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Advance Topics in CS

Assignment no: 01

Assignment Title: The Future of AI in Healthcare

Submitted to: Dr. Munwar Iqbal

Submitted by: Laraib Fatima (19-CS-30)

Arqum Ahmad (19-CS-35)

Table of Contents:
Applications of AI in Health Care................................................................................................4

Future of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care..........................................................................7

Proposal for Artificial Intelligence application in Health Care……………………………10



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by improving
patient outcomes, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency. From predictive analytics to image
analysis and virtual health assistants, AI is being used in a variety of ways in healthcare.
However, there are also challenges and limitations that must be addressed to fully realize the
potential of AI in healthcare. This report aims to research and analyze the current and future
applications of AI in healthcare, identify challenges and limitations, explore the potential of AI
in healthcare, analyze the ethical implications of AI, and develop a proposal for a new AI
application in healthcare.

The role of Artificial intelligence (AI) which is defined as the ability of computers to perform
tasks that normally require human intelligence is constantly expanding. Medicine was slow to
embrace AI. However, the role of AI in medicine is rapidly expanding and promises to
revolutionize patient care in the coming years. In addition, it can democratize high level medical
care and make it accessible to all parts of the world.

Applications of AI in Healthcare:

AI is already being used in various ways in healthcare, including:

1. Predictive analytics: AI is used to analyze patient data and predict the likelihood
of a particular outcome, such as readmission or disease progression.

2. Image analysis: AI is used to analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans,

and MRIs, to detect anomalies and diagnose diseases.

3. Virtual health assistants: AI-powered virtual health assistants are used to provide
patients with personalized healthcare advice and support, as well as to answer
questions and schedule appointments.

4. Robotic surgery: AI is used to assist surgeons in performing minimally invasive

surgeries, reducing the risk of complications, and improving patient outcomes.

5. Electronic health records: AI is used to analyze electronic health records and

identify patterns and trends that can help healthcare providers make more informed

6. AI in medicine:

AI in medicine refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, such as machine learning,
deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics, in healthcare and medical research. AI
has the potential to revolutionize medicine by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses,
personalized treatments, and drug discovery. However, the development and implementation of
AI in medicine require careful consideration of the ethical, legal, and technical challenges and


Let us now examine various examples of the application of AI in various subspecialties of

medicine including gastroenterology, ophthalmology, dermatology, surgery, radiology, oncology
etc. The promise of AI in health care is the delivery of improved quality and safety of care and
the potential to democratize expertise.

7. AI in Surgery:

Even in surgery, the same critical question is now being asked. How will the digital revolution
and AI change surgical practice? How will it translate in the practice of surgery? A recent study
by Wall and Kummel believes that AI may impact surgery soon in three main areas. These

include enhancement of training modalities, cognitive enhancement of the surgeon and
procedural automation. The authors admit that there have been unanticipated missteps in the use
of these technologies but have little doubts about their adoption in surgical practice. The authors
agree that the promise of big data, AI and automation in surgery is high and believe that surgeons
soon will need to become “digital surgeons” and must be prepared to adopt smarter training
modalities, supervise the learning of machines that can enhance cognitive function and
ultimately oversee autonomous surgery without allowing for a decay in their operating skills.

8. AI in radiology, already a success story

In radiology, AI is improving accuracy in diagnostic imaging. As patient images can be directly
acquired in digital form for central archival and soft copy review, radiology practice has readily
incorporated AI into clinical practice. An established digital imaging infrastructure has allowed a
seamless embedding of AI into the radiology workflow. Large amounts of data can be translated
and transmitted within minutes. For patient images generated by different imaging modalities
such as X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), ultrasound,
and mammogram, deep learning AI can be automated to pinpoint accurately the areas of interest
and diagnosis. Image recognition using AI with deep learning through CNNs has dramatically
improved and is being increasingly applied for diagnostic imaging.

