otherwise. In humans, asth- and control horses either in the early or late phase after
matic individuals may retain significant airway hyperreac- exercise challenge.
tivity despite the amelioration of their clinical signs with The treadmill protocol may have been too demanding for
allergen avoidance or pharmac~therapy.~~ Furthermore, the the purposes of this study. In humans, exercise challenge
real differences observed between principals and controls for detection of EIB varies greatly but it generally consists
with regard to airway responsiveness may have been even of treadmill running or stationary cycling at a level below
greater than those reported herein. At the time of the his- predicted maximal oxygen uptake.12 In our effort to simu-
tamine challenge (20 hours postexercise) principal horses late racing intensity, we may have exceeded the anaerobic
had greater respiratory rates and smaller tidal volumes than threshold of our study horses. Plasma lactate concentrations
did controls. The smaller tidal volumes of the principal in 2 horses immediately after cessation of treadmill exercise
horses could have limited the distribution of the histamine were 7.2 and 8.4 mmoVL, respectively, indicating a prom-
to the lower airways and may in fact have resulted in higher inent degree of anaerobic metabolism. Furthermore, all
than expected values of PC35C,,,. horses were sweating heavily at the end of the exercise
Airway responsiveness closely correlated with the degree period. Consequently, it is likely that the hyperpnea ob-
of airway eosinophilia. This may reflect eosinophil-medi- served in all horses in the 30 minutes after exercise was
ated damage to the airway epithelium or modulation of rest- partly due to thermoregulation. Had the horses been chal-
ing smooth muscle tone. lenged less vigorously, much of the delay in P F r measure-
In the present study, horses could not be studied after a ment may have been prevented.
period of exacerbation of their SAD with mouldy hay or Principal horses had a significantly higher respiratory
straw, a well-known stimulus for this ~ o n d i t i o n . ~This
.~.~ rate and reduced tidal volume 20 hours postexercise. In
was not possible because the animals were client-owned. addition, there was a trend towards reduced tidal volume in
Neither was it possible to achieve consent for lung biopsy principal horses at rest ( P = .06). The reason for these
or similar invasive techniques that may have allowed better differences is not known. However, Doucet4*noted signif-
characterization of airway pathology. icantly increased respiratory rate and a trend towards re-
Given that the clinical signs of respiratory disease were duced tidal volume in young Standardbred horses with ex-
reported by the trainers to occur in association with exer- ercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) when com-
cise, it seemed prudent to examine the animals after a stan- pared to non-EIPH controls. She speculated that part of the
dardized exercise protocol. Exercise has been studied ex- reason for this phenomenon may lie in the fact that these
tensively as a trigger for both early and late bronchocon- horses, by virtue of their disease history, may have been
strictor responses in human asthmatic patients.I2 Although more apprehensive about restraint for diagnostic or thera-
studies have been performed in the horse documenting the peutic procedures. Regardless of its cause, this observation
respiratory response during exercise,4’ to our knowledge, may have served to overestimate the dynamic compliance
this was the 1st study to describe the effects of exercise on of the principal horses because this variable is frequency-
the equine respiratory system after exercise challenge. dependent and known to decrease with increases in respi-
We exercised the horses of the present study at an inten- ratory rate.49
sity that approximated that of racing conditions, insofar as Another reason for our inability to detect EIB may reflect
the clinical signs the horses experienced were associated differences between SAD in horses and asthma in humans.
with their high level of training. Horses were exacised at EIB in humans may occur secondary to the cooling and
the same time each day to minimize any diurnal influence rapid rewarming of the bronchi and is a result of impaired
on pulmonary function. The treadmill challenge was per- regulation of bronchial vascular tone.’* Pathologic changes
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Pulmonary Eosinophilia in Young Racing Horses 169

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