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Crafting a thesis on the topic of Afghanistan is a formidable task that demands extensive research,

critical analysis, and precise articulation. The complexity of the subject matter, coupled with the ever-
evolving political, social, and cultural landscape of Afghanistan, presents a unique challenge for
students and scholars alike.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on Afghanistan lies in navigating the vast array of
historical events, geopolitical dynamics, and socio-cultural factors that have shaped the country's
trajectory. From the Soviet invasion to the rise of the Taliban, and the subsequent U.S. intervention,
Afghanistan's history is marked by conflict, instability, and nuanced power struggles.

Furthermore, delving into the intricacies of Afghan society, including its diverse ethnic composition,
religious traditions, and tribal affiliations, adds another layer of complexity to the research process.
Understanding the complex interplay between these various elements is essential for providing a
comprehensive analysis in a thesis on Afghanistan.

Moreover, accessing reliable sources and firsthand information can be challenging, particularly given
the limited availability of primary sources and the prevalence of misinformation surrounding
Afghanistan. Navigating through biased narratives and conflicting accounts requires a discerning eye
and a commitment to rigorous scholarly inquiry.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can be
invaluable for students undertaking a thesis on Afghanistan. offers a team of
experienced researchers and writers who specialize in various disciplines, including international
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Whether you require assistance with topic selection, literature review, data analysis, or writing and
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Afghanistan with confidence and ease, ultimately producing a compelling and insightful piece of
A lot of international pressure was on Afghan leaders to hand over Osama but it was thought that
Taliban were protecting him so the United States decided to invade (this started the war on terror!) In
October 2001 the USA began bombing, they targeted Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Pak-Afghan
Relations in post 9-11 era: A case study of Durand line security b. Although none of the rulers
brought to power by invading foreign armies could maintain stability in the country, those who came
to power as foreign troops withdrew did. The country is mostly mountainous with green valleys in
between. The people of Afghanistan are divided into many ethnicities or it can be said that
Afghanistan is a country of people with mixed ethnicities (Toynbee, 1961). This narrative presented
the US and its allies as chivalrous white knights rescuing oppressed Afghan women from the
clutches of the evil Taliban. The modern design with a gradient background that combines red and
green will captivate the attention of your audience. This has led to prioritization of war intervention
by both the U. Piqria Sandodze Madrid Madrid Piqria Sandodze What is a politics. Riders from the
other team may not grab your reins. The mosque is a central feature in a town, where people will
gather for rituals, classes, and sermons. Is it a question of a flawed political structure, corruption,
foreign interference, lack of economic development, or internal domestic divisions. This trip was
planned to know the north part of Africa. One of the children explained that they wanted to bet that
they were better chickens than Mullah. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HEADQUARTERS, US
09356 USFOR-A-SAFETY 02 February 2012. During the Second Anglo-Afghan War, the British
stayed clear of direct domestic administration interference, but their long-term plan was to
dismember and incorporate smaller parts of Afghanistan into the Indian Raj as they had already done
with Baluchistan and the Northwest Frontier Province. The famous lakes, collectively called Bondi
Amir, are also a nearby landmark. By contrast, the international appreciation of Afghan history is
quite shallow. Their reasons for invading Afghanistan was because they wanted better access to the
Indian Ocean for trade and their naval fleet; it would also allow them to cut off India and Pakistan
from trading on land. But one thing this history also makes clear is that the situation is not black and
white. However, over the last 5 years the Russians, US and Chinese all have plans to build new
pipelines for their benefit. This study ' afghanistan: Foreign Relations' shall focus on the foreign
relations between afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the US. Soviet military and civilian advisers
were completely withdrawn from Afghanistan when the Russians left in February 1989, although the
regime in Kabul continued to receive substantial aid from Moscow until the Soviet Union itself col-
lapsed in 1991. In addition, plans for withdrawing the bulk of international forces from Afghanistan
in 2014 immediately make Afghans recall the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 that began a slide to civil
war. In addition to these 4 main languages, there are as many as 70 other languages and many
dialects spoken by various smaller sections of the Afghan people. That also makes a lot of sense
when compared to starting the New Year in the middle of winter. This was followed by the The
resurgence of the Taliban during the years 2003-2005. This is just one of the aspects that we have
discussed here. The tyrant Taliban regime will be inevitable if America does not strengthen the
present Afghan government that is successfully able to suppress any insurgency from Al-Qaeda.