Radiology converted to digital images more than 25 years ago. It is well positioned to deploy AI
for diagnostics. Several studies have shown considerable success in the use of AI for evaluating a
variety of scan types including mammography for breast lesions, CT scans for lung nodules and
infections and MRI images for brain tumors. By converting to digital images, radiology
eliminated film, chemicals, developers, and storage of films and solved problems related to loss
of films and transport of films to where they are needed for example intensive care units (ICUs),
operating rooms (ORs) and emergency departments. There was inherent value within these
images for greater learning using computers to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of
radiologists. However, the role of radiologist remains crucial. For example, chest x-ray films
with atypical features would still need to be reviewed by radiologists to ensure that artifacts or
unusual clinical contexts were adequately captured. An AI system will need to be continually
calibrated by human feedback.

9. AI for Oncology:

AI, using convolutional networks is also expected to play an important role in prediction of
cancer outcome. Survival outcome is the most important outcome for cancer patients so that they
can plan for themselves and their families. Thus, determining cancer progress is crucial to
controlling suffering and death due to cancer. As the histologic diagnosis of cancer is an essential
initial step in determining the line of therapy, pathologists have a great responsibility in the
diagnosis of cancer. Histologic grading and staging systems based on the size or extent of
invasion of the primary tumor, involvement of regional lymph nodes and presence or absence of
distant metastases are currently used to predict the biologic behavior of cancer. In addition to
histology, several other tools including genomic markers, gene expression and epigenetic
modifications are also used to predict outcome in cancer patients.

10. AI in surgical pathology:
AI has many potential applications in surgical pathology, which involves the examination of tissue
samples to diagnose diseases, including cancer. Some of the most promising areas of AI in surgical
pathology include:
Image Analysis: AI can analyze images of tissue samples to identify and classify abnormal cells with
high accuracy. This can help pathologists make faster and more accurate diagnoses, leading to better
treatment outcomes for patients.
Workflow Optimization: AI can help streamline the workflow of surgical pathology labs by
automating routine tasks, such as sample labeling and tracking. This can free up pathologists and lab
technicians to focus on more complex tasks, such as analyzing tissue samples and interpreting test
Quality Control: AI can help ensure the accuracy and consistency of surgical pathology diagnoses by
detecting potential errors or inconsistencies in sample analysis. This can help improve the overall quality
of care for patients.
Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze patient data, including medical history and genetic information, to
predict the likelihood of disease recurrence or treatment response. This can help healthcare professionals
develop personalized treatment plans for individual patients based on their unique needs.

AI has the potential to transform surgical pathology by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses,
streamlining workflows, improving quality control, and enabling personalized treatment plans.
However, the development and implementation of AI in surgical pathology require careful consideration
of the ethical, legal, and technical challenges and limitations.

Topmost Common Challenges of AI in Healthcare

Despite impressive possibilities, the real deployment of AI-enabled

solutions in clinical practice is still limited. Besides privacy
challenges, AI technology also presents other technical and
methodological shortcomings. Here are the top challenges of AI in

1. Lack of Quality Medical Data

Clinicians require high-quality datasets for the clinical and technical

validation of AI models. However, due to the fragmentation of medical
data across several EHRs and software platforms, collecting patient
information and images to test AI algorithms becomes challenging.
Another obstacle is that the medical data from one organization may
not be compatible with other platforms due to interoperability
problems. To increase the amount of data available for testing AI
systems, the healthcare sector must concentrate on techniques for
standardizing medical data.

2. Clinically Irrelevant Performance Metrics

The measures used to gauge an AI model’s success are not

necessarily transferable to clinical settings. The discrepancy between
the clinical efficacy demonstrated in the real world and the technical
precision of AI tests is referred to as the AI chasm. To avoid this gap,
developers and clinicians should collaborate to investigate how AI
algorithms enhance patient care. To do this, they can assess AI
models for accuracy using decision curve analysis. This method
enables them to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a prediction model
by comparing the datasets and estimating the chances of an AI
model’s success in the real world.

