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Passive voice

Note that the relationship between the agent and the

receiver of the action is called voice.
There are two voices in English and they are active
voice and passive voice
When the verb is active, the subject of the verb is doing.
In other words, the form of a verb in which the subject
performs the action is called active voice.
When the verb is passive, the subject undergoes the
action rather than doing it. In other words, the form of a
verb used when the subject is affected by the action of
the verb is called passive voice
1. The object of active verb changes into subject of the
2. The passive is formed the tenses of the auxiliary verb
to be and past participle of the main verb
We use by when we want to mention the doer of the
Note that agents are mentioned in only about 20
percent of passive clauses.
Uses of passive voice
1.When the speaker is more interested in the action
than the doer or when we want to emphasize the
receiver of the action
Our house is being painted.
President kennedy was killed.
2.When the doer of the action is forgotten or
My pen has been stolen.
3. passive voice is used for making general
statement or announcements
e.g passengers are remined to fasten their seatbelts.
4.passive voice is also used for writing scientific
e.g potassium was added and mixed in
the solution was heated to 80c
Present continuous tense in passive
subject+is/am/are+being+past participle+ (by+agent)
Active voice: I am writing a lesson
Passive voice: A lesson is being written by me.
Active voice: They are helping us.
Passive voice: we are being helped by them.
Active voice: Halimo is killing a rat.
Passive voice: A rat is being killed by Halimo
Active voice: she is abusing me now
Passive voice: I am being abused now.
Simple present in passive
Subject+is/am/are+p. p+ (by+agent)
Active voice: she writes a letter.
Passive voice: A letter is written by her.
Active voice: They always abuse me.
Passive voice: I am always abused.
Simple past tense in passive
Subject+was/were+p. p+ (by+agent)
Active voice: we wrote a letter.
passive voice: A letter was written by us.
Active voice: she greeted me well.
Passive voice: I was greeted well.
Present perfect tense in passive voice
subject+has/have+been+p. p+ (by+agent )
Active voice: I have written a letter
passive voice: A letter has been written by me.
Active voice: She has seen you.
Passive voice: You have been seen by her.
Active voice: They have done it
Passive voice: It has been done.
Past continuous tense in passive voice
subject+was/were+being +p. p+ (by+agent)
Active voice: I was writing a letter.
Passive voice: A letter was being written by me.
Active vice: They were learning English.
Passive voice: English was being learnt.
Past perfect tense in passive voice
subject+had+been+p. p[by+agent +simple past in passive.
Active voice:She had abused me before she slapped me
Passive voice: I had been abused before I was slapped.
Active voice: After they had seen it, they took it
Passive voice: After it had been seen, it was taken
Simple future tense in passive
subject+will/shall+ be +p.p+ (by+agent )
Active voice: She will write a letter
passive voice: A letter will be written by her.
Active voice: They will kill you
Passive voice: You will be killed.
Future perfect tense in passive
subject+will/shall+have+been+p. p+ (by+agent)
Active: They will have written a letter by tonight
Passive: A letter will have been written by tonight.
Active: She will have learnt English by next month
Passive: English will have been learnt by next month.
Note that Future continuous, future perfect
continuous, past perfect continuous, and present
perfect continuous are not frequently used in passive
voice. These tenses are not common in passive voice.
Conditional sentences in passive
1. Active voice: If I see him, I will greet him.
Passive voice: If he is seen, he will be greeted.
2.Active voice: If you asked me, I would answer it.
Passive voice: If I was asked, it would be answered by
3.Active voice: If you had abused me, I would have killed
Passive voice: If I had been abused by you, you would
have been killed by me.

Modal auxiliary verbs in passive voice

subject+modal auxiliary +be +p. p+ (by+agent)
1.Active voice: I can write it.
Passive voice: It can be written by me.
2 Active voice: we could get the book.
Passive voice: The book could be gotten.
3 Active voice: They may know it
Passive voice: It may be known
4.Active voice: we might see it.
Passive voice: It might be seen.
5. Active voice: she must write it
Passive voice: It must be written.
6.Active voice: she has to write the lesson.
Passive voice: The lesson has to be written.
7. Active voice: They have to obey the traffic rule.
Passive voice: the traffic rule has to be obeyed.
8.Activevoice: They had to answer the question.
Passive voice: The question had to be answered.
9. Active voice: we should do our exercise.
Passivevoice: Our exercise should be done by us.
other modal, semi modal verbs and similar
structures are turned into passive voice .
Interrogative sentences in the passive voice
There are three stages to change active voice questions
into passive voice
These are the following
Stage 1=Turn the question into statement form.
Stage 2= Make the statement passive voice.
Stage3=Turn the passive sentence back to question.
1.Active voice: Are you writing a letter?
Stage 1: You are writing a letter.
Stage 2= A letter is being written.
Passive voice(Stage 3): is a letter being written?
2. Active voice: Does she help you?
Passive voice: Are you helped by her?
3.Active voice: Did you understand the lesson?
Passive voice: Was the lesson understood by you?
4. Active voice: Have you understood me?
Passive voice Have I been understood?
5. Active voice Was she abusing me?
Passive voice:Was I being abused by her?
6. Active voice: Had you understood the lesson before
you wrote it?
Passive voice: Had the lesson been understood before it
was written?
7. Active voice: Will you learn English?
Passive voice: Will English be learnt?
8. Active voice: Can I ask you?
Passive voice: Can you be asked?
Negative sentences in passive voice
1. Active voice: I am not abusing you.
Passive voice: You are not being abused.
2. Active voice: You do not know English.
Passive voice: English is not known by you.
3. Active voice: You did not answer my question.
Passive voice: My question was not answered.
4. Active voice: You have not answered my question
Passive voice: My question has not been answered
5. Active voice: she was not writing a letter.
Passive voice A letter was not being written by her.
6. Active voice: I will not help you.
Passive voice: You will not be helped.

