Reading Comp Grade 11 Audition 1

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Name: _________________________ Date: ____________

Eleventh Grade Reading Comprehension 1: The Audition

Samantha had always dreamed of being a famous actress. She spent countless hours practicing
monologues and studying scripts, hoping that one day she would have her chance to shine.
When she heard about an audition for the lead role in a local theater production, she knew that
this was her opportunity.
On the day of the audition, Samantha was nervous but determined. She arrived at the theater
early and spent some time rehearsing her monologue. As she waited for her turn, she couldn't
help but feel intimidated by the other actors who were also vying for the part.
When it was finally Samantha's turn to audition, she stepped onto the stage with confidence.
She delivered her lines flawlessly and even managed to improvise a bit when the director asked
her to try a different approach. When she finished, she felt like she had given it her all.
A few days later, Samantha received a call from the theater company. They offered her the lead
role in the production! Samantha was overjoyed and couldn't wait to start rehearsals.
As rehearsals progressed, Samantha quickly realized that being the lead actress was not as
glamorous as she had imagined. She had to work long hours and memorize a lot of lines. She
also had to deal with the pressure of making sure the show was a success.
Despite the challenges, Samantha persevered. She worked hard and put everything she had
into every performance. When opening night finally arrived, Samantha felt nervous but excited.
She knew that this was her chance to show the world what she was made of.
The show was a huge success, and Samantha received rave reviews for her performance. She
was thrilled to have achieved her dream of becoming a famous actress, but she also realized
that it took a lot of hard work and dedication to make it in the industry.
1. What was Samantha's dream?
2. How did Samantha feel when she arrived at the theater for her audition?
3. What did Samantha do when the director asked her to try a different approach?
4. What challenges did Samantha face when she was cast as the lead actress?
5. Was the show a success?
Summary Question:
What did Samantha learn about achieving her dream of becoming a famous actress?


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