Rest assured that our team of academic experts will take not more than a few moments to work upon
the topics and provide you with instant essay writing service whenever you need it.
Retrieved May 25, 2012, from, D. (2012, March 15). Russia to NATO: please dont
leave Afghanistan. The American-British strategy for fighting Taliban troops is, seemingly, the
training of forces to take over Afghanistan. For example, Dost Mohammad, whom the British
restored to the throne in 1843 after they had first deposed him in 1839, went on to rule Afghanistan
for the next twenty years. It is the responsibility of the diplomatic community to find amicable
solutions that will end the war for good. Afghanistan war essay many pages words do you need. The
Russians built a tunnel that made the passage from the north to Kabul easier and used it well when
they invaded and when they left. As a result they sought the enemy among themselves and turned
towards each other (Kamali 2008). In this, they were frustrated by the existence of two rival party
factions, Khalq and Parcham, which would not be induced to cooperate with one another. May not
participate in any activity outside the home unless accompanied by her husband or male relative.
They celebrate annually with picnics, fireworks, and sports. Now, let us proceed with one of the
Afghanistan essay samples that we have recently curated for one of our clients in Australia. The rule
of Taliban was an important era in the history of Afghanistan in particular, and for the whole world in
general. This is in spite of the fact that the two groups are unanimous about keeping U. History of the
War in Afghanistan: A Sneak Peek 20 Trending Afghanistan War Essay Topics 2021 Here Is An
Afghanistan Essay Sample For Your Reference Choose MAS Certified Writer To Do Your
Afghanistan War Essay. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The Afghanistan War: A Never-Ending
Series Ranging Between 2001-2021. Introduction. My family and I planed a trip from Rabat,
Morocco to Kabul, Afghanistan. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and
no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Afghanistan is a country rich in culture
and natural resources. A review of that history by policymakers would pay great dividends. Professor
McClennen, an Afghan-American, uses the book in her classes with the hope that her students
“would, through reading it, acquire some sense of connection to the Afghan fathers, mothers, and
children who still live in a state of fear and war.”. A lot of international pressure was on Afghan
leaders to hand over Osama but it was thought that Taliban were protecting him so the United States
decided to invade (this started the war on terror!) In October 2001 the USA began bombing, they
targeted Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Problems like this in democracy cause friction between the
people in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and set up a Council of Ministers to rule the country. The article
examines the Third Afghan war, Soviet invasion and ISAF imposed war highlighting the role of
Afghan women in combat against the invading forces. The feeling on the ground in afghanistan
though is that the US has been successful in removing the terror threat from Afghanistan and hence
it needs to leave. Taliban the changed ideology Taliban the changed ideology Afghan war By Jug and
Pun Afghan war By Jug and Pun Pakistan and the post 9 11 afghan war Pakistan and the post 9 11
afghan war Enduring freedom Enduring freedom Afghan issue Afghan issue Taliban and Al Qaeda,
culural sociology, Sage 2012 Taliban and Al Qaeda, culural sociology, Sage 2012 Saarc group Saarc
group Conflict in afghanistan Conflict in afghanistan Ajay mishra ahmad shah massoud maps and
diagrams with sonia farzana meriam a. They have succeeded in achieving both (Bandow, 2012). From
among all this, the Taliban that sheltered Al Qaeda, emerged, which continues to haunt Afghanistan
and the whole international community until today. The geometric borders are likely family or clan
designs, easily identifiable by people from the area.