Negative words in passive structure

Some indefinite pronouns like no one, nobody
And nothing has a negative meaning, therefore a negative
structure should be used in the passive.
1.Active voice: No one knows you.
Passive voice: You are not known.
2. Active voice: Nobody liked her.
Passive voice: She was not liked.
3. Active voice: Nothing has affected my decision.
Passive voice: My decision has not been affected.
4. Active voice: No one took any books.
Passive voice: No books were bought.
5. Active voice: No one will ever do it again
Passive voice: It will never be done again.
6. Active voice: we have never seen this important lesson.
Passive voice: This important lesson has never been seen
by us.
7. Active voice: Nobody can solve this problem.
Passive voice: This problem cannot be solved.
8.Active voice:No one pronounced it well.
Passive voice: It was not pronounced well
9.Active voice: You do not know anything
Passive voice: Nothing is known by you.
10. Active voice: We do not want anybody
Passive voice:Nobody is wanted.
11. Active voice: No one made any mistake
Passive voice: No mistake was made.
12. Active voice: Nobody can answer it.
Passive voice: It cannot be answered.
13. Active voice: Nobody has ever helped her.
Passive voice: she has never been helped.
14.Active voice: I have not seen anybody.
Passive voice: Nobody has been seen by me.
15. Active voice: Nobody will help you.
Passive voice: You will not be helped.
16. Active voice: No one has ever touched it.
Passive voice: It has never been touched.
Double objects in passive
Remember that transitive verb is sometimes
followed by two objects. In such cases, the sentence
may have two passive forms
1.Active voice: She showed me the book
Passive voice: I was showed the book.
Passive voice: The book was shown to me.
2.Active voice: we sent him money
Passive voice: He was sent money
Passive voice: Money was sent to him.
3.Active voice: Farah bought me a good book
Passive voice: I was bought a good book by Farah.
Passive voice: A good book was bought to me by Farah.
Let in passive voice
Let+object+be +p. p}
1.Active voice: Let me write it
Passive voice: let it be written.
2.Active voice: Let’s do it
Passive voice: let it be done.
3.Active voice: Let her take it
Passive voice: let it be taken by her.
4.Active voice:Let me choose it.
Passive voice: Let it be chosen.
5. Active voice: Let me ask you.
Passive voice: Let you be asked.
Let =allow
Active: The teacher let me use his pen yesterday.
Passive:I was allowed to use his pen yesterday.
Active voice:They let me park my car in their field every
Passive voice:I am allowed to park my car in their field
every day.
Imperative sentences in passive voice
Various ideas like commands/orders/requests can be
expressed in passive voice.
Imperatives can be turned into passive voice by using let
 We can also use the following formula instead of let
1.Active voice: Write it
Passive voice: Let it be written
2.Active voice: open it
Passive voice: Let it be opened.
3.Active voice: post this letter.
Passive voice: Let this letter be posted.
4. Active voice: pay the amount.
Passive voice: Let the amount be paid.
Note that we can also use the following formula to
change imperatives into passive voice
 formulaYou+are+asked/begged/ordered/
Negative imperatives in passive voice
1.Active voice: Don’t open the door.
Passive voice: let the door not be opened.
2.Active voice: Don’t take my pen.
Passive voice: let my pen not be taken.
3.Active voice: Don’t touch me.
Passive voice: let me not be touched.
Active voice: Please, help her.
Passive voice: You are requested to help her.
Active voice: please, give me examples.
Passive voice: You are requested to give examples.
Active voice: Please, tell me your name.
Passive:You are requested to tell me your name
Active voice: Please, speak English
Passive voice: You are requested to speak English
Please in negative sentences
Active voice: please, don’t call the police
Passive voice: You are requested not to call the police.
Active voice: Please, don’t insult me
Passive voice: You are requested not to insult me.
Active voice: please, don’t ask me.
Passive voice: You are requested not to ask me.
Question-words in passive voice
Active voice: Why are you writing it?
Passive voice: Why is it being written?
Active voice: Why do abuse her?
Passive voice:Why is she abused?
Active voice: How do you write it?
Passive voice:How is it written?
Active voice: How are you speaking English?
Passive voice: How is English being spoken?
Active voice: When will you write it?
Passive voice:When will it be written?
Active voice: When did you help her?
Passive voice: When was she helped?

Active voice: Where did you get it?
Passive voice: Where was it gotten?
Active voice: Where are you sending him?
Passive voice: Where is he being sent?
Active voice: What are you eating?
Passive voice: What is being eaten?
Active voice: What do you learn?
Passive voice: What is learnt by you?
Active voice: What have you seen?
Passive voice: What has been seen by you?
Active voice: Which will you get
Passive voice: Which will be gotten?
Active voice: Which are you talking about?
Passive voice: Which is being talked about?
Active voice: Which did you answer?
Passive voice: Which was answered?
Active voice: Which do you want?
Passive voice: which is wanted by you?

