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Emilie Calixte


Analyze and Interpret Data: Mini Lab Report


In this study, we looked into how different amounts of sugar affect the cellular respiration in yeast. We
changed the amount of sugar (independent variable) and measured how fast yeast breathed out carbon dioxide (dependent
variable). We used Procedure A as a baseline for comparison. We kept three things the same throughout the experiment: the
type of sugar, the water temperature, and the time allowed for bubbles to form. The main aim was to understand how sugar
levels impact carbon dioxide production in yeast, which is a model for studying cellular respiration. My guess was that more
sugar would lead to more carbon dioxide release because sugar is crucial for cellular respiration.

1. Materials and Methods:

-There were two beakers
-In condition 1 there was 15g of sugar
-In condition 2 there was 3.3g of sugar
-We used one hotplate,and one thermometer
-we used 60mL of water
- 6 Flat bottom cylinder
-We used 6 different pipette
-For each pipette we used 2 hex nuts
In the experiment, Condition 1 had a significantly higher quantity of bubbles, with 15g compared to the
lower 3.3g in Condition 2. The amount of bubbles enlarged, reaching a highest point of 33 bubbles and
dropping to a minimum of 7 bubbles.In Trial One, at the beginning it was the slowest, it ended with 33
bubbles.At the beginning, the yeast formed bubbles at a slow rate, but later it became faster; which
made the final result unexpected.
The difference in sugar amounts affect yeast respiration. More sugar led to more bubbles.
This supports my idea that sugar levels impact yeast's ability to produce carbon dioxide,Matching
what we expected in our hypothesis.This fits with what we know about cellular respiration, when
sugar is broken down it produces energy and carbon dioxide(this is why the bubbles were made).But,
the accuracy of the results could be messed up by things we didn't control.
Making sure we have the right amount of yeast and stirring it better can help get more accurate
results. Trying out different kinds of sugar in another test could help us learn more about how yeast
works.In conclusion higher sugar amounts have to do with increased yeast respiration, proving our
hypothesis correct on how cellular respiration works.

principles.RUBRIC USED TO GRADE: Complete 9th Grade Skills Based Lab Rubric 23-24

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