Lecture About English Language

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Lecture about English language

First and foremost, all praise is due to Allah

Secondly, I am greatly obligated to thank my honourble
teacher whose gratitude can’t be repaid.
thirdly, I would like to talk about English language.
As we know, English is the most commonly used
language though out the world and it is international
language as well.
Moreover, English is very important because it is the
language of science.
Furthermore, English speaker earn more money because
learning English opens up opportunities regardless of
ethnicity, colour and background.
There are four ways to learn English and they are
speaking, writing, reading and listening
Finally, there are a lot of reasons to learn English, but the
above ones should be enough to tell you and if you want
to have choices in life, learning English is one of the best
ways to accomplish your dreams.
Thank you
Lecture about laziness
Firstly, let me thank the Almighty Allah who created us
from a clot of blood.
Secondly, I am deeply glad to dedicate my golden time to
stand ahead of dear gentlemen, ladies, teachers and my
Thirdly, I would like to suggest a lecture about laziness.
As we know, laziness is a bad character which impedes
the improvement and the progress of the person.
Laziness is also an enigmatic matter which can obstruct
everyone to achieve their goals; moreover, it can damage
the individual’s ambitions, so everyone is inevitable to
grasp the way that laziness would be tackled. However, it
was made scrutiny that slothful person cannot reach what
they wish due to their laziness; Therefore, it is better to
cease it.
I want to conclude my lecture since the time doesn’t
permit me to prolong my lecture
Thank you
Fantastic speech
First and foremost, all praise is due to Allah
Secondly, I am greatly obligated to thank my honorable
teacher whose gratitude can’t be repaid.
Thirdly, I want you to perform three steps before getting
into our subject matter and they are
Firstly, I want you to pay attention to my speech.
Secondly, I want you to avoid any kind of quarrel.
Lastly, I want you to answer my question as they are.
Useful sentences
1. Please, calm down and don’t bark like dogs=fadlan is
deji oo ha u ciyiin sida eeyda.
2. I can’t believe the myth you are gabbing about=ma
aamini karo khurafaadka aad ka sheekayayso.
3. stop your provocation otherwise, you will regret=jooji
daandaansiga haddii kale waad ka shalayn doontaa
4. I don’t like to converse a lad like you=kama helo
inaan la sheekaysto kuray noocaaga oo kale ah.
5. A buffoon like you can’t play my dignity =nacas
noocaaga oo kale ahi sharaftayda kuma ciyaari karo
6. make sure your speech=hadalkaaga hubi

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