Who in passive voice

Who is turned into by whom
Active voice: Who wants me?
Passive voice: by whom am I wanted?
Active voice: Who abused you?
Passive voice: by whom were you abused?
Note that to ask who did something in passive questions,
we usually prefer who…by, especially in spoken
By whom is also possible
Active voice: who invited you?
Passive voice: who were you invited by?
Passive voice: by whom were you invited?
Whom is turned in to who
Active voice: Whom did she meet?
Passive voice: Who was met?
Active voice: Whom can you kill?
Passive voice: Who can be killed?
Active voice: Whom has she greeted?
Passive voice: Who has been greeted?
Active voice: Whom is she abusing?
Passive voice: Who is being abused?
Active voice: Whom have you called?
Passive voice: Who has been called?
Active voice: Whom did you see yesterday.
Passive voice: Who was seen yesterday?
Relative pronouns in passive voice
Active voice I saw the teacher who taught you.
Passive voice: The teacher by whom you were taught was
Active voice: The student who answered it is my brother.
Passive voice: The student by whom it was answered is
my brother.
Active voice: I have helped the boy who you know
Passive voice: The boy who is known has been helped.
Active voice: I have seen the man whom you have
Passive voice: The man who has been abused has been seen.
Active voice: I have gotten the money which you have
given me.
Passive voice: The money which I have been given has
been gotten.
Active voice: I helped the student that you dismissed.
Passive voice: The student that was dismissed was
Active voice: I dismissed the boy whose brother you
Passive voice: The student whose brother was called was
Make, hear, see and help in passive voice.
In active voice, the verbs make, hear, see and help can
be followed by infinitive without to.
The verb help can be followed by infinitive with to or
infinitive without to in active voice.
The verb used with infinitive to in the passive voice.
Active voice: she is making me cry now.
Passive voice: I am being made to cry now.
Active voice: They made her understand the lesson
Passive voice:she was made to understand the lesson.
Active voice: She saw you clean the room.
Passive voice: You were seen to clean the room.
Active voice: I heard her sing a song.
Passive voice: she was heard to sing a song.
Active voice: I helped him learn English.
Passive voice: He was helped to learn English.
Active voice: The teacher made us laugh.
Passive voice: We were made to laugh.
Infinitives in passive voice
Active voice: I want her to write the story.
Passive voice: I want the story to be written
Active voice: He likes me to learn mathematics
Passive voice: He likes mathematics to be learnt.
Active voice: We have a lot of work to do
Passive voice: We have a lot of work to be done.
Active voice: I have no problems to think about
Passive voice: I have no problems to be thought about
Active voice: They have no money to spend
Passive voice: They have no money to be spent.
Remember That if the subject and object of the infinitive
are the same, we turn the active voice into passive voice
as follows.
Active voice: They want me to praise them.
Passive voice: They want to be praised.
Active voice: We would like the students to tell us.
Passive voice: We would like to be told.
Active voice: They intended you to punish them
Passive voice: They intended to be punished.

Passive + to-infinitive
 Some patterns with a verb + object + infinitive/active
participle have a passive equivalent.We can use this
passive pattern with verbs like tell, ask, persuade,
warn, advise, and force and allow,
Active: Police advise drivers to use an alternative route
Passive: Drivers are advised to use an alternative route.
Active voice: He asked me to send an envelope.
Passive voice: I was asked to send an envelope

Active voice: We chose Ahmed to be the manager.

Passive voice: Ahmed was chosen to be the manager.
A few verbs that are followed by infinitives (most
commonly decide, agree) can be used in passive
structures beginning with it.
It was decided not to advertise again.
It was agreed to hold a meeting in April.
Participles in passive voice
Active voice:They saw me opening the door.
Passive voice: They saw the door being opened.
Active voice: She heard you singing a song
Passive voice: She heard a song being sung.
Active voice: I found the thief stealing my money.
Passive voice: I found my money being stolen.
Other verbs in this pattern include bring, catch, hear,
find, keep, notice, observe, send, show.
Perfect gerund
ActiveI remember Ali having taken me to the museum.
Passive voice: I remember having been taken to the
Active: I appreciated the teacher having warned me.
Passive voice: I appreciated having been warned.
Passive constructions in sentences with
object complement
After some verbs the direct object can be followed by an
'object complement' - a noun or adjective which describes
or classifies the object.
Active voice: They considered him a genius.
Passive voice: He was considered a genius.
Active voice: They elected Farah President.
Passive voice: Farah was elected president.
Active voice: They called her stupid.
Passive voice: she was called stupid by them.
Active voice: we call her Nimo Noura.
Passive voice: She is called Nimo Noura.
Active voice: I thought him a fool.
Passive voice: He was thought a fool.
8. Active voice: You made the house beautiful
Passive voice: The house was made beautiful.
That clause in passive voice
1. Active voice: People believe that he is clever.
Passive voice: It is believed that he is clever.
Passive voice: He is believed to be clever.
2.Active voice: I think that they are thieves.
Passive voice: It is thought that they are thieves.
Passive voice: They are thought to be thieves.
3.Active voice: people say that he is dangerous
Passive voice: It is said that he is dangerous.
Passive voice: He is said to be dangerous.
Reporting with passive voice
We use It + passive verb + finite clause
we can use these verbs:

Admit Announce Believe Feel

Allege Assume Claim Promise
Declare Estimate Explain Decide
Establish Expect Fear Suppose
Hope Mention Request Think
Know Notice Observe Presume
Prove Regret Understand Find
Show Propose Agree Say
Suggest Report Consider

It is thought that the Minister will resign.
It is expected that the company will become profitable in
the New Year.
Verbs which are not used in the passive
 Note that only sentences with transitive verbs can be
turned into passive voice. However, some transitive
verbs, too, are seldom used in the passive.
Note that Passive structures are impossible with verbs
like die, arrive, fit, have, lack, resemble, suit, sleep,
stand, sit, rise, appear, live, come, happen, fall,
become, sneeze, cry, leave, seem belong, look, go…
All of the following sentences cannot be turned into
passive voice.
They have a nice house, (but not A nice house is had
by them.)
My shoes don’t fit me.
He lacks tact
We came here yesterday
He died last year.
We go to Rays English private school
An intransitive verb cannot be passive, but most phrasal
verbs which have an object can be passive
Other advanced points
Deserve, need, require and want can be followed by an
active -ing form structure although the grammatical
subject is the affected participant of the process denoted
by the verb, thus creating a meaning similar to a passive
voice structure:
The picture’s dark. It needs restoring. (similar to: It
should be restored.)
Your jacket wants cleaning. (similar to: It should be
Note that we can make a passive form of many transitive
verbs two and three-word verbs
Look after
carry out (=put into practice)
disprove of, hold of(=delay)
talk down to(=patronize)
However, some transitive two and three-word verbs are
not used in the passive voice
For example
Brush up on(=revise)
cast (your mind)back (=try to remember),come up
 Some are only used in the passive voice in certain
senses when it may not be important to mention the
1.Call(someone) up (=order to join the army etc.,
passive is possible,
= telephone, no passive) back (= ask to return,passive is
=telephone, no passive)
3.Let in (=to allow into a place, passive is
4.Let out (to allow to leave, passive is possible,
=let out a sound,no passive)
5.Put out (=to put out a statement/light/fire)
Active voice:They put out the fire.
Passive voice: The fire was put out.
Active voice:I put out my hand.
Not my hand was put out
Get as passive auxiliary
Get + past participle can be used to make passive
structures in the same way as be + past participle.
This structure is mostly used in an informal style.It is
often used to talk about events that happen by