She analyzed their experiences as refugees, mental health, resilience and reflections. Removal
Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work
published on IvyPanda. Afghani people conduct contests of poetry because it is so well-liked among
the common masses (Jawad, 1992). The country has gone through many hard conditions of warfare
and foreign invasion due to which, the country along with its people and culture has suffered
immensely (Rall, 2002). Is it a question of a flawed political structure, corruption, foreign
interference, lack of economic development, or internal domestic divisions. Although none of the
rulers brought to power by invading foreign armies could maintain stability in the country, those who
came to power as foreign troops withdrew did. Typically, buzkashi (“buz” means “goat,” but the
game is played with a calf carcass) is played on a wideopen plain with no out-of-bounds markers.
This has led to prioritization of war intervention by both the U. In highlighting this, this thesis draws
attention to the endorsement of force by feminists and cautions against such endorsement arguing
that war is rarely in women's interests. Its ethno-cultural matrix is full of different influences,
positions and traditions, each of which is fundamental to an understanding of the country as a
whole. The paper brings into light major common factors among Pakistan and Afghanistan. Afghan
society is still considered as an Islamic one, while this very feature has been the source of
controversy and contestation during the recent decades of conflict in the country. There have been
some attempts and several ideas about how to proceed with restoration. In the December 2011
edition of The Chronicle Review, Dr. Sophia McClennen, director of the Center for Global Studies
and of the Graduate Program in Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University, wrote
about using The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.1 The book is a well-known work of juvenile
fiction read by many high school and middle school students. It was national and cross-ethnic, but so
too was the Soviet-backed Kabul government it fought against. Share your valuable thoughts in the
comment section. Use of these names,trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement. There is a
tribunal system followed in Afghanistan and people take all their problems to the tribunal chief or
clan leader. Piqria Sandodze Madrid Madrid Piqria Sandodze What is a politics. Download Free PDF
View PDF Afghanistan in the 20th and 21st Century SilkRoad Booksandphotos The article reviews
the factors which made communist takeover of Afghanistan possible with a particular focus on the
dispute with neighbouring Pakistan over the Peshawar valley. This is what a book or a story can do
to connect outsiders. It has become more of an issue as many of the British troops have lost their
lives trying to protect this country. The major ethnic group in Afghanistan is the Pashtuns group or
Afghan group; other groups are also present in good ratios. The problematic outcome of that struggle
created the environment for radical Islamic groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Afghanistan. Piqria
Sandodze PPT presentation of afghanistan PPT presentation of afghanistan Rohullah Sharifi War on
Terror: Afghanistan War on Terror: Afghanistan abonica Afghanistan - Introduction Afghanistan -
Introduction Debbie Oliver Afghanistan ppt. Because of this many people think war must be
avoided at all costs. Internal problems with this party cause Dawood to be. The Afghanistan War: A
Never-Ending Series Ranging Between 2001-2021. Also, we will provide you with a comprehensive
list of Afghanistan essay topics associated with the war to make things easier for you. History is not
always about continuity, but about disruption as well, and the disruptions to Afghan politics, social
organization, and life experience over the past thirty years have been significant.
Its starts off with Mariam’s life, then switches to Laila’s, and finally, shows how their lives become
intertwined. Located in a strategic zone linking Iran in the west, Central Asia in the north, and South
Asia in the east, the territory of today’s Afghanistan was the historic route of choice for armies
moving across the Hindu Kush (or south of it) toward the plains of India. It connects the time of
peace when Zahir Shah was king to the coming of the Russians and eventually the Taliban through
the eyes of a young boy from central Afghanistan. By registering in Slidesgo, you will be able to edit
online templates and download up to 5 templates per month. Any troops left behind after the
invasions could expect only garrison duty. Heavy fighting continued in Kandahar, Lashkargah, and
Herat cities as the Taliban continued pressing on with their sur?ge in Afghanistan and breaking
through a tough resistance by the government forces. In the northeast, there are the steep high peaks
of the Wakhan Corridor at an altitude of 5500 to 7500 meters above sea level. In 1980s, the USSR
was failing in afghanistan even after a new leadership was emerging the capital of the Soviet Union.