3. Methodological Research Flaws

There are not enough established methodologies, prospective

research, or peer-reviewed studies of AI in healthcare. The majority of
studies have been retrospective and based on historical patient
medical records. However, to realize the true value of AI diagnosis in
real-world settings, physicians must study current patients over time,
which means prospective research. And for reliable prospective

research, doctors should monitor the health of their patients by
combining physical examinations with telehealth visits and remote
monitoring technologies (sensors and trackers).

Future of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care:

Let’s look at some of the AI trends in healthcare that are expected to grow in the next few years.

1. Medical diagnostics
AI can assist doctors in making accurate medical diagnosis for patients. Studies show that AI is
as effective as human doctors in making medical diagnosis based on images and medical
reports. In fact, the complex algorithms of AI can detect whether a patient is suffering from a
disease even before the symptoms appear, for example that of AI medical diagnosis apps.
Healthcare companies are looking forward to further development in this field because not only
is AI fast and accurate at specialty-level diagnostics, but it is also a cost-effective solution.

2. Drug discovery
Drug research and development is a lengthy and costly process. It takes years for researchers to
discover, develop, test and bring a new drug to the market. Recently, a lot of health companies
have started leveraging artificial intelligence to make the whole process less time-consuming and
affordable. Artificial intelligence in drug discovery has led to ease and success in many phases of
the process such as chemical synthesis and poly pharmacology. With further innovations on the
way, we can expect to see many applications of AI in drug discovery in the future.

3. Robotic Surgeries
The use of robotics in the healthcare industry is growing. Medical surgeries are being
revolutionized in terms of speed and safety with the help of AI and collaborative robots. Deep
learning along with complex algorithms allow AI to study patterns within surgical procedures to
enhance best practices and increase surgical robots’ control accuracy to submillimeter
precision. AI machines are also able to study data and information collected from past surgeries

to develop improved surgical methods. As AI becomes more sophisticated, we can expect a
decrease in complications caused during surgeries.

4. Virtual nursing assistants

With nurse workload and cost of labor rising rapidly, the majority of healthcare companies are
turning to AI solutions. A virtual nursing assistant such as Care Angel, is an automated analytics
and information system made to reduce unnecessary hospital visits for patients and lessen the
burden on healthcare providers. Virtual healthcare assistants can work 24/7, examine patient
symptoms, and provide quick solutions. According to research, virtual caregiver inventions can
be successful tools for health interventions. A feasibility study conducted in 2015 indicated that
44% of patients that have interacted with a virtual nursing assistant would choose virtual nurse
consultation over a human clinician. We can certainly expect an increase in the use of nursing
assistants and virtual nurse apps in the future.

The promise of AI in health care is to deliver improved quality and safety of care and to
democratize expertise through use of mobile devices such as smart phones which can be
deployed with algorithms and potentially be accessible universally at low cost anywhere in the
world delivering vital diagnostic care. Health care is ripe for AI because it has rich data sets (big
data) which are ideal for AI since computers require large data sets to learn. AI is thus fast
becoming a major element in the health care landscape. AI algorithms will in the coming future
play an important role in predicting cancer outcome and assisting in therapeutic decisions for
cancer patients. In fields like radiology which has already embraced digital operations, an AI
revolution is already in progress. Deep neural networks will be able to provide a synergistic
combination of disciplines such as radiology, nuclear medicine and surgical pathology which
will hopefully allow the achievement of a medical paradigm which recognizes that every human
being is unique. Although pathology especially surgical pathology was late to adopt AI, mainly
due to practical and financial obstacles, and will require resources for additional workflows,
personnel, equipment, storage of data, the time is now ripe, with rapid development of new and
better AI technology at lower cost (reduced costs of digital data and availability of digital
images) for AI to succeed in surgical pathology. Various studies cited above demonstrate the
increasingly effective role of AI in surgical pathology. By increasing speed and accuracy of

diagnosis and by improving prognostication, use of AI is translating into better patient care.
Financial barriers will need to be overcome especially for poor developing countries so that they
can also benefit from improvements in AI application in medicine and pathology.