or outside one’s control, and that have good or bad

We are invited =We get invited.
A rat was killed=A rat got killed.
A letter is being written=A letter is getting written.
My bag has been stolen =my bag has gotten stolen.
You will be killed=You will get killed.
A letter was being written=a letter was getting written.
Note that the passive with be is preferred for longer,
more deliberate and planned actions
He was crowned in 800 AD. (It would be strange to say
'he got crowned ...')
The new school will be opened by the Prime Minister
Change the following sentences into passive voice if
possible. If passive construction is not possible, jot
down the reason.
1. I announced myself to be a great poet
2. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
3. I saw him come out of the house.
4. Everybody wanted Ahmed to be the manager
5. Accept anything that comes in your way of life.
6.They decided to meet at 12 o’clock
7. we like our staffs to say what they like
8.Supermarkets started to sell fresh pasta only in 1990s
9. It is the time to send the telegraph.
10. someone cleaned the room for me.(use get)
ANGLICIZE the following sentences
1. xagee timaha lagu gu soo jaray.
2. Ma jecli in la igu qaylyo
3. Waxaa la isku racay in la taagero fikradiisa

Pronunciation of ed
The regular past maker ending is pronounced in three
different ways.
These are d, id and t.
The pronunciation ed depends on the last sound of the
infinitive form of the verb.
Rule 1
If the verb ends voiceless consonants like ch, f, k, p, s,
sh, x, ed is pronounced like t
Some regular verbs that end ch
Note that the ed in the following verbs is
pronounced like t
Infinitive Past/past participle
Watch Watched
Reach Reached
Detach Detached
Fetch Fetched
Some regular verbs that end f sound
Note that the ed in the following verbs is pronounced like
Infinitive Past/past participle
Cough Coughed
Laugh Laughed
Quaff Quaffed
Scoff Scoffed
Some regular verbs that end k sound
Infinitive Past/p.p
Ask Asked
Look Looked
Talk Talked
Walk Walked
Work Worked
Some regular verbs that end p sound
Note that the ed in the following verbs is pronounced like
Infinitive Past/past participle
Help Helped
Jump Jumped
Develop Developed
Drop Dropped
Kidnap Kidnapped

Some verbs that end s sound

The ed in the following verbs is pronounced like t
Dance Danced
Discuss Discussed
Express Expressed
Guess Guessed
Impress Impressed
Kiss Kissed
Mix Mixed
Pass Passed
Pronounce Pronounced
Rule 2
If the infinitive ends d or t, ed is pronounced like id. The
ed in the following verbs is pronounced like id
Infinitive Past/p.p
Affect Affected
Needed Needed
Shout Shouted
Visit Visited
Wait Waited
Want Wanted
Rule 3
If the verb ends one of the voiced consonants like b, g, j,
l, m, n,r,v,w,z, ed is pronounced like d
The ed in the following verbs is pronounced like d
Infinitive Past/past participle
Answer Answered
Arrive Arrived
Ban Banned
Believe Believed
Borrow Borrowed
Call Called
Clean Cleaned
Fail Failed
Kill Killed
Learn Learned
Love Loved
Minimize Minimized
Open Opened
Play Played
Prefer Preferred
Prepare Prepared
Stay Stayed

Regular verbs
A regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows
typical pattern; in other words, a verb following the
normal pattern of inflection is called regular verb.
Regular verbs form their past and past participle form
by the addition of d or ed.
There are thousands of regular verb in English.
1. By adding ed
Infinitive past and p.p meaning
1. Absorb Absorbed Dhuuqid/nuugid
2. Abstain Abstained Iska dayn
3. Accept Accepted yeelid/ aqbalid
4. Add Added Ku darid
5. Adjust Adjusted Isku toosin
6. Administer Administered Maamulid
7. Afford Afforded Awoodid
8. Allow Allowed U ogolaansho
9.Answer Answered Jawaabid
10.Arrest arrested Xabisid
11.Applaud Applauded Sacabayn
12.Ask Asked Waydiin
13.Attack Attacked Weerarid
14.Assess Assessed Qiimayn
15.Assist Assisted Cawaawin
16.Attain Attained Hanasho
17.Attend Attended Xaadirid
18.Attract Attracted Soo jiidasho
19.Avoid Avoided Ka fogaansho
20.Block Blocked Gufayn/jarid
21.Blush Blushed Khajilid
22.Boast Boasted Faanid
23.Boil Boiled Karkarin

24.Borrow Borrowed Amaahasho

25.Call Called Wicid, u yeerid
26.Cheat Cheated Qishid
27.Collect Collected Ururin
28.Complain complained Cabasho

