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Civic Issues

Human Trafficking
in Canada

Each year, there are somewhere

between 300-450 cases of
human trafficking in Canada
alone. That is about 1,600 cases
in five years.

Sexual exploitation is the most

popular version of human
trafficking in Canada. About 71%
of human trafficking victims are
women, and 29% male.

Human Trafficker generally try and

take their victims by giving them
support or opportunities, so the
more popular groups they victimize
are people living in poverty or debt,
foster kids, mentally ill victims,
juvenile or welfare kids, those
homeless , or runaways.

Many people assume that human

traffickers don’t know their
victims but one-third of the time
the victim knows or is related to
there trafficker. for example; a
spouse, significant other, parent,
friend, care giver, or other family

The worst part is that we don’t

know how accurate the statistics
are because a lot of the time
human trafficking goes.
Unnoticed about 4% of human
trafficking is identified and
about 1-2% of children are saved
from human traffickers .

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