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FS Student: Ronilyn Clariz L Cayanan Program/Year Level: BEEd 4B

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer V. Peñaflor School: San Ramon Elementary School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 4 Section SSES Subject Area: General Date:

Learning Episode 10
The Instructional Cycle
Learning Essentials

Here are major principles of development relevant to this Episode:

These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods:
1. Learning is an active-process.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information.
6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students' everyday life.
7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and learning, the
Department of Education promotes Standards-and Competency-Based teaching with its K to 12
Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has been
ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice of Competency
Standards-Based teaching and Assessment. CHED requires all higher education institutions in the
country to go outcome-based education (OBE) in its CHED Memo 46, s. 2012. Outcome-based
teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning process. It is equivalent to
competency-based and standards-based teaching and learning in the Kto12 Curriculum.

When you apply OBTL you see to it that the teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and in
tum the Assessment Tasks (ATs) are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other words,
in OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson objectives). Then you
determine which teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and also the assessment tasks (ATs) you will
have to use to find out if you attained your ILO's.

In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLA's are the activities we use
to teach and the AT's are the evaluation part.

OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are importantly new. With mastery learning of
Benjamin Bloom (1971), we were already doing OBE and OBTL.

Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have a mastery of the art of
questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective delivery of instruction. These are the
types of questions that teachers ask.

Types of Questions That Teacher Ask

Who, What, Where, When questions with one

1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low-level
acceptable answer

2.Divergent/Open-ended/High-level/Higher- Open ended; has more than one acceptable

order/conceptual answer

a. evaluation

e.g. when the phone rang and Liz picked it up,

b. inference she was all smiles. What can you infer about

c. comparison
d. application
e. problem-solving

3. Affective e.g. How do you feel?

These are also some of the reacting techniques that teachers use:

1. Providing acceptance feedback

2. Providing corrective feedback
3. Giving appropriate and sincere praise
4. Repeating the answer
5. Explaining the answer/expanding the answer
6. Rephrasing the question
7. Asking follow up questions
8. Redirecting questions to other pupils
9. Soliciting student questions
10. Encouraging through non-verbal behavior
11. Criticizing respondent for his/her answer
12. Scolding for misbehavior or for not listening
13. Overusing expressions such as “okay", "right”
Learning Episode 10
Activity 10.1
Applying The Guiding Principles In The Selection And Use Of Strategies

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer V. Peñaflor Teacher’s Signature:

School: San Ramon Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 4 Section SSES
Subject: General Date:

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze
my observations with the help of the guide questions.

- The teacher shows a visual aid about the topic and

1. The more senses that are involved, the more, and the
utilized technology through television by a power
better the learning.
point presentation about sex and gender.

- The teacher encouraged learners to participate

2. Learning is an active process. actively by sharing their ideas and opinions during
class discussion.
- The teacher possessed a positive learning
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning. environment in which learners can feel the conducive
environment towards learning.
- Teachers maintain the liveliness and happiness in
4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and
the learning environment to get the students
enjoy the class and avoid boring

- Good thinking skills concern itself with higher-

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. order-thinking skill to develop creative and
critical thinking

6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to - The teacher relates to real-life situations/scenario

student’s everyday life. about the lesson.

7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective - Instead of learning computer class, teacher give
than teaching isolated bits of information. activities and project that involves technology.

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing? Reflect on this question.
The optimum teaching style, in my opinion, is one that is personalized to the teacher's personality
and ability. There is no such thing as a "best" teaching method in my opinion. Any technique of
teaching can be the best, depending on the situation and the teacher's talents, as long as the students
can learn in that method. One of the ways that should be prioritized, in my opinion. is student-
centered learning. Because it shows the students' ability, and the teachers. responsibility is
confined to helping and leading them through the process. That, I believe, is what we can label
"the best" as long as the students are able to learn well and the teacher is comfortable teaching in
that manner.