29.Confess Confessed Qirid

30.Confirm Confirmed Xaqiijin
31.Connect connected Isku xidhid
32.Cosset Cosseted Kool-koolin
33.Detect Detected Ka helid(ku arkid)
34.Develop developed Horumarin
35.Disappear Disappeared Librid/dhumid
36. Disown Disowned Dayrin
37. Distend Distended Bararid
38. Earn Earned Kasbasho dakhli
39. Enter Entered Gelid
40. Entertain entertained Maaweelin
41. Escort Escorted Wehelin
42. Establish established Aas-aasid
43. Expand Expanded Balaarin
44. Expect Expected Rajayn/filid
45. Explain Explained Sharixid
46. Extend Extended Fidin
47. Extract Extracted Ka saarid
48. Fail failed Fashilmid
49. Faint Fainted Suuxid
50. Fetch Fetched Keenid
51 Fill Filled Buuxin
52. Finish Finished Dhamayn
53. Float Floated Sabbayn
54. Fold Folded Laa-laabid
55. Frighten frightened Argagixin
56. Grant Granted U hibeyn
57. Greet Greeted Salaamed
58. Guess Guessed Qiyaasid
59. Happen Happened Dhicid
60. Help Helped Caawin
61.Implement Implemented Hirgalin
62. Inherit Inherited Dhaxlid
63. Inform Informed War-gelin
64. Insert Inserted Dhax-gelin
65. Insist Insisted Ku adkaysi
66. Instruct Instructed Wax barid
67. Insult Insulted Cayid

68.Interfer Interfered Faro-gelin

69.Interpret interpreted Turjumid
70.Interrupt Interrupted Ka dhax gelid
71. Invent Invented Hindisid
72. Invert Inverted Foororin
73. Jump Jumped Boodid
74. kick Kicked Laagid
75. kill Killed Dilid
76. kiss Kissed Shumin
77. Knock Knocked Garaacid
78. lick Licked Leefid
79. Laugh Laughed Qoslid
80. Listen Listened Dhegaysasho
81. Look Looked Fiirin
82. Maintain Maintained Ku sii wadid
83. Miss Missed Seegid /waayid
84. Mix Mixed Isku-qasid
85. munch Munched Calalin
86. Neglect Neglected Dayicid
87. Obstruct obstructed Jid
88. Obtain Obtained Helid
89. Offend Offended Aflagaadayn
90. Offer Offered Ugu deeqid
91. Open Opened Furid
92. Oppress oppressed Dulmin/cadaadin
93. Order Ordered Amar-siin/dalbid
94. Pass Passed Gudbid
95. Perform performed Fulin/ jilid
96. Persist Persisted Ku adkaysasho
97. proceed proceeded Wadid
98. Pour Poured Shubid
99. Predict Predicted Sadaalin
100. Prevail Prevailed Ka gacan sarayn
101.Prevent Prevented Ka hortagid
102.Print Printed Daabicid
103.Protect Protected Ilaalin
104.Prowl Prowled Ku meeraysi
105.Protest Protested Mudaharadid
106.Publish Published Faafin/ baahin
107.Reach Reached Gaarid

108.React Reacted Ka fal celin

109.Register Registered Diwaan gelin

110.Regret Regretted Ka shalayn

111.Reject Rejected Diidid

112.Relax Relaxed Istareexid

113.Remember remembered Xasuusasho
114.Remind Reminded Xasuuusin
115.Repeat Repeated Ku celin
116.Report Reported Werin
117.Resign Resigned Is casilid
118.Resist Resisted Iska caabiyid

119.Respect Respected Ixtiraamid

120.Respond Responded Ka jawaabid

121.Restrict Restricted Xadayn

122.Return Returned Soo noqosho

123.Scratch Scratched Xagasho

124.Search Searched Raadin

125.Seem Seemed U eg
126.Start Started Bilaabid

127.Succeed Succeeded Guulaysasho

128.Suffer Suffered Asiibid

129.Suggest Suggested Soo jeedin

130. Support Supported Tageerid

131.Suspect Suspected Shikiyid

132.Talk Talked Hadlid
133.Tease Teased Foorjayn
134.Visit Visited Buuqasho

135. wait Waited Sugid

136.Walk Walked Lugayn/ socod

137.Want Wanted Rabid

138.Warn Warned U digid
139.Wash Washed Maydhid
140.Whisper Whispered Nux-nuulayn

