Reading Comprehension Grade 8 Secret Diary 7

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Name: _________________________ Date: ____________

Eighth Grade Reading Comprehension 7: The Secret Diary

Samantha was an eighth-grader who loved to write. She kept a diary that she wrote in every
day, and it was her most prized possession. She wrote about everything in it: her friends, her
crush, and her dreams for the future.
One day, Samantha left her diary in her locker and forgot to lock it. When she came back from
lunch, she found that her diary was missing. She panicked and searched the entire school, but it
was nowhere to be found.
Samantha was devastated. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone reading her private
thoughts and secrets. She didn't know who could have taken it or why.
Days went by, and Samantha tried to forget about her lost diary. But then one day, she received
an anonymous letter in her locker. It read:
"Dear Samantha, I found your diary, and I've been reading it. I know everything about you now,
and I think you're amazing. I want to meet you and talk to you. Meet me at the school
courtyard after school today. I'll be waiting for you."
Samantha was scared but curious. She decided to go to the school courtyard after school and
meet the mysterious person. When she got there, she saw a boy from her class named Jacob.
He was holding her diary. "Jacob, did you take my diary?" Samantha asked.
"Yes, I did," Jacob replied. "But I didn't read it to be mean. I wanted to know more about you. I
think you're the most interesting person in the world."
Samantha was touched by Jacob's honesty and vulnerability. She forgave him and thanked him
for returning her diary. From that day on, Samantha and Jacob became friends, and she learned
that sometimes, even the people who seem like enemies can become the best of friends.
1. What was Samantha's most prized possession?
2. What happened to Samantha's diary?
3. What did the anonymous letter in Samantha's locker say?
4. Who turned out to be the person who had taken Samantha's diary?
5. What happened between Samantha and Jacob after he returned her diary?
Summary question:
Can you briefly summarize the story of "The Secret Diary"?


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