Many people do not think it was fair that a big country like the US should have been allowed to
severely attack Afghanistan and cause harm and destruction to the people in its country all over the
fact it wanted to drive out The Taliban. Oil and gas have motivated US involvement in the Middle
East for decades. Filipino Doctors is the best way to connect with new patients and expand your
practice through effective online marketing. When he stopped, he asked the children who was the
greater chicken, the rooster or the hen. A simple, typical meal could easily be prepared for a class and
might include warm tea, flat bread, and perhaps grapes or watermelon. The violence afghanistan war
essay with the September 11 th attack on the U. Men were required to grow beards and women to
cover up in a burka. In those decades, despite the absence of strong government institu- tions,
Afghans or foreigners alike could travel safely throughout the country, and violence was rare. It was
national and cross-ethnic, but so too was the Soviet-backed Kabul government it fought against. An
online search for Eastern Arabic numbers yields numerous sources for the numeric symbols, and one
can’t help but think that the symbols for their six and our seven got miscopied or that the two and
three were copied sideways. Interestingly, it can also be referred to as the “longest war in US
history”. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Pak-Afghan Relations in post 9-11 era: A case study of Durand line security b. Out on the
plains, there usually are no teams, and there are maybe one hundred riders. Arguments for leavingThe
primary argument in favour of leaving Afghanistan is that the US got involved with Afghanistan for
two purposes. Corruption Is a Major Issue of Concern for Afghans. Quo Vadis? A Phenomenological
Study on Graduated Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino. Al- though he has a birthplace and tomb in
Turkey, Mullah Nasruddin stories permeate Southwest Asia. Afghanistan has probably had—my
reading of Afghanistan history—it’s probably had an insurgency forever, of some kind.”1 Indeed, for
those who start their history of Afghanistan with the 1979 Soviet invasion, Afghanistan does appear
to be plagued by continuous violence and incapable of governance. Baburnama, on the siege of
Kabul, 1504 The British won the Anglo-Afghan wars One could trace the history of Kabul,
backwards and forwards from the above extract from the memoir of Babur, to establish that this is
the Afghan way-give up without a fight, and hopefully, fight another time at another place. After
their initial expectations of transforming Afghanistan’s political structure and its people proved
unrealistic, they became more open to letting the Afghans do things in their own way, and both
redefined their benchmarks for success downward. There are also people who believe they should
not be restored.
But, whatever the reasons they chose to enter Afghanistan, all followed strikingly similar policies
once they got there. It is a humbling, welcoming way to begin a meal and a hands-on way to begin a
class on Afghan culture. These indirect policies proved surprisingly successful. One such difference is
that the day in Afghanistan begins at sundown rather than at midnight. A change of policy in
London reversed that aim in 1880, when the decision was made to keep Afghanistan an independent
buffer state running its own affairs. This study will therefore conduct a qualitative study in which 8
female and 8 male vets recently returned from deployment in afghanistan are interviewed about their
pre-deployment military cultural training and their subsequent interactions with Afghanis. One of the
children explained that they wanted to bet that they were better chickens than Mullah. During that
time the Taliban allowed Al-Qaeda to have training camps in Afghanistan. Moreover, this thesis will
suggest that the narrative is actually based on the false assumption that war can benefit women; an
assumption that is not supported by the historical evidence. The stories are passed down, often during
the winter months, when families are sitting under blankets around a sandalee (a heated box with
charcoal in it) with feet pointing toward the box. However, the children insisted that they knew what
they were doing, could win, and hinted that the bet was about seeing who was better at something.
The second part of the chapter focuses on the religious and political nature of this group, its internal
hierarchies, its international relations and its politics as a whole. Afghans consider living in groups as
a source of security and a better livelihood. Professor McClennen, an Afghan-American, uses the
book in her classes with the hope that her students “would, through reading it, acquire some sense of
connection to the Afghan fathers, mothers, and children who still live in a state of fear and war.”.