141.Wink Winked Iljabin

142.Wish Wished Rajayn
143.Work Worked Shaqayn
2. By adding d
Infinitive past and p.p Meaning
1.Abuse Abused Caaayid
2. Accentuate Accentuated Carabka ku
3. Accuse Accused Eedayn
4. Achieve Achieved Ku guulaysi
5. Acquire Acquired Helid
6. Activate Activated Ka shaqaysiin
7. Admire Admired U bogid
8. Advertise Advertised Xayaysiin
9. Advise Advised Latalin
10. Advocate Advocated Si cad u tageerid
11. Aggravate Aggravated Uga sii darid
12. Agree Agreed Ku raacid
13. Analyze Analyzed Lafa gurid
14. Announce Announced Ku dhawaaqid
15. Anticipate Anticipated Rajayn
16. Apologize Apologized Raali gelin
17. Appreciate Appreciated U bogid
18. Approve Approved Aqbalid/yeelid
19. Argue Argued Murmid
20. Arrange Arranged Habayn
21. Arrive Arrived Imaansho
22. Assassinate Assassinated Dilid/shirqoolid
23. Assemble Assembled Isku urid
24. Assume Assumed U qadasho
25. Assure Assured Balanqaadid
26. Avenge Avenged Ka aar gudasho
27. Bake Baked Dubid
28. Befuddle Befuddled Maskax ka
29. Believe Believed Rumayn
30. Blame Blamed eedayn
31. Calculate Calculated Xisaabin
32. Capture Captured Qabsasho
33. Care Cared Danayn
34. Cause Caused Sababid
35. Celebrate Celebrated Dabaal degid
36. Change Changed Badalid
37. Chase Chased Eryasho
38. Circulate Circulated Wareejin
39. Close Closed Xidhid
40. Combine Combined Isku darid
41Communicate Communicate La xiriirid
42. Compare Compared Isu qiyaasid
43. Complete Completed Dhamayn
44. Concentrate Concentrated Xoog-saarid
45. Conclude Concluded Gaba-gabayn
46. Confuse Confused Jaha-wareerid
47. Civilize Civilized ilbixin
48.Congratulate Congratulated Hanbalyayn
49. Conserve Conserved Dhawrid
50. Colonized Colonized Gumaysasho
51. Conspire Conspired Shir-qool samayn
52. Contrabute Contrabuted Ku taba rucid
53. Contaminate Contaminated Fadarayn
54. Continue Continued Sii-wadid
55. Create Created Abuurid
56. Criticize Criticized Cambarayn
57. Cure Cured Dawayn
58. Damage Damaged Dhawicid
59. Decimate Decimated Halaagid
60. Declare Declared Shaac ka qaadid
61. Decompose Decomposed Qurmid
62. Decrease Decreased Yarayn/dhimid
63. Dedicate Dedicated U hurid
64. Define Defined Qeexid
65. Degrade Degraded Sharaf ridid
66. Demarcate Demarcated Xadayn
67. Demonstrate Demonstrated Banana bixid
68. Describe Described Sifayn
69. Determine Determined Go’aansasho
70. Detonate Detonated Qarxin
71. Detoriorate Detoriorated Sii xumaansho
72. Differentiate Differentiated Kala saarid
73. Disclose Disclosed Ka shifid
74. Discourage Discouraged Niyad jebin
75. Disperse Dispersed Kala eryid
76. Disprove Disproved Beenayn
77. Dispute Dispute Murmid
78. Distribute Distributed U qaybin
79. Divide Divided Qaybin
80. Divorce Divorced Furid
81. Educate Educated Waxbarid
82. Elaborate Elaborated Sharrixid
83. Encourage Encouraged Dhiiri gelin
84. Enlarge Enlarged Waynayn
85. Escape Escaped Baxsasho
86. Examine Examined Imtixaamid/baaris
87. Excuse Excused Cafin, u
88. Express Expressed Muujin
89. Fabricate Fabricated Been abuurid
90. Facilitate Facilitated Sahlid
91. Fascinate Fascinated Xiiso gelin
92. Gamble Gambled Khamaarid
93. Generate Generated Dhalin
94. Glance Glanced Jaleecid
95. Graduate Graduated Qalin-jebin
96. Hate Hated Nicid
97. Hesitate Hesitated Laba-labayn
98. Hope Hoped Rajayn
99. Improve Improved Hagaajin
100. Inaugurate Inaugurated Furitaan/bilaabid
meel cusub
101 Increase Increased Kordhin
102. Indicate Indicated Tilmaamid
103. Influence Influenced Duufsasho
104. Initiate Initiated Bilaabid
105 Injure Injured Dhawicid
106. Interfere Interfered Faro gelin
107. Introduce Introduced Is barid
108. Investigate Investigated Baarid
109. Invite Invited Casuumid
110. Irritate Irritated Ka xanaajin
111. Joke Joked Kaftamid
112. Liberate Liberated Xorayn
113. Like Liked Ka helid
114. Live Lived Noolansho
115. Manage Managed Marayn
116. Measure Measured Cabirid
117. Memorise Memorised Xifidid
118. Move Moved Dhaqaajin
119. Narrate Narrated Ka sheekayn
120. Negotiate Negotiated Wada xajood
121. Nominate Nominated Magacaabid
122 Observe Observed U fiirsasho
123. Operate Operated Socodsiin
124. Oppose Opposed Mucaaridid
125. Organize Organized Habayn
126. Participate Participated Kaqayb
127. Pause Paused Hakin
128. Perpetrate Perpetrated Dembi gelid
129. Persuade Persuaded Ku qancin
130. Prepare Prepared Diyaarin
131. Preserve Preserved Dhawrid
132. Perspire Perspired Dhididid
133. Promise Promised Balan-qaadid
134.Propagate Propagated Dacayad u
135. Propose Proposed Qorshe/talo soo
136. Provide Provided Siiin/bixin
137. Raise Raised Kor u qaadid
138. Reduce Reduced Yarayn
139. Refuse Refused Diidid
140. Release Released Sii dayn/fasixid
141. Remove Removed Ka qaadid
142. Replace Replaced Meeshiisii ku
celin/ badalid
143. Reproduce Reproduced Dhalid/tarmid
144. Require Required U bahasho
145. Rescue Rescued Badbaadin
146. Retire Retired Hawl gabid
147. Revenge Revenged Aargudasho
148. Sacrifice Sacrificed Hurid
149. Save Saved Bad
150. Separate Separated Kala saarid
151. Squeeze Squeezed Tuujin/isku
152. Sneeze Sneezed Hindisid
153. Struggle Struggled Halgamid
154. Taste Tasted Dhan dhamin
155. Terminate Terminated Dhamayn
156. Tickle Tickled Xan-xantayn
157. Tolerate Tolerated Udulqaadasho
158. Translate Translated Turjumid
159. Use Used Isticmaalid
160. Waste Wasted Khasaarin
3. By doubling the last consonant and adding ed
Infinitive past and p.p meaning
Beg Begged Baryid
Drop Dropped Ku ridid/ku
Occur occurred Dhicid
Plan Planned Qorshayn
Prefer preferred Doorbidid
Stop Stopped Joojin
Regular verbs ending in Y
Rule 1: when the verb ends in consonant+Y, change the y
to I and add ed
For example: study----------studied
Rule 2: when the verb ends vowel +Y, add ed
For example:play----played
Infinitive Past Past Meaning
1.Accompany Accompanied Accompanied La rafiiqid