Below bar graph shows different years and Artificial Intelligent involvement in Different
Healthcare Disciplines:

Proposal for an AI Application in Healthcare:

Title: "Predictive Analytics for Patient Care: A Proposal for an AI Application to

Identify Patients at Risk of Chronic Diseases".


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling

early detection of diseases, optimizing treatments, and improving patient
outcomes. In this proposal, we aim to develop a predictive analytics AI application

for patient care that can help healthcare professionals identify patients at risk of
developing a chronic disease.

Description of the Application:

The proposed AI application will use predictive analytics to identify patients at risk
of developing a chronic disease. The application will use patient data, such as
medical history, family history, lifestyle, and environmental factors, to develop a
risk profile for each patient. This profile will be used to predict the likelihood of
the patient developing a chronic disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.

The application will also be designed to provide healthcare professionals with

personalized recommendations for preventative care and treatment options based
on the patient's risk profile. The recommendations will be tailored to the patient's
individual needs and will be based on evidence-based practices and guidelines.

Potential Impact:

The proposed AI application has the potential to make a significant impact on

healthcare. By identifying patients at risk of developing chronic diseases early,
healthcare professionals can intervene with preventative measures and optimize
treatment options, leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.
Furthermore, the application can improve patient engagement in their own
healthcare, promoting healthier lifestyle choices and increasing patient satisfaction.

Challenges and Limitations:

One of the main challenges of developing this AI application is ensuring the

accuracy and reliability of the predictions. The application will rely heavily on data
quality and availability, and it is important to ensure that the data used to develop

the risk profile is complete and accurate. Additionally, the application must be
developed in a way that ensures patient privacy and data security.

Another limitation of the proposed application is that it may not be accessible to all
patients, particularly those who do not have access to healthcare services or those
who do not have access to digital technologies. Thus, it is important to ensure that
the application is accessible to all patients and that it does not widen the existing
healthcare inequalities.


The aim of this proposal is to develop a predictive analytics AI application for

patient care that can help healthcare professionals identify patients at risk of
developing a chronic disease.

Literature Review

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are a leading cause of
morbidity and mortality worldwide. Early detection and intervention are crucial in
reducing the burden of chronic diseases. AI has the potential to improve patient
outcomes by enabling early detection of chronic diseases, optimizing treatments,
and improving patient engagement in their own healthcare.

Solution (Modules and Deliverables)

The proposed AI application will consist of the following modules:

1. Data collection and processing: The application will collect patient data,
such as medical history, family history, lifestyle, and environmental factors,
and process the data using machine learning algorithms to develop a risk
profile for each patient.
2. Risk prediction: The application will use the patient's risk profile to predict
the likelihood of the patient developing a chronic disease.
3. Personalized recommendations: The application will provide healthcare
professionals with personalized recommendations for preventative care and
treatment options based on the patient's risk profile.
The deliverables of the application will include:

A user-friendly interface for healthcare professionals to input patient data and view
risk profiles and recommendations.

Predictive models for various chronic diseases, developed using machine learning

Personalized recommendations for preventative care and treatment options based

on the patient's risk profile.


The success of the application will be evaluated based on the following metrics:

Accuracy of the risk predictions.

Effectiveness of the personalized recommendations in improving patient outcomes.

Healthcare professional’s' satisfaction with the application.


The application has the potential to improve patient outcomes by enabling early
detection and intervention of chronic diseases. By providing healthcare
professionals with personalized recommendations based on each patient's risk
profile, the application can optimize treatments and reduce healthcare costs.


The application can be utilized by healthcare professionals in various settings,

including primary care, specialty care, and population health management. The
application can also be integrated with electronic health records (EHRs) to provide
seamless access to patient data. The application can improve patient engagement in
their own healthcare and promote healthier lifestyle choices. Additionally, the
application can be utilized by payers to optimize care management and reduce
healthcare costs.

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digitization, artificial intelligence, and new technologies. Histopathology.

[2] Goldenberg SL, Nir G, Salcudean SE. A new era: artificial intelligence and machine learning in
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[3] Deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases from breast Cancer: helping
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[4] Classification for invasion depth of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma using a deep neural network
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