Amani Aggour Senior Project Presentation

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The Identification of

What is ADD/ADHD?

● Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

○ Neurodevelopmental Category (disorder)
○ The growth and development of the brain is
■ EX: Autism, Tourettes, Dyslexia
● What can it impact?
Signs & Symptoms

● Lack of focus ● (Impulsive) Making careless

● Daydreaming mistakes and taking unnecessary
● Fidgeting risks
● Excessive talking
● Difficulty getting along with

● Disorganization
Survey Results
Medication Special Education Services
and Accommodations
● Medications such as Adderall,
Ritalin, and Vyvanse are used to ● Diagnosis (IEP/504 Plan)
help deal with concentration ○ Under the Individuals with
difficulty, and to increase Disabilities Education Act
productivity. (IDEA), IEP team (consists

○ Side Effects: lack of of..) determines any

appetite; trouble individual appropriate

sleeping (if taken later accommodations necessary,

in the day); dry mouth; develop a written plan, and

emotionally numbness share with educational team.

Islamic Perspective

The Prophet Muhammad told us,

“Seeking knowledge is a duty upon
every Muslim.”
Islamic Perspective

Prophet Musa (as) spoke at a time of need in

Surah Taha from Ayah 25-28. “Moses prayed,
“My Lord! Uplift my heart for me, and make
my task easy, and remove the impediment
from my tongue so people may understand my
Definitions Offering positive reinforcement to
support and encourage good behavior.

Ex: Student receives 9/10, an

improvement from the typical 6/10 score.
● “Behavioral classroom
Teacher remark: “I am very proud of the
management” improvement you’ve made, keep up the
● “Organizational training”

Assist with time management skills/soft


Ex: Encourage student to use a planner

and show them how
Interactive Material
into Lessons
● Accommodating all styles of learning
● Fun learning activities such as
(visual, auditory, hands-on, etc.)
Jeopardy, Kahoot, class debates
● Group work can make completing
● Taking breaks when class becomes classwork and worksheets more
restless (According to the American enjoyable.
Physiological Society, an average high
● Tutoring during lunch for those who
school students’ attention span ranges still have questions or need extra
between 10 and 15 minutes) help
Different Approaches/
● Providing semester-long schedules in
● Keeping instructions short and clear
advance for student to track work
by breaking down hard tasks into a
● Posting extra material and the answers
step-by-step process
on canvas that is not part of a
● Taking short breaks as a class when
students grade, helps those who would
students become more restless
like extra practice and material to
● Utilize various styles of teaching
work off of at home
incorporating visual and audio

portions and including hands-on and

interactive activities
Scenario #1
You are Adam's science teacher and notice that Adam is

always the last student to finish his exam. Oftentimes,

Adam does not finish his exam within the given time

period. Adam does not currently have any diagnosis and/or

accommodations on file. What would you do to support

Scenario #2
Sara likes to sit all the way in the back of the classroom next

to the door. Frequently, you see her glancing out the door or

having constant conversation with her classmates. She later

comes back and need clarification on the lessons. She has no

diagnosis or accommodation. What would you do to support

Any questions?

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