2.Amplify Amplified Amplified Warbixin ka bixin

3.Apply Applied Applied Codsasho
4.Annoy Annoyed Annoyed Ka xanaajin
5.Beautify Beautified Beautified Qurxin
6.Betray Betrayed Betrayed Khiyaamid
7.Bury Buried Buried Aasid
8. Carry Carried Carried Qaadid
9.Certify Certified Certified Qirid
10.Clarify Clarified Clarified Cadayn,qeexid
11.Classify Classified Classified Kala soocid
12.Comply Complied Complied Adeecid
13.Convey Conveyed Conveyed Gaarsiin
14.Cry Cried Cried Ooyid
15.Decertify Decertified decertified Cadynkala noqosho
16.Defray Defrayed Defrayed Ka bixin
17.Delay Delayed Delayed Dib u dhigid
18.Deny Denied Denied Dafirid
19. Destroy Destroyed Destroyed Burburin
20.Dignify Dignified Dignified Sharfid
21.Display Displayed displayed Soo bandhigid
22.Embody Embodied Embodied Koobid
23.Employ Employed employed Shaqalaysiin
24.Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Raaxaysi
25.Fortify Fortified Fortified Adkayn
26.Fry Fried Fried Shiilid
27.Gratify Gratified Gratified Ka maqsuudid
28.Identify Identified Identified Aqoonsiin
29.Imply Implied Implied Sidahsoonu sheegid
30.Intensify Intensified intensified Xoojin
31.Justify Justified justified Cadayn
32.Marry Married Married Guursi
33.Modify Modified Modified Dib u habayn
34.Mollify Mollified Mollified Dajin
35.Multiply Multiplied Multiplied Ku dhufasho
36.Notify Notified Notified Ogaysiin
37.Obey Obeyed Obeyed Adeecid
38.Occupy Occupied Occupied Degid
39.Play Played Played Ciyaarid
40.Pray Prayed Prayed Tukasho
41.Purify Purified Purified Sifayn
42.Ratify Ratified Ratified Ansixin
43.Reply Replied Replied Jawaab-celin
44.Satisfy Satisfied satisfied Qancin
45.Signify Signified Signified Tusin
46.Simlify Simplified Simplified Fudaydin
47.Stay Stayed Stayed Joogid
48.Stratify Stratified Stratified Lakabayn
49.Study Studied Studied Darsid
50.Try Tried Tried Isku dayid
51.Unify Unified Unified Midayn
52.Verify Verified Verified Xaqiijin

Irregular verbs
A verb that does not follow the normal pattern of
inflection is called irregular verb.

No Infinitive Past Past Meaning

1. Abide Abode/Abided Abided/abode Daa’imid
2. Aby/Abbey Abought Abought Mag-Dhabid
3. Ari se Arose Arisen Sobixid
4. Awake Awoke Awoken Toosid
5. Backbite Backbit Backbitten Xamasho
6. Bear Bore Born/Borne U Dulqaadasho
7. Be(Is, am, are) Was/Were Been Ahaansho
8. Beat Beat Beaten Garaacid
9. Become Became Become Noqosho
10. Befall Befell Befallen Ku dhicid siiba wax
xun kugu dhacaan
11. Begin Began Begun Bilaabid

12. Begird Begirt/Begirded Begirt Goobogalin

13. Behold Beheld Beheld Fiirin

14. Bend Bent Bent Qaloocin

15. Bereave Bereft Bereft Qaraabowayid

16. Bestride Bestrode Bestrode Hal lug ku istaagid

17. Bind Bound Bound Xirid

18. Bite Bit Bitten Qaniinid

19. Bleed Bled Bled Gororid

20. Blow Blew Blown Afuufid

21. Break Broke Broken Kalajabin

22. Breed Bred Bred Tarmid

23. Bring Brought Brought Keenid

24. Build Built Built Dhisid

25. Burn Burnt/Burned burnt/burned Gubasho

26. Buy Bought Bought Iibsasho

27. Catch Caught Caught Qabasho

28. Choose Chose Chosen Doorasho

29. Clap Clapped/ clapped/clapt Sacabayn

30. Cleave Cleft/Cleaved/ cleft/cleaved/ xoogkuqaybin
Clove cloven
31. Cleek Claught/clauncht, Cleeked fahmid/qabasho
32. Clepe Cleped ycleped/cleped/ u yeedhid/
yclept Magacaabid
33. Cling Clung Clung Ku dhegid