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Our business does NOT deal with ghostwriting services as we are aware of this being one of the
academic misconducts. They have succeeded in achieving both (Bandow, 2012). Although the
Afghan socialist regime enthusiastically backed these policies, such social issues had a contentious
history in Afghanistan, and in 1929, the policies provoked a civil war that toppled the reforming
King Amanullah. After the United s of America has driven Taliban out of power, established the pro-
US democratic government of Mr Hamid Karzai, and the killing of the most wanted terrorist in the
world, Osama Bin Ladin, the question arises whether America should leave Afghanistan. We will
only know about the different sections of the society that were being affected by this war in
Afghanistan by knowing how this event preceded and took its form. Use of these names,trademarks
and brands does not imply endorsement. Filipino Doctors is the best way to connect with new
patients and expand your practice through effective online marketing. One of the rebel groups,
Hezb-i-Islami, has suggested a diplomatic solution to the problem. Will the Afghans be able to, on
their own, keep the Taliban from again taking control of their country. This sport provides a look into
the spirit of the Afghans. I find stories to be the greatest illustrator and the greatest interest builder.
Their reasons for invading Afghanistan was because they wanted better access to the Indian Ocean
for trade and their naval fleet; it would also allow them to cut off India and Pakistan from trading on
land. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. This therefore means that it is in the
interest of countries such as the US to help stabilise Afghanistan so that they can build a pipeline so
that the energy can flow south. Afghanistan is a country rich in culture and natural resources.
This site is designed for a secondary school audience, is beautifully constructed, and contains many
useful teaching aids. With huge smiles, the children then said that being able to lay an egg would
prove that they were better chickens and stood up, revealing the eggs. The Taliban and Al-Qaida
have also had unending conflicts along the Pakistan-Afghan border. Mullah Nasruddin eventually
agreed to a bet, but still wondered what this was all about. Probably, now you are in a position to
understand the different essay topics on the war in Afghanistan. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Also, to the surprise of his Soviet backers, Najibullah used their civilian
and military aid to keep his regime intact until 1992, when the dissolution of the Soviet Union left
him without an international backer. Mullah Nasruddin scratched his head, thought a minute, and
started to crouch down himself, scratching the ground, flapping his arms, and crowing like a rooster.
Its starts off with Mariam’s life, then switches to Laila’s, and finally, shows how their lives become
intertwined. DLL MATHEMATICS 6 DLL Quarter 3 Week4.docx DLL MATHEMATICS 6 DLL
Quarter 3 Week4.docx 2024: The FAR, Federal Acquisition Regulations - Part 6 2024: The FAR,
Federal Acquisition Regulations - Part 6 Afghanistan. 3. The South and the East - with. Its ethno-
cultural matrix is full of different influences, positions and traditions, each of which is fundamental
to an understanding of the country as a whole. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HEADQUARTERS,
09356 USFOR-A-SAFETY 02 February 2012. This study will therefore conduct a qualitative study
in which 8 female and 8 male vets recently returned from deployment in afghanistan are interviewed
about their pre-deployment military cultural training and their subsequent interactions with Afghanis.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Horse riders are divided into two teams that are involved in capturing
a goat's body. The British saw Afghanistan as a bulwark for the defense of greater India against
possible threats by an expanding Russia. It is a humbling, welcoming way to begin a meal and a
hands-on way to begin a class on Afghan culture. Although composed of rival and competing clans,
such was the political prestige of this Durrani dynasty that nonroyal insurgent factions always found
it easier to agree to return power to them rather than see it pass to another group. In my story, A Far
Away Home, I introduce readers to Ali (pronounced ah-lee, with the accent on the last syllable), his
family, and his life.2 I actually met Ali, who was born with one leg bent, and many other parts of the
story are true. May not study at any institutions, including schools and universities. Upload Read for
free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What
is Scribd. Central Afghanisan Rangelands- A history of tribal rule, grazing, war and reb. The War in
Afghanistan is one of the most heart-wrenching conflicts that occurred between 2001-2021 in
Afghanistan. Research Paper Afghanistan war essay Case Afghanistan war essay Assessment
Discussion Board Post Other. At the time there was lots of violence in Afghanistan and some experts
said the voting and counting wasn't fair - so it was decided that some of the votes cast in the election
couldn't be counted, so they were disqualified. Their reasons for invading Afghanistan was because
they wanted better access to the Indian Ocean for trade and their naval fleet; it would also allow
them to cut off India and Pakistan from trading on land. Indeed, there were no insurgencies against
any Afghan government before the British invaded Afghanistan in the nineteenth century because
until then, struggles for state power were contests among rival elites that did not require (or
appreciate) the participation of the rural population. The destructive legacy of the Soviet invasion
cannot be underestimated. Ajay mishra ahmad shah massoud maps and diagrams with sonia farzana
meriam a. For many, it begins only in 2001, when the Taliban were removed from power by the US,
or in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded the country.