How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

When picking a strategy for presenting our class, the most important thing, in my opinion, is to
start with the objectives. This is crucial since it will serve as a guide for the teacher when creating
the lesson plan. We can view the students learning objectives as well. as the lesson' coverage right
here. We can now start thinking about techniques that will help. us achieve t feel that student-
centered learning is crucial. Different curriculums can be employed as they are appropriate and
relevant to the topic After that, we can. think about other instructional tools that will help teachers
convey the lesson. We can examine it to see if any ad or revisions are required to achieve the lesson
and learning objective.
Learning Episode 10
Activity 10.2
Determining Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer V. Peñaflor Teacher’s Signature:
School: San Ramon Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 4 Section SSES
Subject: General Date:

Observe a class and answer the following questions.

1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs)at the
beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?

Yes, the teacher states first the objectives/intended learning outcomes. She set clear
expectations or learning outcomes, then she introduces it to the class. Basically, the
objectives she prepares are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded.
Which will really suit to the learners needs.

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her
attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.

The teaching-learning activities she gave use is lecture, discussion, teamlearning activity,
video presentation and group activity. This activity helps her attain thelesson’s

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the lesson
objectives/ ILOs?

Group activity and written are the assessment that was being employed by the teacher.
Those assessment are aligned to the lesson’s objective/ILOs
1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?
In my opinion, OBTL is a good step that the Commission on Higher Education have took
in the teaching-learning process. This approach provides us what do we really need to
achieve as a student. It has given us the opportunity to show our learning evidences and
improve our skills and abilities through the teachers’ feedback. But the most important
thing about OBTL is that, it really help us to become great learners.

Reflect on the use of OBTL.
The Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning is the progressive shift to productive teaching
from the traditional curriculum which focuses on the mere mastery of lesson. This pro-
gressive shift lead to a better instruments to measure students’ knowledge and skills.
Teachers became creative and innovative in measuring what the students have learned
from the lesson. OBTL also helped in making the learning more interactive by making the
students more involved. Students can now express themselves and show evidences of their
learning in a unique way and not just through traditional pen-paper tests. Through the
OBTL students can learn better and achieve their results while teacher can assist the them
better in meeting their demands.
Learning Episode 10
Activity 10.3
Applying Effective Questioning Techniques
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer V. Peñaflor Teacher’s Signature:
School: San Ramon Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 4 Section SSES
Subject: General Date:

Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource Teacher
asks during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the level of

Types Of Question Examples Of Questions That The Resource Teacher Asked

The teacher asked the what, who, where and when questions from the
1.Factual/Convergent learner. One example that I’ve heard in the video clip was “what is
Closed / Low level gender equality?”

The teacher asked their opinions or deeper intellectual thought about

2.Divergent/Higher-order/ the “house husband”, mostly it was addressed to boys inside the class.
Open-ended/ Conceptual

The teacher asked about their idea of sex and gender

a. evaluation
She asked what they can infer about the “house husband” and most of
b. inference
the wives are working abroad
She also asked about what is the difference of a sex and gender of
c. comparison every people.
She asked how they can relate and apply their learning in the real-life
d. application situations.
She let the students to illustrate the characteristics of each gender
e. problem-solving through a collaborative work.
She asked what they feel about the gender equality in our community.
1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school as
periods!" Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers ask
and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?
Students are like an empty bottle at the start of the school year, which the instructor fills
with information and abilities. They help students improve their ability to perform in class.
Every student has varied information, but with the support of the professors, they
will obtain more. Students arrive at school with a lot of questions, but once the
lesson has been presented, the students' questions are eventually answered. It is
dependent on the tactics and procedures used by the teachers.

Reflect on The importance of using various reacting techniques

Through careful observation, I discovered that good questioning techniques enable

students in better comprehending the subject matter and the development of critical
thinking skills. Students can share their knowledge with their classmates with the
help of a good questioning strategy. Even a simple reaction can have an influence on a
child, therefore you must be careful how you react. As a result, we must develop
appropriate response tactics and maintain a continual awareness of our environment.
When it comes to answering questions accurately and appropriately, students must
be held to a higher standard. Appropriate questioning allows students to engage in class
discussions and reflect on what they've learned.

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