34. Come Came Come Imaansho

35. Creep Crept Crept gurguurasho

36. Deal Dealt Dealt Qaybin

37. Dig Dug Dug Qodid

38. Do Did Done Qabasho

39. Dive Dove Dived Madax uquusid

40. Draw Drew Drawn Sawirid

41. Dream Dreamt/dreamed Dreamt/dreamed Riyoonsho

42. Drink Drank Drunk Cabid

43. Drive Drove Driven Wadid

44. Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Dagid

45. Eat Ate Eaten Cunid

46. Engird Engirt Engirt Kumeegarid

47. Enwind Enwound Enwound Ku duubid

48. Fall Fell Fallen Dhicid

49. Feed Fed Fed Quudin

50. Fight fought fought la dagaalid

51. Find found found Helid

52. Fling flung flung Tuurid

53. Flee fled fled Baxsasho

54. Fly flew flown Duulid

55. Forbid forbade forbidden mamnuucid

56. Forget forgot forgotten Iloowid

57. Forgive forgave forgiven Saamixid

58. Forsake forsook forsaken Kahajirid

59. Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Odorosid

60. Foretell Foretold Foretold Saadaalin

61. Freeze Froze frozen Qaboojin

62. Get Got Got/gotten Helid

63. Give gave given Siin

64. Go Went gone Tagid

65. Grind ground ground Ridqid

66. Grow grew grown Korid

67. Hang hanged/hung hanged/hung Sudhid,daldalid

68. Have had had Haysasho

69. Hear heard heard Maqlid

70. Heave Heaved/Hove Heaved/Hove Hinjin

71. Hide hid hidden Qarin

72. Hold held held Qabasho

73. Kneel knelt knelt Jilbaha dhigid

74. Know knew known Garasho

75. Lay laid laid Dhigid

76. Lead led led Hogaamin

77. Lean Leant/leaned Leant/leaned janjeedhin

78. Leap Leapt/leaped Leapt/leaped Boodid

79. Learn learnt/learned learnt/learned Garasho

80. Leave left left Katagid

81. Lend lent lent Ergisid

82. Lie lay lain Jiibsasho

83. Light lit/lighted lit /lighted Shidid

84. Lose lost lost Lumen

85. Make made made Samayn

86. Mean meant meant Ulajeedid

87. Meet met met la kulmid

88. Mislead Misled Misled Marin hababin

89. Mistake mistook mistaken Gefid

90. Misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Khaladfahmid

91. Mow Mowed Mown Caws jarid

92. Pay paid paid Bixin

93. Prove Proved Proven Cadayn

94. Rise rose risen Soobixid

95. Ride rode ridden Fuulid

96. Ring Rang Rung Garaacid, wicid

97. Run ran run Ordid

98. Say said said Dhihid

99. See saw seen Arkid

100. Seek sought Sought Raadin

101. Sell sold Sold Iibin

102. Send Sent Sent Dirid

103. Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed Tolid

104. Shake Shook Shaken Ruxid

105. Shave Shaved Shaven Xiirid

106. Shear Sheared Shorn/Sheared Maqaskujarid

107. Shine Shone Shone Iftiimin

108. Shoot Shot Shot Toogasho

109. Show Showed Shown/Showed Tusid

110. Shrink Shrank Shrunk Iskusooururid

111. Sing Sang Sung Heesid

112. Sink Sank Sunk Degid/quusid

113. Sit Sat Sat Fadhiisasho

114. Slay Slew Slain Dilid

115. Sleep Slept Slept Seexasho

116. Slide Slid Slid Sibixasho

117. Sling Slung Slung Tuurid

118. Slink Slunk Slunk Dhuumasho

119. Smell Smelt/smelled Smelt/smelled Urin

120. Smite Smote Smitten Ku dhufasho

121. Sow Sowed Sown/sowed Fajaasid

122. Speak Spoke Spoken Hadlid

123. Speed Sped/speeded Sped/speeded xawarayn

124. Spell Spelt/spelled Spelt/Spelled Higaadin

125. Spend Spent Spent Kharashgarayn

126. Spill Spilt/Spilled Spilt/spilled Daadasho

127. Spin Spun Spun Wareejin

128. Spit Spat Spat Candhuufayn

129. Spoil Spoilt/spoiled Spoilt/spoiled Kharibid

130. Spring Sprang Sprung Boodid

131. Stand Stood Stood Istaagid

132. Steal Stole Stolen Xadid

133. Stick Stuck Stuck Ku dhejin

134. Sting Stung Stung Kaarid, kumudid

135. String Strung Strung Xadhigkuxidhid

136. Stride Strode Stridden Talaabsasho

137. Strike Struck Struck/Stricken Garaacid

138. String Strung Strung Xadhig ku xidhid

139. Strive Strove/strived Striven/strived Kudaalin

140. Swear Swore Sworn Dharaasho

141. Sweep Swept Swept Masaxid

142. Swell Swelled Swollen/Swolled Barbarid

143. Swim Swam Swum Dabaalasho

144. Swing Swung Swung Lulid

145. Take Took Taken Qaadasho

146. Teach Taught Taught Barid

147. Tear Tore Torn Kala Jeexid

148. Tell Told Told Sheegid

149. Think Thought Thought U Malayn

150. Thrive Throve/thrived Thriven/Thrived Kobcid

151. Throw Threw Thrown Tuurid

152. Tread Trod Trodden Lugayn

153. Understand Understood Understood Fahmid

154. Undertake Undertook Undertaken La wareegid

155. Wake Woke Woken Toosid

156. Wear Wore Worn Xidhasho

157. Weep Wept Wept Baroorasho

158. Win Won Won Kuguulaysasho

159. Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Dib ulabixid

160. Wring Wrung Wrung maroojin

161. Write Wrote Written Qorid

NOTE •Burn, dream, kneel, lean, learn, smell, spell, spill and
spoil are all generally regular in American English.
In British English, irregular past tenses and participles with -t are
also quite common.
• Dive is regular in British English, but can be irregular in
American: dive - dived/dove - dived
• The old past participle drunken is used as an adjective in some
expressions (e.g. a drunken argument, drunken
driving), but these are not very common.
• Fit and quit are usually irregular in American English.
fit - fit - fit, quit - quit - quit
• The American past participle of get is either got or gotten
• Hang is regular when used to mean ‘execute by hanging'.
• Prove (regular) has an irregular past participle proven which is
sometimes used instead of proved, especially as an adjective (e.g.
a proven liar).
• Speed can also have regular forms, especially in the
expression speeded up.
Spit has both spit and spat as past tense and participle in
American English.
Abide→ abided → abided=u dulqaadasho

Infinitive Past Past participle

1. Backfit Backfit Backfit
2. Bet Bet Bet
3. Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast
4. Bust Bust Bust
5. Cast Cast Cast
6. Cost Cost Cost
7. Fit Fit Fit
8. Hit Hit Hit
9. Hurt hurt hurt
10. Cut Cut Cut

11. Let Let Let

12. Put Put Put

13. Quit Quit Quit

14. Read Read Read

15. Rid Rid Rid

16. Set Set Set

17. Shed Shed Shed

18. Shut Shut Shut

19. Spread Spread Spread

20. Thrust Thrust Thrust

Verbs that are easily confused
No. Infinitive Past P.P
1. Fall Fell Fallen
2. Feel Felt Felt
3. Find Found Found
4. Found Founded Founded
5. Flow Flowed Flowed
6. Fly Flew Flown
7. Flee Fled Fled
8. Lay Laid Laid
9. Lie Lay Lain
10. Lie Lied Lied
11. Live Lived Lived
12. Leave Left Left
13. Sit Sat Sat
14. Set Set Set
15. Raise Raised Raised
16. Rise Rose Risen
17. Strike Struck Struck/stricken
18. Stroke Stroked Stroked

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