However during the 1990's an Islamic fundamentalist political group known as the Taliban emerged
as a result of constant conflict within Afghanistan. ConclusionsDespite the overwhelming costs of
war, America should stay in Afghanistan, as it would only lead to more unrest and insecurity for
itself as well as the rest of the world if they retreat by 2014 according to Obama government’s plan.
Notwithstanding the political progress gained by that war-torn country since the toppling of the
Taliban, there remain serious challenges to afghanistan 's political and economic transition (The
World Factbook: afghanistan 2010). If found guilty of adultery, will be publically stoned to death. It
still survives to face superpowers rivalry that affect the very foundations of IndoAfghan states. The
Afghanistan war has had tremendous effects on the security strategies and policies of the countries
involved. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The pipelines they all plan to
build will need to run through Afghanistan, although at the moment the country is too unstable.
Mullah Nasruddin eventually agreed to a bet, but still wondered what this was all about. Sample
argumentative essay on abortion In this abortion essay, I have decided to take the pro-choice
position: a woman carrying a fetus shou. It is a humbling, welcoming way to begin a meal and a
hands-on way to begin a class on Afghan culture. The Afghani people are identified according to
their ethnicity using they're being resided at different locations in Afghanistan. Before the mid-
nineteenth century, it was more renowned as a highway of conquest than a graveyard of empires.
Winner of the 2004 Golden Globe Best Foreign Language Film, it is one of the few films that depicts
Afghanistan from an Afghan point of view. Riders from the other team may not grab your reins.
This heinous war left one million Afghans dead and forced another three million to leave their
homeland (Barfield 2010). The War in Afghanistan is one of the most heart-wrenching conflicts that
occurred between 2001-2021 in Afghanistan. A lot of international pressure was on Afghan leaders
to hand over Osama but it was thought that Taliban were protecting him so the United States decided
to invade (this started the war on terror!) In October 2001 the USA began bombing, they targeted
Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. America supported the Taliban against Soviet Union to make this world
uni-polar and now with China threatening to become a super power, staying back would mean US
will have more control over the region. Retrieved May 25, 2012, from York
Times. (2010, March 20). Ever wonder why the US is in Afghanistan — the planet’s foremost narco-
state. Interestingly, it can also be referred to as the “longest war in US history”. Most people also
believe that without the September 11 attacks, America and the rest of the international community
would have left Afghans to face the Taliban on their own. The Afghanistan War: A Never-Ending
Series Ranging Between 2001-2021. The Capitals of Sri Lanka are Colombo and Sri
Jayewardenepura Kotte. Afghanistan wins and gains full control of her Foreign Affairs. Many tend
to question whether the US military presence in afghanistan is justifiable when the Hamid Karzai led
government in afghanistan tends to be really corrupt and ineffective, quiet akin to the United States
backed government in South Vietnam twenty years ago. Their reasons for invading Afghanistan was
because they wanted better access to the Indian Ocean for trade and their naval fleet; it would also
allow them to cut off India and Pakistan from trading on land. The tribal system of Afghans is very
strong and influential in the state because all the jurisdictions and other political and social decisions
take place by the tribunal committees of the state (Jawad, 1992). The Russians built a tunnel that
made the passage from the north to Kabul easier and used it well when they invaded and when they
left. A map study of Afghanistan might reveal the true identity of Sharidure.

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