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The Tale of King Shahryar and His Brother King Shahzaman

The king among kings on Sásán, in the isles of India and China, has two sons named Shahryar
and Shahzaman. As time goes by the two brothers became kings, King Shahryar reign over the
whole land, while King Shahzaman ruled on Samarkand al-Ajam. One day, King Shahzaman
was on his way to visit his brother, but he needed to go back to his land because of forgetting
something. Unfortunately, on his return he witnessed his wife's unfaithfulness to him with a
black slave. He killed both of them and begin again on his journey to his brother's land. During
King Shahzaman stay on his brother's place, King Shahryar went out on a hunting. Shahzaman
looks out his window and sees Shahryar's wife embracing a black slave with other servants doing
the same thing also. He tells it to his brother as soon as he returns. He at first don’t believe it then
his little brother told them to fake going out then he finds his little brother saying the truth. Then,
they go to the seaside, where they see an Ifrit who keeps a lady trapped in a casket. He falls
asleep with his head in her lap, and while he's sleeping, she demands to have relations with the
two kings and to keeps their seal rings. The kings, concluding that all woman are unfaithful,
decided that they would never marry again. King Shahryar has his wife and her lover executed
but also proclaimed that whenever he marries, he will kill his wife after taking their virginity. A
few years have passed and he marries women only to kill them the next morning. One day, his
Wazir can find no more virgins. However, he found a woman with his two daughters, named
Shahrazad and Dunyazad. Shahrazad then volunteer to marry the King.

The Fable of the Ass, the Bull and the Husbandman

A bull tells an ass that the ass lived a better life, since he has better food and a clean stall. The ass
advises him to pretend to be sick for a couple of days, and this trick works. The husbandman,
with the ability to understand animals overhears this conversation, and tells the owner to put the
ass to work, causing him to regret giving advice. Afterwards, the husbandman again overhears
the second conversation, where the Ass warns the Bull to stop playing sick because he is to be
killed if he continuous to be sick the following day. The husbandman laughs at this, and his wife
demands to know what he finds funny. He tells her that he cannot reveal his secret or he will die,
but she is persistent and she keeps pestering him. He tells her to gather her family. Everyone tries
to convince her to let it go and stop asking the husbandman of his secret, since he will die if he
reveals it, but she refuses then the husbandman has no choice but to tell her wife. Before almost
telling her and giving up her life for it, the husbandman then overhears a dog and a cock talking,
the cock says that the husband should whip his wife twigs until she agrees to stop asking, instead
of sacrificing her own life. The merchant does so.
However, Scheherazade has her way and instructs her younger sister to ask for a story when she
is with the King. That night, Scheherazade cries and tells the king she would like to see her sister
before she dies. Dunyazad is brought in and, as instructed, asks for a story. And it begins the first
night of the Thousand and One Nights.

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