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I Swear

Instruction: Below lists a number of scenarios that put you in various “crisis” situations or dilemmas.
Each poses a temptation that you can either resist or give in to. The question is, what will you do when
faced with that dilemma? Please write and explain you answers in the worksheet provided below.


1. At the airport, you saw a

woman dropped her passport
while getting into the taxi. You
got the taxi’s plate number.

2. You wanted to go home but

the queue for taxi is long and it
is raining. A stranger offered
you a ride home.

3. A friend told you a secret.

Another friend is asking you to
share with him/her the secret.

4. You aren’t prepared for the

exam, but you cannot afford to
fail in the exam. A friend offered
you the answer key to the exam.

5. Your parents will be away

from the weekend. You were
asked to stay home until they
are back.

6. You wanted a new cellphone

but your mother gave you her
old mobile unit.

7. You saw your friend cheat in

the exam. S/He helped you in
the previous school project.

8. On campus, you witnessed

an older student bully a younger
student. The older is as big as

9. You love dogs. You saw

someone hit a dog with a stone.

10. You were served with pork

or beef, but you don’t eat any
kind of meat. You are

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